The sun was high in the sky over a forest that seemed to be populated with thin, tall, trees that were spaced quite a distance away from each other with canopies reaching 100 feet or more above the forest floor. The name of the forest itself had been long since lost and even though paths through the trees remained they weren't always the easiest to see. It was a nice 70 degrees and the sky was clear, no sight of rain in the near or distant future. Between the trees, off the beaten path, one would see low growing shrubs and fallen timber of trees which had reached a point in their life that their trunks could no longer support them. Birds could be seen, in wide varieties, fluttering around from branch to branch. Multiple chirps filled the air as they all seemed to echo softly between the trees, perfect but natural acoustics made clear to any who had been passing through. The birds seemed to be in contest with the squirrels over who was going to get various nuts growing on the trees, each side racing to get more than the other. Other than squirrels and birds no other animal life seemed to exist and there was a distinct lack of flowers.
"It seems my next opponent is a contractor of ShinRa. What are the rules of engagement?" He asked to Enki on the other line, his left index finger placed against the area behind his hear. "Understood. Will report back after the fight." His left arm lowered and his right hand shifted the spear propped upon his shoulder a bit. The head of it rested almost behind his head, fighting without killing or maiming was going to be hard if he wanted to continue to use the weapon.
The one he had been told he was going to be meeting in this forest he did not know much about. From what he had gathered between his last bout and this one was that ShinRa had contracted somebody, but that was where his information ended. Apparently they liked to play things fast and loose in whatever realm he was in now. He didn't care, in the long run, he'd learn more about her from Enki later on regardless of the outcome. Those sapphire hues watched his surroundings as he traveled down one of the beaten paths, if one could call the remains of such a thing by that name. He took a moment of pleasure in the wild life around him, both flora and fauna. A place like this reminded him of his home, the forests that he use to roam and the people that lived there. It seemed like such a long time ago. Regardless of the nostalgia business was never far from his mind and as he reminisced he continued to survey the area, looking in between trees and up into the canopies.