I'll give it out in as concise a form as I can, which is easy since there's not much to tell, really.
Black Crusade (the TT RPG) is based around a group of Chaos worshippers from all walks of life - from a traitor/renegade Space Marine, to a fed-up Administratum scribe, to a disgruntled miner or bored aristocrat - coming together to garner favour with their respective deities and, ultimatley, to bring about destruction to the Imperium (a Black Crusade, even) as well as their own apotheosis to daemonhood.
That is the long-and-short of it; if you don't like the sound of that, probably best to stop reading now...
So, what I forsee for this RP, should it get off of the ground, is one of evolution through acts of worship to the gods; it will be rated 'mature', as I do not believe an RP centered around the Ruinous Powers could be anything but - there will be sex, violence, gore and brutality in an already rotting empire.
Does this mean I want porn-based RP'ing? No. Will I allow a little bit of smut? Probably.
In an RP where tentacles might sprout from your face, or your character eventually grows a beak/an extra limb/a second organ/extra eyes and mouths/anything else, I'd be happy with my decision.
What I'd also like is a cadre of dedicated writers - nor do you need to be a novelist! In fact, an active imagination would likely be the best thing - so if you're intending to bugger off without informing anyone, please stop reading now.
You've made it this far, so I'll assume you're quite interested at this point?
The last thing I'd expect/like to happen would be a nice big bout of originality (or as close as) in terms of characters; you can literally come from anywhere within the Imperium (or without, in the case of Chaos Marines), you can end up as anything from a daemon to a gibbering Chaos spwan, and how we get there will be the adventure.
There will be an element of dice rolling, although this will only extend to what 'gifts' you may recieve from your patron deity(s) once you have completed a sufficient task to please them, and perhaps to deciding just how much you have pleased them.
I would dearly like to make this an extended, but entertaining haul, through the grimdark madness of Chaos and the 40K universe, so just know that if you're in...you're in it for the long haul, buddy.
Okay! Anyone up for some limb-splitting, virgin-sacrificing, loyalist-killing galavantings around the galaxy?
Feel free to ask questions, tis the only way to get answers after all.