" before he swings his blade in an upwards ark at Lavy and Lance, and throwing Griffin's knife back at him, of course aiming for simple non lethal sense not wanting to kill them "
@KatherinWinter He hasn't used any magic at all in that fight, if any it was just to make it so his wooden sword couldn't be cut, and no they just have to go out and search... and hope to survive.
@KatherinWinter 'The Grey knight would calmly swipe with his blade diverting Lavy's punch upwards into Lance's causing them to collide with each other stepping to the side forcing them off balance and to fall, while raising his hand and catching Griffin's Knife' I typed everything..... please read it all, it almost feels like your skipping over words and sections in the post, that was directly typed at the start of that post which would then cause you to question what happened because you didn't read everything.
@KatherinWinter Like a trained professional Warrior he didn't tunnel vision on one group. It's pretty simple really, I can see the entire fluid movement pretty easy. not to mention that was only one way out of the many methods he could of used at that moment to win. also not to mention it wasn't like all three attacks was completely synced sense they was all off by a few valuable seconds giving ampule time to react especially for a master fighter, which it was clear that they was all off by a few seconds with each post.
@olcharlieboi I hadn't thought about that. I guess it would make more sense if there was alittle time between each attack. I was picturing it all at once. So that's my fault.