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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nieldun smiled at the letters from Vaalgard and Noatun but snickered at the one from the Shalorni. Nasvell, the eldest of Nieldun's offspring asked "What is so funny father?"
Nieldun explained "It's the deluded usurper of Gnyr Shalorn. I never said I was supporting him. I simply said a few different things and let him jump to conclusions. Now he promises world domination and for a joint rule over a new Celestial Empire. He'll be in for a nasty surprise but I never actually lied to him."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The massive Shalorni fleet of over 500 ships reaches close to the port of Reyksalar at their side, was the 300 ship fleet of Nastrond.

In front of them was 600 ship Vaalgradi fleet, who hadn't been affected at all by the recent loss of a lot of their army and were ready to fight to the last man against the invaders.

Before the battle begins a letter arrives from lord Northwood.

"King Nieldun,

A three hundred ship provisional fleet of the Shalorni have blocked my fleet from aiding you, I suppose they have realized that my fleet would come to help the Vaalgradi.

I will try to arrive as soon as I can, if I don't arrive in time, I hope that I will find you have won your battle."

One of you officers asks. "Should we proceed with our plans, or retreat for another time?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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"We proceed with the plans, we still outnumber them and they won't see it coming. Besides, if we retreat now we lose the element of surprise and the Shalorni will probably land soldiers. No, we have to attack them now."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


And right as the first Shalorni archer fired his arrow, the Nastrondi archers begin to launch arrows at the Shalorni. As a result, the Shalorni are momentarily thrown off balance and lose quite a few ships to the onslaught of both Vaalgradi and Nastrondi troops.

But as soon as they realized they were betrayed, their fleet began to move, about 200 ships detached and charged right at the Vaalgradi fleet while 100 of Shalorni ships collide with the Nastrondi fleet to hold them back.

The rest of the ships proceed to retreat back to the nearest Shalorni docks.

The remaining soldiers fight with incredible savagery despite being outnumbered three to one and it seemed that the Shalorni fleet would overwhelm the numerically superior Vaalgradi fleet.

Meanwhile the Nastrondi deveastate the smaller fleet, even so the damage they did to the Nastrondi fleet was significant. The tides turned as the Nastrondi come in to help the Vaalgradi fleet and finally overwhelm the remaining ships, the battle was won.

Battle Results: Vaalgradi-Nastrondi Close Victory

Casualties: Gnyr Shalorn: 320 ships, 31.800 sailors, 200 sailors captured.

Vaalgrad: 250 ships 22.000 sailors

Nastrond: 42 Ships 2700 sailors

Many Shalorni ships were lost, however, their fleet was still large enough to transport troops across the seas, but for now, they stood silent on their island, recovering their morale.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nieldun, for spite's sake, sends a letter.
King of Gnyr Shalorn,
I'm terribly sorry for any confusion I may have caused. At no point did I actually say I was joining you. Yours is an impressive land and it is in Nastrond's best interests that you do gain a foothold on the mainland. Vaalgard, as a weak nation is not a threat at all and as such make far safer neighbors. You fight well, the battle was very close. No hard feelings?
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


(Sorry for missing this!)

The first to enter was the Ghan, dressed in leather armor like his other two friends, but instead holding two smaller axes rather than a large two handed weapon. He bowed curtly to the crowd and then shouted out loud.

"I win this for you, my fair lady!" He shouts, pointing one of his axes at the beautiful lady close to the king and looks at his target, the princess of their "enemy" and smiles before she lunges one of her two rapiers at Ghan. Amazingly though, Ghan managed to evade the strike and started to go on the offensive, swinging his axes with incredible speed and agility.

Even so, the princess evades the strikes without much of an effort, though dodging the strikes meant that she couldn't attack herself. While she thought of a plane to disarm the massive warrior , she stumbled and the warrior managed to hit her in the head.

Luckily, Ghan had dulled his axes so that they didn't cut anymore, even so, with the force of the warrior the hit must've hurt quite a lot.

"Victory, Ur'aghan of the Domani tribes!" The announcer shouted.

Without a word, the two participants retreated to their quarters, not even staring at one another.


"Young prince, I'm sorry for this, but I must make my leader and my country proud." Lord Bornetall said with a bow.

Elias simply ignored what the lord said and pulled his sword out, eager to defeat the lord and prove his superiority and skill to the princess.

Lord Bornetall chuckled and pulled his Stygian Steel sword out and waited for the prince to charge. Elias, being the hotheaded fellow he was, charges right at Lord Bornetall, lunging his sword at him.

The lord parried the hit and shoved the prince back only to hit him on Elias's sword hand with his dulled sword making the prince drop his sword resulting in a victory for Lord Bornetall.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


King Nieldun,

Despite this betrayal, I am inclined to forgive it out of respect for the battle prowess of your soldiers. My soldiers and I now have a deep respect for yours, consider this message a truce between us until the Tzieni Emperor wannabe is dealt with.

Good luck in your battles, my lord!

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Emperor of Gnyr Shalorn,
I'm glad you are understanding. I too respect your military. Best of luck and may your sword hand never fail you.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue

Despite the friendly correspondence, Nieldun was not ready to let his guard down. The Shalorni would remember this when they saw a chance to strike. Now, Vaalgard had debts to pay...
King Dorias Grainwad,
Now that the fighting is over for now, we must discuss payment. Needless to say, being saved from certain doom does not come cheap. I would like Nyrath, Sachaila, 15 tons of gold and your assistance in the invasion of Shaan Tzien and vassals. Specifically, I'm rather interested in the Golem that covered your son's retreat though I would appreciate any other soldiers you could send. Fear not, if the invasion goes well, then your share of the spoils of war will cover a significant portion of what I ask from you.
-Sincerely, King Nieldun Gildedtongue
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


King Nieldun,

It hurts me to say this, but I can't accept this request, the gold will be sent, but giving you two cities in return for help in one battle might be a bit much. As for the help with Sha'an Tzien, I intended to help anyway so you need not request it. Ah, but it wasn't the golem that was special, I have a woman, a mage who made the elemental golem and can make one of four elementals at a time

With Respect, King Dorias Grainwad
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

King Dorias,
You are probably correct. This mage will help greatly, no worries about the cities then, Shaan Tzien and its vassals will pay that debt for you.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 6 mos ago

Little time passed between the melee and the joust. Soon Lord Bornetall and Ghan would face off. King Castor, ‘forgot’ king Northwood’s bet and made a new one. He put a bet on Ghan the warrior. In the afternoon, after a light meal the royalty picked up their spots again. The lady was no there though. Instead she walked up to the lance Ghan would use and touched it with the wildflower he gave her. In an almost supernatural fashion the flower’s stem grew like a vine around the lance. She turned to Ghan and said: “Take this. See it as my favor.” Before she left him.

Lord Caledon of House Araet, master of the fleet, did hear about the naval battle of Gynr Shalorn against Vaalgard and Nastrond. He brought this news to king Castor in a very discreet matter. The king said that a fleet of 300 ships were to be prepared in case the joint fleet of Vaalgard and Nastrond was to fail. He would not give Gynr Shalorn a chance.

In case of the letter he followed his peer’s their example.
Dear king Nieldun

Sylvannyr will not take part in this fight against the shadows. I do wish you the greatest luck in this fight. May you prevail even without our support.

Signed by King Castor
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Brithwyr
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Brithwyr Primus inter Pares

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Kujutama Boyar was not a man of refined taste. When he arrived, he wore his field armour, removing only his helmet out of respect, and he barely glanced at the fine tapestries and plethora of arts that surrounded him. He was here on a mission - he had no time to partake in frivolities.
He wished to meet Neildun Khan face-to-face. Such matters were best discussed in person, after all.

"Neildun Khan" He would begin "I represent the Clan of Suguharu. As you are most likely aware, our great nation has been invaded by a foreign threat. It is the wish of our people that we set aside our differences and join forces temporarily, until such a time that the invaders have been kept at bay."
Short, quick, to the point. There was no need to hang around longer than necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

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Nieldun nodded, "You must mean the Demons are back. I will assist you as soon as I can but first, a similar danger has risen in Ashkanian. Normally they would be able to handle it but the near-sighted Tzieni thought it would be an excellent idea to attack the people holding back a tide of darkness and try to take their lands. Already, I have launched a campaign against them with a couple allies. Once we have put the Tzieni in their place, I will assist you whole-heartedly against the demons."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


And the two entered the field. Lord Bornetall entered on his sturdy black charger, wearing his black armor and his black lance. Ur'aghan entered on his massive warhorse wearing his leather armor and lance.

The two nodded at one another and charged. The weight advantage was in Ghan's favor, however, Lord Bornetall had the experience and skill advantage. The two colided and both lances broke, but only one of the men fell down and that one was Lord Bornetall.

Despite that, the force of the hit had been big as Ghan grasped his chest for air for a moment before starting to breathe normally.

The crowd was at first confused looking around to see who won before cheering on as they saw that Ghan won. To further show the force of Lord Bornetall's hit, Ghan fell off his horse seconds later.

"The winner is Ur'aghan of the Toran Tribes!" The announcer shouted.

"I owe you 20 gold coins my friend!" King Markus said handing a small pouch of coins to King Castor.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


However, only hours later a message arrived from Ashkanian from the new Grandmaster of the Order of the Shadows.

My good King Nieldun,

Put down your sword, a peace has been brokered between Ashkanian and Sha'an Tzien and while it isn't a very favorable peace, we have managed to minimize our losses to only one city, though now, the capital will have to be moved to Shag Ekur since it is is our former capital of Kamaran that was given to broker this peace.

To say he's sorry, the Shogun of Sha'an Tzien has devoted 60.00 troops and 1.000 of his personal Samurai Masters to our cause.

Now save your men for the Shadows, my lord!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nieldun looked at the letter and roared in frustration. The Shaan Tzieni reinforcements would be useless as anything other than meat shields without proper equipment! And now the Shalorni would probably attack... It wasn't as if he could take cities from the Shadows and Demons. He currently lacked a proper Casus Belli to just invade Vaalgard for expansion's sake and he doubted they would give him one. Ah well, at least he'd be able to assist the Domani and gain a powerful ally... Or allies because of the tribe system. Word had reached him of the tournament's outcome and Bornetall had done quite well, it was not realistic for a normal man to knock a warrior of Ghan's size off his horse but Bornetall had managed it though a little belatedly. So, still annoyed that he would not be acquiring any cities from Shaan Tzien or vassals, he moved the army there to the south to help the Domani.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Claw2k11
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Claw2k11 The Eternally Tired Reaper

Member Seen 4 mos ago


The cavalry riders begins their assault yet again on the troops of Tar Sequinus. A hail of arrows is thrown on the Sequini troops, who were now less eager to charge at the horse archers. Seeing this, the archers become bolder and approach the Sequini forces, however, the archers of the Tar Sequinus launch a volley of arrows that kill a few of the horse riders before they scatter and run away.

However, when the bodies of the horse archers were inspected, they seemed to be Nastrondi soldiers trained in the art of horse archery...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

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@Claw2k11 Why am I involved all the sudden?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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Catchphrase Pun Master General

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vermiculus heard the news of the attacks, and was disappointed that no one seemed to want peace. He sighed, and called in his advisors. "I want you men to find out everything about this situation. I wanna know if this was a legitimate attack, or some mercenaries. I want you to double the patrols on the border, and I want someone to find where our missing people are." He then got to work on a bounty notice to be sent everywhere.

Any information concerning the disappearance of Tar Sequinus citizens and military personnel.
20,000 gold pieces

He also sent a letter to the King of Nastrondi
It has come to my attention that some of your troops have attacked and killed some of mine. Whether they were acting on their own, or under your direct orders is unknown. I ask that you look into this matter, and should it come to light that this was your doing, well, use your imagination.
Signed, Lord Vermiculus
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mardox
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Mardox An internet Dark Lord

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

King Vermiculus,
I'll be honest here. It was my doing. I'm terribly sorry but you essentially have a contract against your nation. For the privacy, I will not disclose my client's identity. I suppose we should both be fully prepared for war.
-King Nieldun Gildedtongue
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