Name: Timothy Greer


Age: 230

Desired position: I'm the Captain

Skills: Certified Ship mechanic, Grade B, specializing in plasma based systems; 13 years experience asteroid mining

Non-standard abilities/modifications: Psionic Implant: TK field (a blue fluid-like energy is formed around something, and I can move it. Uses more energy than if I grabbed it by hand.)
Cybernatic core: Coordinates activity between implants and the brain. Needed for a high-bandwidth connection to the Psionic implant.

Personality: I like to try and understand a situation fully, and use what I know to solve problems. I'm loyal to my friends and crew, and will do whatever I can to keep them safe. Being a Privateer is a dangerous job, though, so there's some danger that I have to let them get into.

Biography: I grew up on Mars, the son of a biologist and an engineer. I showed promise as a mechanic, so I studied it at an online school, and got my ship mechanic license when I was 15. After that I got a job at the Olympus Mons spaceport working on the freighters that shipped goods through there. When I was 16, though, one of the ships my father was designing malfunctioned, and he was killed in an explosion.
I wanted to get away from Mars for a while after that, instead of continuing to work around ships, so I bought an old scout ship, one of the modified shuttles that was sent to Mars when it was still a new colony. After upgrading the systems a bit, replacing the old hydrogen rockets with plasma rockets, and adding a small nuclear reactor to the ship to power everything, I took it out to the asteroid belt using its solar sails to look for valuable asteroids to stake claims on.
I made a decent living for over a decade selling the claim I made on asteroids, but five months ago I came across the motherload: a UN battleship from their attack on Mars a year earlier, landed on a mineral-rich asteroid. They were in the process of making repairs, but ran out of fuel for their reactor and hand to abandon it, never to return. I used the low-value goods from the asteroid to get money to repair the ship and, last week, grabbed several chunks of ore, including gold, palladium, and Tungsten, and set a course in my mostly-repaired battleship which I named the US Yamato.

Why do you want to join? N/A. It's my ship. I want to be a Privateer to protect the people of Mars from the violent Earth forces.

Equipment: Universal engineering scanner, wristcomp, Carbon plate armor (twice as energy resistant as standard plating, and require vibro weapons to cut through the plating), particle rifle, Ion pulse pistol (to stun people and fry electronics), Modified Solar Scout ship (in docking bay)

Other: (Insert mother's information, but block access if I'm not dead or in critical condition.)