Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Female Robotic Voice:
"Welcome to the Neptune Five Research Center. We are happy you could join us on our journey of discovery as we explore the depths of the ocean and it's wondrous inhabitants. Make sure you have signed all appropriate documentation before descending beneath the introductory level.
Please have your personnel ID on your person at all times and ready to scan for floor access. Do not venture into unauthorized areas unless cleared to do so.
Thank you and enjoy your time with us."

Congratulations. You got a job at a research facility located underwater at an undisclosed location. The company who owns it, Chimera, is paying you big bucks to do your work and do it silently. No one at the facility, except the higher ups, know fully what is going on here and asking questions tends to get to terminated (in a very final way, if you get my meaning).
Employees are sorted into several catagories so pay attention to your designation or you might end up terminated (again, in a very FINAL way)

Employee designations are as follows:






So.... still wanna work here?

This RP will take place in an underwater lab called Neptune V. You can make a character in any of the classes above. Don't worry too much about the clearance levels because the order will not last long. As nearly all scifi movies have taught us : mess with Mother Nature = get screwed. The animals that are being tested, the creatures that have been created, are about to break loose and the facility is going to go dark with anyone who can trying to make it to the surface. But the animals are not the only things to worry about, since Chimera does not want this to get out. Several Class A and security personnel have been given no-witnesses orders. Basically they will kill anyone they find to keep the silence.

Rules :
1. No God Mod characters. You can make a Class A but remember they are not ALL powerful and once things go to hell you'll have no authority at all unless you can convince some dumb people to follow you before you kill them.
2. No arguing in the OOC. No bullying. If I see evidence of this you will receive and warning then be banned from the rp.
3. Be active. I have seen good rps die because active players get locked up by inactive players. Let us know if you won't be posting for a while so we can work around or kill off your character.
4. This is not fantasy or superhero so your characters do not have super strength or can breathe underwater for hours. Use common sense. If you go into a room that is on fire you will burn to death. If you jump into water with a large shark chances are you will be eaten or injured severely. If you are injured you will not be running for your life in the next post.
5. Please put your location at the top of your post, so there is no confusion over where anyone is.
6. Do not speed post. If you have posted and someone responds wait a bit before you reply. If 24 hrs goes by and no one else posts, then you can respond.
7. I reserve the right to add more rules if need be.

CS :

Pic (no anime please)
Class: (need permission from GM for Class A)
Work: (what your character mainly does at the facility)
Bio: (how long has your character worked for the facility? why are they working there? what do they hope to gain by working there? What qualifies them for their position? what led them to their job at the facility?)
Personality: (some good and some bad. no one is perfect. perfect characters shall be fed to the sharks for protein)

Any questions just ask! :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I swear there was interest when I put up the interest check...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'll get a CS up soon-ish.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Also @Belle could we get more backstory on Chimera and the world? How and why are they allowed to get away with "terminating" employees, are they affiliated with a nation, what year is it, etc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@The Survivor
I wanted it to be modern day but slightly in the future so maybe 2020 or so?

Chimera is a company that has it's hand in so many things no one is really sure what they are doing. Currently they are supposed to be doing medical research, plus a few other things on the side.
Chimera has a LOT of people in their pockets, including senators, judges and many military personnel. There terminated employees are written off as passing in 'accidents' that are common in a facility such as this.
They are an American company.

I'm sorry, I meant to put those things in the first post but I got distracted helping my grandmother and forgot.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Aladdin Nagi
Age: 32
Class: B
Work: Microbiologist, specializes in Medical, Veterinary, and Environmental Microbiology
Aladdin was born to Iraqi Immigrants in the slums of New York. His childhood was a troubled one, trying to survive between a dysfunctional family, religious disputes between Sikhs and Muslims, with a dash of Christian and local New York bitterness for 9/11, it was rough. Still, Aladdin's older sister, Nadia, encouraged him to concentrate on his studies and not buy into any of the local gangs. Through high school Aladdin's grades remained high and towards the end colleges began to start looking at him. But he knew even with big colleges looking at him, he would be in student debt for the rest of his life. So he enlisted.

Aladdin enlisted in the U.S. Army at 18 in 2006. He was deployed to Afghanistan straight out of Basic Training. There he fought his kin and bled for the "infidels", earning himself a purple heart and received both the Army Commendation Medal and Silver Star. Aladdin was honorably discharged from the Army in 2011 and soon after he attended Rice University in Houston, Texas. There he studied for 4 years before graduating with a bachelor's degree. He was soon contacted by Chimera and asked to work at Neptune V, studying and analyzing such things as aquamarine bacteria, animal cells when reacting to certain formulas which he would have a hand in developing and the effects of certain stimuli to the ocean environment on a microbiological level. Needless to say, along with the pay, the opportunity was incredibly fascinating and Aladdin immediately accepted. Over the years, Aladdin also worked on his master's degree, which he had just recently earned. Now with a master's in Microbiology, Aladdin is ready to take the next step and reinvent science as the world knows it at Neptune V.

Ambitious, gung-ho, analytical. These are some words to describe Aladdin. He strongly supports education for troubled kids, as he almost went down the same road in his youth. He's a loyal friend and a determined co-worker. He's passionate, but sometimes too passionate. He has certainly butted head with the administration in the past, calling them "Blind fools" and "Egotistical Idiots" when indeed his own self-righteous ego is quite big. He's a humanitarian due to his time in Afghanistan, but he can be a hypocrite again when it comes to egos and morals. As far as animals are concerned, he believes should they need to suffer for science, they will suffer for science. He's also suspicious, suspecting of the administration to be knowing more than they let on, especially about former employees. This in turn if pushed enough, can make him paranoid, even about his closest friends.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@The Survivor
Ooooh I like him. He's handsome and well made. I especially like his history. I look forward to rping with you. Feel free to add him to the character tab. :-)
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rechonq
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rechonq Silver River Royalty

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I have a question about class E people. What types of experiments are we talking about? Is there any possibility, we could be someone that is the result of a successful experiment? I don't want to go extreme with it, but just wondering.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sorry guys work called me in. I'll be on tomorrow to answer questions and hopefully get more people to join so we can start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belle
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Belle searching for my Beast

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay I think it is pretty obvious that not enough people are interested in this. I am sad because I worked for quite a while on the different classes. *sigh* back to the drawing board...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Survivor
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The Survivor The Deviant

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Belle That's too bad, sorry.
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