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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Upon hearing Bornetall's request, Nieldun nodded. "My good sir, I would be honored if you represented the Nastrondi people. You have my blessing to go and compete in the tournament, best of luck and may your sword hand never fail you." With this, Nieldun saluted Bornetall and went to attend to the matter of Vaalgard.
Hearing the terms offered by Lord Marthall, Nieldun composed a brief letter.
Esteemed Lord Marthall,
I assure you that the "The Slaughter" as it has come to be known was not something I would ever do to a force that honorably surrenders. Furthermore, my men are not permitted to harm civilians unless attacked. As such, I gladly accept your offer and your people will be treated honorably.
Sincerely, King Nieldun Gildedtongue of Nastrond

Then, once that was done, he issued orders to his armies. 20,000 new recruits each would occupy Gisting and Dolgathrasar. The Eastern Army would march to Sachaila while the Western would besiege Eljun. The same methods were to be used with the entire city encircled from a camp outside arrow range.

Lord Marthall surrenders and his force leaves the fortress unharmed for Eljun. However, before his forces could even reach Eljun and Saichala a message arrives from the king of Vaalgard.

King Nieldun

You have won the battles and you have won the sieges, now I ask of you that we settle upon a peace. I do not wish my people to suffer any further for my mistakes so I kindly ask that we bury the hatchet.

I am willing to offer Dolgathasar to you and if Lord Highmall agrees, Gisting as well. To further appease you, we will allow military access within our territory as long as the force does not exceed 60.000 soldiers.

Let us stop this bloodshed for now.

With Respect, King Dorias Grainwad
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

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"I merely wish to apologize for the invasion upon your people, we simply attacked out of fear of being attacked ourselves. Feel free to make yourself at home here, I will release within a year when things have calmed down a bit. However, before I let the gaurds escort you back, how do you things are in Anqallyt? Please answer this honestly," Felreich said, looking down on the young lad. He definately seemed to be a lad of the Daraski but that was of no matter to hime at the moment. He planned to let the boy to be treated fairly in his realm for the year that he would be spending here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nieldun stroked his chin. "Hmmm, that would be a significant land gain but I need a little more to sweeten the deal."
King Dorias Grainwad
Your offer is rather tempting and I have no real desire to make your people suffer. However, I must ask that you also send a sum of wealth and surrender an additional city of your choice.

If these conditions are not acceptable, I am patient and the sieges have mostly been bloodless in stark contrast to Lord Highmall's attack.

King Nieldun
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Your land is beautiful and your people are honorable and loyal to a fault. If anything is to complain is that your land is rather... dull if I may so." He says. "Our lands are sparsely populated as you could probably notice, but in every village we have something to keep our people entertained and happy." He says with the same polite smile.


"King Nieldun

I understand that you are a proud warrior and that you desire your lions share of this peace, but surely you must realize that that I cannot force my people to give up what has not been conquered yet.

I hope you can see my reasoning and hope that you are not going to make my people suffer more for serving their own interests. If you must, however, as soon as the Sylvannyr tournament ends, I will send my eldest son and heir as hostage to you to show that I want an end to this conflict.

With Respect, King Dorias Grainwad
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

The arena was swiftly constructed outside Euraith as noblemen were gathering from the neighboring countries. The banner hung high over the arena where soon knights and warriors would clash. The jousting arena was also swiftly constructed. Soon all sorts of entertainment flocked towards Euraith. Inns were getting filled extremely fast and did good business. While bards told their stories near hearth or campfire. Because many nobles from within Sylvannyr came too and they had no place within the city walls. Thus a rather large camp of tents rose outside the gates.

One the marked date, a large board was set up near the jousting and melee arena’s. The first round was a full melee one. It was declared that all matchmaking was done at random. Yet everyone who watched the board knew that wasn’t true.
- Lord Bornetall from Nastrond VS Fendar, Champion of Sylvannyr’s Reaver Knights
- The first Airgiallne male warrior VS Lord Bornetall’s oldest son
- One of the Toran Warriors VS Lord Bornetall’s second son
- The eldest prince of Vaalgard VS the second Airgiallne male warrior
- Elias, second son of Castor of Sylvannyr VS the second Toran Warrior
- The warrior princess of Airgiallne VS the first veteran from Vaalgard
- The second Vaalgardian veteran VS the third Toran Warrior.

King Castor apologizes to king Markus Northwood, as he is unable to change the matchmaking. But he does offer him the place at the table at his right, next to him during the feast at night before the melee. Thus making Markus the honored guest of the night. Additionally he offered a place for one of his daughters next to Imrik, the Sylvannyr crown prince who would be sit left from Castor. The last daughter was offered a place next to her father on the main table during the feast. There were also several smaller tournaments being organized to keep the people happy. Even a complete free-for-all melee.

During the planning of the feast Castor made sure to keep the table of Nastrond and Vaalgard as far away as possible. Keeping several tables filled with guests between them. On the long expected day, Imrik and his father entered the booth with a mysterious hooded figure. And thus the first game began.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Oh really now, what do you suggest that we do about this, eh, lack of entertainment? I would like to do know anything that may help improve my people's living," Felreich stated, a smile coming to his face. If he could learn this then he could use to improve the moral of his men, thus decreasing their chance to route.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Oh really now, what do you suggest that we do about this, eh, lack of entertainment? I would like to do know anything that may help improve my people's living," Felreich stated, a smile coming to his face. If he could learn this then he could use to improve the moral of his men, thus decreasing their chance to route.

"Well, I don't really know what your people like, but from what I've seen in your army, your people really love combat, so why not build a few arenas where you have your warriors or any willing citizen fight with animals or prisoners of war. That way, your prisoners can fight their way out of jail and your people are entertained!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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King Dorias
I suppose the third city is not necessary for the peace. However, I still desire that you grant Nastrond a sum of wealth as yours is a rich but poorly defended land and ours is essentially the opposite. After all, while your people were acting in their interests so must mine. Furthermore, what is to be done with Highmall?
Sincerely, King Nieldun

Shortly after, Nieldun tells someone to notify Highmall of the peace negotiations. With this taken care of, King Nieldun composes a letter to send to every warring faction on the continent.
Dear (insert leader name here)
As you know, the Nastrondi are a proud people skilled in the art of war. I am offering assistance in your conflict in exchange for money, resources and land. This letter is also being sent to others, so the ones with the best offer in a timely fashion will recieve assistance. If your foe takes this offer first, please do not take it personally. Best of luck and may your sword hand never fail you.
Sincerely, King Nieldun Gildedtongue of Nastrond
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The first fight began as both men stood in front of each other the age difference was the first to be seen. Lord Bornetall was in his early 40s while Fendar was in his late twenties.

The fight began as an equal fight with the fight seesawing in one anothers favor, their swords clashing together, the fight would seem to last forever, however, while Fendar was the Captain of the Reavers, he had no actual combat experience, whilst Bornetall was a veteran warrior. The fight abruptly ended as Bornetall disarmed Fendar.

The crowd was awkwardly silent as the foreign warrior shook hands with their champion and left. Not one cheer.


The Airgiallne soldier awkwardly bows to the crowd and faces Merias Bornetall with his sword out, who bows to the crowd and gets a loud cheer(mostly from the younger females in the crowd) because of his good looks.

The fight ends in three sword swipes with Merias quickly disarming the proud Airgiallne soldier, who let's slip a curse and leaves the arena. Merkas bows once again to the crows and leaves the arena.

The Toran warrior is a sight to behold dressed in leather armor from head to toe and armed with a massive mace. The young Bornetall, Keiran was almost dwarved by the massive warrior, who now roared and swung his mace at the young man.

At first, Keiran seemed to be on the losing side, but it was obvious that that the young Bornetall was dancing around the warrior, he was not warrior, but he was a very agile swordsman and he soon disarmed the massive warrior.

The Toran Warrior quickly lost his temper and punched the entrance door off... it was clear why Airgiallne was having a hard time against this massive warriors.

The crowd began cheering for the young prince of Vaalgard, not only because he was handsome, but because he had survived a full brunt attack of the Nastrond army.

This warrior from Airgallne seemed much more experienced than the last one and it was obvious that experience factored quite a lot in a battle.

The battle at first seemed to be in the favor of the young prince who was faster than the warrior, whose moves were rigid and slow, however, with a twist of the sword the proud warrior disarmed the prince.

However, unlike the Toran warrior, the prince was graceful in loss and bowed in front of the warrior, both then leaving the arena.


The crowd cheered wildly ss the prince of Sylvanyr entered the arena and kept cheering for him as the Toran Warrior enters the arena decked out in iron armor and roared loudly to make the crowd shut up and started swinging his warrhammer at the young prince.

At first, the fight was going in the warrior's favor, with the young prince barely being able to dodge his strikes, when they reach at the corner of the arena, the hammer hits the wall and shakes the warrior long enough for prince Elias to disarm him.

As the two warriors leave, the Toran warrior let's the rage get the better of him and punches the wall, which cracks under the force of the warrior.


As the princess enters the arena, most of the men there are smitten with her beauty and grace, despite the fact that she was going in a fight against a trained soldier.

The advantage was obvious from the beginning belonging to the princess who was, like the elder son of Bornetall dancing around the Toran warrior.

However, she did not disarm the veteran warrior the first time she got the chance, she dragged out the fight to make the Vaalgardi warrior seem good, to save his honor before finally disarming him.

The two bow down to the crowd and leave the arena with cheers begin them.

The final fight was about to begin when a young man steps in the field and shouts to the crowd.

"I am truly sorry people, but my master has garnered a heavy fever and will be unable to fight today, he would like to apologize to everyone present, but mostly to his highness King Castor, he yields to Toran Warrior."

"Ah, he must be one of the few survivors of the Slaughter..." King Markus Northwood says with a sad smile. "The poor man must've been traumatized by what he saw there, I can't blame him, if I had seen a archdemon in the skin I would've gotten a fever myself." He says as the crowds begin to murmur one to another.

"Ah, the next fight will begin soon, who do you think will win your highness?" Lord Markus asks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 3 days ago

"That certainly sounds like a good idea. I will consider this greatly. Now, I hope that you have good time here but you are not going anywhere without your escort, you are dismissed until dinner," Felreich stated. the arenas would be a good idea to keep the citizens and warriors happy but he did not know whether it would be a good idea. So he ordered one to be built in Anqallyt as a bit of a test to see whether or not it would work to entertain the masses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

King Dorias
I suppose the third city is not necessary for the peace. However, I still desire that you grant Nastrond a sum of wealth as yours is a rich but poorly defended land and ours is essentially the opposite. After all, while your people were acting in their interests so must mine. Furthermore, what is to be done with Highmall?
Sincerely, King Nieldun

Shortly after, Nieldun tells someone to notify Highmall of the peace negotiations. With this taken care of, King Nieldun composes a letter to send to every warring faction on the continent.
Dear (insert leader name here)
As you know, the Nastrondi are a proud people skilled in the art of war. I am offering assistance in your conflict in exchange for money, resources and land. This letter is also being sent to others, so the ones with the best offer in a timely fashion will recieve assistance. If your foe takes this offer first, please do not take it personally. Best of luck and may your sword hand never fail you.
Sincerely, King Nieldun Gildedtongue of Nastrond

In answer to the first letter, another letter arrives from Lord Grainwad.

King Nieldun,

The gold should have arrived with this letter, ten tons of gold, I hope it's a good enough price for liberty. As for Lord Highmall, I would personally send ten more tons of gold for his safe return, but my advisors and vassals have told me that a man who causes this much grief to a nation should be left in peace.

While you may do as you wish with him, I ask you on my personal behalf that you treat him with respect, he is a old and very respected warrior throughout the continent and his family is a old and proud one, treat him with the respect he deserves.

With Respect, Lord Dorias Grainwad

As for the second letter, one quickly arrives in response a mere six hours later from the king of Gnyr Shalorn, who now fashions himself emperor and one from the queen of Wolastra, who is now in dire trouble from the Sequini armies.

They both offer vast rewards in return for the Nastrondi help, though Lord Braveshine, who arrived now from his engagement with Vaalgrad says.

"My lord, the Shalorni want to put the Celestial Empire back together, so it means that we'll be their targets at some point in the future, so we should help the Wolastran, who are now in a real pinch." He says. "Their desperate, so they're gonna pay a whole lot more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"That certainly sounds like a good idea. I will consider this greatly. Now, I hope that you have good time here but you are not going anywhere without your escort, you are dismissed until dinner," Felreich stated. the arenas would be a good idea to keep the citizens and warriors happy but he did not know whether it would be a good idea. So he ordered one to be built in Anqallyt as a bit of a test to see whether or not it would work to entertain the masses.

The arena at first is quite empty, however, as soon as more and more people come to it they all begin to enjoy the fights and soon the current arena is overflowing with people either witnessing the the fight or wishing to join it, the arenas are a real hit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

King Dorias
The gold you have sent is indeed sufficient. Rest easy, Lord Highmall will not be mistreated. He is a noble warrior who cares about his people. The peace will stay so long as no more problems arise of this manner.
Sincerely, King Nieldun

Turning to the advisor, Nieldun spoke "Agreed. The Shalorni are not to be trusted and are best left bottled up on their island. As you said, the Wolastrans will no doubt pay a handsome sum. We'll see just how grateful they really are."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


As soon as she's got his word that Nieldun agreed to help her, the queen sends a small ship disguised as a trade ship to Nastrond, the ship is filled nearly to the brim with gold bars.

The representative that the queen of Wolastra sent was young, a young girl of no more than 21 years of age to be her representative on this mission.

"I am the representative that her highness sent to this beautiful place, shall we quickly negotiate?" She asks smiling. "Our nation is a bit... in danger."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 3 days ago

With the Arena's being such a big hit, Felreich couldn't help but smile with the citizens being so happy. He ordered for another arena to be built in Mtol Dærine to so that way nobody would have to make such a large journey; unless of course it was going to be a tournament specific for the city. Once the arena would be built, Felreich and his family would go to watch the tournament that he announced to be there. He even invited the Caliph and the ruler of the Sha'an Tzien, he would also bring along the Caliph's son.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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"Why of course, make yourself at home. Reinforcements are already on the way. Now, the gold is rather nice, but how about you humor me and remind me what the main exports of Wolastra are?"
Nieldun smiles and gestures to a comfortable chair while saying this. His... heritage is properly suppressed as this is diplomacy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

The king pondered on Markus’ question. Obviously he would want his own son to come out victorious. But the chances were slim. Between the experience of Lord Bornetall and the swift strikes of the Airgiallne warrior princess, the hulking knight stood little chance. He just wasn’t experienced enough yet. Then again, Elias has come around and surprised him before. “I dare not say, my friend. But such worries are for tomorrow.” With those words he rose from his chair and left the booth. The following skirmishes would be between lesser knights and noblemen. Games for the more common of folks. King Castor went towards his feast hall. Through clever positioning of the kitchens, the tasty smell of grilled fish and meat was swiftly mixing with the air of the hall. As the invited guests poured in, they were each assigned a place. As prepared, the Nastrondi people and those of the Vaalgard were kept separate. King Markus was once again allowed to sit on the main table next to King Castor, and his sisters next to both of King Castor’s sons.

The feast was cheerful and happy. There was plenty of wine and ale. Imrik, the crown prince of Sylvannyr was clearly enjoying the company of King Markus’ sister. Yet Elias, who had the task of entraining the second sister preferred to enjoy his meal rather ravenously and scan the hall for the Airgiallne warrior princess. At a moment, King Castor rose from his seat and ushered the hall to get silence. After some time, the noise was quiet enough to speak above it. “My dear friends! We have seen brave warriors fights and nimble knights win. The victors will continue on to the next round tomorrow. But for those beaten, there is still hope. One will be chosen, at random to still continue on to the next round.” A tankard with tokens in it, each representing one of the participants of the main event was brought before Castor. Who covered his eyes to prove he did not watch, rumbled in the tankard and pulled a token out.

At the far end of the main table, the strange hooded figure was seated. Eating her food in silence and keeping her face covered in shadows. Yet her delicate hands betrayed her gender to anyone observant enough.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago

"Why of course, make yourself at home. Reinforcements are already on the way. Now, the gold is rather nice, but how about you humor me and remind me what the main exports of Wolastra are?"
Nieldun smiles and gestures to a comfortable chair while saying this. His... heritage is properly suppressed as this is diplomacy.

"Wolastra is a very industrialized nation, we produce all sorts of machines, but two newly fangled weapons that my queen has designed are the cannon and rifle." she says with a wide and proud smile. "The cannon is a weapon capable of launching projectiles at a even longer distance and do much more damage than any current siege weapon, it will tear through walls very fast. The gun is a handheld weapon for people and is basically a mini-cannon, a line of people armed with rifles will tear through a cavalry charge instantly." she says smiling. "Of course... we also have plenty of minerals, wood and many exotic foods, but I trust that you wish weapons, right?"

A messenger comes bursting in the court, out of breath, he was from Ashkanian. After a few seconds to catch his breath the messenger says:

"King Nieldun, the Grandmaster of the Order of the Shadow Guardians and the leader of Ashkanian(the same person) has kindly asked to meet you and the all the other monarchs to a feast to discuss about the resurgence of the Shadowbeasts, he says he urgently wishes to discuss with you and the other monarchs of the continent."


The orders to build the arena were sent, however, before he could send the letters to the other monarchs, a messenger from Ashkanian arrived. The man was wearing a large bear skin over his shoulders, covering his broad back. Beneath it was a full set of black leather armor.

The man curteously bows before Felreich and says:

"Dear Emperor, I would like to inform you that, the Grandmaster of the Order of the Shadow Guardians, who is also the leader of Ashkanian has kindly invited you to a feast to discuss the resurgence of the Shadowbeasts. He said that it is of the highest importance that all monarchs arrive before him to deal with this great threat."


And it seems that the only Toran warrior remaining in the fights had observed her and put a hand on her shoulder, asking her in a tone that would be more befit a knight, not a massive warrior who until then was thought to be a savage. "Why do you cover your face milady, I'm sure you are prettier than me and my friends from Toran." he says with a gentle smile. "If anyone tries to harm you, I promise that they'll meet with sharp end of my battleaxe." he says with the same smile.

The Airgiallne warrior princess was sitting quite a distance away, guarded by the two other soldiers. She was eating like a noble would be taught to, despite having humiliated a man two times her size in combat just now. She only briefly glanced at prince Elias before turning to her meal and eating. She seemed to be not too impressed of him at the moment.

Markus Northwood and his siblings had sat right next to the Royal Family of Sylvannyr. His younger brother, not even 18 years of age, was sitting and glancing at all the young ladies in the court and smiling at them. He seemed to be quite skilled in the art of charming ladies. He was now looking at Castor's daughter and smiled at her to see if she would fall before him as the other ladies had. Markus' younger sister seemed to be quite the charmer as well, but occasionally glared at the warrior princess before turning to her meal.

The Bornetall father and sons were sitting at the middle of the table, eating and sitting as if they were in a military campaign meeting, not a feast to be enjoyed. Truly the Nastrondi were warriors in all they did. The two sons of Lord Bornetall, attracted quite a few looks of curiousity from many of the people there, as most people thought that the Nastrondi were ugly warriors, not such fine looking young men.


Before the king of Tar Sequinus came a messenger from Ashkanian. A young man wearing black leather armor and armed with Daraski scimitar came bearing a message. "Lord Vermilicum, I would like to inform you that, the Grandmaster of the Order of the Shadow Guardians, who is also the leader of Ashkanian has kindly invited you to a feast to discuss the resurgence of the Shadowbeasts. He said that it is of the highest importance that all monarchs arrive before him to deal with this great threat."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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"Weapons will do just fine but I have noticed that the armies of Tar Sequinus are not pressing the advantage despite the previous battle. You could probably make a white peace with nothing gained or lost. If not, these cannons and rifles along with gold and possibly a city of Tar Sequinus will pay the bill. Now this Shadow business seems quite urgent..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 3 days ago

Felreich looked at the armored fellow for a moment before nodding slowly, this had to be very important for the Ashkanians to actually come to him, especially with the Shadow Beasts coming again. "Alright, I will come," The King said, rising to his feet, he went off to get ready and prepared to be off to the feast, this matter was far too serious for him to ignore.
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