Note: This can be set either in the 'genteel' era before WW1, set in the courts of the Sun King (Louis XIV) or any other place that took great care into making balls and courting seasons as glamorous as they could at the time. Heck, we could even build a world/country/era of our own, if we so choose, so don't take the Victorian feel from this too seriously.
I'm looking for someone to either do a straightforward courting rp with me or do something a little more complicated and dramatic with more character involved. The plot would start centered around a 'Season' where young people would be presented to high society as of being of a marriage age and seeking permanent partnership. Such Seasons were a rushed affair, and our character may find themselves either ill matched or not as ready as they thought for marriage, yet such difficulties mixed with public expectation will be part of the fun, and I intend to make the romance as realistic as possible, and so with its ups and down.
With only tree years set in a period of less than half a year of direct contact overall, will that romance be doomed or will happiness fight its way through? We'll be the ones to decide that, and be in charge of making sure the events leading to the end of this story be as fun to write as possible.
I'm looking for one to two partners for this idea, as I'm pretty sure it's vague enough to be entertaining at least twice. I do have some requests to as of you, however, and I'm pretty serious about them:
- Please be able to write at least three paragraphs per post, the more detailed and well structured the better.
- Space your writing, please! Each paragraph is separated by a full empty line, and each new dialogue line is also taken as a separate paragraph. I have poor eyesight, so please spare me the walls of text, thank you!
- Likewise, if you use colors, use light or bright colors only, please!
- Plot and get involved with me, this is a partnership so let's be rp buddies! :D
- No l33t sp34k, period.
That said, I'll do the same for you, so don't worry about sending masterpieces may way, I like it!
LASTLY: While this hinted at MxF only couples, I'm happy to play FxF or MxM as long as we keep Mpreg and the like out of it, I'm cool with all pairings, and with playing all genders!
I'm looking for someone to either do a straightforward courting rp with me or do something a little more complicated and dramatic with more character involved. The plot would start centered around a 'Season' where young people would be presented to high society as of being of a marriage age and seeking permanent partnership. Such Seasons were a rushed affair, and our character may find themselves either ill matched or not as ready as they thought for marriage, yet such difficulties mixed with public expectation will be part of the fun, and I intend to make the romance as realistic as possible, and so with its ups and down.
With only tree years set in a period of less than half a year of direct contact overall, will that romance be doomed or will happiness fight its way through? We'll be the ones to decide that, and be in charge of making sure the events leading to the end of this story be as fun to write as possible.
I'm looking for one to two partners for this idea, as I'm pretty sure it's vague enough to be entertaining at least twice. I do have some requests to as of you, however, and I'm pretty serious about them:
- Please be able to write at least three paragraphs per post, the more detailed and well structured the better.
- Space your writing, please! Each paragraph is separated by a full empty line, and each new dialogue line is also taken as a separate paragraph. I have poor eyesight, so please spare me the walls of text, thank you!
- Likewise, if you use colors, use light or bright colors only, please!
- Plot and get involved with me, this is a partnership so let's be rp buddies! :D
- No l33t sp34k, period.
That said, I'll do the same for you, so don't worry about sending masterpieces may way, I like it!
LASTLY: While this hinted at MxF only couples, I'm happy to play FxF or MxM as long as we keep Mpreg and the like out of it, I'm cool with all pairings, and with playing all genders!