Admiral Garm Bel Iblis, to all Republic Captains.
Starkiller base has gone activate and war with the New Order has begun, an Emergency Chancellor has been selected. Mon Mothma once again heads the Republic, the destruction Hosnian system and the main fleet must be answered, being one of the few Rebellion era Generals still serving in the Republic I have been ordered to re-organize and prepare fleets to strike back against the New Order.
As such, all Republic vessel's are being brought back to activate status. All current New Republic Captains are being assigned to vessels readied for war. Finally all senior students at the New Republic Fleet Academy have been named lieutenants and brought into the service. Fighter squads are being moved to serve on board these ships, you are cleared to respond to New Order attacks as you see fit. We are at war and if you want to see us all stay free, you'll show these remnants who runs the galaxy now.
Your assignment is simple, I'm forming the captains receiving this message into the Phoenix fleet. Your goal is just as simple, to assault targets New Republic Intelligence will supply and cause as much damage as you can to the New Orders supply lines. They have few planets under the control, a strong but small fleet your job is to hit their older ships and supply vessels. Destroy key operations and kill high value targets, you will be hammer of the Republic. The Resistance forces will be working with you, while you fight out in Unknown region the main fleets will be protecting the Inner rim and Core. While the Senate puts itself back together and the Mon Calamari build us new ships for this war, you've got to hold them as long as you can.
For the New Republic, for peace!

Hello! If your here then your interested in serving as a Captain of the New Republic! The goal here is to have sort of rag-tag fleet of vessels that the Republic could have either quickly purchased or brought back in to the military. From Consular ships to old Mon Calamari cruisers, all vessels are needed right now, every ship has it's place. While some ships from the clones I could see letting join not many of them remain up to date with modern tech. All squadrons are going to be modern E-wings, X-Wings, and B-wings are the mainstays of the Republic fleet and they maintain many more fighters then ships.
The idea is to have a sort rogue fleet hiding out, targeting New Order bases and such. As though not really shown well in the movies, they have a smaller fleet than the Empire did, their new ships outmatch nearly all vessels but still act like Imperial Star Destroyer, as such are not invincible. The New Order has been using old Imperial ships for some time, new ships are coming they have only one Super Star Destroyer. Thus their attacks will be more focused rather than the Imperials who were constantly chasing the rebel ships. The goal here is to tell the story of the war as it begins and is fought from the side of the people who have everything to lose in this conflict.
Starkiller base has gone activate and war with the New Order has begun, an Emergency Chancellor has been selected. Mon Mothma once again heads the Republic, the destruction Hosnian system and the main fleet must be answered, being one of the few Rebellion era Generals still serving in the Republic I have been ordered to re-organize and prepare fleets to strike back against the New Order.
As such, all Republic vessel's are being brought back to activate status. All current New Republic Captains are being assigned to vessels readied for war. Finally all senior students at the New Republic Fleet Academy have been named lieutenants and brought into the service. Fighter squads are being moved to serve on board these ships, you are cleared to respond to New Order attacks as you see fit. We are at war and if you want to see us all stay free, you'll show these remnants who runs the galaxy now.
Your assignment is simple, I'm forming the captains receiving this message into the Phoenix fleet. Your goal is just as simple, to assault targets New Republic Intelligence will supply and cause as much damage as you can to the New Orders supply lines. They have few planets under the control, a strong but small fleet your job is to hit their older ships and supply vessels. Destroy key operations and kill high value targets, you will be hammer of the Republic. The Resistance forces will be working with you, while you fight out in Unknown region the main fleets will be protecting the Inner rim and Core. While the Senate puts itself back together and the Mon Calamari build us new ships for this war, you've got to hold them as long as you can.
For the New Republic, for peace!

Hello! If your here then your interested in serving as a Captain of the New Republic! The goal here is to have sort of rag-tag fleet of vessels that the Republic could have either quickly purchased or brought back in to the military. From Consular ships to old Mon Calamari cruisers, all vessels are needed right now, every ship has it's place. While some ships from the clones I could see letting join not many of them remain up to date with modern tech. All squadrons are going to be modern E-wings, X-Wings, and B-wings are the mainstays of the Republic fleet and they maintain many more fighters then ships.
The idea is to have a sort rogue fleet hiding out, targeting New Order bases and such. As though not really shown well in the movies, they have a smaller fleet than the Empire did, their new ships outmatch nearly all vessels but still act like Imperial Star Destroyer, as such are not invincible. The New Order has been using old Imperial ships for some time, new ships are coming they have only one Super Star Destroyer. Thus their attacks will be more focused rather than the Imperials who were constantly chasing the rebel ships. The goal here is to tell the story of the war as it begins and is fought from the side of the people who have everything to lose in this conflict.