Welcome to Roleplayerguild. We're thrilled to have you here! This Guide is geared towards those who are not only new to the site but to post-by-post RP'ing. But it is also useful to those who just want a quick guide to the site.
About the Guild:
The New Guild was established January 16th, 2014. This was after the Old Guild (the former site) crashed/ was erased. It's a very long story, and if you'd like to read up on it, click here. The reason the Guild now looks like it does, is because Mahz, our admin, started to rebuild the site from nothing. He codes it himself instead of relying upon prefabricated sites. Because of that, it is still a work in progress.
Features of the Guild:
Since Mahz has been working on rebuilding the site since the re-founding, there has been a lack of features. Mahz doesn't get paid for this, and does it on his free time. Ellri, ever helpful, has been maintaing a Planned Features and Common suggestions. So if you ever wonder what's on the docket for new things, check it out. It gets updated quite often with new ideas suggested by people just like you. If you'd like to keep up to date, Mahz's Dev Journal updates the guild on newly implemented updates.
Helpful Things to Read:
I'd suggest 1000% to read all the stickied threads.
A New User's Guide to the Guild
Fundamental Rules of the Guild
Moderation Policy Sitewide
Moderation Policy in the RP Sections
Moderation Policy in Spam
Moderation Policy in the Off-Topic Sections
Moderation Policy for Forum Contests
Reporting Incidents to the Moderators
Introduce Yourself:
New to RPGuild? Go say hello! We don't have an official greeting committee, instead everyone pitches in. Sometimes we don't get around to greeting every one. Which is a shame, but don't take it personally. We try our hardest to make everyone feel welcome.
About the Guild:
The New Guild was established January 16th, 2014. This was after the Old Guild (the former site) crashed/ was erased. It's a very long story, and if you'd like to read up on it, click here. The reason the Guild now looks like it does, is because Mahz, our admin, started to rebuild the site from nothing. He codes it himself instead of relying upon prefabricated sites. Because of that, it is still a work in progress.
Features of the Guild:
Since Mahz has been working on rebuilding the site since the re-founding, there has been a lack of features. Mahz doesn't get paid for this, and does it on his free time. Ellri, ever helpful, has been maintaing a Planned Features and Common suggestions. So if you ever wonder what's on the docket for new things, check it out. It gets updated quite often with new ideas suggested by people just like you. If you'd like to keep up to date, Mahz's Dev Journal updates the guild on newly implemented updates.
Helpful Things to Read:
I'd suggest 1000% to read all the stickied threads.
A New User's Guide to the Guild
Fundamental Rules of the Guild
Moderation Policy Sitewide
Moderation Policy in the RP Sections
Moderation Policy in Spam
Moderation Policy in the Off-Topic Sections
Moderation Policy for Forum Contests
Reporting Incidents to the Moderators
Introduce Yourself:
New to RPGuild? Go say hello! We don't have an official greeting committee, instead everyone pitches in. Sometimes we don't get around to greeting every one. Which is a shame, but don't take it personally. We try our hardest to make everyone feel welcome.
Beginners Guide to Role Play by @Lady Amalthea - Has common terms and another walk through of what's down below.
Deciding your Level:
So now that you're new, you obviously want to get started. But where? The first step is deciding which section you'd like to join. (If you already know, you can skip this part.) We have three scales for determining your comfort level. Mahz has defined them loosely on the main page.
Some people/GMs even make further distinctions in levels.
**See individual GM for RP specific standards
A lot of RPs within specific sections have more specific standards than the general ones listed by Mahz. It's always good to check to see what the GM has listed to make sure you meet the standards and/or are okay with them.
Group RPs v. 1x1s:
Once you determine which level you want to RP at, it's time to find something that interests you. There are two main options for this. Participating in a Group RP or a One on One (1x1).
Finding an RP:
The first step in finding an RP is to check interest checks. These can be found in multiple places around the site. For example if you're interested in a 1x1 you'd go to the 1x1 Interest Checks. It's found in the 1x1 section.

You can browse through by title and/or tags to see if anything strikes your fancy. The thing that makes the 1x1 section so different from all the other sections is at all the active RPs in that section are considered closed. You can only find new ones through the interest check section.
Going from the Interest Check section to the Roleplays with ease. At the top, just under the page toggle, there are two tabs. One for Roleplays and the other for Interest Checks. These tabs are there so you can flip between the two without going back to the main page.

For the Group RPs you can search for newly started, or haven't started yet RPs in the interest check section. These are found in the General Interest Checks, Free Interest Checks, Casual Interest Checks, and Advanced Interest Checks. Unlike the 1x1 section, active RPs are not automatically closed. The best, and easiest way to tell is through the RP Status. There are three status: Full, Apply and Jump-In.

Full- Not taking anymore people. The GM might decide to change that at a later point, or they might not.
Apply- The GM is taking new characters. However, sometimes a GM forgets to change the status, so it's always best to inquire first.
Jump-In- No need to ask, or make a character sheet. Just join at any time! (Mainly found in the Free Section)
But wait you say. What about the Tabletop, Nation and Arena sections?
These are specialized areas. They're for very specific RPs. These sections are not separated by the categories of Free-Advanced.
Setting Up Your Own Game:
Since there are good guides out there already done, just follow any of the links below.
On GMing, creating and running RPs, and handling unforeseen issues
Formatting Interest Checks and the First OOC Post
Creating a Good Roleplay
Setting Up Stories
About GM-ing:
Nine Stages of Modding
Stuff I've Learned About being A Mod
Making a Character:
Five Steps to make a perfectly solid character
Formatting a character sheet 101
So You Wanna Make A Character Sheet?
Deciding your Level:
So now that you're new, you obviously want to get started. But where? The first step is deciding which section you'd like to join. (If you already know, you can skip this part.) We have three scales for determining your comfort level. Mahz has defined them loosely on the main page.
For roleplaying involving one-liners, few-liners, speed-posting, and for anyone who doesn't want to have to worry about standards.
CasualRoleplay here if you enjoy writing at least a paragraph or two, character development, and some depth. Grammar and spelling are encouraged. Generally one paragraph (a few sentences) per post.
AdvancedAdvanced RP focuses on longer posts, often with in-depth plots, character development and extensive settings/lore. Must make a dedicated effort to minimize typographical errors and to use good grammar. Generally two paragraphs, but usually longer.
Some people/GMs even make further distinctions in levels.
High Free to Low- Casual
This is used by people who don't feel up to the Casual standard as specified, but are able to do more than the Free standards.
High CasualThis is most often used by people who don't feel they can post at an Advanced level, but want more than what Casual can provide. This is often sorely contested by many users on the site. Some feel the category should be done away with, others do not.
**See individual GM for RP specific standards
A lot of RPs within specific sections have more specific standards than the general ones listed by Mahz. It's always good to check to see what the GM has listed to make sure you meet the standards and/or are okay with them.
Group RPs v. 1x1s:
Once you determine which level you want to RP at, it's time to find something that interests you. There are two main options for this. Participating in a Group RP or a One on One (1x1).
Group RPs:
Group RPs are run by a GM. And sometimes there are also CO-GMs, chosen by the GM. In an RP, GMs are basically law. They choose who is able to join and the direction for the RP. They determine the story line, world and direction of the RP. You join as a character and are subject to their whims. Sometimes GMs will take directional input from their fellow RPs, but sometimes they wont. It's all up to their discretion.
1x1s:One on One RPs are joint efforts. There is typically no set GM. (Sometimes one user drives the story while their partner is just along for the ride, but this is not common.) Two individuals work together to create and drive the story.
Finding an RP:
The first step in finding an RP is to check interest checks. These can be found in multiple places around the site. For example if you're interested in a 1x1 you'd go to the 1x1 Interest Checks. It's found in the 1x1 section.

You can browse through by title and/or tags to see if anything strikes your fancy. The thing that makes the 1x1 section so different from all the other sections is at all the active RPs in that section are considered closed. You can only find new ones through the interest check section.
Going from the Interest Check section to the Roleplays with ease. At the top, just under the page toggle, there are two tabs. One for Roleplays and the other for Interest Checks. These tabs are there so you can flip between the two without going back to the main page.

For the Group RPs you can search for newly started, or haven't started yet RPs in the interest check section. These are found in the General Interest Checks, Free Interest Checks, Casual Interest Checks, and Advanced Interest Checks. Unlike the 1x1 section, active RPs are not automatically closed. The best, and easiest way to tell is through the RP Status. There are three status: Full, Apply and Jump-In.

Full- Not taking anymore people. The GM might decide to change that at a later point, or they might not.
Apply- The GM is taking new characters. However, sometimes a GM forgets to change the status, so it's always best to inquire first.
Jump-In- No need to ask, or make a character sheet. Just join at any time! (Mainly found in the Free Section)
But wait you say. What about the Tabletop, Nation and Arena sections?
These are specialized areas. They're for very specific RPs. These sections are not separated by the categories of Free-Advanced.
Arena is for battle-centered roleplays.
Nation is for those who want to create and control a nation that collides with other nations through political, economic, and diplomatic warfare.
Tabletop is for roleplays focused on dice rolls and stat blocks where the narrative is driven by game mechanics.
Nation is for those who want to create and control a nation that collides with other nations through political, economic, and diplomatic warfare.
Tabletop is for roleplays focused on dice rolls and stat blocks where the narrative is driven by game mechanics.
Setting Up Your Own Game:
Since there are good guides out there already done, just follow any of the links below.
On GMing, creating and running RPs, and handling unforeseen issues
Formatting Interest Checks and the First OOC Post
Creating a Good Roleplay
Setting Up Stories
About GM-ing:
Nine Stages of Modding
Stuff I've Learned About being A Mod
Making a Character:
Five Steps to make a perfectly solid character
Formatting a character sheet 101
So You Wanna Make A Character Sheet?
Tags are very helpful in determining if an Interest Check/Roleplay will be something you're interested in. There are only a limited number of tags that are available.
Writing style
To suggest new tags, Ellri has a thread here for that purpose.
There is also a maximum of 5 tags per RP. They serve as a clue as to what sort of content is in the RP/Interest Check
Writing style
Free, casual, advanced
Party Size1x1, Small group (3-4 players), Large group (5+ players)
Genres:Modern, Sci-Fi, School, Historical, Tabletop, Nation, Arena, Military, Fantasy, Romance, Slice of Life, Anime/Manga, Fandom, Steampunk, Apocalyptic, Post-Apocalyptic
To suggest new tags, Ellri has a thread here for that purpose.
There is also a maximum of 5 tags per RP. They serve as a clue as to what sort of content is in the RP/Interest Check
There are three tabs in a RP; IC, OOC and Characters. These tabs are found here on every page you're on while in a roleplay. 
Each GM has different rules on tabs and how to use them.

Each GM has different rules on tabs and how to use them.
- IC v. OOCIC stands for In Character
OOC stands for Out of Character
The IC tab is reserved only for IN Character posts. General comments/discussion about the story are not allowed.
Likewise the OOC is reserved for comments about the story, questions, and/or plotting. Character posts made in the OOC are not counted towards the story. Though sometimes players do make OOC posts in the voice of their character. - CharactersThis tab is for characters in the story. Each GM has specific rules for this tab.1) Only used for accepted characters. You might have to post your character sheet to the OOC or via PM (depending on the GM's preference).So always be sure to check before you just go ahead and post.
2) The GM might want all character sheets to only go in this tab, whether they've been accepted or not.
Personal Messages/Conversations, or PMs, are a private way to chat with other guild members. This system is currently under work by Mahz, so there may be some major changes soon.
There are only four current folders. Inbox, Starred, Archived and Trash.
There is no easy way to mass move PMs. Nor is there a way to delete them. There might be a Trash folder, but it doesn't actually delete/trash the file.
Nor does the folder system inform you to which folder you have received a new message.
Create a new PM/Convo:
There are two ways to start a new PM.
1) Click on the PM Icon and click on "+Create Convo".
2) Click on the username of the person you want to send a PM to, then click on "Start Prive Conversation with [Username]".
There are only four current folders. Inbox, Starred, Archived and Trash.
There is no easy way to mass move PMs. Nor is there a way to delete them. There might be a Trash folder, but it doesn't actually delete/trash the file.
Nor does the folder system inform you to which folder you have received a new message.
Create a new PM/Convo:
There are two ways to start a new PM.
1) Click on the PM Icon and click on "+Create Convo".
2) Click on the username of the person you want to send a PM to, then click on "Start Prive Conversation with [Username]".
The Off-Topic section is for anything other than Roleplays (or checking for interest). There are a few different categories:
Roleplaying Discussion
Off-Topic Discussion
Character Sheets
The Gallery
Articles & Guides
This section is pretty much self explanatory. It's basically where everyone goes to goof off. There are people in Spam you wont find elsewhere. They just stay there and post nonsense.
This section also includes posting games. Such as Hurt/Heal, Race to 1,000 (Men v Women) or Post the alphabet before someone posts a MLP picture.
This section also includes posting games. Such as Hurt/Heal, Race to 1,000 (Men v Women) or Post the alphabet before someone posts a MLP picture.
Roleplaying Discussion
This section is only for people to discuss RP and GM questions/issues/etc. If you have a question about writting something, how to gather interest, etc. This is where you go.
Off-Topic Discussion
This section is just what it sounds like. If it's not related to RP'ing, it goes here. Want to discuss you cat/dog? Want to talk about that new movie you just saw? This is the section for you.
Character Sheets
A lot of people, myself included, like to compile their characters in one spot. Instead of PM'ing yourself or putting it in the Roleplay Discussion section we have it here. Some people also use it as a post repository before they're ready to roll it out IC.
The Gallery
This forum is the best to show off your talent. Got some poems/stories you want to share? Do you draw/ graphic design?
You can also request banners, signatures, etc in people's "shops". Or even make your own shop. Shops have the word "shop" in the title so you know if you can request anything from that particular user.
You can also request banners, signatures, etc in people's "shops". Or even make your own shop. Shops have the word "shop" in the title so you know if you can request anything from that particular user.
Articles & Guides
As Mahz said: User-submitted resources for helping you with your roleplay life, your forum life, and your life life.
The chat is located at the very top of the site next to Users. You are automatically logged in with your username. There is currently no way to change your color.
The Chat Help toggle will open to give you instructions on how to use the chat (other than just writing).
The Chat Help toggle will open to give you instructions on how to use the chat (other than just writing).
mdk wrote a very nice Introduction to RPGC
Contests: There is currently only one contest running. It's in the Writing Contest Forum. You can keep track of the current contests on the main page. It will tell you the contest title and the due date.

Trophies: Are given to winners of the writing contests. Mahz is currently working on improving and adding to the system. You can see other users trophies (and your own if you have any) by going to their profile and clicking on the trophy link.

There is also a Victory Archive where you can see the works of past winners.
Contests: There is currently only one contest running. It's in the Writing Contest Forum. You can keep track of the current contests on the main page. It will tell you the contest title and the due date.

Trophies: Are given to winners of the writing contests. Mahz is currently working on improving and adding to the system. You can see other users trophies (and your own if you have any) by going to their profile and clicking on the trophy link.

There is also a Victory Archive where you can see the works of past winners.
Your profile has many features. There is an area for Statuses, Bios, Arena Stats, Trophies, Visitor Messages, and Most Recent Posts. It also keeps track of which ratings you have received or given. This is private information that is no displayed publicly. If you go to another user's page you will not see their ratings.
There is also an option for "Old Guild Username". Since I belonged to the old Guild, you can see I added that in. Since I joined when this site first started up I'm actually not sure if that option is there anymore for new users when they join.
Editing your Profile:



Visitor Messages:

There is also an option for "Old Guild Username". Since I belonged to the old Guild, you can see I added that in. Since I joined when this site first started up I'm actually not sure if that option is there anymore for new users when they join.
Editing your Profile:

Editing your profile is as easy as clicking on the edit button next to your user name. When you do so, you'll be brought to a new page. Each box/section is individually worked. If you change them all at once without clicking each "save" button after you're done, you will lose work. Work from one box at a time.
Custom Titles:
Changing your E-mail:
Legacy Signature:
Enabling/Disabling Ghost Mode:
Hide Signatures and/or Avatars:
Making a signature:
Changing/Adding your Avatar:
Grey scale Avatars:
Show Arena Stats:
This option is the last option and will display your Arena stats each time you post. This option is not for the Arena Stats area on your Profile page.
On your main profile page you can edit your status and bio.The very first edit box is for your custom title. This is optional. You do not have to have a custom title. You can see in the image above where the custom title is displayed on the profile page. Below (and also to the side) exhibits where the custom title is when a user posts. Mod titles are displayed under the avatar and in white instead of grey. You can see the difference below.

Changing your E-mail:
The second box down on the profile edit page is the e-mail change option.
Legacy Signature:
I can guarantee this is a non-issue for everyone new to the site. When Mahz started this site, he was awesome and ported over information from temp sites. Most, if not all, will never need this option at all.
Enabling/Disabling Ghost Mode:
When you want to browse incognito. You wont be listed as online, no will you appear on the online user list on the main page. To enable check the box and save. To disable, un-check the box and save.
Hide Signatures and/or Avatars:
If you're on a mobile, or have little data to spare, or just don't like seeing avatars are signatures, you can hide them with this option. You can either hide one or both. It's up to you.
Making a signature:
The sixth edit box down is to edit your signature. There is a cut off size so if you post a large photo, it will be snipped. Signatures are made through the same BBC code the site uses. It even has a handy preview button so you can check your work. How you want your signature is up to you. Some people post links to off site things. Others images. Some just put in quotes, or snippets they wrote. This area is your sandbox.
Changing/Adding your Avatar:
Next is the avatar option. Avatars are copied off your computer and hosted through RPG, not off site which is unlike the images used in the signature. The max dimensions are W:150px by H:200px
If you add an avatar, but no longer want one, there's a nice red button that says "Delete Avatar" which you can use.
If you add an avatar, but no longer want one, there's a nice red button that says "Delete Avatar" which you can use.
There is a gender option that will display next to your user name on your profile page. Currently the only options are Male, Female or Not Telling. Mahz has plans to either expand the options or allow a write in option. But neither are currently available.
Grey scale Avatars:
Turns all avatars into black and white.
Show Arena Stats:

This option is the last option and will display your Arena stats each time you post. This option is not for the Arena Stats area on your Profile page.

You can stack statuses. Only your most current one will be visible next to your bio. Old statuses will be displayed under the current on the profile page. You can delete statuses by clicking on the red X next to the status.
Recent Statuses will also appear on the main page for everyone to see.
Recent Statuses will also appear on the main page for everyone to see.

Your bio is for you to use however you wish. Some people give little descriptions of themselves and what they do or do not like. Others post pictures. Some link their current RPs. Others have nothing. Do what works for you. When you edit your bio you are still working with BBC code.
Visitor Messages:

On the main page of your profile you also have visitor messages. You can find those by clicking on the VM tab. It's wedged between the Trophy and Recent Posts Tabs.
Uploading imagage is done through your profile. It's found next to the Trophy link.

In order to add an image you must first crate an album. Then you will be redirected to a new page that will prompt you to add an image. At which point you'll be directed back to the main page. To add more images to the same album you'll have to click on the album in question then add more images.
Images Max size: ~2 MB (2,000,000 bytes). Must be jpeg, gif, png.
To get a direct link just click on the image. The same action is also required if you desire to delete the image.

In order to add an image you must first crate an album. Then you will be redirected to a new page that will prompt you to add an image. At which point you'll be directed back to the main page. To add more images to the same album you'll have to click on the album in question then add more images.
Images Max size: ~2 MB (2,000,000 bytes). Must be jpeg, gif, png.
To get a direct link just click on the image. The same action is also required if you desire to delete the image.
The Dice feature is located on the main page. It's found on the upper right hand corner below the Facebook link.

Or by following this link: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/campaigns
As it says on the Campaign page
As of this moment only the creator of the "campaign" can roll dice. However the results of all the rolls are visible. It's a very simple system. You choose what dice to roll. E.G. 4d6 or 1d20. You can also add mods. So your roll will calculate not only the dice outcome but additions. E.G. 4d6+2 or 1d20+5
All dice rolls will be made public and they are linkable if your RP calls for it. You can also add notes to each roll. So if you have multiple RPs you are rolling for you don't have to have multiple campaigns. Unless you so desire.

Or by following this link: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/campaigns
As it says on the Campaign page
The dice system is new and experimental.
You can see some of my planned dice features in the announcement thread: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3612674
As of this moment only the creator of the "campaign" can roll dice. However the results of all the rolls are visible. It's a very simple system. You choose what dice to roll. E.G. 4d6 or 1d20. You can also add mods. So your roll will calculate not only the dice outcome but additions. E.G. 4d6+2 or 1d20+5
All dice rolls will be made public and they are linkable if your RP calls for it. You can also add notes to each roll. So if you have multiple RPs you are rolling for you don't have to have multiple campaigns. Unless you so desire.
Rating System:
Arena Stats:
Jump to Page # X
The rating system is available to everyone. You can rate any post you want only once. There is a small grace period to change the rating if you clicked the wrong one. There is also a 30 second cool down on rating to keep people from just clicking every post in sight.
- Like
- Laugh
When you rate a post the user who posted it will get a notification. You cannot rate posts in PMs.

When you rate a post the user who posted it will get a notification. You cannot rate posts in PMs.
Arena Stats:
Arena stats are determined in the Arena forum. When two people finish a RP battle, they either decide the winner, or a judge does. The winner will then be granted a point and the loser will also get a point. There is also an option for a draw. Every user starts with 1000 points.
In the Arena Forum there is also rankings of the current winners.

In the Arena Forum there is also rankings of the current winners.

You can access your notifications at the top of any page by clicking on the bell icon. Only the current/unseen notifications remain. There is no way to look at prior notifications (unless they're still cashed in your internet's memory). All mentions, ratings, PMs will give you a notification. New posts in your subscriptions will not. (Unless you're @mentioned.)
Subs are an easy way to follow roleplays and topics that interest you. You can sub by clicking the green button inside the thread.

You can unsub be either clicking the red button in the thread or by going to the sub page and clicking the red x box.

You can unsub be either clicking the red button in the thread or by going to the sub page and clicking the red x box.

Jump to Page # X
Sadly there is no "Jump to Page X" function. However you can do it manually by using the URL.
For example on the free forum, you want to go to page 6. Page 1 displays this .com/forums/3-free-roleplay
To seamlessly jump between pages add ?page= then the page #.
So to get to page 6, you'd see this: .com/forums/3-free-roleplay?page=6
For example on the free forum, you want to go to page 6. Page 1 displays this .com/forums/3-free-roleplay
To seamlessly jump between pages add ?page= then the page #.
So to get to page 6, you'd see this: .com/forums/3-free-roleplay?page=6
You add friends by going to their profile. There will be a green
button you use to add them. You unadd/Unfriend them by clicking on the red
button located in the same place.
You can see your most recent friends on the main page. It only displays the last 10 who were/are online.

When you click the "View All" link it takes you to another page. It now displays your full friend list.

You can see your most recent friends on the main page. It only displays the last 10 who were/are online.

When you click the "View All" link it takes you to another page. It now displays your full friend list.
Q: What is a Post Sample/Sample Post?
A: A post sample is an example of your work. If you're new to this site, but not to others, sometimes a link to older work is acceptable. Copy and Paste is also acceptable, though if the work is particularly large it's common courtesy to place it behind Hider Tags. Sometimes people will write up new samples per request. A lot of it is the askie's choice. The main thing to remember is that a sample is a showcase of your skill. You want to make sure you're not overselling or underselling. Just be yourself.
A: A post sample is an example of your work. If you're new to this site, but not to others, sometimes a link to older work is acceptable. Copy and Paste is also acceptable, though if the work is particularly large it's common courtesy to place it behind Hider Tags. Sometimes people will write up new samples per request. A lot of it is the askie's choice. The main thing to remember is that a sample is a showcase of your skill. You want to make sure you're not overselling or underselling. Just be yourself.
Think I missing something?
Have a question you want in the FAQ?
Let me know. I'd love some feedback <3
Have a question you want in the FAQ?
Let me know. I'd love some feedback <3
8x Like
4x Thank