My cs.
Name: Demetrius Ivan locksinger.
Age: 25
Bio: I was the first out of eight boys to have the chance of being a well published author of a book called... I bloody forgot. Me own book. How on hell's green arse. Did I do that. *goes to writer's notes and comes back two hours later* okay, I remember now. it's was called the scirsh hand book. It gives all details on how to make weapons of magical power. After that I soon found out about the world we live in. did you know there are darkness that takes forms of creatures of good. Yeah, most people don't know that...(sorry getting a head of myself.) I found the world we live is actually more darker that we think. Just we grew used to it. Well not Me. Not anymore. I quit drinking to stay on light. ( You imagine that. I scirsh not drinking). Now I reformed a order called The Kings Word to fight back. now I look for other off spring from the original families to fight when the darkness is fat and lazy.
*Skills: writer and blacksmith ( yeah, go figure)
Race: scirish
Magic: enchanting weapons and armor with his writing and also fire grim magic.
Personality: I can be a bit...harmless, from time to time. But we scirish are born battery heads. We used to fight who ever actually tried to fight us when not drunk. We all do drink a lot... really...a lot. Maybe that be the reason, six of me brothers war...against the bisalarma and Ishvadam. yeah...but, I'm funny, smarter, and at best the top leader of my skills.
Likes: women, eating, dri...not drinking. fighting, having people to talk to...that aren't most me job. But yeah I'm very interesting once you know me.
Hates: smart-asses, fancy pants bisalarma, not drinking and I don't know..Those things people be wearing in today's world. Oh, skinny jeans. You damn idiot's, piss me off with those...things. God forsakes you have got a buddy down there feeling like He is being snuffed to death.
*Pets: yeah, me helper Igor. He is a fire lizard. Loves to sleep in my forge.
*Relationship: Igor only. Most family are dead, drunk, or drunk about to be dead. but, I used to have a sweet girl. Both fought in the big war. Best Times.
Other: none
Name: Demetrius Ivan locksinger.
Age: 25
Bio: I was the first out of eight boys to have the chance of being a well published author of a book called... I bloody forgot. Me own book. How on hell's green arse. Did I do that. *goes to writer's notes and comes back two hours later* okay, I remember now. it's was called the scirsh hand book. It gives all details on how to make weapons of magical power. After that I soon found out about the world we live in. did you know there are darkness that takes forms of creatures of good. Yeah, most people don't know that...(sorry getting a head of myself.) I found the world we live is actually more darker that we think. Just we grew used to it. Well not Me. Not anymore. I quit drinking to stay on light. ( You imagine that. I scirsh not drinking). Now I reformed a order called The Kings Word to fight back. now I look for other off spring from the original families to fight when the darkness is fat and lazy.
*Skills: writer and blacksmith ( yeah, go figure)
Race: scirish
Magic: enchanting weapons and armor with his writing and also fire grim magic.
Personality: I can be a bit...harmless, from time to time. But we scirish are born battery heads. We used to fight who ever actually tried to fight us when not drunk. We all do drink a lot... really...a lot. Maybe that be the reason, six of me brothers war...against the bisalarma and Ishvadam. yeah...but, I'm funny, smarter, and at best the top leader of my skills.
Likes: women, eating, dri...not drinking. fighting, having people to talk to...that aren't most me job. But yeah I'm very interesting once you know me.
Hates: smart-asses, fancy pants bisalarma, not drinking and I don't know..Those things people be wearing in today's world. Oh, skinny jeans. You damn idiot's, piss me off with those...things. God forsakes you have got a buddy down there feeling like He is being snuffed to death.
*Pets: yeah, me helper Igor. He is a fire lizard. Loves to sleep in my forge.
*Relationship: Igor only. Most family are dead, drunk, or drunk about to be dead. but, I used to have a sweet girl. Both fought in the big war. Best Times.
Other: none