@CountDraculaFiona screamed again when she saw the three people suddenly appeared nearby and pointed.
Dermot turned to look where Fiona was pointing.
"Mystique, dear." Dermot held out his arms for her.
Mystique walked slowly into them and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"Sorry that I missed your first call." she whispered.
"And this little miss is the one you have in mind for me to take in? Hmmmm... Unruly hair, unbrushed fur? Are you sure that this is Naurine's- our sister- child? There is no ribbons or bows and has unkept look? I do not think that this is Fiona and the real Fiona has been swapped for a spoiled brat."
"Now that you have mentioned it, you could be right. Maybe I should let Auntie have her and be done with it." Dermot spoke sternly.
"I am Fiona. I don't want to go back there!" Fiona began to cry.
"Tis a horrible place so I'll keep her for a while." Mystique knelt down and pulled Fiona into her arms. As she held her, she closed her eyes.
"Dermot, Fiona is scared, confused, and too smart for her own good. She knows too much because she does not know how to handle the information that she has been given. I know that you have done your best however and it was Naurine's decision to give her to you. Are you sure of what you spoke on the phone?"
"I am afraid so. She slipped into a coma that may not be able to come out of...." dermot began to think to himself very loudly *I should have given her to Mystique to raise after i got her in my care....*
*Be aware that I can hear your mental thoughts as can others. We will talk later.* Mystique spoke back mentally.