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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

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Ilunabar's portfolio is Stories. It includes good stuff and bad stuff. Comedy and Drama, etc...

As far as I know, Nightmares are dreams...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AzazelSlayer
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@Double Capybara

Yeah.. But the way you describe your dreams.. That would only apply for good dreams. Not nightmares as no two people can have the same type of nightmare. Not even twins would have the same nightmare as each other.they can have the same dream..But the same nightmare.. With the same fears inside of the nightmares no way. And do you really want a persons nightmare on the loose in Raka ?. Do you want someone who is having a nightmare on Raka. ( Honest Questions )

From what I am reading on your profile. It does not once mention nightmares or nightmares that have your fears in them. It only mentions good dreams for the most part.

Nightmares are Considered to be Bad dreams. You would normally Discard these dreams because if they ever got lose on your world... Since dreams are connected to it ( This is how i am understanding Raka. maybe i am wrong but its how i am understanding it )

I will admit.. I never once thought it was possible to combine Beauty with stories
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AzazelSlayer
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Next on my list would be a DemiGod of Death. But I have no idea what a would add next to it. Since Death is wide ranging.. But I would guess the Demi God of Death ( Those who die in conflict ). But that would be hard to gain levels and followers unless there are constant wars and he gains followers somehow.

Curious.. Do we even have a god of death ( I did not see one ). Or a god of the underworld ?

DemiGod of Souls ( Condemned Souls ) but that seems like something that would take forever to gain followers etc.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Next on my list would be a DemiGod of Death. But I have no idea what a would add next to it. Since Death is wide ranging.. But I would guess the Demi God of Death ( Those who die in conflict ). But that would be hard to gain levels and followers unless there are constant wars and he gains followers somehow.

Curious.. Do we even have a god of death ( I did not see one ). Or a god of the underworld ?

DemiGod of Souls ( Condemned Souls ) but that seems like something that would take forever to gain followers etc.

God of death is ironically dead. Theres no such thing as an underworld, yet, and not many people would willingly follow death. Souls have been taken also. At this point, you should look to open a new can of worms with this.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago


<Snipped quote by Double Capybara>

This is the exact same problem I had, everything I wanted, had already been taken. What you got next on the list, there plenty of Chaos Portfolio's!

You became nega-Lifprasil dude.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Double Capybara
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Double Capybara Thank you for releasing me

Member Seen 27 days ago

Raka is a tourbillon of dreamworlds and Ilunabar cares little about how "good" these dreams are. This is how it has been for 6 months now. This was literally her contribution in the creation of the universe.

I mean, she literally invented the concept, it is implied before mortals wouldn't be able to dream (and therefore have nightmares) at all.

I do not see what you are talking about, about "nightmares" going loose, that is not how the arpeggio or raka works, and even if it did happen, so what? Ilunabar herself has let loose an eldritch, dream-eating being in dreams once.

I can't work with just "good" dreams, that is never how things were meant to be, the Raka has always reflected the person's unconscious and some of the sectors, like Reave, Mirage, and Labyrinth all work on the pretext of nightmarish worlds.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by AzazelSlayer>

God of death is ironically dead. Theres no such thing as an underworld, yet, and not many people would willingly follow death. Souls have been taken also. At this point, you should look to open a new can of worms with this.

I'd like to see the RP persist without an underworld, more or less a central "afterlife."
What I would like to see is how different cultures approach their spirituality, anointed by the gods they follow. (Or lack thereof, on both accounts.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AzazelSlayer
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AzazelSlayer Shadow Lord

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Wait how can the god of Death be dead.. Please explain how that irony happened ?.
Also I wish i allowed to make the underworld..I would base it around the Egyptian concept of the underworld.
I am running out of ideas here.. And I refuse to play anything connected to love.. So I will not be the DemiGod of love or Lust
I might have to start looking at Egyptian Gods and pick one of them or something.
Or do you have any ideas ?.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@poog the pig Now that we're on the topic of portfolios. I don't exactly understand how Sentience falls under Emotions...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Actually, I might have an idea for you. Since you wanna go down the creepy, gloomy route, why not be a demi god based on the biblical Four Horsemen? Like a harbringer. And we technically alreadt have that lust part...me. And if you wanna do Egyptian, come live in Xerxes! We have Pyramids!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AzazelSlayer
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AzazelSlayer Shadow Lord

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Go On... I am listening what is the concept behind this idea ?
Because that would be perfect if I could tie it to some Demigod
How do I make a Demigod out of the 4 Horsemen ?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@poog the pig Now that we're on the topic of portfolios. I don't exactly understand how Sentience falls under Emotions...

Sentience is (arguably) what accompanies profound emotion, I.E. a sense of self or compassion that separates one from an animal that runs off of base instincts. Lifprasil is, as stated, a God that serves the community of creatures on Galbar that are self aware; rather than his own self or the divinity he belongs to. He's very much a deity with the welfare with sentient creatures in mind.


Modern, established motifs like the four horsemen kind of strike me off as silly in Divinus. More or less inappropriate.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Go On... I am listening what is the concept behind this idea ?
Because that would be perfect if I could tie it to some Demigod
How do I make a Demigod out of the 4 Horsemen ?

Well, we can do down the Vestac route, and have him be one being, with 4 core personalities. He can be a harbinger of sorts, it would be ironc he was a being of order, as he would kill beings when thier time had come in different ways. His Famine side could erase a whole village, his death side would reap the bounty of souls, and this would appease his Conquest side. Something along those lines. We just need a portfolio that encompasses all that.

@poog the pig
It doesn't have to represent them in that way. You could consider sin to the exact same way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AzazelSlayer
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AzazelSlayer Shadow Lord

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@Double Capybara

So In other words.. I cant be the DemiGod of Nightmares(Fears) because your protective of your Creation and want nobody else to have anything to do with it.. even in a small way such as dealing with Nightmares ( Fears ). Which I respect.. I know i am the new person and that is trying to join a group of Roleplayerers who been together for 6 months and from the start. But since I am new I need to work for my favors and the right to try to go for a DemIGod or something connected to Dreams nightmares etc. ( I am not jabbing anyone.. I understand this rule very well )

So I will re write my Profile again.. Since apparently Being a DemiGod of Nightmare (Fears ) is now out of the question.

I am Not jabbing at anyone or attacking them. This is just how I feel currently, Its not meant to insult anyone etc
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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@poog the pigI think therefore I am sort of thing?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AzazelSlayer
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AzazelSlayer Shadow Lord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Go On that sounds like something I could work with.. But the problem is.. Have we checked to see if anybody else has the same concepts. Although apparently that wont be allowed according to Poo The pig.Because its too Modern.

I need a DemiGod of something evil..Something people would fear but also build shrines too to keep him pleased.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by lif

lif the fastest RPer this side of fuck

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Dah. Psychoanalysis and all.


I feel like the idea is just a crutch, and also a bit cliche is all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 4 mos ago


Go On that sounds like something I could work with.. But the problem is.. Have we checked to see if anybody else has the same concepts. Although apparently that wont be allowed according to Poo The pig.Because its too Modern.

I need a DemiGod of something evil..Something people would fear but also build shrines too to keep him pleased.

You ever thought of looking into the skyrim mythos. Specificlly the Dadric princes. (Bad ass name) There all very evil, but are worshiped. Once your on board, we can form the league of evil, with Amartía, Vestec and you. We would be unstoppable.

Unfortunately though, War has been taken. So that leaves the other 3. Not much left there.


Dah. Psychoanalysis and all.


I feel like the idea is just a crutch, and also a bit cliche is all.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AzazelSlayer
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AzazelSlayer Shadow Lord

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright How about one of these

DemiGod of destruction

DemiGod of violent upheaval

DemiGod of master manipulation

DemiGod of Madness
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