Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Part 1 - Chapter 1 - Conformity and The Weird

The window view to the office showed the side of a mountain – the Eastern face of a crater so impossibly high, or impossibly deep as a result of a meteorite crash aeons ago. The outpost provided suitable coverage from radio frequency and from plain-sight; they were practically invisible. A tunnel was bored from the South face of the crater, its road connecting to an intricate network of roads in the encampment within. A side-road – a vein, if you will – connected the office to the central headquarters – the heart of the facility. This sector was Logistics.

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Name: Agent Dioxide

Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 2:30 am

Daily Report #200

The target was Gershwin May. Despite her prominence amongst the law and school community, extraction was supposed to be procedural and swift – many political figures alike have suffered a similar fate in the past and this should not have been any more difficult.

Extraction, however, proved difficult. Orders were given to exercise extreme caution, with our intelligence officers warning of avoiding direct confrontation at all costs and “making sure we do not injure her.”

Tranquilizer darts, heavy nets, and smokescreen grenades were prepared for the objective. Our sniper had secured a high-ground spot to fire the tranquilizer dart. It was due to force majeure – a shift in clouds letting the sunlight reflect from the sniper rifle’s lens – that the target was able to move away. The dart grazed her arm: the worst case scenario had come to be.

We incurred severe public property and personal and tactical equipment damage. Many ground team soldiers were injured, and there were 12 casualties – 5 of which were pedestrians.
File #1

In the Central Headquarters Science, Research and Development Division

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 3:16 am

Analysis Report – Subject 29(1)

Huge progress will be made now with the successful capture of Gershwin May.

Our previous 28 subjects are all deceased. Our research methods have always been for the sake of progress and our goal was always to understand these… higher beings. Because of their endowment we were never going to be certain what their limits were, how much we can exert, how much we can really find out about them.

Now with Gershwin… we may finally unlock the secret to these beings.

The only reason we were given this opportunity was because of the limits of the Subject’s condition:

We were fearful that the tranquilizer dart was going to work in the first place. It was in fact serendipitous that the sniper had missed – I am never going to complain about cloudy days ever again. Field reports showed that upon the ground team entering Gershwin’s room, a faint red glow emanated from where the dart had grazed her.

She literally clawed her way through the heavy nets fired at her. Weapons went live and she was absolutely riddled with bullet-holes and she went down. However, as extrapolated from the soldiers’ radio-logs, she got back up ‘like a fucking zombie, man.’ It was after she had evaded (‘fought her way through’ cannot describe the unspeakable damage she did) the ground-team, running ‘like fucking Usain Bolt’ into the forest that Air recon found her, collapsed, unconscious, and the wounds she had sustained that would have killed 20 humans over had healed dramatically.

The reported damage and casualties prove one hypothesis: that Gershwin May is empowered by her wounds – perhaps through her pain. Projections predict her enhanced strength allowed her to lift 25 tons, run at 80 kilometres per hour. After a period of ‘Craze’, she settles down into unconsciousness to rest and heal. The faint red glow is linked to how her wounds do not kill her immediately and miraculously imbues her with abilities.

Further research is required. She is now held in constraints so strict and tough, it would give Houdini a run for his money. Any pain whatsoever must be prevented, but pain has to be administered to study her. This will prove difficult.

But science will prevail.
File #2

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Name: Agent Caits
Date and time: 8/3/2016 O200

Daily Report #201

They say nothing good happens after two am. They say that shadows are powerful after 2am, where a majority of the population is asleep. It was thought that the target, Cody O'Niel would be one of them, and unprepared for our capture. This assumption proved incorrect, as the subject, alerted by the crash of a agent stumbling over a dog.

In previous statements, it has been said that the subject does have extra ordinary senses, however it was thought that they were no more then any one who has inadequate sight. This assumption proved to be wrong, as even the small noise of our breathing seemed to alert the subject to our presence, proving once more how valuable this subject may be.

Extraction therefore proved difficult. Even slight movement seemed to cause the subject to react, and the problem of the puppy proved even more problematic. The subject appeared to know where an attempt to capture him was coming from, and his eyes seemed to glow, unnerving the agents sent to capture him.

Injuries are thought to be minimal, even as the subject lashed out, and fought for escape. Despite his rage, the worst injury suffered was a broken harm, and the damage to property was insignificant. In the end, the subject was taken in as capture was finally conducted.

Subject transferred to secure facility.
file #3

In the Central Headquarters Science, Research and Development Division

Date and time: 8/3/2016 0330

Analyse Report-subject 30

The capture of Cody O'Niel will, undoubtedly, bring about huge progress in senses. All previous subjects have proven to be insignificant in this area. What will the subject limits be? How far can the subject hear? What are the limits to his abilities, the strengths and weaknesses? All these questions, their answers could give has an incredible insight into these higher beings.

It is clear that capture was only effective because the subject does not know his own abilities. Is this because he hasn't had a chance, or because he hasn't sought to develop them? Either way, we will be testing him beyond his limits, to seek out just what he can do. The lack of damage to people and structures proves that perhaps the subject's abilities are not dangerous, but rather his heightened senses prove him more dangerous. The subject appears to noticing even the slightest of sounds, and seems to suffer at the touch of even the slightest rough material.

The subject appears aware of where personal are, staring at individuals until something else catches his attention. His eyes glow from time to time. It was thought during the capture that this was a trick of the light, that due to his pale eyes this was merely a figment of imagination, but this has proven to not be true. His eyes do glow.

Subject currently appears passive, quite solitarily and content. There are times where it seems that the subject appears distressed, but there has not been any attempt of escape. Subject will be watched, but not restrained as this will, it is believe, distress the subject. If forced, the subject will be restrained. Until that time, if the subject is willing to co-operate we are willing to allow him some level of freedom.

After all, friendliness may bring about more answers the imprisonment.
file #4
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 5:00 p.m.

Transcript - Radio-log #1

4:57 (Cobra): Seagull ready?

4:57 (Seagull): In position – I have her in my sights.

4:58 (Cobra): Good. Standby. Remember, no direct confrontation and no injuries.

4:58 (Gerbil): Why not? Just shoot her with our tranqs, bam bam, gone!

4:59 (Cobra): HQ said no injuries. We move in on 5. Get ready.

The clouds have provided shade against the setting Sun, and ample coverage for Seagull to fire a perfect shot. A sudden gale shifted the clouds and glare from the sniper’s lens reflected to the Target’s room. The dart missed and grazed her arm.

5:00 (Seagull): Miss. Say again, Miss.

5:00 (Cobra): Move in, move in. No injuries!

5:01 (Cobra): Don’t move!

Who are you people!?

Heavy nets were fired, suppressing the Target.

5:01 (Gerbil): Boss, her arm’s glowing! Wait, what the fuck!?

Sharp tearing sounds as the nets were ripped apart. Gunfire followed.

5:01 (Cobra): Stop firing! Cease fire!

5:02 (Gerbil): Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!

5:02 (Rhino): The fuck is going on up there?

5:03 (Cobra): Stay in position. Target… is neutralized.

5:03 (Gerbil): Why… is she glowing red…?


5:05 (Hamster): WHAT THE FUCK!

A ghastly feral scream was heard.

Run away…

Gunshots and deathly screams took over the frequency.

5:08 (Rhino): What the fuck is going on up there?!



5:10 (Rhino): Cobra! Cobra! Respond, what is going on!?

5:11 (Gerbil): He’s fucking dead! MOTHER OF GOD

A crunch sound was heard. Cries of agony ended as soon as they began.

5:12 (Rhino): Gerbil! Hamster! Cobra! Sweet Jesus. Alright, team, let’s –

The fire escape door flew from its frame.


A feral howl so hideous and stomach-curling was heard.

5:14 (Rhino): Rhino to Nest! Rhino to Nest! We need backup now!

5:15 (Nest): Rhino, say again – unreadable – please say again.

5:15 (Rhino): Target’s heading to the forest! Send air recon there! OH GOD-

A ripping sound, followed by the sound of gushing blood.


Radio transmission terminated.
File #5

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Name: Agent Dioxide
Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 3:00 a.m.

Daily Report #202

Today is a huge accomplishment- the capture of two super-powered beings. Gershwin May and Codey O’Niel. The two could not be any more different, but they are valuable to us. Their captures were practically done simultaneously that Agent Caits and I had conflicting entry inputs for our reports.

Collaborate teamwork with her is perhaps the next item on the ever-growing agenda. I’ll send an email to the higher-ups to confirm.
File #6

From: Agent Dioxide
To: Agent Caits

Hey, congrats on the leading the capture on Codey O’Niels. I’m looking to establish our teams together for their eventual experimentation – I’m talking fieldwork, outdoor runs; the like.

Send me the file on Codey, and let’s talk soon.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Transcript 1 With Subject 30

Date and time:08/03/2016, 0400

Subject appeared restless, and out of sorts. Subject initiated contact with his attendant, this is the conversation between the two.

Subject 20: Excuse me, could I trouble you for a drink of water? My throat is very dry

Attendant: I'm really not suppose to leave you

Subject 30: Oh. That's okay, I guess. I wouldn't want you to get in trouble

Attendant: Well...it is just down the hall...I could run there and back in a few seconds, but if you even think about trying anything, alarms will go off

Subject 30: Oh, I wouldn't try anything. I wouldn't get far if I did, anyway, and what would be the point of that?


There is a pause in the conversation, presumably as the attendant retrieved water for the subject. Subject appears polite, well mannered and does not appear to be too worried about what is going on.

Subject 30: Oh, thank you! I don't think I could have put up with the dry throat!

Attendant: Well...Ah, if you can just leave the glass when you are done, it should be alright.

Subject 30: Of course. Do you know when I'll be able to get out, stretch my legs a little?

Attendant: I don't know. Someone will be around in the morning, so you'd be better to rest. Shift changes in a couple of hours.

Subject 30: Alright. I might try to sleep some, thank you for the water again. I'll just slip the glass through the bars, okay? There you go

This appears to be the end of the conversation. Subject 30 appears to be cooperative, and seems to accept what is happening to him. Iss this some way of getting under the guard of watchers and handlers? It would be wise to never have the same handler in the same 24 hour period, and all should be warned to be on the look out for anyway the subject might seek to escape.
file #8

Cody O'Niel set the glass down, and gave an almost shy smile to the the woman watching him, and resumed the lying position he had been in before asking for water. He closed his eyes, and slowed his breathing over a period of time, as if he was falling asleep. internal log, some damn time in the morning, who knows in here? They appear to want something from me, no doubt interested in what I can do. What can I do? Perhaps this would be a time to find out, but how can I do so, imprisoned like this.

Can I manage to trick them, to make it seem like I am willing? Already taking some steps in that direction, but how long will it take? Am I the only one here? Can I escape, and if so, can I find anyone else here? What exactly is happening, here? I should sleep, who knows what they will do to me after all. Got to keep my strength up, but it's just so damn noisy here.

I hope Moe is alright, poor courageous puppy.

Name: Agent Caits
Time and Date: 08/03/2016, 0315

Daily Report-203

What can be said about today's efforts? Two higher beings captured, almost at the same time. There hasn't been a successful capture like this in all the time I have been here. Gershwin May and Cody O'Niel will be, if they can withstand the testing, valuable assets to the project. Perhaps this means teamwork, means working with Agent Dioxide, as surely will be required after this successful event.

And that email notification must, of course, be from Agent Dioxide.
File #9

From: Agent Caits
To: Agent Dioxide

Hello, Congratulations are also in order for you, although you appeared to have had more trouble with Gershwin then I did with Cody. No doubt that is to be expected, given that these subjects appear to be as different from each other as fire and Ice.

Given the success of this, working together might just give us more answers, then questions. So we will talk, and discuss how best to work together.
file #10
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Cell 29 - Central Headquarters Science, Research, and Development Division

Gershwin awoke in tears and sweat. Was all that real? What happened to those people? What kind of …thing could do that? What kind of thing would do that…?

Why was she seeing all this? Were these nightmares retelling her past lives? Was there even any truth to that? Pangs of guilt and shame came part and parcel after waking up from every horrific dream – but why is it that she could remember every single moment of inflicted and sustained pain but felt none of it when waking up, as if she actually lived it?

This was her fifth nightmare throughout the night. By now she accepted her current state; how is it that a top-honours law student is tied in a straitjacket in a padded room? She screamed for help but no one came – no one came before and she was afraid no one would now. She screamed until her throat hurt. Her voice grew louder and louder – almost unnaturally so. Hopeless, she laid staring at the ceiling. Quite frankly, she welcomed the isolation. Bounded and awake is better than going back to live another dream.

That was more terrifying than anything that awaited her in the real world.

Observation Room

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 0800

Analysis Report – Subject 29(2)

Overnight surveillance crew reported Gershwin having repeated night terrors throughout the early morning. Acoustic measures showed an increase in volume from the Subject’s shouting. With regard to our observation with her, this is due to her damaged throat – a result of irritation from shouting.

This observation is significant and amazing. Her abilities extend beyond just strength, speed, and durability – something we have never seen from our previous subjects. We have to know more about just where and how this works.

It also appears that self-inflicted damage and pain also activates her abilities. We… have to be careful with proceeding with experiments later today.

It pains me that our staff is so few. I have requested for more resources and staff time and time again – The UN thinks this endeavour is less important. “Global Warming” my fat ass.

I will be conducting the preliminary screens on Subject 30 – Cody O’Niel. A seeing blind man? Who would have thought?
File #11

In the Conference Room 2001

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Transcript – Meeting; 8/3/2016

Time – 0830

A large, imposing, heavy-set man entered the Conference Room. At first glance, one would never assume that this man was military – a man whose expertise was knowledge, a thirst as unquenchable as his diet. While no supercomputer, his mind works on a level far above even his superiors. The man is living proof of eidetic memory, an ability so profound it was borderline ‘super powered-being-like’. His amazingness only shadowed by his laziness and stubborn ambition. Nevertheless, he is a senior. They call him ‘ Big Boss

Agent Dioxide, Agent Caits, and Chief Scientist Dr. Baoning were present.

I called you all in here to discuss many things.

First of which, congratulations on the captures of our two new subjects.

Now, of course, the journey is just as important as the destination – which begs the question of ’What the fucking hell do you think you’re doing?

You, $40,000 worth of public property destroyed and 12 casualties – 5 of whom were innocent bystanders. They’re lucky they’re dead otherwise I would have had the soldiers killed anyway for their ridiculous incompetence.

And you, a fucking dog? Shoot the fucking dog. If you knew he was going to detect you anyway, why was there a problem? An unnecessary broken arm thanks to your inability to plan.

None of you two say a fucking word. I only brought Dr. Baoning here to embarrass you two.

You two are my finest agents in this shit-pile of toy soldiers we have – so mishaps like this are magnificently more stupid. You two are supposed to be working together - goodness knows how that'll turn out. Email will be sent later, apparently.

Don't fuck up again.

Get out.
File #12

From: Dr Baoning
To: Agent Caits

Please escort Subject 30 to the SRD Building for his preliminary screening. Please don’t mess this up too.
File #13

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cell 30-Central Headquarters Science, Research, and Development Division

Cody did not sleep. He didn't seem able to let go, to sink into the darkness of restfulness, to his dreams of swirls. Only in dreams could he truly see colours. He kept on thinking he could hear screams. In the end, he resorted to humming, or singing under his breath, a mournful tune, sorrowful and heartfelt, it almost seemed like the tone seeped into the building itself, flowing through it, and echoing around. It was almost as if Cody was singing his soul, and it seemed heartbreaking that a man who could not see beauty truly could capture its essence so simply.

When morning came, and his music had finally died away, it still seemed like the building was echoing the music still, as if it was now embedded within it's bones, and Cody rose, standing to stretch out his body. what do they have in store for me, today? he wondered, narrowing his eyes as if he was in pain, and sighed heavily.

The screams he was sure he had heard during the night bounced around his mind, distressing him, and wondering what had drawn them from their owner. Whoever it was, he hoped they were alright.

Agent Caits found the findings the higher ups had bestowed upon their operations rather unfair. You could, after all, plan for many things-who would have thought that between the hours of last watching the subject and the operation that he would get a damn puppy? As the email came through, Agent Caits made her way to Subject 30's cell.

Name: Agent Caits
Time and Date: 08/03/2016, 0900

Daily Report-204

Subject appeared to be if not well rested, in some ways at piece. Cody did not put up any resistance when escorted to testing, but did show some reluctance to being restrained, indeed he did not seem to tolerate the restraints well, but he did not complain. I wonder if he merely has suffered in silence for years, or if he sees no point in complaining. Unwilling to break protocol, the subject remained restrained until arriving at the testing rooms.

Conversation with subject was recorded and transcribed, and filed correctly.
File 14

Transcript 1 With Subject 30

Date and time:08/03/2016, 0845

Subject appeared to know we were coming for him, and appeared almost resigned to what was coming. Did the subject know what was going to happen? Perhaps he guessed at it.

Subject 30: You were there. You were apart of...bringing me here

Agent Caits: I am Agent Caits, and I am required to take you to testing. You must be restrained. I am coming in, if you even think of attacking me, I will be forced to use extreme force, and trust me, you will not like that.

Subject 30: I said to whoever helped me last night, what would be the point of trying to escape? I am not going to try, as I will not get anywhere.

Subject 30: Do you know what happened to my puppy?

Subject 30: Oh.

Agent Caits: I am putting the restraints on, hold out your hands.

Agent Caits: This way.

Subject 30: What's going to happen to me?

Agent Caits: That is not up to me. Rather, it is up to you. You'd do best to do what you are asked, and to not cause trouble.

Subject 30: That's not much of an answer, rather that's merely common sense, but how can I know you won't harm me anyway? People who harm a puppy don't typically have boundaries.

Silence ensured, and the conversation appeared at an end.
file #15

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 1100

Analysis Report – Subject 30

Subject 30, Cody O'Niel, is indeed quite cooperative. There was no trouble conducting the tests, although the subject appeared to be in distress during the physical testing. Touch seems to cause him pain, even the slightest brush of something against his skin can be stressing to him, yet he did not complain, nor react more beyond wincing.

Rather then cause further distress, blood was taken via a IV drain, as this appeared easier on the subject instead of taken many different vials of blood. Subject appeared calm during this procedure, and not once sought to make difficulties. Blood results showed very little abnormality, however his blood did show signs of light appearance, and had an almost luminescent glow at times. Perhaps this was a trick of the light, yet with the subjects eyes, this is not believe to be so.

What was extremely remarkable about Cody was his hearing. Off the charts, there is no way of measuring just how soft a sound he can hear, oft times it appears he can even hear a heart beating. Some noise during testing that could be anywhere in the building would attract his attention. What implications could this have for example, military? If he can hear as it is believed he can, could we not use this ability for obtaining lintel without the risk to military personal. Imagine the lives that could be saved, and the damage that could be done to the enemy. Especially if the subject is willing, and cooperative. How long, after all, would it take to replicate Cody's abilities? As long as Cody is cooperative, it is believe answers can be found much quicker.

As for his other abilities, he does not seem to even know his own potential. His bone structure is denser, stronger then a normal being, and yet Cody himself appears to be quite light weight, his measurements coming in just under the normal range for someone of his height and age. Is this a way of ensuring he can maintain his use of, presumably, light? Further testing will need to be conducted, as well as to further test his ability to see. It really is quite marvelous. Has he merely adjusted at a faster rate then someone else who is blind, then a normal being? Or is it something else?

Subject appears to have above average intelligence, answering preliminary IQ tests in Superior Range, however it is believed that the subject could even have very Superior test scores, with an assumed IQ score of 150.

Preliminary findings indicate that this subject could be very valuable indeed.
file #16

Cody still felt the effects of what was the testing. the swabs, the needle, the measurements, they all left a mark on him, and made him feel like his skin was irritated. When he was returned to the cell he had been on, there was a different guard. Cody sat, and managed to figure out that there was food for him. Well, at least they weren't going to starve him. he didn't particularly expect the food to taste well.

His first order of business was to sort out the irritation, and when he was sure the attendant was not watching him, he allowed a sheen of light to cover his skin, removing the irritation effectively that he felt better.

Cody was sure that his every move, and approach was being analysed, and he resolved to show nothing that he didn't have to, and to continue being cooperative. If they thought he was giving them what they wanted, would they give him privileges, freedom? He would find out. He just had to show he wasn't a threat to them.

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 1110

Analysis Report – Subject 29

While Subject 30's testing went well, it is expected that Subject 29's will be difficult. Pain is not an option here, as this appears to be a trigger for her abilities. Blood testing may have to be set for a later date, as this could, potentially cause a severe reaction from Gerswhin. .All possible difficulties due to the subjects reactions need to be considered, and safety is essential for personal. Subject will have to be restrained, strongly so, and it is not expected that the subject will be cooperative, as Subject Cody was.

It may be prudent to put the subject to sleep, and if subject proves difficult, this will need to be an option. It will be necessary to have a small team transport the subject, again for safety and to prevent the subject escaping.

It may be necessary to conduct Subject 29's testing in small parts to prevent anything dangerous from happening
file #17

From: Dr Baoning
To: Agent Dioxide

Escort subject 29 to testing. Do not screw this up and ensure you have a small, effective team to transfer the subject.
file #18
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
Avatar of Dioxide

Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Agent Dioxide’s Office

Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 1200

Agent Dioxide used to hope that Big Boss would grow some humanity rather than another five kilograms. He should probably consider the government expenses needed to cover for his expanding waistline, for crying out loud. He worked hard for a job on government salary risking his life and others'. Dioxide thought himself quite the altruist.

Agent Dioxide coordinated the capture and experimentation on nearly half of the previous 28 superpow- no, the term is Anomalies as higher-ups called it. They get rounded up, cut open, and they die before we can get anything out of that. Despite all attempts of unlocking the thing - be it defective gene or contamination of a foreign source, whatever – we still know nothing. This is why Gershwin May is so important for all this.

How else does someone just rise from the dead like the way Gershwin did?

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 1210

Analysis Report – Subject 29(3)

Pain is such a weird thing. What hurts for a little child is nothing to a grown man. It borders from physical pain to psychogenic. To be able to control pain and become empowered instead of refraining from injury… the possibilities are endless…

One could never die.

We’re banking on the assumption that Subject 29’s abilities are derived from pain, and not injury. This is a big gamble considering how closely-knit the two are. A general anaesthesia (I say general; it’s a mighty-fucking powerful anaesthesia) will be induced. Needles must be avoided: we can’t know for sure if a small prick in the skin would make the Subject go berserk. It must be administered without contact – gas.
File #19

Agent Dioxide and a team of five were ordered to administer the anaesthesia through inhalation. The set-up of the cells are such that they are air-tight and have a single, unique air-conditioning unit.

There was a loud struggle, and six full-grown muscle man were delicate to holding her. Gershwin was pinned down, forced to inhale the numbing gas, and she went limp unconscious.

She was delivered to the SRD Building in 1230.

Another nightmare…

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 8/3/2016 – 1300

Analysis Report – Subject 29(4)

Everyone was scared.

Even after she was pseudo-comatose, she was delivered to us in a straitjacket, tied to a gurney with at least three tight straps.

My assistants had to pull down the collar of the jacket, too afraid to loosen her. I had originally wanted to postpone blood-testing until later, until a stroke of genius reminded me of anaesthesia and we proceeded with the preliminary – albeit limited.

Vitals were stable and brain activity was just that – unconscious. We had no reason to be afraid.

The prick of the needle to draw blood must have been what started it off. All monitors emitted a sharp sound that spread through the hitherto tense, silent operation room. We thought nothing of it at first – she hadn’t moved at all.

Then the subject, somehow overcoming the anaesthesia, had another dream. She was barely conscious, yet her wound on her neck had started to glow. It pulsated, as if it were moving along with the blood in her veins. The glowing came from the wound. Bleeding had ceased from a formation that emanated this glow… a phantom copy of what was damaged.

Then she moved. Only slightly, but it was enough to call the whole thing off.

It must be linked to her somewhat acute perception of pain. Body and blood analyses were just as fruitless as Subject 30’s. There must be something in the brain that is doing all this – pain does come as a feeling reactionary to a stimuli. Neuro-imaging is the next step, but this will be even more difficult, and I have never been so afraid in my life:

She will have to be awake.
File #20

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Date and time: 08/03/2016, 1000

recorded transcript between attendant and supervisor

Supervisor: You were assigned to Subject 30 last night?

Attendant: Cody. That's right.

Supervisor: how did the subject appear?

Attendant: Cody did not cause any issues, and only asked for a glass of water. But...during the end of shift Cody began to hum, to sing softly.

Supervisor: the subject sang?

Attendant: yeah...it was such a sad tone...

Supervisor: what is it? What's wrong?

Attendant: nothing...just...I guess it just got to me, that song. Cody did not appear to be unduly stressed. He seems to be quite willing to do what we require, and was not demanding or anything but resigned to the situation. I believe if he is handled carefully, not as a captive, that he could be very willing to help us.

Supervisor: we shall see what happens. You are not rostered for supervising Subject 30, rather you will be assigned to Subject 29. She's certainly not quite
file #21

Agent Caits sat in what was considered her office, not much more then a wide brook closet, and filed with files. She read through what was gathering in Subjects 30 and 29. They could not be more different, and as with previous tests there did not appear to truly be any annolmany as to their higher being state. Subject 29 appeared to be quite troubling, and they were no closer to figuring out how to deal with her then they had been upon capture. Subject 30 was willing, cooperative and had so far caused no problems. His test scores indicated that he was above average in a lot of things, besides being a higher being.

As she read the transcript between the attendant and the supervisor, Agent Caits frowned. Subject 30, humming and singing managed to effect an attendant. Was it an ability, or simply natural talent? The subject did display musical abilities, and had undertaken several appearances in musical events. Possibly natural talent, but nothing could be overlooked.

Drumming her fingers on the desk, Agent Caits made a decision.

From: Agent Caits
To: Agent dioxide

Read the files. What do you think of Subject 30? He seems to have an effect with music. Would this be an idea for subject 29?
file #22

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

From: Agent Dioxide
To: Agent Caits

An idea for what? We don’t even know if Subject 30’s singing had any actual supernatural effect. Even if there had been any, who knows what kind of effects it’ll have on Subject 29?

That’s what it is, really. We cut these people open and we still have nothing to show. Surely we must have learnt something from the other 28 subjects. It can’t be all just red tape; we are responsible for our subjects: we should know.

Listen, I’m going to get some sleep. You should, too. Meet you in the cafeteria tomorrow morning. You and I should talk.
File #23

Movies portray field agents and organization office men as these emotionless, apathetic computers designed to follow orders. The laymen don’t realize that these figures are trained to be that way – ‘emotion clouding your judgment’ and what not. It is a job, after all – the numbers count, not the thought.

Well, Agent Dioxide still had his thoughts, hiding them well under a guise of efficiency and relentless professionalism. Every single Subject under his command had died from irrecoverable damage as a result of constant, invasive, unethical experimentation. Every time, he refused to show remorse and anger, to keep the job that's feeding his family of six and parents who are dangling precariously behind death's door.

There is a dark mysterious zeitgeist going on – a sort of obsessive intrigue for the Anomalies. A glorified, misjudged way of eliminating the outstanding, conforming away from … the Weird. This is more than just “research” - not with this way of operation.

Dioxide has a conscience. 15 of his captures had suffered in horrific ways and the guilt weighing down on his shoulders is becoming too much. The only comforting thought is that they had all died before suffering further. Subject 30 – Cody O’Niel – one of society’s newest and best hopes… will probably die here as well. Subject 29, however… she won’t die – she can’t die – they quite literally cannot have her die or get hurt, but that could mean she would never, ever, leave this facility.

No more deaths, and no more suffering.

In Big Boss’ Office

Dr. Baoning was called in to see Big Boss. The man himself barely moves unless on his way for some food, and even then that happens rarely. The office was pungent with greasy, takeaway food, and filthy and grimy with wastes, wrappers and empty soda cans. Eating is not allowed in the other offices – suppose the central office let him have that right out of necessity.

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Transcript – Meeting; 9/3/2016

Time: 0015

Dr. Baoning: You wanted to see me?

Big Boss: Yes. Sit.

Dr. Baoning: Did you get any sleep?

Big Boss: I don’t sleep.

Big Boss: Well?

Dr. Baoning: We have found nothing significant nor conclusive in their vitals, sir. Subject 30 is willing to cooperate but I doubt we will be able to find much again like the other 28. Subject 29 – we can’t even touch her and her being awake is a danger we cannot afford to risk.

Big Boss: Subject 29 does not know herself that she is an anomaly. She will be cooperative because she will be afraid of us. Continue your research, and employ the heaviest of restraints.

Subject 30 is hiding something. I watched the surveillance footage of Subject 30’s cell. Light emanated from his skin. Play along with him.

Have the two scheduled for neuro-imaging later today.

Dr. Baoning: Would that be all, sir?

Big Boss: I have enough brainpower to operate as ten different specialists at the same time. I assume you have just barely enough to operate as one. Use your head, fool. Get out.
File #24

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Perhaps Agent Caits was reaching. She wanted answers, she knew they all did. She was tired of losing subjects. Agent Caits was known for being cautious, but sometimes she knew you had to be rash. So far, they had never paired subjects up, and if something could be done to find answers, shouldn't they try? Everything else had failed.

Drumming her fingers once mere, she respond.

From: Agent Caits
To: Agent Dioxide

Fine. I'll meet you later, then.

It was short, and terse, and while Agent Caits knew she should sleep, she didn't for a while, looking through the files again, looking for someway of keeping the subjects alive, of finding answers that didn't result in her having to track down another higher being and condemning them to death.

Cody once more stayed awake for hours, watching his attendant, a new one this time, watching him. It was kind of like a stand off. The young Man, his pale eyes shining, never once looked away from his attendants eyes, effectively causing the attendant to be a little bit uneasy. Cody gave a small start after a while, as if he had only just realised he was staring, and glanced away, almost shyly.

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and time: 09/03/2016 0010

Transcript between Subject 30 and Attendant

Subject 30: I'm sorry, I didn't realise I was staring. Didn't mean to put you ill at ease.

Attendant: It's okay, I imagine it's hard for you to know when you are.

Subject 30: Oh, no. I just didn't realise I was watching you so intently. Eyes glow, you see.

Attendant: Uh...no....No, I don't.

Subject 30: Oh, well, Light is fascinating. It's everywhere. You just have to look for it. Some lights are brighter then others. Yours....Yours appears faint. I...I'm sorry...that generally means...death is close.

Attendant: What are you talking about?

Subject 30: I told you. Light. Don't worry, you'll see it soon.

Attendant: And what is that supposed to mean?

Subject 30: Just what it means.

Further attempts by the attendant to promote conversation appeared fruitless.

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 09/03/2016, 0630

Analyses report-Subject 30

Subject 30 is an interesting subject indeed. He seems quite logically, yet last nights conversation with the attendant shows that he might not be truly stable. Still, he has seemed to give us some insight of how he can see. It appears the subject has abilities that revolve around light, something previously indicated. However, it appears these abilities with light enable to subject to see, perhaps not truly, but perhaps in the absence or presence of light.

Perhaps we will find some more answers with the neuro-imaging. Agent Caits will escort the subject to these tests.

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

transcript between Agent Caits and Subject 30

Subject 30: So I'm in for more testing, Agent?

Agent Caits: No doubt. I'll be putting the restraints on again.

Subject 30: Whatever you have to do, Agent.


Subject 30: You're breathing is a bit fast, and your heart beat is a little bit off rhythm. What's wrong?

Agent Caits: Nothing. Tell me, since you are in the mood for questions, just how can you see, when you are blind?

Subject 30: Oh. Well, it's kind of hard to explain, really. Basically...it's about light and shadows. Eyes glow. The body doesn't, not really. Nor does objects. Space glows. I don't see colours. I see different shades of...light> I can't tell you the actually colours, cause I don't know what they are.

Agent Caits: Why do your eyes glow, and why does your skin, sometimes?

Subject 30: I imagine that's because I'm actively looking. I don't know. Not really. As for my skin, well, call it a defense. Touch irritates me, and if I went around irritated all the time, well...I don't think it would be good, for anyone. Allowing my skin to glow burns away the irritation.

Agent Caits: So it's like healing?

Subject 30: Not that I know off, it merely...burns a layer of skin off I guess. I don't know anything more about my abilities then you do, and probably less, to be honest. I know that you have calmed, some what. I know that I can hear the machines buzzing where you are taking me. I know that half way across the building someone has just dropped a pen or pencil. I know that somewhere, something is burning. Perhaps coffee. It smells like coffee. I know that these restraints are almost burning my skin with their weight and feel. Do I really have to wear them?

Agent Caits: Yes, you do. Until I am told otherwise, I cannot break protocol.

Subject 30: That's okay. Thank you for escorting me.
file #28

Troubled by her conversation with Cody, Agent Caits made her way to the cafeteria, running it over in her mind. She grabbed a table, expecting that she was early, and prepared herself to wait for Agent Dioxide.

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and time: 09/03/2016, 0900

Analyses report-subject 30

They say we only use 10 percent of our brain. We have often wondered if these higher beings use more then 10 percent. Certainly there is cause for belief in that-the rumor sensitives, the emphatic abilities those that work in healthcare or in places that depend empathy for the harshness that the jobs involve. Are they higher beings? Do they use more of their brain?

Subject 30, Cody O'Niel, gave us no trouble as we conducted the neuro imaging. This had to be repeated two times, as there were some abnormalities in the results, this being bright spots, presumably light, that came from the subject himself. The result on the third try showed less anomalies then the first two, and we were able to get a clear image.

Cody's result certainly proves that he does indeed use more then 10 percent of his brain, normal imaging is displayed, along with other areas of the brain showing activity.

As instructed, we were to look for any marks on the subject produced by our previous testing of the subject the day before. Curiously, there were none. The IV site of the blood transfusion was no longer there. Does the subject have increased healing, or is this a result of his light abilities? It will be hard to prove this, as indicated by previous files, the subject can use his abilities to, theoretically, destroy skin cells.

If this is the case, can the subject heal more serious wounds? Accessing the subjects medical files will be imperative to proving this.
file #29
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The United Nations Anomalies Research Mission is a joint task force collaborated by every nation around the world. Its major obligations are to research humans displaying or assumed to have supernatural, anomalous abilities otherwise inconceivable by ordinary man for the purposes of scientific advancements, and in the case of risks and crises, prevention and protection.

The establishment was initiated in 1990, after the discovery of the first Anomaly: a woman who could fly. Catherin Winters was an ordinary female who showed no history of contagion, infection, enhancements, nor spontaneous mutations. Scientists point to the neuro-psychological aspect as the source of her ability but due to the limitation of technology at the time, no progress was made.

The world is unaware of the rising number of Anomalies. Extreme scrutiny and major resources are spent to cover up stories and evidence of sightings of Anomalies. Several defiant, belligerent, psychotic Anomalies have also had to be dealt with. The general public does not and should not have to worry or even think about danger of extraordinary kind.

There is a special interest to the phenomenon of the Anomalies – the search and documentation of these special beings is still ongoing to this day. Are they the next evolution? Are they dangerous? Are they gifts of an existing God? Only UNARM can tell.

Logistics Building, Cafeteria.

Date and Time: 9/3/2016 – 0900

Agent Dioxide spotted Agent Caits. He walked over, noting the cameras around them. He never realized that there were so many. You had to know where to look: apertures in holes so small in an otherwise pristine white, the colour of neutrality for the UN. He had never had to worry about them – but now he was taking a serious risk discussing a sensitive issue that would be considered treasonous. He prepared his phone.

‘Good Morning, Agent Caits. I read the files on Subject 30 and he is just as remarkable as the previous.’

He had typed a message on his phone, and laid it on the table facing Agent Caits.

(What do you know about the previous 28 subjects’ deaths?)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and time: 09/03/2016, 0900

Analyses report-subject 30

Accessing the subject's medical files proved simple. Perhaps the absence of any childhood injuries is an indication of the subject's abilities. Perhaps though the subject is merely quite lucky, in that he never received a broken bone, or other such injury, yet what are the chances of that? Perhaps being blind brings about a caution that would otherwise not be there in a child, but there is no indication of any other injuries, no burns, cuts, or anything else.

Indeed the subject does not even appear to have any scars. Further testing, particularly in giving the subject injuries, will serve to prove whether or not he has any sort of healing abilities.

Yet what is perculiar is the subject appeared not to suffer any injuries from the car accident that killed his mother when he was a child. The subjects mother was dead on scene, but the baby was unharmed. Files on the accident were accessed, and it was believed that the child surviving was nothing short of a miracle.

Just when do the higher beings abilities manifest?
file #30

Logistics Building, Cafeteria.

Date and Time: 9/3/2016 – 0900

Setting the phone aside, Agent Caits started writing in a note book, leaving her electronics where they were, knowing even that her movements could be tracked, Agent Caits had her body arranged so that this could be more difficult to do.

"I know that they weren't required" She said, not looking up, choosing her words carefully "I'm tired, Dioxide. We can't afford a screw up with the subjects, can we? We need their cooperation, and for now Cody seems to be. Subject 29, not so much."

She picked up the phone again, pondering for a moment as if reading, before putting it down again, and writing once more I think the subjects became unruly, or were no longer useful, or that they were pushed too far. But we have never seen bodies. What if they are still alive?

"Check that for me, will you? I'm dead useless without spell check" She pushed the notebook towards Agent Dioxide, knowing she could easily destroy the paper.

In his cell once more, Cody leaned against a wall. While he wasn't sure if it was an outside wall or not, the young man could still hear sounds of nature. It pleased him, and he closed his tired eyes. His breathing slowed, and Cody entered the state of sleep he was accustomed to. A whole lot of white, and shadows. And the voices, the numerous voices he...collected.

The voices drifted in and out, never making sense, never staying long, as the light swirled, always avoiding the shadows. Shapes were often seen, but Cody never really saw them. There, as always, was his mothers voice.

So pure. So beautiful.

And it always brought back the few memories he had of her. Now, now...it faded, and Cody woke

He didn't open his eyes, wishing just one more time that he could know his mothers face. His stepmother was wonderful, but...perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, if he didn't have those memories of his mother.

He opened his eyes slowly, humming as he always did after waking the song. It was cheerful, it was bright, and it was peace. It gave Cody hope, that maybe he could...escape.

The humming seemed to echo once more around the cell, and with it light. Three balls of light, bouncing around, bright and happy, as if they were dancing. Cody did not seem aware of them, and he closed his eyes once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Logistics Building, Cafeteria.

Date and Time – 0910

Agent Dioxide read her reply. He was not sure if he was ready to open up to her yet. It seemed that both wanted fruition from their work and safety for the Anomalies but they just barely diverged in what was important to them: to her, results; to him, freedom.

He took a pen and wrote between the lines Agent Caits wrote:

‘That’s unfair to say of Subject 29; she has yet to have a thought of safety or freedom for that matter. We’ll get around that soon, somehow.

We don’t know that they’re alive or dead. We don’t know for sure what really happened to them and, if I may be frank, we don’t know what will happen to our Subjects. One day they’re with us, the next, they’re gone. We never questioned it. I think that has to stop.

We are essentially their caretakers, ridiculous as that sounds.

Let’s ask around. Don’t ask Big Boss. See to the Attendants and Supervisors.'

Agent Dioxide’s phone vibrated: one notification.

From: Dr. Baoning
To: Agent Dioxide

Please escort Subject 29 to the SRB Building. There is no need for anaesthesia now. Her room will be amended back to its original state; no more padding or restraints.
File #31

‘What the… Hey, I have to go. Talk later,’ and Agent Dioxide left.

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Date and Time: 09/03/2016, 1000

Analysis Report – Subject 29(5)

Moving Subject 29 from her cell without restraints and anaesthesia was easier than we thought. There was struggling and shouting, and the guards were still afraid of hurting the Subject even the slightest. However, we had guns and muscle. We have the biggest, meanest-looking guys to scare the girl that scares us the most. Funny.

Neuro-imaging showed a similar peculiarity as Subject 30’s. Much of the cerebrum, where our consciousness lies, appears normal, except for the parietal lobe and the pituitary gland. It appears that there is flaring between the two parts, a connection so direct and so powerful it should not anatomically be possible.

Furthermore, as exciting as it is, her blood is not normal as well: persistent and unrelenting analysis showed that her DNA contains genes that seem… primeval and ancestral – a historic gene that no longer is used in modern man, perhaps for a reason.

Perhaps the combination of her brain and genetics has caused her to be the way she is today. What is not explained yet… is the glowing.

Further research is needed.
File #33

From: Dr. Baoning
To: Agent Dioxide; Agent Caits

Maintaining the practice with the previous Subjects, you are in charge of maintaining your Subject’s health in all faculties.

By now, you two are familiar with the roles that comes with this additional responsibility:

  • Provide exercise regimens fit for their current physical state, and gradually increase intensity
  • Provide recreational activities to relieve stress and tedium.
  • Do not provide them classified information or information of the outside world
      You may acknowledge their reason of stay – that they are Anomalies – but you may not disclose their possibility of release or contact of the outside world
  • Do not get attached to them.

Given the higher-ups’ orders of you two working together, you may schedule ‘play-time’ with the two Subjects to meet. However, given the delicate situation between the two, I implore you exercise extreme caution. Subject 29 does not know that she is volatile and dangerous. Subject 30 has unforeseen powers we do not yet know or understand.

Further information and instruction will be supplied later.
File #32

Agent Dioxide has yet to have a proper conversation with Subject 29. Gershwin May, an innocent, bright student abducted from her career, future, free, and hope – a destiny so unfair and destructive that will ensure her permanent surveillance and subjecting to no good. Great first impressions.

Gershwin came back to her room completely changed. No one ever talked to her or told her what was going on. She completely resigned herself to silence and a survivalist’s wisdom, knowing that her efforts will be in vain for a reason she doesn’t know. Though she appeared unaffected, deep down she was hurt.

Agent Dioxide entered the room and saw Gershwin sitting on her bed, startled by the entrance. He stood opposite her, with no idea what to say.

‘…Am I entitled to ask questions?’


‘Why am I here?’

‘Well… because you’re an Anomaly.’
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"We know what happens" Agent Caits replied, as Agent Dioxide rose to leave, "It's either a success, or a fail" She picked up her notebook, and made her way back to her office, where she read the email form Baoning, frowning over it as she read it.

do not get attached to them? I get attached from the moment I start bringing them in. Of course, if they knew that, I wouldn't be here. She sighed, and dropped her head in her hands.

If she was going to plan activities for Cody, then she would have to work out what he truly liked. So she rose, and made her way to the cell. She paused outside, to speak with the attendant, the same attendant from the first night.

'How has the subject appeared?'

'Cody appears quite calm. he doesn't express any issues, and merely sits there quietly. Sometimes he sings or hums, or drums his fingers as if he's playing somethng

That was more information then Agent Caits expected, and she frowned over it. Cody was certainly an enigma.

'Alrght. Let me know if anything changes'

No doubt Cody could hear everything they had said, and as such, Agent Caits proceeded with entering. She entered without announcing she was there, but Cody seemed prepared for her.

'Am I entitled to ask questions?'

'Yes, if you answer mine'

'Why am I here?'

'Because you're an anomaly, a higher being'

Cody seemed amused. Agents Caits frowned.

'And what does that mean, truly?'

'That you are...different. You can use...powers'

'Oh, my light? How does that make me special?'

'you have been classed as a higher being.

How did you survive the crash that killed your mother'

Cody now fell silent, appearing troubled.

'I was...I wasn't much more then a babe in arms, you see. All I really remember is...this bright light...and a pain so sharp it was like I was dying...maybe I did...I remember my mother screaming, and then warmth. That was the last time I heard her voice'

'What do you like to do?'

'Music. Anything with Music. How long do I have to be here?'

'I don't know. We will be giving you a regimen, exercise and such. That starts soon. That's all I"m here for. I'll be back later'

Cody found himself pleased. No doubt when Agent Caits spoke with her partner, she might recognise similarities to the beginning part of their conversation. And now he knew part of what they wanted from him. Answers. Answers to...what he was. What he could do. Why? Well, he supposed there was many reasons for that. He'd have to think on that.

There was another 'subject' here. He mused on that, wondering if he'd get the chance to speak with her. Drifting into thoughts, Cody began to sing softly, the way he sang seeping through him, and around him, almost embedding the walls around him with the song.

"A Little bit lost and
A little bit lonely
A little bit cold here
A little bit of fear
But I
Hold on
Then I
Feel strong
Then I
Know that I can
Getting used to it
Lit the fuse to it
Like to know who I am

Been talking to myself forever, yeah
And how I wish I knew me better, yeah
Still sitting on a shelf and never
Never seen the sun shine brighter
And it feels like me
On a good day

And it feels like me on a good day"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Cell 29 - Central Headquarters Science, Research, and Development Division

Date and Time: 09/03/2016 – 1300

‘What’s an anomaly…?’

‘You have… abilities that ordinary humans do not. You’re unique and special, and you were brought here to be examined – to explore the intricacies of your nature.’

‘Why was I in a straitjacket in a padded room? Why was I anaesthetized? Why were those men jolty and afraid of me?’

‘…You really don’t know?’

‘What should I know!? The last thing I remember is a group of soldiers just came barging into my room for god-knows-what reason, and now I’m here.’

Agent Dioxide was conflicted. She really does not know what her abilities are. When she went on her rampage the first time… does she lose control of herself in the process? If she knew that, it would be… depressing. It would also be … dangerous.

‘Look. You can check my records. I’m healthy and I do regular exercise. I have not been into any contact with anything other than mouldy books in the library. My parents are normal as well. I’m sure you must have be mistaken about who I am. Plus, people know me – big, important people. They’ll be wondering where I’ve gone to.’

‘No, you’re really something else. That… I cannot tell you just yet. Unfortunately you will be staying with us for a while.’

‘What!? For how long!?

‘I don’t know.’

‘You can’t do this! You can’t keep me in here! Let me out!’

Agent Dioxide turned to leave, closing the door behind him. He leaned back against it, defeated with his charade. He knew they were being watched and recorded. It was impossible to give a true answer to Gershwin. He pulled out his phone and messaged Agent Caits, walking away from Cell 29 where Gershwin was still yelling, a hopeless hope.

From: Agent Dioxide
To: Agent Caits

So what’s the plan? We should get started this evening.
File #33

Agent Dioxide passed by Agent Caits’ office, and slipped a note through the gap of the door.

(I normally don’t do this, but this is different: I couldn’t get myself to tell Gershwin about why she’s an Anomaly. I don’t know what it’ll do to her – what she’ll do with it. What should I do?)

Ignoring the grimy trash and the air saturated with greasy food, one would see adorned on each of the four walls awards, accommodations, and ceremonious photos, all noting Big Boss’ excellence and prowess.

It was a remarkable feat to accomplish, given that his 208cm (6’10”) frame coupling his weight of 318 kilograms (700 pounds) should have been at his disadvantage especially in the military. It was in fact the opposite, where he outclassed everyone in everything. He was the fastest for his size, the most accurate in sharpshooting, and the most intelligent and ingenious in strategizing. Were it not for his extreme arrogance and his excessive eating habits, he was to achieve greater military prospects. Instead, he saw a future in Military Intelligence Assessment – using his intimidating logic and knowledge that encompassed a myriad aspects vital to the survivability and competitiveness of not only the nation, but the world.

Big Boss actually volunteered to be in charge of the United Nations Anomalies Research Mission. His skillset was invaluable to tackling the unknown, to be able to take into account the unaccountable, and to predict the unpredictable. That was the repertoire he developed.

In Big Boss’ Office

Date and Time: 09/03/2016 – 1425

Big Boss has this astonishing ability to read an entire page of words in two seconds. He is be able to breeze through an entire 200 page report in a minute. He is able to read over 100 reports, and in a given time, he would be able to cross-reference connections and probabilities between all of them, and somehow predict future outcomes. His attention to detail was nothing short of incredible.

This ability is also available when reviewing security cameras, especially during the hours of 0900 in the cafeteria, and 1330 when a certain agent passed by another agent’s room and slipped something underneath.

He mumbled under his breath:

‘Such arrogance. What are you two doing…?'
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cody couldn't stand the yells, faint as they were, they still pierced him and he wished he could reach out and comfort the owner of the yells. His hands curled into fists, digging hard into his palms. He couldn't do anything and for that alone he hated the people who locked him up. He rose, laying a hand for balance against a wall, leaving a bloodied handprint behind when he moved it, but there was no mark on his palm.

He wanted to demand to be let out, that someone do something, but there didn't seem to be anything that would convince them to. And then something terribly faint caught his ears, and be tilted his head slightly. It sounded like someone was talking under thei breath. Relieved to have something else to think on, Cody sat back down, rolling the sounds over his head again as he tried to figure out what had been spoken.

Agent Cairs retrieved the paper, reading it. She tore it up, and dunked it in a glass of water, as she pondered what she could advise. Telling subject 29 could cause great problems, but not telling her was a risk as well.

She didn't have an answer. She checked the email, and after a fewemts replied.

From: Agent Caits
To: Agent Dioxide

Mornings-breakfast then exercise, lunch then recreation (whatever the subjects enjoy) exercise, dinner.

Any changes you wish to make, you can. Subjects should be informed about what is happening.
file #34
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

From: Agent Dioxide
To: Agent Caits

Alright. Like practice:

  • Their place to rest and sleep is SRD, back in their cells.
  • Meals are in the SRD cafeterias.
  • They are free to use the gyms in either Logistics or near Communications, the buildings just opposite the road from SRD.
    • Again, jogging around the perimeter of the facility is disallowed.
  • There is a large recreational room in Communications. Cody likes music, so he’d enjoy himself there.

I’m sure we don’t need to arrange for them to meet; that’ll happen on its own. It’s bound to happen – given that they’re stuck here.

The Public Address System will be used again for announcements throughout the buildings. The comms are busy enough as it is, so we’ll need to set times. What do you say?
File #35

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

From: Agent Caits
To: Agent Dioxide

0730: breakfast
0800: any tests that need to be conducted
0900-1000: recreational activity-Exercise
1200: lunch
1400: recreational activity suited to the subject
1600-1700: exercise
1800: dinner
2000: subjects should be back in their cells by this time

This does not have to be set in stone, as things could change on a day to day basis. I'll be taking Cody to the communication centre shortly

Cody didn't expect anyone to come for him again this day, and was resigning himself to listening to the building, the moans and groans, the speech of people, the clink of machinery, when he heard footsteps. He sighed, becoming very familiar with Agent Caits's footsteps.

He rose, unfolding his tall thin frame as she approached

'Agent. To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?'

'You are being given recreational activities. I am to escort you now. We will forgo the restraints now'

As Agent Caits opened his cell, Cody pondered escape, but figured that would be fruitless. So he waited patiently, giving the air of patience and cooperation. Agent Caits eyes flickered to the blood, and she frowned, studying Cody's hand, seeing no injury.

Cody listened as they walked, and made a note of what turns they took and the way to the communications room. His eyes flickered about as he looked for anything that might indicate an escape. A window. A door. But there wasn't much he could determine, as it seemed there was light flooding everywhere.

He did notice the attendant from the night, and gave a smile to them, then shook his head sadly.

'do you guys get health screenings?

This seemed an odd question that Agent Caits looked to Cody. Cody shrugged, looking over his shoulder. Agent Caits continued to led the way, and soon they entered the communications building. As they continued into the recreation room, there would be different areas. Here there was things that could help in relaxation, from musical intruments, to computers and tVs.

It didn't take Cody long to find the grand piano, running his hands over it, and sighed, a soft, wistful sound.

'You can play it'

Agent Caits was curious to see what Cody could do. As he sat on the stool, running his fingers on the keys, it seemed that he wouldn't play.

And then he began.

The music swirled around the air, a wistful, slow paced song, seeming almost sad. Cody's fingers hit the keys purposefully, and with a gentleness that came from knowing the instrument.

It seemed almost soul wrenching, as if a free bird had been caged. It stabbed through Agent Caits, and right then she couldn't hate herself more. Taking away this talent, this beauty from the world? It was a crime. She turned away, as the music took on a more jolly tone, light and breezy, but Agenr Caits couldn't enjoy it.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dioxide
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Dioxide Foreign-Local in Hong Kong

Member Seen 11 mos ago

United Nations Anomalies Research Mission

Name: Agent Dioxide
Date and Time: 09/03/2016 – 1350

Daily Report #205

Communications was a large branch here in our facility. It handled information movement not only from within the different branches of a large network, but also from in and out of UNARM.

It decided on delicate and diplomatic issues that pertained to the mission. While possessing many powers like a governing body of its own, it still responded to a higher authority – its founders, and its backers. They had to know every process and every progress. The fact that this place is still running must logically mean the people support our current course of action and our results. We personnel never see those results, but apparently we are doing something.

On the other hand, Communications decides on the information that gets revealed to the world about the disappearances of people that we take as Subjects. Public property damage and casualties are explained as results of ‘certain unforeseen events’ - a matter of compelling persuasion and control of evidence.

Subject 30, Cody O’Niel’s disappearance is explained in local news as ‘an incident of getting lost on his way back home’. As far as news goes, many people get lost all the time, and attention is limited to loved ones – especially since it was a ‘pity victim, another blind young man lost.’ Subject 29, Gershwin May, was trickier, given that many law figures were concerned with her disappearance. They had more influence and power to issue a thorough investigation. The solution for her was that she was ‘abducted by unknown people.’ This has kept them busy and the investigating force assigned are ‘busy doing their job.’

All I see are lies.
File #37

Agent Dioxide knocked before entering Cell 29.

‘Stay away.’

‘We’ll be giving you a daily itinerary for you to follow. You’ll be following them as a new routine during your stay here.’

‘No! I will not allow you people to- to- train us into being better guinea pigs for your experimentation.’

‘Yes, you will. You will not enjoy what happens if you disobey.’

‘Then let me go! You won’t find anything in me!’

‘Enough! You’re coming with me, or you’re not ever going to leave this room. You’re lucky enough we’re letting you do recreational activities and exercise, let alone feed you and treat you as best as we can.


‘Listen, okay? Let’s… strike a deal: you cooperate, and… I’ll make sure they do nothing invasive with you.’

A long silence.

‘I’m not sure you can even hold up to that deal. But… whatever... So what now?’

Agent Dioxide explained the itinerary along the way as he brought her to recreational room. A tuneful melody was being played and the two saw Agent Caits. Agent Dioxide nodded, and Gershwin put her head down.

Gershwin entered, turning to see Agent Dioxide by the door, ajar to say:

‘Again. 4 pm you can exercise at the gyms I told you. Dinner is at 6. See you then.’

‘Uh… Hey… Who’s that?’

They both glanced at Subject at the man playing the piano.

‘Go on and say hi,’ and Agent Dioxide closed the door.

Agent Dioxide turned to Agent Caits who looked distraught.

‘What’s going on with you?’

Gershwin stepped forward to the middle of the room, basking in the difference so stark compared to her bland cell that she’d only known of this place until now. It was a place of relaxation and entertainment: plenty of toys to play with, and a soft-tone colour to everything. Yet, she was not one to stay calm, not in this ridiculous situation she was in.

Her eyes turned to the man playing the piano. He had on him the same set of patient-like clothes. Perhaps he was brought in here as well. Perhaps he knew something that would be useful for her.

Such beautiful, masterful playing….


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cody stopped playing the minute Gerswhin watched him. He glanced over, and blinked slowly as if something hurt his eyes.

'hello. They call you subject 29, don't they? They call me subject 30. My name is Cody, though.'
he spoke softly, as if afraid something might happen if he spoke louder.

He turned away slightly from the piano, his sightless eyes staring at Gershwin, waiting for an answer. He smiled, quite a charming smile although he did not know this.

'I apologize if my music was bothering you. I just couldn't help myself'

He rubbed the back of his neck, almost nervously. Cody wasn't particularly afraid of what Gerswhin could do, having heard the talk about her. He knew that she was perhaps his best chance of getting out of here, and he didn't want to make a mistake and cause bad blood between them.

Agent Caits shifted as Agent Dioxide approached, shaking her head. She was silent for a moment, watching the two subjects, and trying to get the lingering melody out of her head.

'It's nothing. how can someone who does not see truly see such beauty? He sings. It seems to be all he has now' he asked about his damn dog. And I couldn't tell him that I was the one who shot it. Now they will make a story of the lost blind man, and no one will ever recall that he existed, this man who can turn music into life, into light

'None of the other subjects have displayed such...resilience."

Agent Caits
Date and time 09/03/2016, 1400

progress report-subject 30

Upon collecting the subject it was noticed that there was a bloodied hand print on the wall, but no blood. Cody himself has mentioned believing he died in the crash that killed his mother. Clearly that is not so, but it begins to add up. Just what can Cody do?

The subject believes we are fooled by his charade, that we are take. In by his behaviors when we are on guard. What does this mean though, that he would work on putting in a mask? T

This is not known. One thing that should be noticed from interviews with attendants and reviewing security tapes, when the subject sings, light migrates towards him. Why? Cody does not seem aware of this.

To unlock this puzzle it is believe we need to find the right key or keys. Trough music would be a good way. The subject appears calm and willing when he has done anything musical.

The interactions between the two subjects will be interesting, perhaps Cody will reach something within Gerswhin that we have overlooked. Will he be the one to convince her she is an anomaly? Perhaps. Their interactions should be momitored, as both seem conning enough to work out a plan to escape.
file #38
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