When the world is silent, a single action can change anything...
"We thought that they’d come from out there. In some country in the Middle East. A place where all that shit lies, where we spent years and years trying to fix someone else’s problem. That the threats would come from some shitbag in the desert, planning to be the next Taliban. That they would come from a place so foreign, so separate, so different that us as Americans had no problems with bombing them. To us, they were some extremists trying to strike the biggest country in the world, planning their so called “master schemes” in a hut somewhere in the desert.
But they never came. There was no strike to the heart. There was no ‘big fuckin’ bomb to destroy us all’. No. Maybe it was some special forces operation that ended all the terrorists. Maybe all of them ran back crying to their mothers, realising how amazing we were. But one day, it was just silent. It was almost anticlimactic. There were no more executions. No more fighting. All the military found were some traces of blood and evidence of fighting in their compounds and no more. If not for the forensics teams sent in to them, it would’ve looked like that every single terrorist that ever threatened the United States just dropped out of existence. And so, as the greatest country on Earth, we took all the credit. But then our ‘allies’ in the UN didn’t like that so we had to share.
We were like ‘Woohoo, we did it. Killed all the fuckin’ terrorists! America Fuck Yeah!’ Ya should’ve seen the fireworks man, they were amazing! But, anywho, onto the point. So, around this time, Clinton got re-elected for what? The fifth time? The American people were so happy that their ‘glorious leader’ vanquished all the ‘bad guys’ that they kept re-electing her. And let me tell you, that woman did a lot under her rule. She made great speeches, inspired the masses and turned America into a socialist democracy.
But that’s the problem. When the big corporations and the wealthy people got a whiff of what she was doing to their capitalist haven, they reacted… Well they reacted like what you would expect rich, scared people would do when they felt that their money was going to disappear. They overreacted. Sure they denied everything. They denied that the violent far right-wing activists turned terrorists had nothing to do with them. That they were ‘innocent’.
‘Oh no, we had nothing to do with the assassination of Hillary, oh dearie no! We had nothing to do with the sudden rise in pro-capitalist candidates appearing on both political parties! We had nothing to do with the terrorists, claiming that they fought for the freedom of the American people by freeing them from the clutches of a ‘communist government’!’ That was all bullshit! They lied to the press and therefore the American people. We have evidence of funding, physical fucking evidence but we can’t do shit! Attacking them in the courts would destroy our image, companies would withdraw from the States and it would kill us.
So now comes our shitty job."
- Jay “Prince” Salinas, Leader of TASK FORCE TRIDENT
In this roleplay you will be taking on the role of a member of a task force created to combat these threats, codenamed Trident. The roleplay takes place in a fictional iteration of the United States, set in early 2017 and on. Technological developments are minor at best and most aspects of the setting mimic those of today. I will allow some creative freedom on the gadget side, but please, nothing too far fetched.
This is both a character and narrative driven roleplay. Your choices will have an indirect impact on the storyline. While there is an overall plot progression, swaying it in one way or another is not out of the question. Player characters can die if stupid choices are made. Realism is key here. Your enemy is likely just as trained as the character you are playing and will be armed accordingly. Running in guns blazing will yield little result.
Player deaths will be handled in a rollback fashion. If at any point in the first chapter of the roleplay you make a decision that would evidently get your character killed or severely injured, I will message you and you will have one opportunity to alter the fate of your character. After the first chapter is over, everything is fair game as you should have a general idea of what will and will not get you killed. The system will be outlined below in detail. If this is still unclear, please contact either me or @SgtEasy.
- Standard guild rules apply, please keep all posts PG-13. If you really feel the need to do something more, take it to PMs or another place not on the forums themselves.
- This is a high casual to low advanced level RP. While I don’t want to set a minimum writing requirement, I do not want to see one liners.Two to three detailed paragraphs is sufficient as long as it’s not all dialogue, more is always welcome. Grammar wise, as long as it’s decently legible you’re fine.
- It is expected that if you write a CS for this and it is accepted that you are committing yourself to this RP fully. IF that is not why you are here, do not bother writing one. I understand that life comes up. If possible, a PM or OOC post is appreciated just as a heads up, however we are fairly lenient most of the time anyways.
- For post frequency, I would like to see at least one post a week from each player. IF you don’t post for a week, the RP will move on without you and your character will be dragged along.
- Keep the amount of IC swearing at a realistic level. I don’t mind it, but I seriously doubt your character speaks in swear words. An F-bomb here and there doesn’t hurt at all and I would only expect to happen in this sort of scenario.
- Characters, keep em real. No operator is absolutely perfect. People are flawed, RP it out that way. It makes for a more interesting and immersive experience. Your character will not land every shot on target every time, nor will that door always bust in if they kick it the first time. This is not an action hero roleplay, your character will most likely take hits and have to reload their weapons.
- Any arguing or so called “debates” will have to go the PM. I will not tolerate any slander or any name calling in the OOC. It is supposed to be a friendly-zone where everyone can discuss whatever they want whether about the roleplay or real life. There is a strict “One Warning then You’re Out” system enforced by both me and SgtEasy. It is self-explanatory. Don’t be an asshat, please.
- If you begin to feel uninterested in the roleplay, please notify me and I will try and fix any problems. Remember, the GM’s first and foremost job is to keep the roleplay as fun as possible and even though I may seem strict, I try to ensure the best experience for everyone.
- And, to conclude with the most important rule, have fun! I hope you get some great experiences with this RP :)
I offer any of the following roles, you will have a chance to upgrade gear along the journey:
- Reconnaissance/Tech
- Medic/Assault
- Marksman
- Pointman
- Explosives
**Roles are not first come first serve. I am looking for one of each, no more.**
CS Template
**Post your CS on the OOC page for approval. Anyone placing unaccepted characters into the Characters tab will not be considered for this RP. Do not post work in progress CS's in the OOC thread, only finished ones.**