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The Realm of Men

The world

Commonly referred to as “The Realm of Men” is one of the few continents, mostly inhabited by humans. The Realm is commonly sorted into 3 parts: The Northern Kingdoms, the Central Kingdoms, and the Southern Nations.
In the Realm, different kings, queens, Lord-Regents and principalities reign.
The north are filled with marshlands and rolling hills, evergreen forests and is grim and inhospitable place. The further one travels south, the more lush the nature gets.

A few islands are found around the Realm, whose views on magic are different than those of the mainland.

Should one be brave (or foolish) enough to sail across the furious ocean, one would find one of the other continents, those uninhabited worlds referred to as ‘The Outworlds’. Here, nothing is for certain. Unimaginable nightmarish creatures supposedly roam the lands, leaving nothing behind in their path. 
The nature rules in the Outworlds, but there are legends of forgotten and abandoned kingdoms of old. 

Magi and magic

In the Realm, magi and magic are almost pure legend. The few remaining magi are hunted down, due to mistrust and accusations from the common people and the rulers. While magic was very much common a long time ago, they are almost extinct now.
A special group of magi, known as the Spiritwalkers, are hiding among the common people. The Spiritwalkers are just as mistrusted as the common magi. Accused of necromancy, demonic arts, and the like, they are constantly hunted.

However, the Spiritwalkers are tasked with bringing the souls of the dead to the Afterlife. Should a soul be left alone in the Void, it will eventually find it’s way back to it’s former body, and rise up again in the world of Living, as an undead. Being able to shift between the three dimensions, the Living, the Void, and the Afterlife. According to rumours, should one murder a Spiritwalker with a heated blade, they would gain their power. Criminals and bounty hunters seek this power, thinking they can use it for their own good. Spiritwalkers are essential for peace, but distrusted for magic.

Generally, magi are considered evil.


While there are no major conflicts between the humans, the mainland still despises the lonely Island nation, known as Valentus. Valentus supports magi, and lets them use their home for safety.
Undead has become a dangerous problem in the North. Souls are finding their corpse and comes back to life, since death is common in this part of the Realm. Aimless, furious, and hungering, the dead rises and attacks all living along their way.

Due to an earlier conflict with the south, the north harbour a lot of living dead. Wandering the borders of the northern region, trade is difficult and almost impossible.

The conflict also caused King Leofric to construct forts along his borders, to protect his land from any undead or further Southern incursion.

The Living, the Void, and the Afterlife

The three dimensions, listed above, are all variations of the same world. However, the Living is the commonly known world, most people don’t know or believe there is anything else. The Void, is a grey and darkened version of the world, and it is here the souls of the dead wander, unless taken to the Afterlife, or brought back to life in the world of the Living. What exists in the Afterlife is uncertain. Only Spiritwalkers have seen what resides there. But souls of the dead rests in the Afterlife, in their own realm.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SlashInfinite
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheEmma
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(Keep in mind these are the recorded thoughts of Walter Andalus and may or may not be actually correct. "Keep an open mind and surprise will be replaced with enlightenment")

”Things that ought not be.”
Compendium of magic
By Walter Andalus

Chapter 1: The fundamentals

The purpose of this book is to bring information and understanding to the Catalysts and magically adept of nations where the art has been banished or forbidden. It is to further knowledge of all, so that the mistakes of the past are not repeated. Enjoy the read.
-Walter Andalus

When discussing magic it is preferable to be familiar with a few classifications, to best avoid laymen's terms. When referring to items or people with magical properties, Catalyst is the word most commonly used. These properties may vary, as may the magical ability of the person or item. In most cultures a person able to perform magic is known as a Mage. In the Mage nation of Valentus a man becomes a sorcerer when allowed into the council of the King's Scholars. In other nations it is common to hunt Witches, women born with magical abilities who cannot control or understand their powers.

When referring to creatures who have either been created or addled by magical manipulation we use the word Fable, although it is more common to call these creatures Monster or Fairy, even though this is a much too narrow point of view to describe such marvelous creatures and their very differing appearances and nature.

The laws of magic are not governed, they are stretched thin but we can classify a few different schools and assume they belong to a select couple of powerful spirits. (See Chapter 2) The names of these spirits vary vastly between different cultures and faiths. As some are considered gods and other are not aware of their existence in the slightest. What these spirits are exactly and what their connection to the different kinds of magic has, is uncertain even to this day.

Magic, despite popular belief for most cultures, is not an uncontrollable force of destruction that inhabits poor souls. Neither is it a tool easily controlled. Comparing magic to either something as simple as a tool or something plain as evil, is the fastest and easiest way to distance yourself from the true wonder of magical ability. Realizing that magic is in truth, something entirely unique is the first step you will need to take to reach understanding.

Chapter 2: The Catalysts, and the creation of Mages
The Northern mages

Where precisely magic originated is uncertain, records show that humankind has been the host of magical ability since before civilizations were first formed. It is safe to assume that the great empire of Tara'sufal was founded upon magic and later destroyed by the very same art. Thus their history and culture was wiped from the earth. However the first recorded mage of our own time was Larcel Tym. A man of the northern nations who inexplicably discovered the ability to manipulate the air around him, making it either warmer, or colder. A simple enough spell but it would be the origin of magic as we know it. Several individuals huddled around Larcel as in the Northlands it is common practice to share what you have, and to share warmth would truly be one of the greatest of gifts in such a inhospitable land. Larcel was viewed by many to be a savior and hero, and his goodwill nature was recorded by both minstrels and historians. His feats and stories are many but they all culminate in that he would later discover others with similar potentials and he would teach his own art to these lucky few. Thus the creation of the northern mages was asserted. Their focus being to bring pleasantries to the young nation. Their story would not end happily. (See chapter 4)

The God of Heart reveals itself

Meanwhile to the west, a more dramatic story revealed itself. As the pilgrims who arrived upon the many shores of the western sea were met by a most queer hospice. The Valentian legends tell us that Lavaticus Horsefell was the first to recieve visions from the great god of Hearts, the god was named Valentia and the nation Valentus was founded with the guidance of these visions. The legends continue to explain the powers granted to Lavaticus, that he could change weather, turn time forward and command the animals of both sea and sky to do his bidding. This art he shared with thirteen apostles, as Valentia ordained him to. These legends are today viewed with some skepticism, as most of the feats performed by Lavaticus can be explained by natural occurrence or common happenstance. However the impact and power that Lavaticus still has on our culture to this day is impossible to disregard, as the first Sorcerer-King. His line even lives on and sits on the Tidal Throne to this day and age.

The Midway legends
In the central kingdoms, many years before magic had been a less commanding force in the culture. In the nations of Midway, magic was not what had commanded their resources or growth but rather their faith. The nations had been assaulted by monstrous Fables and indescribable plagues for generations. Its citizens were dying and the end of life was certainly imminent, had it not been for the intervention of what is now believed to be one of the grand spirits of benevolence, the nations would surely have fallen into chaos. The spirit is known as Ho-Dar and it translates to a great many things. Ranging from simply Flame to Phoenix of Compassionate death. The spirit (or god) granted the champion warriors of the nations a share of their own power, and under the very first Grand-Marshal. A man known as Cedric the many small nations rallied and grew into one order of the Faith that would together destroy the dark faction and its ”Black leader”. (See chapter 3) It is uncertain what exactly occurred during these times but the Midway legends explain it as a battle of otherworldly proportions, and their own historians claim that this was the ushering of the first era. An arrogant and narrow, If not imaginative view of the world. The Faith of the Flame was unrivaled in the southern kingdoms, as many other nations grew to accept this benevolent savior as their god and protector. It is also important to note that the magic of the Phoenix differs greatly from the other arts. Rather than being able to command and manipulate the world, they are allowed gifts from the great Flame in form of prayers and blessings. It is very likely that it is only a different kind of magic, rather than an occurrence different in itself and that this is only the shape that the Spirit of the Flame has elected to show itself in.

Spirit Walkers
The most mysterious kind of Magic is that of the Spirit Walkers. The origin of this magic is entirely shrouded in mystery, perhaps even to their own kind. To try and understand their position without being able to see what they are able to percieve is a task of utmost folly. What most scholars can agree on is that one if one in every thousand is born with magical ability, then one in each of those thousand has the potential to become a Spirit Walker. This would mean that for every Ten thousand people in this world, there is One Spirit Walker. What magic they actually possess vary. They are known to have control of lighting and shading. Being able to manipulate the very light of the sun and moon to their liking. According to the rumors, a Spirit Walker would be able to enter the second realm. The world between ours and the final realm, as well as the Outworlds from which the Fables originate(See chapter 3). What benefits they gain from being able to do so is uncertain but due to this ability they are sought after by other both other mages as well as any person who wishes to better understand the links between our worlds. To note every rumored ability of Spirit Walkers would not only be a waste of time, it would also be a show of stupidity. To assume that they are true without proof would lead to the fear and indignation that the Walkers are already much too aware of.

The last main form of magic is that of the Shadow. Much like the Spirit Walkers, it is rumored that the members of the Death's Hand were able to enter the second realm. What other powers the cultists had is unclear, as they were all destroyed during the Ushering of the first Era. Though it is clear that they were responsible for the curse of undeath that settled in our world, somehow. Causing spirits to roam in the second realm and even return to their bodies when they should have found peace in the last realm of existence. It is safe to assume however, that the Death's Hand were the masters of magic, and could only be countered by the power of the Phoenix. Without its assistance, we would live in a world ruled by these people. And such horrid thoughts, I would rather avoid.

There are several smaller nations around these lands and their faiths and views of magic vary from nation to nation. Explaining each different view would take much too long, as they are mostly just different views on the topics we have discussed above.

Chapter 3: Fables and the Outworld

Scholars agree that the Fables arrived from the Outworlds. Either by their own volition or from being summoned by tears in the realms, caused by a dangerous use of magic. It is a common misconception to compare the Outworld with the third realm of existence, as they are both hosts of magical power and creatures that we do not fully understand. Cornelius Marvellus wrote in his compendium of magical beasts that : ”Fables are not different from the beasts of our own realm, they act as their nature and instinct allows, they hunt, mate and sleep as need be. Their means may vary greatly from that of our own creatures, (As in drakes who'd breathe fire, or reptiles in the shape of trees to camouflage themselves.)” Thus we can assume that the creatures of Outworld are just that, creatures. However magically distorted they may be, they are still limited to their animalistic instincts. We can bunch the Fables into three different categories.

The Creatures of Outworld would be the first. These Fables have their origin in the Outworld and have arrived in our world through different means. They do not belong in our world and do not enjoy their time here. Our nature and our laws of the Realm are different than what they are used to and they have a difficult time adjusting to this. Thus they are mostly agressive, (but this could simply be their standard position from the Outworlds.) They vary from the mutated Fishfolk that crawl in deep sea caves to the trolls and ogres of myth. These are often known as Monsters.

The second type are the Chimera. The Chimera are creatures of our own world that have in some way been addled by magic, either by mating with a similar species from the Outworlds or by some spell cast upon them. These are more rare than the typical Fable and the creatures become half natural and half magical. They are among the most legendary creatures of the world. Such as the Pegasus or the Phoenix. It is also commonly believed that drakes are members of the Chimera family, rather than the Fables.

The last is the Spirit. This is one of the most complex topic to discuss within magic as the nature of spirits is entirely individual. We simply do not know what, how or why they are. What can be agreed upon is that spirits appear as representations of our own emotion. If you find yourself in a place of great magical power you may bump into a spirit who is just as likely to share its knowledge as it is to posess you. The simple truth is that we do not know what spirits are. They could possibly be the souls of dead people. They could be the emotion of a forest, they could be gods that created us all, they could be any of all these things, or none of them. How they appear and how we remember them changes and there are very few records of people actually communicating with these beings. (See Chapter 2) To assume what powers these spirits possess or what exactly they are, is worthy of a book in itself. Some would assume that creatures such as Ho-Dar is a spirit of Fire. And that the ”Black Leader” is a spirit of Death who use humankind to wage a war against eachother. There are also theories that the creatures of the third realm can enter the bodies of pregnant women and that their children would then become hosts of the creature. Thus creating a human – Spirit Chimera. This is only speculation, though and there is no recorded history of such activity.

Chapter 4: Magical ability, and its dangers
Those born with magical abilities carry an immense responsibility. If you do not learn to control your innate powers then you will soon find yourself a danger to yourself and to others in your vicinity. If you wish to achieve safe results with your magic then you will need to practice the necessary gestures and phrases that will ultimately link the realms and allow you to manipulate the world around you. You will also need an understanding of what power you have as a catalyst, and what power you will need to draw elsewhere. If you do not learn the proper spells than the magic that is locked within you will release itself according to your own emotions. An outburst of anger may as well summon a spiral of fire and cool disregard may as well cause the air around you to chill.

What follows are a few mentions of times that magic has caused great harm and terror in our world, may they act as a warning for those inquisitive and unknowing.

The Fall of the Northern Mages
One of the most notable occasions of dangerous magic is the Fall of the Northern Mages. Generally debated by both supporters and antagonists of magic and its arts as the most important magical event in the Northern realms. Second only by the explosion at the Royal Spire only a decade ago, which killed King Mallus Averheim, and ended the impending peace between the North and Valentus. At any rate, the first mage of our time was as previously stated a man by the name of Larcel Tym. A simple and charitable individual who had the power to control the air around him to create heat, acting as a bonfire for the populace of his small town. First considered to be a hero he gained a following and after many years of pilgrimage he had learned to teach this art to other gifted individuals. This was the creation of the first order of Mages in the North, it was also the last order of Mages. The people of the north were different in many ways and often battled between eachother, until the time that they were united under one king and their nation was officially founded, what many do not enjoy acknowledging is that the people of the north was at first united by magic. The different people of the north joined together under Larcel's teachings which did not please their leaders, who considered other people and their's to be a bad mix, and that Larcel was little more than a man hungry for power, and that in time he would use his following and create an army which he would use to sieze the realm for himself. If these threats are warranted or not can be debated back and forth forever, as in truth, we do not know the truth. What we do know is that the chieftans of the north decided that Larcel and his "God-given" power was best removed. So they removed him. Larcel was slain by the first union of the Northern people and the north erupted in a short-lived civil war between the followers of the Chiefs, and the pupils of Larcel, who unleashed, (at the time) devastating magic. (We would consider it meager in this day and age.) The chieftans won the war and an illwill to magic had seeped into their minds, a position they would keep even now, near a whole millenia later.

The Grand summoning

The Grand summoning is a bed time story mages hear in order to scare them into subordination. In the lands of Valentus, a country renown for its liberal use and study of magic a mage was born by the name of Tomsom Moore. Tomsom writ a great amount of texts and spells that would further the art of magic in the nation beyond any mage before him, even the sorcerer kings. How Tomsom gained the understanding of the Outworld that allowed him to be so creative and fluent in the magical way is most likely due to some sort of deal made with either a creature of the Outworld or even a spirit, just like the Sorcerer-Kings of old. Tomsom was considered a great asset to the nation for most of his life, until one day he used his resources of the college of magic to fund his vanity project. The opening of a gateway that would lead directly to the Outworlds. (Note that the Outworlds are reachable with ship.) For what reason we can not know, as when the spell was to be performed Tomsom was halted by the college who considered the project too dangerous to perform. They were a little to late however and Tomsom finished his gateway and in the words of Grand-Sorcerer Torel at the time: "From it poured horrors of another world, such creatures I could not have imagined in my deepest nightmares. They tore at eachother in greed and wanton destruction, all pressured by an urge to spew into our realm, claws and teeth and scales, the creatures blended together until all we saw was Death itself as it entered our halls."

To this day and age, the island and the gateway still exists just off the coast of Valentus isle. Expeditions have been made and projects performed but no warrior or mage has ever been able to unravel the secrets of the island, and have all turned back in fear of horrible death. It remains as a dangerous and inhospitable rock that reminds us all that ambition in the arts, may very well lead to utter destruction.
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