The Unfathomable - Seed
General Profile Information:
Who is Seed?
The best way to answer this question is to explain what goes through his 'mind' on a daily basis. The dark, translucent thoughts that push him towards conquering anything and everything in his path in the name of revenge, but his revenge does not push him. No, the loss of loved ones and the ignorance of his life in the eyes of others is what pushed him to this point. To his 'parents' he was nothing more than an experiment that was eventually going to be disposed of for the sake of a King that cared so little about his people. To his friends, though they were experiments as well, looked to him as a freak. A genetic freak.
At first, nothing bothered Seed. He was always had enough strength of will to keep going on, ignoring the thoughts and opinions of others while maintaining a young, healthy life with his friends. But as time went on and the bantering went from simple insults to flat out abuse, he started his downfall into darkness. He thought about killing his peers, tearing apart their flesh cell by cell for an eternity and with some of the females he even thought of rape. But he was too cowardly to go through any of this.
Until his world exploded.
After witnessing the deaths of his peers and many of his friends while at the exact same time realizing his world was not the Facility, it was just where he was harbored his mind had snapped. The collective inside of him roared in an outrage at all the betrayal and lies causing his mind take that last step into the darkness, corrupting what little innocence was left. He grew angry with little control, killing anyone who did not follow his orders and destroying anything that opposed him, making him the perfect leader for the new Unfathomable.
Seed and two of his closest friends from the facility, Audius and Nebula, adventured into the world, claiming it to be theirs. Eventually they recruited more and more members, each required to have some sort of unique trait or ability that made them stand out from the crowd.
Time went on, wars were won and Seed had destroyed both Mokushi and the old Unfathomable, claiming himself to be the most dominant force on the planet and would accept any challenge that tried to prove otherwise. However, Seed's darkness seemed to uplift itself in a way, exposing some of the light within to show itself as his company began to humble him. It was with the realization that once he had conquered everything he would need to relax, settle down and become a true Emperor.
So he started his journey on rebirth.
Seed went out on his own accord, leaving everything behind to his generals, Audius and Nebula, to take the reigns until he returned as a better 'man'. He knew he was smart, able to out smart many of his opponents through strategy, but he needed more. He needed wisdom and knowledge, something he could not gain from his people with him at the top. So he searched out a Magi in the North, hidden in the bowls of the ice hell known as Iztakar where no treasure lie, but adventurers still try to exploit.
The lands surface was glacier, glazed with a thin sheet of white snow while a temple older than Xenom lay partially in ruins. Seed knew that this was the entrance to Iztakar but at the top of the steps of the stone-rotten temple was a set of half-used candles, a praying temple where scrolls of ancient worships lay and a hole in each wall pointing to every corner of the earth. Seed had absolutely no idea what to do, or what to think. Was this all that Iztakar had to offer him? A pretty view and some bullshit scripture?
He almost went back home.
Though, against his better judgement, he stayed and prayed, reciting the scriptures over and over again for weeks - the only thing keeping him alive was his bodily function keeping warm given the amount of activity. If he could grow hair, he would have had a full grizzly beard by the time the Magi answered him. The temple that Seed prayed in was actually a rune enchanted elevator, sinking itself rapidly through the thick sheets of glacier ice, bringing him to a single entry-way of Dwarven craftsmen ship.
He did not think twice about entering only to find an empty room with a thin, half dead man sitting in the room, bare naked. After seeing the person he sought out in such a condition a hint of his innocence reared its beautiful head as he ran to the man's side to provide as much assistance as he needed. The two sat there in that empty room, talking back and forth discussing each others past and what it is exactly they wanted out of life when Seed finally figured out the Magi was a Vampire as well, at least the planets equivalent and used the blood of his victims to fuel his magic.
Seed spent months, if not years, at the side of the Magi, learning from him both about Incantations that were fueled from the Life Force while at the same time learning the mans wisdom, humbling Seed to a point where his emotions no longer controlled him anymore. Instead, he was a man now, no longer a child and for his first task of being a man? He had to fulfill his teachers final wish; to end his Vampiric life. Seed complied but without ease, ending his teachers life and destroying the icy abode, before returning home a new person.
A man.
So who is Seed? Seed is very much human at heart as anyone could have hoped.
What is Seed?
This question has come up several times in the past against multiple opponents (possibly because they believe him to be some form of mod) considering for the most part I explain that he's a blood sac. Well, it's obviously more in depth than that so this opportunity will be used to explain exactly what he is.
Seed is a science experiment developed by the Xenom Science Foundation, which was owned by the Mokushi Empire and its leader Tetsue Yanagita, in hopes of finding the cure to immortality. His name was a gift from his creator to represent that he was the first stage to creating artificial intelligence solely out of organic tissue. All he was was a success at creating artificial life that can regenerate itself at such a high-facilitated speed. Anyways, his body is composed of a compound that was given the name 'Blood Scent' because of it's metallic taste, smell and the crimson hue it takes on but it is still not blood. Instead, the 'Blood Scent' is a massive collection of mini-brains with incredibly low brain functionality on their own, but when connected through the hive-mind they are able to collectively think, operate and even create emotions. This is how Seed's persona was developed.
However, over the years of growth as Seed was raised in a fashion that his body would grow naturally like any child, learn like any child and even throw tantrums like any child. The only thing he knew about himself that could even be close to saying he's unique? The fact that he could heal at rapid speeds. From the smallest paper cut to almost losing an arm his flesh would stitch itself back together before his very eyes. Of course, as he learned more about himself as he grew he started trying new things...dangerous things that should cripple anyone of his age, but he always got back up seemingly unharmed. Unfortunately this was the birth to an ego.
By the time Seed was 15 (estimated) he had begun to learn that he could stop his wounds from healing and even control the blood that seeped out - manipulating it to take various shapes and forms, even creating little puppets that he could talk to and talked back (though only in his head). Everyone in the facility began to think Seed was losing his mind, except for the few friends he had of course, but he certainly was not losing his mind.
He was understanding it.
Quickly, he started to understand that there was more than just one of him but they were all collected within his body. He wanted to know if there were other bodies within his own so during one scare-tactic he leaped off the second floor containment center and landed on a particularly hard bench causing lesions to form all over his body. He took this opportunity to keep his wounds open and slipped his hand inside of him, ignoring the pain that transcended his body only to find nothing. Nothing but liquid. There were no bones, muscles or any tissue of any kind that he could find like in the diagrams he learned in school.
He was empty.
A few years later his conscious mind had darkened since the realization that he was nothing like the rest of the people in the facility, that he was abnormal but only he knew about it. Gradually his thoughts went from playing pranks on people with his 'gift' to sometimes even torturing them if he felt they deserved it. He had fallen into a downward spiral without realizing it.
But then, the war between the Mokushi Empire and The Unfathomable had carried its way over the Xenom Desert, specifically where the facility was and with just a few explosions, it was revealed to both sides. Quickly the facility became over run with Mokushi and Unfathomable Soldiers, slaughtering anyone and everyone - including the experiments that thrived there. Outraged and horrified, Seed fought back against the warriors as he tried to huddle a few of his friends to protect them. He killed many.
As the battle of the Xenom Facility died down, Seed stood there lathered in wounds with tendrils of his Blood Scent swirling about his form like a protective barrier while staring down a few left-over Mokushi soldiers with nothing more than a blood lusting expression. They charged him and in one swift move of a tendril and they were dead. This, of course, attracted the attention of Tetsue Yanagita, the leader of the Mokushi Empire so with his tools he confronted the young Seed and challenged him. The two clashed for a while, Tetsue just toying with what he knew was his property, until he decided to use Seed to his advantage. Tetsue slaughtered Seed's friends right before his eyes and left Seed fatally wounded, expecting him to recover.
Though Seed was good at controlling his blood, he was unable to control so much at one time - at least not at his strength - so his untapped hive-mind went into work and his entire body underwent mitosis at the same time, purging the dead 'blood cells' from his body and filling himself back up so he could sow himself back together. This concept never turned itself off, continuously purging his body of poisons, toxins and even those that tried to mimic the hive-mind. It could all be felt and translated and purged.
So, when people ask me what is Seed? This is what Seed is.
What is the Hive-Mind?
The Hive-Mind is an intricate system of the Blood Scent transmitting biological date between a collective system within a contained body. Think of each and every one of Seed's 'blood cells' as a bee. Each bee has its own thoughts, its own 'personality' but it takes orders and communicates with each bee. This is the very same system except every cell is a worker bee AND a queen bee so they are constantly in flow of creating Seed's persona through biological transmissions. It's when their transmissions are concentrated that they create the collective consciousness of Seed while his sub-conscious runs his body naturally without a second thought. It doesn't matter how far a cell is, it can receive and send transmissions.
What is Metashi?
Metashi is a type of stone found upon the planet Mokushi which is harvested by the locals as their armor, weapons or even day-to-day tools. When condensed properly and forged it comes out as an ebony hue while it's lighter, less concentrated version is crimson in nature. For blades, at least crafted from Metashi, it is common to see a black blade with a red edge. Now, out of all the resources located on Mokushi, why pick this rock? Because when it is condensed properly it holds not only a significant mass which requires unnatural strength to wield but to also be near indestructible. Granted, history has proven that the stone can be broken, but the amount of force that is usually required is unfathomable.
It is also highly conductible and absorbent of electricity.
What are Internal Abilities:
What is the Blood Scent? [6-8]
So, the Blood Scent is an internal ability shared by all variations of Seed. They have to, they have no choice. The Blood Scent is what makes up their body (the enhanced blood cells) except the Blood Scent is specifically referring to the ability the Cells possess which is advanced mitosis, splitting the cells apart in rapid succession. Generally speaking, however, the Blood Scent is also the fuel behind many of the Seed's abilities, making impossible things become possible given the rate that their blood is created. However, the Blood Scent slows down entirely if there are no wounds on the Seed in question, otherwise they would just explode like over filled balloon's, but so long as their is a way for the blood to get out freely then the Seed's limitations on what it can do become significantly smaller.
A secondary effect of the Blood Scent is not only amplification of other blood based abilities, but to become a tool of the users imagination. An example would be to manipulate the cells that have left the body into thinking it is a completely different element, fire in this case, and suddenly the user now has fire at his disposal. This is done through the transmitting of the Hive-Mind mixed with the scientifically enhanced cells themselves, changing their matter entirely. However, the more complex the matter is, the harder it is to pull off, or at least the longer it takes.
What is a Blood Blister? [6-8]
Of course I assume you know what a Blood Blister actually is and it's pretty much the same principle. However, a Blood Blister created by the Blood Scent is far more drastic and explosive than the average. Seed's Blood Blister is a pent up force of accumulated Blood Scent that builds up kinetic energy from rapid rotation within the Blood Blister. When he wills it, the blister will explode with intense force to move a body part of his at intense speeds. This can be used to add agility, over all speed or to cluster a bunch of them to enhance a speeds attack. It is merely a 'stat' enhancer.
What is the Yuuseigan? [8]
The Yuuseigan (Eyes of Reanimation) is an eye-technique (doujutsu) originally granted to Tetsue Yanagita as a gift from his Master. It is with this eye that Tetsue captured and contained three dimensional beasts (Anguish, Perish and Desire) to do his bidding. Unfortunately, though, the creatures under the ability of the Yuuseigan must be dead as it creates a signal that the user sends into the dead brain to manipulate the body. The user is even able to access the abilities of the creature if it has any, but only through the creature. The user is unable to user the abilities itself.
Now, after the war of Seed's Unfathomable with the Mokushi Empire, Seed took the Yuuseigan from Tetsue's apparent corpse and used his Blood Scent to manipulate the eye into thinking Seed was Tetsue (given Seed discovered that it was Tetsue's DNA that was used to create him) since the Yuuseigan only works with those of the Yanagita. With this ability he spent the next twenty years of his life conquering and commanding his dead enemies to do his bidding until he reached a point where he began to feel empty, like his life lacked meaning. He spent so much time in his life thinking about getting revenge on the world for the sins done onto him and his friends that he had missed life itself.
So he figured out a way to live once again.
Since his body was composed of billions upon billions of tiny brains, he implanted particular cells into the eye itself to re-write the effects of the Yuuseigan biologically so he no longer could control corpses. Instead, he literally split himself into 10 beings, each named after the Greek alphabet and each variation of himself represented and emotion or concept of the original Seed. Each would have its own personality, be able to live its own life except for when beckoned by the one variation that had to hold onto the Yuuseigan to keep the different Seed's from collapsing together to reform himself.
It is with this that Seed now lives a new life. Well, 10 lives to be exact. He granted himself a second chance.
List of Variations of Seed:
Appearance: Identical to Seed in every way possible.
Personality: Alpha's personality is vigorously based on Seeds manipulative tendencies, holding the more strategic aspect than the other variations. This becomes evident as Alpha has sole control over every other variation and is able to summon any number of them upon command. He can read their thoughts through the hive-mind, be a transmitter and receiver and can turn off their personalities to be mindless drones for his purposes. However, he holds more than just the manipulative side of Seed; his secondary attribute lies within defensive measures. Though his controlling side is most dominant, his combat skills rely on defending himself and the surroundings around him, capable of creating intensely reinforced defenses in a small matter of time.
Weapons: Puppets; Other variations of Seed. A normal fight with Alpha usually has him bringing up to 3 other Seed's to fight for him.
External Abilities:
The Yuuseigan (Refer to General Profile for more information)
Internal Abilities:
Blood Scent [6-8]: (Refer to General Profile for more information) Alpha's variant of the Blood Scent solely relies on bleeding out to manipulate the cells in defensive measures. So long as he has a source to provide his defenses, they can ultimately reach a limitless production to create intensely reinforced defenses which continue to thrive and fasten. Essentially, he can become the ultimate defensive measure for himself and for the things he chooses to protect.
Historical Relevance: Alpha has taken on the responsibility of being the leader of the infamous Xenom Kingdom, though not as its King. Instead he has not only thrown out the entire idea of a Monarchy and simply leads it as head of the family. He chose to gut the innards of the Xenom Temple, which originally was meant to house all the members of Xenom, to only be home to the variants. Now, there are homes constructed around the temple, even a marketplace specifically for his members. From here, he leads with the only interest of keeping the things that Seed valued safe. And so he shall.
Appearance: Beta's appearance is closely similar to that of Alpha's and Seeds, except muscular rather than thin and toned. Generally, Beta can be seen topless with only a black hakama covering his legs and Metashi barbed wire coiled around his shoulders and crimson tattoo's of the names of his victims scattered across his flesh. However, this was before he took the weapons of Tetsue Yanagita for his own; his left arm is completely covered in the black Metashi arm guard that Tetsue once wore, used as a defensive precaution and offensive measure in one while his weapon was the infamous Bankyruu - a 10 foot long cleaver composed of Metashi stone.
Personality: Beta's personality is based off of Seed's abrasive and rash behavior, of course with a bit of combat lust mixed into this cocktail of anarchy. When not being controlled by Alpha, Beta is sadistic in nature with absolutely no empathy for life itself and sees every creature as a challenge that he must slay.
God-Eater [7]: The God-Eater is a weapon that once originally was owned by Tetsue Yanagita, the only known craftsman of the Metashi stone. However, at the end of the war of Unfathomable Beta grave robbed Tetsue for certain items that Beta felt a dead man did not need any longer. The God-Eater was amongst these items. The weapon itself can be categorized as a giant cleaver where in total the length stands tall at 10 feet. When broken down the handle is about a foot long, composed of the stone as well though wrapped in deformed and tattered leather from grip damage while the guardless blade itself is about 9 feet long with about a foot of width from edge to back-side.
However, what makes the God-Eater unique from other Metashi based weapons - besides the massive size - is how fortified it is; its thickness, and component of Metashi, makes it near indestructible and capable of tearing through objects with ease.
Though, Beta is unable to unsheath the God-Slayer that lay within to unleash the God's that are held within its belly as he is not of pure Mokushian. He still wields this weapon with might.
Borlask [6]: The Borlask is the Metashi made barbed wire that lay coiled around Beta's shoulders, wrapped tight enough to pressure the skin but not enough to break it, even when moving unless deemed so. Though it holds no significant purpose like a sword or magic, its ability to spider-web and trap make it just as deadly. Its structure is technological rather than magical with thousands of inner layers of barbed wire, getting thinner and thinner so when utilized by Beta it is capable of elongating, spreading out and over all multiplying.
Shi no te[6]: Another Metashi based tool that Beta utilizes, once possessed by Tetsue like the Bankyruu. Except this tool is an arm component which adjusts its size and density to the arm it encompasses.The larger the arm, the more condensed the arm becomes as to not be a hindrance. Now, what this tool primarily does is not only protect the arm but amplifies kinetic energy that is transferred through the arm, making whatever movements the arm does significantly more powerful than it should be. How it does this is through vessels that make up the inner layers of the arm using techniques similar to speakers to make the amplification applicable. A tool useful for someone who utilizes such a massive weapon as the Bankyruu.
External Abilities:
Kinetic Energy Manipulation [6]: With the help of his Shi no te, Beta is ability to manipulate his Kinetic energy, that he produces through movement, into amplified substances, event firing off the energy in condensed blasts. However, without his arm he is still able to manipulate lower doses of kinetic energy through cell-transfers in his body. This is possible because in order for him to move, every single enhanced blood cell must move on its own accord so when transferring the kinetic energy, one cell passes what energy it possesses onto another which transfers the energy it was given and the energy it gives off, etc. So essentially he can increase the potency of his blows, his speed or even to simply exert the energy in chaotic proportions.
Internal Abilities:
Blood Scent: Refer to General Profile.
Blood Blister: Refer to General Profile.
Historical Relevance: Beta's history is built behind Alpha's as a personal guard. Whatever endeavor Alpha had taken on, Beta was there to assist with him. Any secrets Alpha knows and withholds from the Seed's, Beta knows. The only reason Beta knows any of this is due to his lack of empathy. Why would he warn anyone of what devious plans Alpha may have if he doesn't care? All he wants in turn for his services and free will is blood shed. And he gets a lot of it.
Appearance: Gamma's appearance is loosely based on old western attire with gun slinging material such as assless-chaps (unfortunately with nothing underneath), sand-brown leather jacket and of course a cowboy hat. Though physically he is like a 12 year old version of Seed; young, full of energy and holding at least some innocence with his constant grinning.
Personality: Gamma's personality is based on Seed's entire childish nature, his ability to laugh and play. The complete idea behind Gamma is to be free of evil and sin, despite the gay tendencies that he displays, he only strives to find entertainment. However, with his young nature he also lacks experience in control over emotions and his powers, making him quite unstable.
Golden Sun [7]: This golden revolver is one of Gamma's trusted toys, utilized in almost every event where battle would take place. In appearance this gun is as old school as an original Smith & Weston except with a big dirty blade protruded from the underbelly of the barrel and a chain dangling from the butt. However, one should never doubt the strength or purpose of this weapon as it holds the power of the Sun, in a way. It's Metashi styled bullets are magically imbued with variable powers that the Sun itself holds; potentially the bullets can either explode into violent flames that are potent enough to turn sand into glass with a single lick or to alter gravity itself around them, pulling and rotating whatever the bullet passed before compressing against its target. At the end of the day, when this child gets angry, one should always be wary of Gamma and his Golden Sun.
Midnight Moon [7]: This ebony hue revolver is the second of Gamma's toys and used just as much as its counter-part. In appearance this gun is physically identical to Golden Sun except, of course, for being black. However, this weapons ability lies within Metashi manipulation where the bullets are made entirely out of the stone but when he fires it off his gun creates a spiritual connection between the Yanagita blood that inhibits all Seed's and the Metashi ball. Gamma is then able, with just a thought, shape it to be whatever he sees fit. A most useful tool.
External Abilities:
Blood Reflex [6-7]: This ability comes natural to Gamma as a way to enhance his reflexes for drawing his guns or for picking off targets. Compared to the rest of the Seed's his inhuman reflexes are remarkable. Essentially his hive-mind undergoes the closest thing to an adrenaline rush, but without the adrenaline. Every cell goes into over-drive mode, working harder and faster while transmitting at the same pace. This makes reactionary time for Gamma incredibly high.
Internal Abilities:
Blood Blister: Refer to General Profile.
Blood Scent: Refer to General Profile.
Relevant History: Gamma's history lies within being one of the Main Four which revolves around Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. Now, although Alpha, Beta and Delta go about their own activities, Gamma can usually be found running around the Xenom Temple causing mischief or pestering Alpha. Though, at the end of the day Gamma is one of the more potent variations of Seed and has proven it by wiping out entire armies by himself just to have explosions entertain his childish mind.
Appearance: Delta's physical appearance lays identical to Seed and Alpha with the only difference being his professional haircut and attire; generally Delta is dressed in a conventional ebony-hue suit with a crimson tie laced around his neck with nothing more than a dagger that lay hidden in his blazer's pocket with hipster glasses adorning his face.
Personality: Delta's personality is revered as cocky, arrogant and stuck-up beyond belief and taken from Seed's 'confidence'. Generally he doesn't care to fight as he considers most, if not all, insignificant to compare to his own potent power so rarely he is ever seen on the field. However, even when he is called upon by Alpha or in a stand-alone fight he rarely taps into his potential or even lifts a finger. There have even been times where not even Alpha's control could stop Delta from walking away during a fight. Now that's cocky.
D'Alior [1-8]: D'Alior is a dagger made entirely out of Metashi stone imbued with crimson runes along the flat of the blade with mark the four primary elements. In total length, including handle and guard, the blade reaches about a foot while the blade alone stands at seven inches. The guard of the dagger however is curved with pointed tips reaching two inches outside the blades width. It's primary power lies within utilizing the four main elements or even combining them to make sub-elements to the users discretion.
External Abilities:
Blood Rune Manipulation [8]: While most runes can represent Earth, Air, Fire and Water and even be possessed by the elements they represent, Blood Runes are more potent than any of them combined. The reason behind this is the representation of Life and Death in a single contributory element. The existence of blood represents Life while the absence of blood represents Death, so when utilized appropriately a Blood Rune can effect the very existence of Life and Death within biological animals. Essentially, Delta is required to write the Blood Rune upon what it is he is altering, or effecting, along with a detailed scripture of how it will be effected. For certain things it could be like writing a book, for others it could be as simple as a single word. It all comes down to what it is exactly that he is doing and is required to write this directly upon what it is he is effecting with his blood. As a joke during Delta's early days of creation he placed a Blood Rune upon a rabbit which he literally turned inside out. It was quite gruesome.
Internal Abilities:
Blood Scent: Please refer to General Profile.
Blood Blister: Please refer to General Profile.
Relevant History: Delta's position within the Main Four mattered little to him as he was rarely called upon by Alpha due to his ability to fight the Yuuseigan's ability, so instead he usually travels alone and does his own thing. However, he had ended up battling many of his Brethren simply to make a point that he was superior to them all. Despite this, he did lose one battle in particular, but it was unavoidable as it was against Omicron (refer to Omicron's Profile) to which he barely escaped with his life. Since then he has vowed to become omnipotent in all things relevant to eventually reach above Sigma.
Appearance: Omega's appearance is identical to that of Seed's, physically speaking, though with longer and wilder hair and a gaze that seeped importance. His attire, however, is very much different as atop his ebony-hue kimono he is lathered with Japanese Samurai armor such as pauldrons, chest, waist-thighs, shins, feet and forearms all in the hues of crimson with jet-black lining. A warrior of old fashion.
Personality: Omega's personality is based strictly off Seed's thought process of 'Skill' where honor and family fall quickly behind. He has spent his entire life since his creation searching for the strongest warriors for the sole purpose of defeating them, for establishing himself as the greatest warrior ever to have lived. He has gone to the heavens where he kicked down the pearly gates for Heavens Fang. He has gone into the depths of hell where he beat down Lucifer for Hells Claw and he even defeated himself for the Blood Clot and now he wields power beyond comprehension. To him, he does not care if he is called upon by Alpha for the man is family, but he changes his skill level to match his competition for sport now that he has collected the three blades that make his life have purpose.
Gyouketsu (Blood Clot) [1-8]: The Gyouketsu is a Shirasaya that holds the power of its very own version of Blood Scent. Generally speaking the Blood Scent is capable of manipulating the users blood to change their matter entirely, what Gyouketsu's Blood Scent does is alter other peoples blood matter. Now, this does not mean specifically that he can attack other peoples blood simply because he has use of the Gyouketsu, no, within the flat of the blade there are rows of tiny vials of blood gathered by the victims of Omega. The Gyouketsu then activates a vial to which it becomes lathered in blood, giving it direct access to the abilities that person once was capable of using. This means his abilities with this sword are limited only to the abilities of those he has killed.
External Abilities:
His three weapons.
Internal Abilities:
Blood Scent: Please refer to General Profile.
Blood Blister: Please refer to General Profile.
Relevant History: Omega's history is nothing more than rumors, which most choose to take as that otherwise people would fall to believing the fact that he really did charge into heaven and enslave an angel only to do the same in hell with a demon. Such stories could not be true, could they? Instead, people fall to believing he is a War Lord of Xenom as Alpha's Left Hand with Beta as his Right. Nothing is truly certain when it comes to Omega.
Appearance: Epsilon's physical appearance is almost impossible to relate to Seed's as he is astoundingly tall at 9'3", ripped with massive muscles and butt-naked. His face, however, is where the real differences begin as it is closer to beast than man with elongated lower canines curving up his cheeks and black beady-eyes. Even his stature slumps him down rather than held straight like a man. Elongated nails are naturally a given.
Personality: What personality? This thing is a beast with no conscious incentive besides instinct itself, unless Alpha is controlling him. Basically he took on Seed's primal nature and this was the product. Something that thrives to survive with no real reason besides simply to survive.
External Abilities:
Kinetic Force Manipulation [4-7]: With the amount of physical force that Epsilon gives off with just flicking his finger, the amount of kinetic force that travels through his body is enough to blow a pigs brick house down. So, as part of his primal instincts he naturally assumed how to concentrate the kinetic energy in his body into specific spots, amplifying the effects or to even transfer the energy in chaotic fashions. Either way, the more momentum this creature builds the stronger the kinetic energy.
Hydrogen Manipulation [4-8]: Within Epsilon's body lay hidden a pocket of alternate blood cells that don't act the same as the rest. Instead, these cells have an entirely different job that does not directly include the Hive-Mind. Instead, these cells actually destroy the blood cells in Epsilon's body and removes the hydrogen inside of them and stores it within these pockets. From here there is a vessel that pulls this hydrogen from the pocket to expel it from the body, orally, although the vessel itself is vibrating at such rates that the friction it creates forces the Hydrogen to react in an explosive manner. With this he is capable of firing multiple miniature-hydrogen bombs to one that would make Japan just another rock under the sea.
Internal Abilities:
Blood Blister: Please refer to General Profile.
Blood Scent: Please refer to General Profile.
Relevant History: The dog of the Seed variations. 'Nuff said.
Appearance: Omicron holds no set appearance so he is never recognizable as he never stays in the same shape for long. He could randomly be someones best friend for a day or he could be the destroyer of an entire universe. It all comes down to what his madness commands.
Personality: Omicron holds no personality, per say, instead he holds insanity. There is not a single sane thought that transpires through his own personal little hive-mind which grants him more than just a little thought freedom.
External Abilities:
Internal Abilities:
Blood Scent [0-9]: Omicron's Blood Scent is unique in the way that it is solely limited to his imagination. Given that he is nothing but madness, his imagination has no limits of its own. He can will one of the voices in his head into existence by utilizing the cluster-fuck Hive-Mind inside of him with the power of the Blood Scent, or will elements into existence. Essentially what ever he wills he can create so long as he has a source to pull from.
Relevant History: Omicron's history is strictly revolved around the exclusion of himself from Alpha's band of merry-Seed's the moment it was realized just how unstable he was. It did not take long as one of the voices in his head pleaded for chaos and explosions and so they came into being, though unfortunately with the sinking of an entire continent as a result, Alpha was forced to not only push Omicron away from the rest but from their world altogether. He was, essentially, tricked and resides on a planet near by to which he is actually populating with his Hive-Mind, creating an entire ecosystem where one should not have been.
Appearance: Sigma physically appears identical to that of Seed in all possible ways besides the attire. His clothing consists primarily of peasant clothes as if straight out of a medieval era such as ragged shirt and pants of sand-brown color with puke-green shoes tied loosely around his feet. He is dirty, his hair hasn't been washed. He over all looks like a bum.
Personality: Sigma's personality is based off Seed's humility/adaptability and as such he projects it perfectly. His mannerisms are perfect, he never talks out of line or is rude to a single soul. However, this does not mean that he is to be walked over as that would result in horrible incidents that result in genocides. Generally he is kind, full of smiles and more than willing to lend a hand. But when his other side is called out, he is nothing but repugnant.
External Abilities:
Blood Alteration [0-7]: This external ability is based around Sigma completely changing his appearance, literally, to reflect those that are around him. Essentially if he is surrounded by three people and their personalities were docile, content and douchy his entire form would change to match their personalities, to reflect it in a physical manifestation. His abilities, his personality, everything changes to match it. He adapts.
Internal Abilities:
Blood Blister: Please refer to General Profile.
Blood Scent: Please refer to General Profile.
Relevant History: Sigma has no history of his own. Everything that he is after the point of his creation is the result of other peoples memories, their personalities. Everything. So nothing about his past is truly his and never will be.
Appearance: Iota's appearance is loosely based on Seed's but quickly ends at gender. Iota is actually a female representative of Seed's feminine side to which a lot of bitching comes into play. However, she remains with black silk hair, that infamous crimson gaze and even the same nose. Her clothing, however, is a more feminine kimono that hugs her lithe figure with pink petals lavishing a white backdrop over the cloth with a pink sash around her middle. And let's not forget those breasts. Big, bouncy breasts. Mmmm.
Personality: Iota's personality heavily revolves around Seed's softer side, the empathetic and emotional side to which she cares even if an enemy of her and the other variations is injured. Her ability to control her emotions is limited and can become a hinder to her and her team if it gets too out of control.
External Abilities:
Emotional Enclave [0-8]: Emotional Enclave is an external ability that is technically an internal, however because she is the only one who was given this ability it is exclusive and shall be archived as external. Essentially it is and ability that uses her unstable emotions, amplifies them and wills them into physical existence with representations. An example of this would be that when enraged her entire lithe figure will erupt into gigantic tunnels of whirling flames, consuming what lay around her. Or when she is saddened waves of salty water will sweep around her and can shatter rock with ease from sheer force. Essentially her feminine weakness becomes a most prudent offense.
Internal Abilities:
Blood Scent: Please refer to General Profile.
Blood Blister: Please refer to General Profile.
Relevant History: Iota's history actually revolves around lusting after the other variations. She even had sexual relations with Beta at one point and possibly was meant to be the reproductive method after Seed was split. But whether she can even reproduce or not has not come to light, so instead she could be considered the family whore. Literally.
Appearance: Rho's appearance has zero relevance to Seed's besides the crimson eyes, but that's necessary due to the Yuuseigan. Her hair is of ivory hue while with a jet black ribbon tied through, a soft-purple tattered kimono that splits along the middle, barely held together by the sash which makes it difficult to keep her breasts hidden. Beneath her kimono she is wrapped up in black bandages to cover her more...sensitive areas, including her legs and arms. Though, the kimono itself holds various seals etched into the cloth along the front with rune symbols scattered about. Upon her feet rest large soft-purple boots that run up along her shins to just beneath her knees, molding to the shape of her figure. Her figure is lithe and young.
Personality: Rho's personality is a combination of all the Seed's combined, except for Omicron - she's rather quite sane - so in essence she is more 'human' than the rest. She is ambitious, strategic, skillful and powerful while staying true to her emotional needs. She is, indeed, the most human.
Elipses [6-8]: Elipses is one of the two swords Rho utilizes and is, of course, made out of Metashi. Except, unlike most Metashi made weapons where the edges are crimson to show it is less condensed than the rest, it is entirely black - a small sign of how physically potent it is. It appears in the shape of a long sword at 6 feet in total length while the handle is a foot with an inch thick guard. Though the handle is coated in soft-purple bandages that forms a loose tail that flows in the breeze. This weapon, however, holds the power of Metashi manipulation which it happily grants its user through runeology, letting the user do with it what she wills. Given the concentration of Metashi in this form, whatever method of attack Rho would choose to do would be potent no matter the effect.
Uxilas [6-8]: Uxilas is the second of the two swords Rho utilizes and is, like its sister, made out of Metashi. This sword, however, is nothing but crimson rather than its condensed counter-part, making it more likely to break. But this is with a purpose, of course. Uxilas is named after the spirit of Mokushi's wife, Uxi, who adorned Metashi upon the planet in a collaboration with her husband to help in sustaining life. Essentially the wielder can call upon the spirit in order to have a companion whom can create any number of Metashi based objects, or even the raw crystalized state. This makes her resources abundant and a perfect partner for Elipses.
External Abilities:
Advanced Runeology [4-8]: During the time of Seed's era he had delved into the secrets of using Runes as a method to utilize. Whether it be through attacking, defending, creating or even simply to just know, he seemed to want to know how to use it. Unfortunately, though, his time was up and he had learned very little before he had split himself so he passed down multiple dominant traits into one of his variants and the urge to learn Runes. This is where Rho came in. From the moment she was created she had sought the most advanced Rune teachers, ancient rune scriptures and even myths about runes all in the hopes of completing her desire to understand runes. Fortunately, she had succeeded. She even separated her Hive-Mind from Alpha's, though with consent as it was apart of her mission. All through the power of runes. Now, so long as she is able to spell out something in Futhark runes, she is able to make what she spells out come alive through the power of her Blood Scent. She is capable of creating anything so long as she is able to spell it out. What she spells it out on? Only relevant if the word(s) are going to alter what they are written on, otherwise it becomes irrelevant.
Internal Abilities:
Blood Scent: Please refer to General Profile.
Blood Blister: Please refer to General Profile.
History: As previously stated, Rho's history revolves around seeking scriptures and teachers on Futhark runes and rituals to utilize as her creator had intended. She spent years never stopping at one destination for more than a day before moving on, collecting as much knowledge as possible. Though, because she is more human than the rest of them she still has had to deal with insecurities and doubts about whether this mission was something she could accomplish or not, especially as her emotions had gotten in the way a few times like with her lover, whose name will never be written out of respect for the dead. But every encounter she had only pushed her further to ensure that she would even one day be able to reanimate the dead like what Seed had done with Root. But that was a partially failed experiment and this knowledge escaped her, she could not figure out where Seed had learned this form of rune structure or what the ritual or seal would even possibly begin to look like. So to this day, she continues to thrive and starve herself in search for anything and everything she can find. Only then will she find peace and be fully accepted by the Variants.