Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago


Roma's Unholy Ghost
Aventino District


That was the last thing Frank Albanesi's lifelong partner, Leo Tamaro, had managed to scream before being beaten down by a horrific creature. It only took one kick to hear that sickening sound of a man's skull breaking but that wasn't even the worst part. As soon as Leo fell to the floor, the thing just kept stomping on his head. Over and over again, scattering bits of brain and skull all around the room. Frank could swear he still had bits of Leo on his shirt as he turn and ran but he couldn't bring himself to check. Besides, there were bigger issues now.

"The fuck was that thing?" One of Frank's guys asked as he peaked through the wooden shutters to get a second story view of the street outside. He was holding up remarkably well despite what he had just witnessed, Frank thought. A few of the others boys were sick to the their stomachs once they found respite in a nearby safehouse. One of the men finally caught his breath and answered the first guy. "A fuckin' ghoul! .. a ghoul..." His voice trailed off, likely realizing the foreboding that came with that term.

A few of the other guys in the safehouse started to yell in a panic about that revelation but Frank put an end to that quickly by yelling the loudest. "Everyone shut up!" Now that he had the room back in control he had a moment to think of something rousing for his men. "Listen to me, we'll make sure that we get back at the fucking thing but right now we need to lay low. Think this through." Frank had no idea why they were suddenly attacked, especially by a ghoul of all things. Normally, the ghouls would just keep to themselves, outside of eating of course. And that thing was definitely not interesting in eating Leo so why did it attack? What could it want with a bunch of human thugs? Furthermore, this was one of the toughest he had ever seen. So why him? Why them? It didn't make sense.

Frank ran his aged hand through his greasy slicked back hair, sighing aloud as the continued his thoughts into the matter. "Well... Get some rest. I want a few of you on gua-..!" Before Frank had a chance to finish the wooden shutter and glass of the window suddenly exploded as a figure passed through the threshold and into the room. "Oh shi--Bluugh!" The man by the window began before a hand rocketed through his abdomen and out the other side. The other men in the room were trying to bring their guns to open up upon the figure but they were slow by comparison to their intruder.

The man by the window was flung from the figure and hit Frank dead center knocking him from his feet before crashing to the wooden floor. Gunshots rang out in this enclosed space but Frank couldn't see anything while pinned beneath his comrade. Each time the sound of a blood splattering or bone breaking, caused Frank to cringe at the sound until it became eerily silent. Then the soft thud of footsteps on the wooden floor were heard slowly approaching. Frank fought but struggled underneath of the dead weight of the other man as he desperately squirmed to get free. He stopped when he finally witnessed the assailant.

Despite being so deadly, the thing was rather short and thin, dressed in gray but the glittering in the light told Frank she was moist with blood. Of course the thing that caught his eyes were the unmistakable trademark of that thing's identity. Mostly black eyes for the red dilated pupil and iris. Frank spat in defiance as the creature stood there but it didn't react. Instead the moment of staring just went on for a moment longer before the creature finally crouched down to Frank's side. Again Frank tried to free himself but not to flee, this time he wanted to strangle the life out of that ghoul for all the death she brought upon his friends but found no room. When he gave up, the ghoul tilted her head slightly and reached up slowly to remove the bird mask disguising her face.

Once removed, Frank was shocked to see that the thing that killed a bunch of hardened criminals was no more than a lowly girl. "Wh-what... Wait. Wait!" Frank muttered before yelling as he watched the ghoul girl toss aside her mask give Frank a slight smile showing the slightest glimmer of her teeth. But Frank didn't manage to utter another word before the suddenly jumped with her mouth wide open and took a huge bite out of the man's cranium, crushing bone and scooping out brain. Frank screamed all the way until her third bite into the man's head.

With that, the last of the classic Sicilian Mafia had been snuffed out of Rome. They were too slow to embrace the changing dynamic of Rome and for that matter, the world. Ghouls were becoming the underground nowadays and while the Sicilian Mafia had just started building a rapport of contacts with other ghouls and even employing them as security, they didn't have enough.

To the victor went the spoils of their entire network. Although most of it useless to a ghoul, the Mafia was just starting up in ghoul affairs meaning there was some use to go after them.


Having gotten her fill, Miyako retreated to a quiet perch on a rooftop of a nearby neighborhood to watch the moon and the faint flicker activity in the city center. While it was a pretty view, she was also waiting for company. Many would call this man "Miyako's handler" and certainly the way the two have become associated one would believe that to be true. But she was in relatively good spirits now that she had a full belly as she watched and heard the chaos of her evening unfold not too far away. The entire Sicilian Mob murdered in one night. You think the police would be rejoiced to hear the news but Miyako could only imagine the distaste in the police's mouths would have seeing a number of half-eaten corpses. If there was one thing worse than organized crime, it was ghouls.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Redecorating the City

David Sinclair

Trevi Fountain, Rome

It wasn't uncommon for Ghouls to lead peculiar lives. What seemed like an anomaly could very well be the norme in certain ghoul populations. A prime example would be the amount of trans-somethings within Tokyo. The unpredictably of such entities made the human populations more and more aware of their existence. Slowly but surely, the man eating creatures would soon ascend as a larger threat than terrorism. However, unlike the insane suicide bombers, these creatures were clearly much harder to control and/or contain, as such attention was brought at a minimum toward them. The power of the media, now that was their way to manipulate the masses into fearing or not the ghouls. The fact of the matter is, minorities of people still aren't fully aware of these creatures by that simple fact. No matter the reasons behind this, many feral ghouls saw incremental gains from this, while some others saw long term benefit.

Enter David Sinclair, middle aged man with a deep relationship with modern technology. Not exactly a wizard, but truly an old geezer with his head over his shoulders, aware of just how simple life as a ghoul would be with a small fraction of this influential power used by the humans. It came to no surprise that while Miyako was busy dealing with the literal trash of the old world left behind by Mussolini, Sinclair was sitting calmly within his modest apartment in the Trevi Fountain district. Although not spacious, the novelty of the building made it attractive to old school actives such as him. His apartment was dark at this time of the day, well, night, with only a single flickering light accompanied with various sounds.

Quite ironically, the old man was having himself a Godfather III movie with a cup of coffee on the table next to his 'throne'. The saddening ending scene would be accompanied with a quick dial from his advanced smartphone held in his right hand. As Miyako's phone rang a rather familiar and somewhat fitting tune for the moment she was living, it would automatically set itself in speakerphone. A little hacking trick his apprentice, Pyotr, a Russian computer engineer from who also happens to be a Ghoul and one of Sinclair's rare workers to be posted in Rome.

"Buonasera little monster. I reckon you're either dead or creepily enjoying gloomy night near your terror sight o' all places."

He chuckled at the thought of his minion possibly dying against the low budget alternatives taken by pansies whom supposedly were the source material for the masterpieces he had just watched. The answer was as clear as day, the CCG had no interest in helping these men and he'd even bet that they'd let the beasts run loose just to terminate these clean shaven brutes whom they had no authority to mess with. Of course, it didn't help that along the CCG there was also the Vatican, and they were not exactly as laughable as the cretins Sinclair had served on a silver platter for the young ghoul.

"Well, the answer matters not young lady, as long as you've signed it for our good friend, the Ancelotti, you can come back in a plastic bag for all I care."

Behind this humor there was indeed a rather heavy objective here. The Ancelotti, as much as they sounded like another typical family, were in reality a group of ghouls that recently emerged. Now, unlike one would expect, they weren't some big gang causing trouble all around. No, they'd be more akin to the good spirited ones, those who help other ghouls and take down the more corrupt individuals. If it stayed at just that, Sinclair couldn't give more than a wooden nickel about it all, however their activities did complicate some things. Their overly positive influence and growing numbers made it harder for Sinclair to have a grasp on the city. The chaos of the many ghoul gangs was surprisingly a good thing for the underground communication business. If they centralized themselves and lost the need for more organized organizations or outside intelligence from a third party, there was going to be a problem.

Of course, Sinclair wouldn't be dumb enough to simply charge into them from the get go. No, if they managed to stay up this long and grow so fast, they likely had at least one aggressive Kakuja. That alone deterred the old man to take direct action. Besides, they weren't actively assaulting David's little scam work, but resources and the advantages given by Rome would be null. It would be even worse if the CCG along with the Vatican finally realized just how big this group really was. The last thing Sinclair needed was a crackdown within Rome, not until he had completely covered this city.

"Anyway, you can come back to HQ. Pyotr may have been kind enough to leave some leftover Japanese coffee for you. Unless you've got something nice to bring me first? You know I'm a sucker for surprises."

He'd finish the call at that point, though he left her the responsibility to hang up. He did like to hear her talk, the silent mannerisms she had when not violently slaughtering people was quite unnerving at times, even for the veteran himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago


The Prince and the Pauper
Aventino District

Miyako's quiet retreat was rudely interrupted by her casual thematic ringtone. This particular ringtone was the alert for none other than the young ghoul's handler, David Sinclair. Not that Miyako received many calls, in fact, her phone really only buzzed for one. She didn't understand the reference or why David was proud of this particular tune, but she remembered the man raving on about a certain movie. She pulled the phone out and let the tune carry on in her hand until the phone answered itself.

David greeted Miyako but clearly wasn't expecting anything back as he pressed on with a chuckle. Which brought up the point in the girl's mind of whether or not she was actually appreciated and not just used. David was clearly one for his jokes but Miyako did not really know many jokes and certainly wasn't good at identifying them. So naturally, she just thought David didn't really care for her well being or anything, but that was fine, in a morbid sort of way. The thing was, Miyako really didn't know much else. At times, she'd suspect that there had to be something like love, appreciation, and so on. She saw it all the time in humans, mostly, which didn't help her case because she really did subscribe to the notion of "ghouls are unnatural". But then again, why did she yearn for that? It was a puzzling dilemma that might never get answer under David. Thus, Miyako has thought of leaving David many times, but never could bring herself to. Why? She didn't really know. The thought of rebellion was mostly beaten out of her only two years prior but a part of her still clung onto the notion of wanting something more out of life. Not just eating.

Which brings the point around to the Ancelotti. To answer David's unasked request, yes Miyako did leave something behind that belonged the Ancelotti, as per his earlier instruction. A group as large as them had to keep track of their members somehow so someone in their ranks designed a red rag to tie around their arm with a large stitched in "A" in black lettering. The whole thing was reminiscent to the Nazi's of Germany and often stirred up that imagery in humans as they heard about a "killer gang of ghouls" on the local news. But to Miyako, she didn't know history and certainly didn't associate with a negative imagery. In fact, she could only think of a positive connotation as the band symbolized something she never really had. Camaraderie. More specifically, she had only ever seen members of the Ancelotti being supportive and friendly with each other. They seemed nice for what it was worth. But orders were orders and that particular ghoul, more a boy than anything, had something Miyako was ordered to retrieve and she did just that. She also ended up eating the boy entirely as a phantom thought of David claiming "hide the evidence" circulated in her mind, but that's not entirely why she ate him. That 'part' of Miyako came out again and after that, there wasn't much she could do. Though it makes no difference, she did feel bad about it after the fact, but that is probably little consolation to the boy or even Miyako, herself.

That and David's desire for surprises reminded Miyako of something. "Wait." Miyako gasped just as David finished his speel. It was, as a matter of fact, that Miyako did have something for David. "I have a surprise for you." Miyako's voice perked up slightly (but nothing behind a faint sense of excitement) as the fantasy of adoration for her find came into mind. If David was expecting a followup to the girl's previous statement, he'd be left in without an answer as he could hear the phone being stuffed into the pocket but never turned off as the sound of ruffling and movement was heard on the other end. Ending the call was left to David as Miyako often forgot to formally end a call.


Miyako returned to the building dubbed "HQ" and with a secret excitement, looked forward to a cup of Japanese coffee.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

A Surprise?

David Sinclair

Trevi Fountain, Rome

A surprise huh? The initiative taken by his apprentice was a rather big surprise in of itself, but now the American entrepreneur was curious. As the credits rolled at the end of the his cult movie, he'd get off his comfortable seat and set course toward the kitchen where he had the coffee ready for his associate in arms. With the mug warm and left on the kitchen counter, Sinclair helped himself with some scotch in the fridge. Now, alcohol wasn't something Ghouls could digest anymore than regular food that wasn't coffee. But the fact of the matter is that it not only tasted like shit for humans but also give them a really nasty aftereffect when the drunken effects wore off. So why not? If he were to be human at least once in his life, it'd be in the comfort of the water of life.

As his colleague returned to the HQ, which so happened to be David's current residence sans his wife who was simply told he was on a business trip. The apartment wasn't specifically big, but it has the old feeling to it that made it seem like the man was no joke. Of course, he wasn't anything major, but he liked to give certain impressions to people, even his own workers. When Miyako would enter the kitchen, one of the only rooms to be illuminated, she could smell Sinclair sitting in the adjacent study room, the door open so he could have a perfect view of the kitchen's interior from his chair. He was in the dark however, as such his overtime-like outfit decorated with a badly tied and loose tie, his white shirt barely tucked in which emphasized his round belly even more than necessary. He wasn't wearing shoes, he was in his home after all and they just got the whole place dirty.

"Well look what the cat dragged in. You look awful, kid."

Evidently, barging in covered in blood wasn't exactly the best way to go, especially if they tended toward a more inconspicuous approach nowadays. It couldn't be helped, he chose the feral one for a reason but it didn't prevent him from being discontent of all of this. Taking in another sip as he realized that she likely stained the floorboards by now with blood and guts, he was going to need as much as he could to drown out these events, at least for a little bit.

"Take a shower or something for God's sake. But, before you go off to do your long overdo business, you've got a surprise for me? You know I'm a sucker for those."

He'd grinned, intrigued in her rather strange behavior and even more at what was in store for him. He'd set the glass of scotch he had poured himself on the nearby desk he'd work on daily before leaning forward, slowly exposing his aging face to the feeble light of the kitchen that barely reached the room he resided in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago


The Prince and the Pauper II
Aventino District

Miyako used the tight grouping of the buildings to seamlessly make her way back to the HQ, otherwise known as David's apartment. From the rooftop of David's building, she delicately climbed down to avoid disturbing other tenets. A slightly ajar window, along with the smell of coffee, had signaled the correct entry point and the small girl found it rather easy to slip inside into the lit kitchen. She headed straight for the coffee but as she paced across the opening linking the kitchen and the living room, an all too familiar voice called out.

Miyako froze, slightly startled, and quickly turned to see David sitting in the dark. She dropped her head slightly in a bow, not necessary but for some reason she always had done that. She didn't respond to David's comment at first but she understood what he meant. She looked down and scanned her clothes for a moment. Now that the 'high' of battle was gone, that part of Miyako had receded being contempt with tonight's earlier mayhem. This left a more real part of Miyako to quietly analyze herself. Quite honestly, she felt disgusted right now. Covered in blood and conflicted about what she had just done, she pouted as the realization came over and for a brief moment, it looked like she was going to cry, but she steeled herself and returned to a straight, obedient gaze towards David.

Miyako nodded and she stepped forth as she slipped a hand into her coat pocket. She found what she was looking for and drew it right as she reached David and his beloved chair. She reached out and offered what she had. The room was dark and while it made it difficult to distinguish the details of the object, it was clearly a small leather pocketbook of some description. Miyako had found it as she ate that ghoul boy who associated with the Ancelotti. To the girl, it meant nothing but as per David's instruction months ago, if she found anything that might be informative, bring it back. It took some trial and error for the previously feral girl to decipher what was valuable intelligence and what wasn't. In this case, Miyako thought she was on to something.

The book was a sort of list for names, but it wasn't just limited to names with accompanying callsigns. Each name had accompanying marks. They were basic in nature, most names had a check mark accompanying it but a few had other designations. Some had open circles with a question mark in the center and others had X's. That wasn't all, a small number of those names, four to be precise, had been struck out with a line across the name. That wasn't all, however, as on the far right of the page, each name got some type of letter. If one knew their basic Greek, one could easily deduce the symbol.

"I found it on the Ancelotti boy. He had written in it after visiting someone."

Again, to Miyako this didn't mean much outside of the fact that she identified names and it was associated with the Ancelotti. But what she didn't realize was that the list of names weren't just random. They were associates or members of the Ancelotti and the weird symbols were ranks of the members. The other basic symbols were signifying the status of those individuals. A check meant active, circle and question mark meant unknown, and X meant inactive or quit. Any name that was struck through was a member who is deceased and that information could be found out with a little digging to confirm.

The fact of the matter was, Miyako couldn't have picked a better target. The Ancelotti boy was a runner for the group. He was in the process of getting a census of the organization. Not the best strategy when running an underground organization as members probably should be anonymous as finding the identity of those involved would be a death sentence if the wrong people got a hold of the book. However, the Ancelotti were big and scattered and the secret of this census was still a mystery, but one thing could be theorized and that was the Ancelotti were taking inventory and marshaling their members.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Andrew Polanski's kingdom

David Sinclair

Trevi Fountain, Rome

Such a respectful young servant she was, and rather quiet too. If David's wives were a bit more like Miyako, maybe he wouldn't have divorced twice. Though he kept such rude jokes to himself, he couldn't help but chuckle randomly upon looking at his personal soldier, almost giving the impression that he was mocking her. As he treated himself to another chug of scotch from his minuscule glass, he carefully reached out for the small book she attributed as a "surprise". Eager to discover what all this was about, Sinclair dug into the core of it all. Most of it was empty, and what was filled seemed incomplete. It was likely that Miyako had murdered the holder before any of it could be complete, but name appeared.

The way they were formatted, the symbols and such seemed pretty typical of organizations. It wouldn't be too difficult for David to decrypt their meaning and make sensible assertions about it. The names were obvious, but at the same time they meant nothing in the end. The Ancelottis were Ghouls, after all, and nothing obligates them to utilize their given names, let alone even register anywhere in public records. An interesting name appeared, however. Andrew Polanski, a polish man who made the news recently on Europe for leading worker demonstrations against government abuse toward tax systems. He more or less led the syndicate of workers that protested against pays and immigrations, conducting regular strikes for their best interest. Not exactly a famous man, but people like Sinclair who kept an eye on local businesses could recognize this rather quickly.

"This is odd."

He'd say aloud, not so sure what to make of it. He had a special symbol next to his name, the one of Pi. David couldn't deduce if this meant a higher rank or perhaps some form of association. In any case, this man was connected in some way with the Ancelottis, and generally that would mean that they were onto something.

"So if I understand correctly, you've borrowed this piece of work from that young boy and you're sure this is a credible Ancelotti source? If that's the case, then we may have some work to do, Miyako."

He'd close the book, but never gave it back to his faithful partner in arms, only to stand up and make his way through his apartment. He was heading to his bedroom, though before he could set his hand on the doorknob leading to said room, he'd pause before giving the girl a proper reaction. Without even turning to face her, he'd ask.

"Does Andrew Polanski ring a bell? There's a farmers rally going on tomorrow in Rome, if you find that name in one of their marketing doohickeys, then you and I are going on a field trip."

With these words, he'd leave her to get cleansed by herself and stay to sleep if wished it. But she also had to take note that she was given an assignment, to find whether or not this mysterious man was to be in that rally and if possible where exactly he'd be. She could also go crazy and search up extra information about him, while Sinclair would lie on his bed and contemplate what was inevitable concerning the Ancelotti organization. To risk such a public figure for a petty census was absurd. Plus the fact that they knew the book was compromised could very well lead them to change tactics. But the fact of the matter was that Polanski was still very much active recently.

Was he maybe their target then? In any case, if Sinclair wanted to get things done in this city, he'd eventually have to tackle this problem head on.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago


The Prince and the Pauper III
Aventino District

Miyako quietly watched her handler as he analyzed his gift, only breaking her quiet vigil to meekly nod at the man's more than likely rhetorical question. She continued her watch as David got up and started heading towards his bedroom. Miyako did not follow as she obediently awaited for the man to address her before he would retire. Right as he got to the doorstep, she finally got her address.

She didn't really respond to the man's closing statement as she did not really find anything to say. She didn't know a Andrew Polanski, nor did she know anything about a farmer's rally. In fact, she had to spell out the name in her head to make sure she knew exactly what the name looked like. But with David's retirement for the night, Miyako turned and headed to her own room. It was rather basic in terms of living but it was uniquely decorated with oddities here and there, mostly stuff Miyako had collected throughout her time here. They were small items, small enough to fit in her pocket, and were strategically crammed on every surface the girl had available. Dressers, shelves, it didn't matter as there was something she kept. Her latest addition, which she pulled out of her pocket and placed on her nightstand, was a ceramic tortoise ashtray she found in the mafia hideout.

With her collection updated, she stripped and slipped into the bathroom, careful to dodge David from spotting her in the nude. There wasn't a lot of time for a shower, seeing as she still had things to do this evening, so she forewent that and instead opted for a running a wet towel across the dry, crusty blood of those unfortunate enough to meet Miyako this evening. Once she was relatively cleaner, she slipped back into her bedroom and donned fresh clothes to look as inconspicuous as possible.

She left the apartment shortly after that, taking a quick sip of her coffee before carrying on to find information about the Farmers' Rally. It would take Miyako most of the night as she swept through the city on foot. Fliers advertising the event were the easiest to find but she didn't find any mention of Andrew's name, thus she only grabbed one and continued her search. Towards the end of her night she stumbled upon a homeless man who witnessed her curiosity as she scanned a similar Farmer Flier, provided her direction to find more information. This eventually lead to a pamphlet that had listed the names of those speaking. Andrew's name was plastered on there for sure. Miyako returned early in the morning and opted to retire on the couch so that David could find her and wake her easily if need be. Of course he would have to as the Farmers' Rally was scheduled for later that morning...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savato
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Savato Super Peace

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Andrew Polanski's kingdom {And a light morning breeze}

David Sinclair

Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome

With Miyako following orders by the letter, David couldn't help but troll the poor lad by just quickly surfing on his laptop to find the Farmers rally association's web page. The required details were there, including the location in which the event would take place. But hey, at least the teen would confirm the old fashion way! By now, she would probably be used to these antics and mock errand runs. It kept her in top shape and made her use her brain instead of her usual brawn. Something that would probably prove useful if a tight situation were to occur.

The next morning would be a difficult one, for waking up early was long since behind David ever since he became his own boss. In spite of this, he never complained, he actually enjoyed changing rhythm from time to time. When he emerged from his room, he already seem completely pampered, having showered in his personal bathroom connected to his room, his hair was still visibly damp and combed backwards to give a more 60's feel. Even though he wasn't even born at that time. He wore a normal, beige T-shirt tucked into his blue jeans. Okay, very lacking in the fashion department with 'has been' carved in his forehead, but at least he kept a classy charm. What often killed it, however, would be his round glasses laced with a small rubber strand around his neck. The reason why Miyako hasn't destroyed that already remains a mystery to this day.

He didn't have to say much to get Miyako going, she obeyed without any commentary like any good henchman would do. He kept his research to himself, though the fact that he didn't ask about her research most likely rose a red flag in the young lady's mind. If only she could harness the willpower to make a remark about it, then David would actually be impressed. Without much slacking off, they departed toward the renown plaza of Rome. A particularly beautiful place at night, the Piazza del Campidoglio.

If anyone asked, he was bringing his rebellious daughter to this little convention-like rally as punishment. As they arrived, they'd notice how crowded the place was, not to mention the many stands of many merchants/farmers selling their goods while offering samples during this occasion. There'd even be a variety of animals they had managed to get a permit from the city to show off to the public whilst doing business. In the center, a podium where many invited figures would give a speech. Polanski would be one of them.

"You see this, this is the kind of life we'd live if we weren't bound to devouring flesh in a daily basis. Makes one wonder if we truly got the low end of the stick."

He'd comment on all these 'peasants' as he'd call them, helping himself with a sample of dried pig meat. Of course, he didn't taste or chew it, but used the common method of immediately swallowing it. He wanted to blend in, and no better way to do it than when it'd feel the most natural to do so. Andrew Polanski wasn't up to talk yet, as such they could at least scout around.

And then it hit him, though it seemed normal in such a public event, but the 'security' hired here appeared a little too formal to be what they'd solicit for a farmers rally of all things. Special services types of people, in a very fancy dark clad, perfectly aligned ties and earphones to appear very organized. However, the tie itself and the little decorations they held on their suit added doubts. Because of his poor eyesight, David couldn't tell, but the vague combination of colors seemed to form the Swiss Guard's insignia. Odd, they usually had their very unique uniform and were aligned only to the Pope. But what would raise suspicion to even Miyako who'd be ignorant of such small facts would be the beautifully sculpted black suitcases they carried. They didn't have weapons, nor was there a reason for them to actually carry them while stationary. This was nerve racking, to say the least. Why would CCG-like individuals be dressed like this and here of all places?

While focused on such elements, he'd miss the swift shadows jumping from roof to roof on the adjacent buildings. He was getting a bit old for this after all, but Miyako surely wasn't as rusty.
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