Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Something just occurred to me...

What is the name of the planet? Or is it effectively just called "the world" at this point? Would anyone call it, say, Earth or <Insert other name>?

Real world names for Earth have always revolved around, well, the earth itself. Earth, Gaia, Terra... Etc. Though Gaia was a personified thing in Greek mythology...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ZB1996


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Unless I'm mistaken, all languages have their own name for the world in the real world, and I suspected it would be the same here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Pretty much, yeah. It's more curiosity than anything. Each nation could easily have their own name for it, even, but I figured I'd ask.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I wouldn't be opposed to having a single name that we refer to it OOC, since it'd make it easier for us if we want to refer to the world as a whole.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Let's Name the World!

Roll up, roll up! By popular demand, Frengo has been forced to finally face the issue of the planet's name!

The Promethean astrologist, Akirag the Wise, first speculated that the land mass belonged to a celestial entity in the year 311 P.E (Promethean Era) after studying the stars and the moon in the night sky. His theories, though crude and lacking evidence, proved popular to those who worshipped The Great Ape in the Sky, and soon his works were used to embellish the religion.

"When the Ill Ape defiled and slew Setera, the mate of the Great Ape in the Sky, war was thus joined between the Great Primal Kingdoms of the Stars." - Extract from The Croxium of the Ape.

The story goes, that the Great Ape in the Sky took swift vengeance on his brother, the Ill Ape and Holder of Weakness. Heartbroken at the loss of Setera, it is said that the Great Ape in the Sky crafted her lifeless body into the Mortal Realm, so that she would yet live. He sent his children, the Prometheans, to safeguard her, so that she would never be alone - or far from his love.

And so, from 322 P.E onwards, the term Setera came into popular use when describing the known world as a whole.
- The Histories of the Prometheans, Uthein University, 2016 I.E (Information Era).

How'd I do? :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Pretty good, Setera seems like a good name. Granted, now Uthein can't be destroyed till 2016 I.E, at least not permanently. Clever that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Pretty good, Setera seems like a good name. Granted, now Uthein can't be destroyed till 2016 I.E, at least not permanently. Clever that.

I know. Let it be known that the Dwarves first discovered Plot Armour in 500 A.E, after realising they were the sole beneficences of an omnipotent God, who held great sway over the entire Parthenon of lesser demi-Gods.

But nah, that was just a little tongue in cheek gesture. I was in no way insinuating that Uthein would be around for that ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Works for me. And hey, Ulthein could've been destroyed and the Dwarves just said "fuck it, we'll build a new capital and name it Ulthein too".

EDIT: AAAAAARGH; @Frengo, could you put the blank NS on the first page or something? I have looked and looked and I just cannot find where you posted it before.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Works for me. And hey, Ulthein could've been destroyed and the Dwarves just said "fuck it, we'll build a new capital and name it Ulthein too".

EDIT: AAAAAARGH; @Frengo, could you put the blank NS on the first page or something? I have looked and looked and I just cannot find where you posted it before.

Sure I can. Let me just er... go into my er... filing cabinet over here, yeah, my organised filing cabinet and er...

*Car engine starts*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

[center][h1][u]States of Evolution[/u][/h1][/center]

[center][h2][u]Late Ancient Era Nation Summary[/u][/h2][/center]


[center][i][b]Nation Name[/b][/i][/center]

[b]Lightning Summary:[/b] In one paragraph, summarise your nation. This is to provide any new players a brief idea of what your nation is, and what it's about.

[i]Example - "Jalsador is a single city state, but a regional maritime power, with an emphasis on securing trade to all nations that are willing. It maintains a small professional army, but its true strength lies in its navy. It is led by a King, and has a proud history of acting on the right side of morality. It is inhabited by a mixture of humans and turtle-like humanoids."[/i]


[list][*]Race A
[*]Race B
[*]Race C[/list]

[b]Main State Religions:[/b]

[list][*]Religion A
[*]Religion B
[*]Religion C[/list]

[b]Famous Technological Developments:[/b]

[list][*]Tech A - Year
[*]Tech B - Year
[*]Tech C - Year[/list]

[b]State Government:[/b]
[*]Names of leaders or prominent individuals and their roles within government.[/list]

[center][h2][u]Infrastructure Summary[/u][/h2][/center]

[b]Capital City:[/b]

[list][*]City Name[list][*]Known For: I.e Centre of learning[/list][/list]

[b]Other Major Cities:[/b]

[list][*]City A[list][*]Known For: I.e Iron Production[/list][/list]
[list][*]City B[list][*]Known For: I.E Trade Hub[/list][/list]
[list][*]City C[list][*]Known For: I.E Religious Centre[/list][/list]

[b]Transportation Network Summary:[/b] What are the main forms of travel employed by your nation, when transporting goods? Horse and cart? Carried by hand, and on foot? Sea routes? And what kind of condition are your trade routes in? Are they roads paved of stone? Are they waterways full of hazardous reefs? Are bandits and pirates a problem?

[center][h2][u]Military Summary[/u][/h2][/center]

[b]Standing Army Size:[/b]

[b]Crisis Army Size:[/b] (The most individuals you could plausibly call up to serve, and equip, in a time of crisis on a short term basis)

[b]Outline of Military Tactics and Doctrine:[/b] I.e emphasis on tightly packed spear infantry, loose unit guerilla tactics, focus on individual combat, use of missile weapons, use of cavalry and support wings. Etc, etc. How your army fights, in a typical situation, basically.

[b]Navy Size:[/b]

[list][*]Heavy Ships - Large war galleys, or in that ilk.
[*]Medium Ships - Balance of power and speed. Ships of the line.
[*]Light Ships - Fast, but lacking combat power. Used for raiding and harassing.[/list]

[b]Crisis Navy Size:[/b] After converting all merchant and civilian ships into makeshift war ships, how many vessels could you feasibly float in a time of crisis?)

[b]Outline of Naval Tactics and Doctrine:[/b] Your ships, their advantages and weaknesses, their weapons and use of tactics, etc, etc.

[center][h2][u]Industry and Trade Summary[/u][/h2][/center]

[b]Nation's Natural Resources:[/b] What kind of natural resources does your nation have access to?

[b]Goods Available for Trade:[/b] Anything and everything your nation is able to trade with others. Examples include processed iron, lumber, food, mercenaries, silk, salt etc etc

[b]Trade Pacts:[/b] Nations you start the RP trading with.

[b]Estimated National Income Through Trade:[/b] % of annual income.

[center][h2][u]Through Their Eyes...[/u][/h2][/center]


[b]Character Name:[/b]

[b]Character Gender:[/b]

[b]Character Race:[/b]

[b]Character Age:[/b]

[b]Character Appearance:[/b]

[b]Character's Role Within Nation:[/b]

[b]Character Background Info:[/b]




[b]Leaders:[/b] Monarchs, Emperors, Prime Ministers etc

[b]Government Officials:[/b] Prominent members of government who do not necessarily dictate the direction of a nation, but may have a hand in influencing it.

[b]Generals:[/b] Leaders of armies who are not necessarily linked to the running of state, but rather, the leading of armies. Commanders, Lords, Princes, Admirals, Captains - that kind of role.

[b]Scientists/Inventors:[/b] Individuals whose research and experiments are likely to procure ground breaking results in the very near future. Could for example, be someone on the verge of figuring out how to harness gun powder in an effective form.

[b]Explorers:[/b] Individuals who have accumulated enough wealth, or who have been sponsored by rich benefactors, to set sail beyond the great seas to lands yet unknown. Think Christopher Columbus.

[b]Soldiers:[/b] Individuals of great skill and renown (or not?), who have made their living in the trenches or on the sands of some Gods forsaken arena, but whose story might bring grit to the tale of an entire Empire.

[b]Common Folk:[/b] Every day citizens and subjects, or slaves, who may yet one day be of some significance to the history of your nation.[/hider]


< E M P T Y >

[h3][u]Government Officials[/u][/h3]

< E M P T Y >


< E M P T Y >


< E M P T Y >


< E M P T Y >


< E M P T Y >

[h3][u]Common Folk[/u][/h3]

< E M P T Y >

[center]Players may have as many characters as they wish.[/center]

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Nation Summary template has been added to the Active Character's post, which for now is the First Post of the Character Tab until I manage to link it up... which I'll do now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I love you.

Also, should I just replace the little bit I have? Or just add it onto my post with the previous NS? Or does it just not even matter?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I love you.

Also, should I just replace the little bit I have? Or just add it onto my post with the previous NS? Or does it just not even matter?

I would say keep it all together, just in case someone gets Nerd Rage and wants to see where our nations started, and what they became.

If you check my sig, you'll see there's now links for States of Evolution there, so that you guys can (hopefully) quickly access each other's nation sheets.

EDIT: Just updated the Active Nations, because Yossod was still Qa-Anvel. All sorted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheSovereignGrave
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TheSovereignGrave Went months not realizing his Avatar was broken

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Alright. I got a few things up, but nothing close to being finished.

And damn, I can't believe this started over a month ago.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright. I got a few things up, but nothing close to being finished.

And damn, I can't believe this started over a month ago.

Huh, so it did.

I like the laid back pace of this RP. I'm used to people frothing at the mouth to post, ya know, wake up each day to 20 new OOC posts and 5 new IC posts. It can get really overwhelming, as I'm no doubt some of you are aware/know my pain!

This though? This is like a walk through the park on a warm summer's day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I much prefer the relaxed pace here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joegreenbeen
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Joegreenbeen Head to the Sky

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hey, just looking to get my foot in the door in case a spot opens up for this roleplay.

Check guild for the first time in months, only to find the one type of role play I was looking for full. XD
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by neogreggory
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neogreggory Traveler of Planes

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I should admit, that I've not been working on the new Nation sheet. I don't feel comfortable doing it on this dainty little 3DS touchpad, and I'm waiting to try to get my laptop back. I'm sorry for any issues that come from this.

On the other hand... @Joegreenbeen I could always use a few kobold friends if you'd like to partake. I don't want to sit here with a dozen important npc's alone. If you'd like you could make a character for Scale Home(or any other Northern Scalethein settlement) and pm the character to me for approval. I'd be fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Frengo
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Frengo King of the Frengolians

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey, just looking to get my foot in the door in case a spot opens up for this roleplay.

Check guild for the first time in months, only to find the one type of role play I was looking for full. XD

I was toying with the idea of allowing for the creation of "New World" entities. My idea was that they would always be one evolution phase behind the "central nations", thus ensuring their relative inferiority and vulnerability to colonisation.

So if you would like to play an isolated, primitive peoples (you're looking at a stone age-early bronze age civ), I'm open to an app.

Alternatively, if you would like to play as a character within the established nations, then that is down to their respective owners.

@neogreggory I guess I better get started on that sheet then; I'll fill out things from the Dwarves' perspective, and then you can fill in the rest?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hey, just looking to get my foot in the door in case a spot opens up for this roleplay.

I was toying with the idea of allowing for the creation of "New World" entities. My idea was that they would always be one evolution phase behind the "central nations", thus ensuring their relative inferiority and vulnerability to colonisation.

So if you would like to play an isolated, primitive peoples (you're looking at a stone age-early bronze age civ), I'm open to an app.

Alternatively, if you would like to play as a character within the established nations, then that is down to their respective owners.

So, firstly: I'd have no qualms with you making lore for one of the Zaqiri cities or playing a de facto ruler of one of the cities. The Jandoo Islands, the Or'Rouzi Islands, and Asqar all are pretty well self-governing (besides the whole "if you stop working for Zaqir you're gonna get beat up" thing that dominates saurian politics). Each of them also has a culture that is SUPPOSED to be distinctly different from Zaqir's primary culture, giving you a lot of room to make what you want.

I.E. if you wanted to take over some of Zaqir and play as a vassal at present, that'd be easy. Really easy. I'd happily share info on that. And I'll just say upfront that depending on circumstances that come up during the roleplay, you might have the opportunity to cease being a vassal and become independent.

As for other already existing groups out there: the Soun'yei vanished off the face of the earth and are an aquatic species. They could be fun to play. You could potentially either play a soun'yei colony in the Red Shores or play in their original area in the northernmost section of our continent. You could also probably take over the Grogar; their player has pretty much left.

And if Frengo lets folks make "New World" nations, I see a lot of opportunities nearby. The far south, the far north, and the region east of Zaqiri territory all look like good places to create a nation.

If you need help adding your nation to the map, I could probably help out.

EDIT: Another thought came to mind if you're interested in Zaqir... You don't have to rule any specific city in Zaqir, but instead could play a new faction that's been rising unnoticed in these last 1-2 hundred years. This could give you influence over a nice swathe of Zaqir. Perhaps a faction that favors doing away with the Potentate structure? Perhaps a faction that wants to insert its own leader on the throne? Perhaps a faction that believes the present Zaqiri society shows too much weakness and needs to undergo massive change?
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