Bow down to the great Yoshiki!
Name: Yoshiki Kaibara
Age: 17
Normal Appearance: Brain Burst Installed/Brust Linker?: No
Avatar Appearance: Dueling Avatar Name: Ebony Chimera
Dueling Avatar Appearance: No good pictures, so have a description.
Ebony Parasite is a 5’11 humanoid robot, with
Black armour on the arms, legs, hands and feet, with
grey armour on the flexible parts of body. It's hands and feet, instead of having fingers and toes, and instead claws, almost like a reptile. As well, the legs are formed similar to that of a dragon. It's head is normally shaped, but is entirely matte black, with no holes for a mouth, ears and no slots for eyes. It has a large tail, with a sting on the end, similar to a scorpion, but more flexible, being able to move in all directions without hinderance.
Rank: Level 0
Legion?: None yet, but likely the Black Legion when the time comes.
Other: Split into sections for ease.
Personality: Yoshiki is a bit of an odd guy. He has many social ties within school, but tends to stay away from people if he has the chance. He has been known to be enthusiastic at times, but at others he lacks motivation or doesn't do what he is supposed to do properly. Most of the time he is mostly charismatic, but often his language and spoken morality get away from him, saying things that are either offensive, rude, insulting or stupid without realising it. He is kind, and cares for his friends, but more often than not he has a hard time conveying his emotions to people, and is often called emotionless despite being clearly excitable. As well, he tends not to do well in exams and the like, but is surprisingly intelligent for the amount of effort he actually puts into things.
Other Facts: - Yoshiki requires glasses, and often chooses to wear them instead of using the Neuro-Linkers vision correction.
- He strongly dislikes milk chocolate, but will happily eat it if it is combined with or inside something else.
- His duel avatar does not represent any emotional trauma, but instead his inability to properly display emotions. It is more of a mixture of different features than a single body.
- Yoshiki knows some bits of Sign Language, because his sister had a hard time speaking.
- Has a Neuro-Linker mod that displays information on people when he looks directly at their Neuro-Linker. Such things include their name, age, school/occupation and other similar information, but his Neuro-Linker must have interacted with the other parties before it is displayed. Interactions include messages, emails, social media, virtual worlds, game, etc.