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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

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“I can’t believe my parents put me up to this…”

“Well shit-head, had you found a girlfriend by now; much less a wife or at least a fiancé, you wouldn’t be here. You were the one who agreed to it after all…” A black messy short haired girl with pale skin and thick black makeup replied as the two stood looking out the window of the large house overlooking the drive-way.

“Well got me over to Great Britain to spend some time with you; you sure Chuck won’t mind?”

“I told him everything before I said yes; he thinks it’s a good idea because if you really want to walk away from this with someone you need to know who they are when you’re around and when you’re not. Who’s best to tell you then me? I’m your inside girl.”

“Thanks again for this Rach.”

“You owe me so much.”

“I’ll come to your next gig, I promise.”

“Good than we’re even. Chuck can’t wait to play the guitar you got him; he’s really excited.”

“Made a good wedding present I think.”

The two shared a good laugh before they hugged and parted ways. Let the show begin…

A man in a suit stood at the edge of the driveway grinning from ear to ear as the first limousine pulled up; he pulled the door open to welcome the first woman. A pale young girl with light blue hair climbed out of the car staring up at the house in wonder. After a short lived conversation with the man in the suit she was ushered into a room with a camera and a person recording.

“Hello, I am Gabbie Atkins, I’m 23 years old and I’m a waitress at a small café in London.” Her smile was warming and her brown eyes twinkled as she talked to the person in front of her. “My hobbies include bike riding, hanging out with my friends and enjoying a good cup of tea in the morning. My education stops after high school and I just enjoy the simple things in life… I’ve come here really hoping to find a connection with the young American man and hopefully find true love.” Gabbie was then excused from the recording and lead through the house wheeling her things and was told about how everything will work while she was there. Cameras were set up high and pointed out; stated very clearly that their privacy would be respected to their physical experiences but everything else will be recorded. She then was left to her room with another bed in order to unpack.

Another limousine pulled up and out climbed an incredibly bubbly looking redhead. She was greeted by the man in the suit whose hand she shook intensely with a beaming smile across her full lips. Her gaze then turned to the large house and her brown eyes expended in shock, “WOW!” She quickly followed the man inside and took the place that Gabbie was in before.

“Hello, I’m Kristiana Martin, but my friends call me Krisi with a K. and I’m 25 years old.” She said with a grin before running a hand through her hair. “I’m just a good girl who wants to be friends with everyone. I love making new friends and meeting new people. I also know that being friends is the start towards passion in a relationship; I just hope the bachelor and I get a chance to talk build a friendship before we jump into something as serious as an engagement. My hobbies are reading, dancing and I’ve been told I’m a heck of a good cook.” After the recording Krisi received the same explanation from the man in the suit before being let into the room where Gabbie was the two began to talk as they unpacked.

Another limousine pulled up; this time the man in the suit was greeted by quite a surprise. The black haired girl with the intense make up climbed out of the back of the car. She was dressed in all black and chains, quite a different look compared to Gabbie’s yellow sundress and Krisi’s dark blue jeans and white shirt. “Yo.” She said giving the man a head nod before looking up at the house. “Better have a bar.” With that she walked in front of the man in the suit and straight into the house.

“Yo, I’m Rachel Watson; I’m 26 years old and I moved here to Great Britain when I turned 18. I’m the lead singer of a Rock band called *** ****** ****; what? I can’t say what band? You censored it? Well that’s f***ed up. Oh you’re going to censor my cursing too? Man you’re going to have a f***ing blast keeping up with my foul mouth. I’m here for booze and bull****. Making new friends is fun and I thought why the f*** not. My hobbies include drinking, singing and playing guitar. So yeah, that’s f***ing me and if you don’t like it you can p*** off.” Upon her finishing her entrance interview she was lead out; the man in the suit shaking his head and running his hand across his face saying something about wondering how on earth she got on the show and all she could do was grin as she entered her room and began to unpack waiting for her roommate.

This time a white limousine pulled up and out climbed the bachelor, the one and only Gray Yin. Climbing out he shot the hand of the man in the suit, “Hello Andy, thanks for hosting.” Gray said with a beaming smile across his face as he watched his stuff getting unloaded.

“No problem Gray, glad I was chosen because this should be fun and I hope you find someone out of this.”

“That’s my hope too.” Gray responded with a smile as Andy led him inside.

“Hello Great Britain; I’m Gray Yin and my father is the inventor of quite a few software programming’s and computer systems. I won’t bore you with the details but I’m his son. I also have a doctorate in Software Engineering and am working on a computer program that will help the hospitals diagnose their patients based on gathered information and updated information based upon discoveries.” He let out a small laugh hanging his head, “Here I said I wouldn’t bore you, I’m sorry. Anyway I’m here in hopes to find someone I can call my wife. As my parents like traditions along with new age thinking, they have come up with this idea to make a show out of it. Yes… this was my parents’ idea and, in case you’re wondering, they chose the girls out of the applicants so I know nothing about anyone. I’m 28 years old and my hobbies include dancing, playing video games, working on electronics and learning; whether it’s others teaching me or researching myself and… well I love to joke around. Some people may call me a prankster or whatever but I love making people laugh and laughing myself. I’m a lot to handle and we’ll see if people are up for the challenge…” With that he gave an innocent shrug before shooting the camera a playful wink and exiting the interview room.

He had a dinner and small party to night to meet everyone. Dinner first followed by a dance floor under the stars. Time to get settled in before the real party began.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zelda27
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As the limousine pulled up to the mansion Genevieve could not calm her nerves. She had never been in a situation where she'd have to get a man's attention. She never even imagined she would be in a situation where she'd have to compete for a man's attention. The entire thing seemed so bizarre to her. While Eve sat inside of her mind the limousine got closer and closer. Suddenly the door was open and Eve was being helped out of the car, "Thank you." She said with a kind smile before looking at the mansion. This only made her heart beat faster. She quickly diverted her eyes to the ground and took in a deep breath.

Before she knew it she was inside and standing before a camera. She plastered a smile onto her face as she mumbled her introduction. With a sigh the audio tech asked her to speak up. She dealt with bad audio before while editing and Eve mentally slapped herself for being so quiet. She took in a deep breath and spoke louder and maybe with a tad bit more confidence, "Hello my name is Genevieve Jennings. But, uh, you can for sure call me Eve for short. My name is a tad bit elegant. I blame my parents," She laughed softly, but it sounded nervous, "I'm 24 years old, and I have lived in London since I graduated from college. I work for a post-production company as their lead editor for projects. I'm here to meet new people, experience new things, and hopefully find someone I can be with for at the very least a long time. My hobbies include reading, watching movies, editing videos, and listening to music. I guess thats all there is to me? I don't know. Ya'll will learn more about me as the show progresses I suppose." Finally the signal for cut was put her way. She felt like she was going to fall or something. Her legs felt like jelly.

She flashed another smile towards the kind man that had helped her out of the limo and was shown her room. Once entering she tried not to look at the other girl before putting her stuff on her bed. With yet another deep breath she smiled at the girl, "Hi! I'm, uh, Genevieve or Eve for short. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand for the girl to shake. Her words felt rushed and stupid. Eve wished she could slap herself again. This was likely to happen often because Eve doubted she'd be able to not embarrass herself for a while.

Angelia stepped gracefully out of the limousine as if the cameras were already watching her every move. After being escorted inside she assumed a sickly sweet smile and spoke to the camera, "Hello everyone! My name is Angelia Chryssa. But my friends call me Angel. I hope that all of you become my friends so that can be the name you call me! My hobbies include riding horses, surfing the web, and doing makeup. My career, and my passion, is being a makeup artist. I hope that the bachelor can see past just my makeup to the person I am inside. Thank you to everyone and I look forward to being a part of this epic love story!" She waved goodbye as the camera turned off. She kept the sickly sweet smile on her face as she was escorted to an empty room with two beds in it. Before the man could leave she looked at him. Her smile had disappeared, "We share rooms? in this mansion...we have to share rooms with girls that want to claw our eyes out? Thats...interesting." She scoffed as she put her stuff on her bed and the man left.

Jenny attempted to contain her excitement as the limo pulled up to her temporary home. She had to remain calm and composed in order to make it through. So she sucked all of her nerves and excitement in before exiting the limo. She was brought inside the mansion and instructed to stand before a camera. She did as she was told and began to speak, "Hello! My name is Jenny Morreson. My hobbies include playing board games with the family, designing clothing, and playing video games. I'm a fashion consultant at a magazine in London! I hope to fall in love while I'm here so fingers crossed!" she crossed her fingers for show before the camera cut off. She was then escorted to her room. A girl already stood there. Jenny instantly felt small next to her tall build. Jenn could already tell this girl was some major competition.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

“How’s everyone doing?” Gray asked as Andy ventured into his room.

“Everyone’s getting settled in. Should be an interesting group, different looks, different personalities; should make for a fun show and hopefully you’ll find something…” Andy shifted slightly on his feet before shoving the camera man out the door and shutting it behind him.

“What?” Gray asked innocently even though he knew exactly what Andy was going to ask. “Look I know you’re wondering why she’s here…”

“That is exactly what I’m wondering. You really think having a plant in the show is a good idea?”

“It’s a great idea!” Gray said in an enthusiastic whisper so that the camera man wouldn’t hear anything no matter how hard he tried. “Most girls are never themselves when a man is around. If anyone’s going to know who they truly are it’s going to be Rach. She’ll be there learning who they really are and if someone’s actually honest with me I’ll know, if they’re full of shit, I’ll know that one too.” Gray tied his tie smoothly before turning to his friend. “I do intend on taking this seriously Andy and I want to walk away with this either having a lot of fun or having a lot of fun and having someone I can really see myself with.”

“Gray…” Andy said with a sigh, “Just don’t take it too far….”

“When have I ever taken it too far…” Gray held up his hand rather quickly. “On second thought don’t answer that. I get your point but I’m also here to have a good time, it’s my first vacation from responsibilities in I don’t know how long. I’m going to enjoy it while I can.” With that the two men left the bedroom and proceeded to the dining room.

The elegant dining room had a welcoming feel and showed off the classiness of his family… yes his parents bought this house for him as a gift and arranged it too. Sure it’s missing a lot of components Gray would use for his daily life and routine but he’ll fix that as soon as everyone’s gone. But he couldn’t argue that his mother had a wonderful taste in furniture. Taking a seat at the table, the waiter poured him a glass of wine and he sat back in his seat relaxing and gazing out the window over the forest scene in front of him. It was peaceful and quiet now before anyone else arrived and he took a moment to breathe before others showed up. This was nice, very nice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelda27
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rachel took Eve's hand with a smile a shook it, "The names Rachel. Suppose its nice to meet ya!" She took her hand away and turned back to her bags, "So whats your story?" Time to start doing her job.

Genevieve could already tell that maybe this girl wouldn't be so bad. She also didn't want to naively stumble into a situation where she was too kind to her competition. She unzipped her suitcase and began placing her things in the dresser, "Well. My best friend unknowingly signed me up for this. I have no idea how she got away with it, but oh well." She smiled softly, "Now I guess I'm happy that shes a little crazy. This seems like it'll be a good experience."

"Hmm." Rachel said, "Sounds like my kinda person." She continued to unpack with a little silence, "Whatchya gonna wear to the dinner thing tonight?" She asked after finishing her unpacking.

"I, uh, don't actually know. I have a few dresses, but I'm not sure just how dressed up we should be. Do you think its formal or just semi-cas/formal?" Eve asked as she searched through her dresses. Maybe a simple black lace dress would suffice. She pulled it out and held it up, "What do you think?"

"Its definitely my color. Its not to flashy either. Fucking go for it. I'm just gonna wear what I'm wearing now because fuck appearances, right?" She shrugged with a chuckle as she watched Eve study the dress.

"Wish I could say the same, but skinny jeans and a tee doesn't exactly scream fashion forward. Didn't realize we'd be filming something right as we got here and I didn't want to travel in uncomfortable stuff." She disappeared into the closet and slipped on the dress. It hugged her curves in a good way. Eve walked back out into the bedroom.

"Whats your story?" Eve asked realizing she hadn't asked the girl much questions. She sat down on her bed and slid on some black heels.

"Just a bunch of bullshit. I like the dress." Rachel said, quickly diverting the conversation back to Eve.

"Thanks." She smiled softly, "I guess I'm ready. What about you?"

"Lets get this party started!" Rachel said with a touch of excitement in her voice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As if hearing the yelling from the other side of the house, Gray smirked as he observed his glass of wine. Something told him, deep down that this was going to be a lot of fun.

The first set of ladies to arrive was Gabbie and Krisi. Gray sat down his glass and rose up from his seat with an elegant grace. “Hi, I’m Gray.” The two seemed stunned at his gentle demeanor as he took each of their extended hands and kissed the back of it gently. He then escorted them to their seats and pulled out the seat for each of them. The three of them chatted as Gray stayed standing waiting for the other women to arrive. It wouldn’t surprise him if they came down in pairs but judging by the actions of the two in front of him; there was no conflict yet.

“So what’s happening after dinner?” Krisi asked with a sense of excitement in her voice as the waiter poured her a glass of wine.

“Oh yes, from what I hear they’ll be serving drinks outside next to the pool for a night time party with music and dancing and of course, star gazing.” Gray said with a nod as he leaned against an unoccupied chair.

“Do you like the stars?” Gabbie asked spinning her wine in her glass as if she was holding something she had never experienced before. Something told her that she’d be walking into a lot of things she wasn’t used to since she was the youngest of the show.

“I do, a long night laying on a blanket under the stairs makes for a peaceful and relaxing time….”

“Not to mention romantic,” Krisi said softly, staring up at Gray with a twinkle in her eye as she sips the wine in a knowledgeable fashion.

“I suppose it could be romantic when you’re with the right person.” Gray responded with a cheeky grin causing Krisi giggle uncomfortably and Gabbie to shoot her a dirty look. Oh sparks are flying and not in a romantic way as the two women seemed to share glares of distrust towards each other. As the glare down continued, Gray’s eyes turned to the doorway hearing footsteps coming.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zelda27
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Maybe the heels weren't such a fantastic idea. Genevieve could barely walk in them and there was this remarkable pain shooting up her body from the base of her foot. Each step brought another grimace until her foot felt completely numb. She almost breathed a sigh of relief as the two arrived at the dining room. A dining room meant chairs. Chairs meant getting pressure off of her suffocating feet. As they got closer they saw two more girls ahead of them. Each stunning in their own right. One was as tall as a model and the other made up for her meager size with very tall heels.

Genevieve briefly wondered how the hell she walked in those things. It wasn't until Rachel replied with a, "Who fucking knows. Some girls are crazy as hell," that Genevieve realized she had verbally expressed her thoughts on the girl's attire.

Angelica was so far hating her roommate. Maybe it was because the girl was fracking gorgeous. Or maybe it was because the pitiful thing was nothing but smiles and sweet comments. The bitch had all of these redeeming qualities that Angelica found puke worthy. It was jeopardizing her chances with the handsome Bachelor and that pissed her off. She had decided on a slightly revealingblack dress that showed off her chest and skyhigh black heels to start off with first impressions. Her makeup was flawless as per usual. If she couldn't handle her own makeup how could she handle other's?

Angelica and Jenny arrived in the dinning room with Rachel and Genevieve closely following. All four of them tried to crowd in and say hi to the bachelor. Of course, Angelica pushed her way through to make it there first, "Hello! Well aren't you handsome." She winked at him, "I'm Angelica, but please just call me angle."

Behind her Genevieve resisted the urge to roll her eyes. This woman was trying way to hard.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The aggressive raven haired girl caused Gray to jerk his head back in a hint of surprise as she nearly threw herself at him in order to be able to greet him. “Oh, well thank you---” Before he could say anything more Angelica cut him off; beginning to blabber about how great it was to get out of the city, how lovely the house was and all that stuff. “Yes I---” Again he was cut off by more of her talking. His brown gaze flicked over Angelica to look at Rachel who was wearing the annoyed face that he was feeling inside.

It took him longer than he was hoping to convince Angelica to sit down and shut up so he could continue on with the other women. He then found himself face to face with Jenny, who seemed a bit distant compared to Angelica who was completely in his face. “I’m Jenny Morreson,” Gray gave her a genuine smile before taking her hand and cupping it within his. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Jenny I’m Gray.”

“Are you enjoying Great Britain?” Jenny asked causally which caused Gray to return a nod to her, feeling much more relaxed talking to her compared to Angelica who seemed to love talking herself.

“You know I haven’t gotten a chance to see much of it outside of a plane ride and a car drive but I’m enjoying it thus far. I can’t wait to see more of it.” He finished the conversation before pulling out Jenny’s chair and sitting her down. Next was…

“What’s up?!” Rachel said in a loud voice. “Pound it!” At that she offered Gray a small fist, unknown to the world except Andy who was doing his best not to laugh behind the camera men; that was how Rachel and Gray typically greeted each other.

Gray, doing his best not to laugh though his shoulders were shaking, responded by giving her a fist bump and watched her explode it, though he didn’t join her like he normally would. “I’m Gray.” He said with a beaming smile, having a familiar friend here certainly made things easier on him.

“I’m Rachel Watson, I’m the lead singer of the band --- Oh right, and I can’t say that without it getting censored. Fuck; oh right, they’ll censor my cursing too… oh well I don’t give a shit. I’m me and what do you expect?” With that she turned a nasty look to the camera as if disapproving their censoring before looking back at Gray. “What do you do?”

“Oh I’m a software engineer; I’m currently working on a program that will help hospitals diagnose patients based on gathered information and research. It will be a continuous updating system linked to research facilities around the world… well those around the world who wish to participate. I haven’t been turned down by any companies as of yet.”

This was new news to Rachel’s eyes went wide in shock as she ran a small hand through her short spiky black hair. “Well shit, you’re busy as hell aren’t you?”

“Not really busy, I’m good at spacing out my time when it comes to important matters but I am passionate about my work and love to tinker.”

“Fuck man, glad you’re working for good instead of evil. Not to mention you’re doing so much to help others, that’s kick-ass.” A nod moved her head as she took the seat that Gray had pulled out for her, sitting directly to his right.

Then Gray turned his attention to the last girl. “Hello.” His voice trailed slightly, he didn’t expect to turn around and find the last woman in a nice nude illusion style dress with such stunning eyes. Another genuine smile moved across his face as he took her right hand and gently kissed the top of it. “I’m Gray, Gray Yin; and you are?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zelda27
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Genevieve stood behind everyone as they introduced themselves. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes at Angelica(Or Angel as she kindly put it). Even if she would never admit it she was already extremely jealous of Jenny. She seemed perfect with her sweet personality and beauty. A small green monster manifested itself inside of Eve. She doubted that this would be the last time that she felt such a thing during the course of the competition and it scared her that she could feel such a thing. Then again, it was a common human emotion, and she was not crazy for feeling it.

As Rachel talked to him she did not hold back and it definitely made Eve suppress the urge to laugh. She knew that she liked Rachel regardless of their status as competitors. She didn't want their conversation to end, but such a thing was inevitable and it scared Eve. Her eyes glanced over at the camera crew within the room and the butterflies grew insistent. She knew what it was like to be behind the camera, but she had never had the desire to be in the front of it. Unfortunately, now she was one of the stars.

Then he was talking to her and saying hello in such a gentlemanly manner. The butterflies grew stronger. Eve's cheeks broke out in a blush as he kissed her hand. She smiled softly, "Hello!" she said. Maybe that was to enthusiastic? She had no idea how to act. However, she needed to get her act together if she was to catch this man's eye over the gorgeous Angelica, gentle Jenny, and crazy(in a good way) Rachel that had been introduced in front of her. She hadn't even seen the two other girls' introduction and that was even scarier: she did not know how they acted in front of Gray.

"I'm Genevieve." She said with a semi-confident smile. As soon as she had her hand back she brought it up to her hair and moved the flyaways behind her ear. She made sure to look directly into Gray's eyes because she knew the good part of her was her eyes. Might as well use their beautiful shade of blue to her advantage somehow, "Its really nice to meet you, Gray." She gulped.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EasilyAmused
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EasilyAmused Senior Role Player / Always Hunting

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Her face turned pink and Gray couldn’t hide his small smirk. She seemed nervous or excited about the fact that he kissed the back of her hand. Funny, gentlemanly gestures were so rare this day-and-age that doing a simple kiss was enough to get a girl to twinge. Hm… maybe he should try it on the other girls. “The pleasure’s all mine.” He said with a nod as he let her hand go. For a moment he felt himself lost in her beautiful blue eyes. He had always had a thing for girls with blue eyes; and she was no different, it wasn’t like him to get speechless for a moment but he did recompose himself.

“Please have a seat.” Like the other girls, he pulled out her chair for her and helped her sit down. Unlike the other girls and even a shocker to Rachel, he placed Genevieve to his right. The look that Rachel shot him said that she was under the impression that that’s where she was going to sit but the look she got in response was a simple ‘no’. There were a few reasons to this; one was that Genevieve was the last to arrive; a second thing was that he didn’t want to make Rachel a target for insults/hate and lastly, it was the easiest spot. “So ladies, please tell me about yourselves.”

With that, he let the girls go on their own terms.

Angelica spoke up first. “I’m a makeup artist, one of the best in the business.” Her rambling began and Gray soon lost interest.

Gray cut Angelica off after about five minutes of her talking non-stop and turned the attention to Gabbie. “Oh me.” She said, a little surprised that he would pick her out of the rest of the women. “Well I work in a small café in downtown London. I’ve been there for a few years and really enjoy what I do. I know a lot about tea but I make a good coffee.” When Gray asked if she could make a mocha coffee, her eyes brightened and she tucked some blue hair. “I’d be happy to make you one, we’ll have to get up early and have some coffee and watch the sun rise.”

At that Gray gave her a nod with an honest smile. “That sounds perfect.” Well that was a good response. He then turned his attention to Rachel who proceeded to talk about her band just to make the hard on the editing men. Gray did his best not to laugh, hiding behind his wine most of the time before eating the salad they brought out as the appetizer. His chocolate eyes gazed over the women as they eat and listened to Rachel go on and on; some seemed to be unsure of just how relaxed they could be around him. Half the women were cutting up the lettuce into much smaller pieces without placing their elbows on the table, while others seemed a lot more relaxed about it. It just so happened that the first time he breathed a word about what he does as a job and just how much he actually makes was with talking to Rachel; that either created excitement or nervousness. And he wasn’t all that surprised.

Krisi popped up next to speak when Rachel finished, elegantly pushing her empty salad plate forward to indicate that she was done. “I’m a banker at one of the largest banks in London. We work very closely with the royal family and a lot of other high ranking people through the United Kingdom. But outside of my job I love cooking, reading and dancing.”

“Oh you like to dance?” Gray said with a hint of surprise in his voice as he pushed his plate forward as well.

Krisi’s face brightened as she nodded a bit more enthusiastically. “Yes, I grew up ball room dancing but I moved to swing, salsa than tango. It’s very fun and lively, especially when you have a good partner.” At that her eyes batted in the direction of Gray as the plates were removed from the people who had finished their salads. “Maybe we can dance some time.”

“I will admit to not knowing the tango.” Gray said with a nod, “But I know the waltz like the back of my hand, swing is really fun and I know the basics of salsa to get me by. So we’ll have to make time to do that.” At that he gave her a grin before waiting for someone else to speak up.
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