Poor, poor stormtroopers. Could be worse though, could be Terran guardsmen in the mighty Imperium of Man. At least when it comes to the empire the only people who get murdered by their superiors are high ranking officials who mess up in front of Vader. In the Imperium men have been executed for taking one to many steps back while a horde of murderbeast rushed at them, or even worse, men have been executed for being loyal soldiers.
I suppose that last bit needs context though, I do love telling stories I just hope I don't go on too long and nobody who reads it loses interest.
Before I begin, I will tell you that I acquired this story from a Warhammer 40k game, Dawn of War: Soulstorm. Good game, Space Marines are my best army, well rounded leaning towards defense until overpowering. Anyways, a man from a agricultural world. He is enjoying life, farming and whatnot while the greater forces in the universe do their thing. Until the forces of Chaos reach his farmstead. His family is butchered while all he can do is roll out his hoverbike and get the hell out of dodge. However before he gets away he sees someone he knows. A man from another farmer family, another lowlander. You see, the lowlanders are as close as kin, and yet here one was, seven pointed star of chaos scarred into his forehead. Well the man got on his bike and ran, managed to reach land controlled by the Sisters of Battle, where he would be safe. Right away he signed up for the Guard, knew that his past was gone and that the guard would be his family now, his last family either dead or lost to madness. He is taken aside by the sisters of battle, and he tells them all of this truthfully and without hesitation. He is killed for treason to the God Emperor.
Anyways that aside, I'll post later tonight, right now being 5:08 for me. Maybe I'll get started on the post in an hour or two.