Star Wars
It is a peaceful time in the galaxy. The Galactic Republic & The Jedi Order are thriving throughout the Core Worlds. Peace can be felt throughout the galaxy, but all things must come to an end. Corellian Senator, Talia Grahn has received a very disturbing distress call from Ryloth, a temperate world on the Outer Rim. Immediately she then forwards it to Coruscant for Chancellor Valencia to see. After receiving it he calls upon Jedi Grand Master Idonia Presch to come analyze the dark message...

Outskirts of Lessu
The jungle lay silent beneath the dark grey skies as a light blanket of rain fell, covering the landscape. The air in the jungle was still and only the sound of rain falling from above the foliage could be heard. Bits of rain dropped through the dense treetops and softened the vine ridden ground of the jungle. The silence was suddenly broken. A middle aged Twi'lek man breaks through a bush panting heavily and sweating profusely. With his eyes lined with terror he stumbled through the jungle in hopes of escaping the man that trail behind him. If he could make it to the communication tower within the depths of the jungle he could send a distress call, and the Republic would come; maybe they would. He continued running, ignoring the burning of the scars on his face from the tree branches and sharp vines cutting at him relentlessly, only adding to their ignorance of his situation.
Suddenly, he crashed through a large bush and found himself tumbling down a small escarpment. After a few moments he couldn't tell up from down, left from right, as his body was being trashed about off of rocks & trees and nearly being strangled by vines that barely snapped from his body weight. He soon slammed into the ground and spat out a clump of dirt that was mixed with his blood, likely blood drawn from smashing his face off a rock about half way up the escarpment. Dazed, he rolled onto his back and looked up the escarpment; it looked much shorter than it felt. He pushed himself up despite the aching in his bones as his will was stronger than his strength... but not for long.
He broke into a clearing with a large radio tower at the far south end. There it was, salvation. He gave a sigh of relief and looked behind him at the thickness of the jungle. No sign of the man. No sign of the nightmare. He wasn't about to let his legs fail him now so he used whatever strength he could muster and made a final sprint toward the communication tower. Step after step, each time his feet crashed into the ground he winced in pain, but he kept at it. Eventually he smashed into the side of the tower, his legs not wanting to stop on their own.
He opened the panel he frantically began to upload the coordinates to Coruscant in order to send his distress call. Denied. It was too far from Ryloth. He had to shoot closer. Corellia. He knew the Corellian Military would contact Coruscant immediately after sending it so his chances remained the same. He began uploading the coordinates for Corellia. Feeling a blanket of panic fall over him he turned his head quickly to look back at the jungle. Nothing. The jungle lay still as the rain kept falling down. He looked back and a moment later the screen began to glow green. Contact. He began to prepare the message when the panic set in again. He looked back over his shoulder. Pure horror.
There he was. There it was. Staring at him from across the clearing, black robes covering his being. Shock took over his body for a moment but was broken when the man began to move toward him, aggressively. The nightmare that'd be chasing him, taunting him & destroying him from the inside had found him. He knew there was nothing that could be done for him, but his people were in danger. His family. His friends. He could not let panic take a hold of him now, he had to at. He turned toward the screen and input the auto send code to send the message immediately after it ends & began to record as a small blue holo-recorder opened and began recording.
"Chancellor Valencia! My name is Theran Exitium, I am part of the Exitium Monarchy here on Ryloth! We are being attacked by some, creature--I don't know what to call it, but please send help! Send help! Please send--" and as he uttered the last word he turned his head and all that he could do was let out a blood curdling scream as the nightmare stood before him, breathing heavily. Only his eyes flickering under the dark hood that shrouded his face. With a blood red lightsaber in hand he swung down at Theran and sliced his torso open, ending his life. With another quick swing he slashed open the console recording the message. The air lay still once again and only the emanating sound of a lightsaber could be heard.
Character Sheet
1. I am the GM; all final decisions go through me.
2. No Godmodding.
3. No racism, sexism, sexual contact or general inappropriate contact (there will be gore & cursing but please keep it to a minimum).
4. No character deaths unless both parties agree & GM allows it.
5. Keep all material within the Star Wars Universe (characters aside, of course).
6. Be polite.
7. If you're not sure you should do something, ask, I won't bite your head off; ever.
8. Most importantly; have fun & be creative!
2. No Godmodding.
3. No racism, sexism, sexual contact or general inappropriate contact (there will be gore & cursing but please keep it to a minimum).
4. No character deaths unless both parties agree & GM allows it.
5. Keep all material within the Star Wars Universe (characters aside, of course).
6. Be polite.
7. If you're not sure you should do something, ask, I won't bite your head off; ever.
8. Most importantly; have fun & be creative!
May the Force be with You!