Actually, I missed out on those funky ass pancakes since we made it there 20 minutes late but that's fine, I got chicken and waffles instead ;) and the waffles was quite soft and lovely.
Don't know if that will work....different process and ingredients to make them but I will say I have stacked up pancakes, waffles and French toast together once....will never do it again...i simply took out the pancakes and it turned out amazing.
@King Tai lol belgian waffles are awesome sour cream pancakes are also awesome french toast is amazing :D i like breakfast foods in general (except for oatmeal and cereal >.> )
@King Tai don't like the taste or texture of oatmeal and for me i guess i eat cereal too slowly or something but it gets all soggy .....and cereal has no nutritional value anyway so id rather eat an orange or something
I see. I don't like instant oatmeal but if i make it like my mom, it taste great. usually I make mine sweet.
yeah that can happen when you take too long eating but usually I tear my cereal up. aaaand I usually don't give a damn about nutritional value when marshmellows are involved :D.