Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you
-Coldplay, Fix You
NameArchie Penn
NicknamesArch or Rich - While he still much prefers being called Arthur (it's a common name here, apparently), he still adheres to the name change rule without question. Of all the nicknames, though, Rich is probably the one he likes the most. In a convoluted name, it's just about this close to being the name of a king—a title he's still quite bitter about losing.
The Original NameArthur Pendragon
Story of OriginLe Morte d'Arthur
AgeThirty (299)
Sexual OrientationDemisexual Biromantic
MagicNo and No
Job/PositionCedar Grove Police SheriffNot only has he garnered the love and attention of Cedar Grove's human populace enough to become their sheriff, but Arthur's also semi-convinced that, if anyone were to enforce laws and keep people safe, Arthur would be that man. Thus, he polices not only humans within the town, but also Vales. In particular, he's been fervently cracking down on the manufacture and use of Essix—something he's been adamant about abolishing as a whole. Not magic abhorrent, but more so willing to see what abuse of it can do to people he loves and holds dearly. People he trusted above all; who he knows he's failed time and time again.
AppearanceWell, what truly defines a king? Is it the stance, the couture, their expressions? Or possibly just the crown upon their head?
Arthur personifies a king well remembered and often not because of how he looked, for often, when things really mattered, Arthur went out with a full suit of armor and nothing but the crest of Camelot's king to identify him. Actions. Arthur spoke with his actions and that's exactly how he'd always be remembered. Possibly why there remains so many depictions of how he looked, most often bringing him to over 6'0" with a staggering confidence and blonde hair of varying length.
Not... entirely accurate, seeing as Arthur often dons a rather short cut for his brownish-red hair, styled nowadays to look the part of a well-to-do man, framing his defined jaw and pensive brows well. They did get one thing right with his hardened, blue eyes. He is often clean shaven, though he has days where he kinda likes the light scruff, as long as he keeps it well tamed and well groomed—it brings the Scot outta him.
No, Arthur stands on the shorter side, with his imposing height of roughly 5'4" (5'5" on a good day, or so he says). Height, however, doesn't often mean much to him, and, yes, maybe a few of his taller knights had to reach in the higher cupboards for his personally items. And maybe he had to stand on a step stool to saddle a horse, but that... that doesn't matter. That doesn't detract from his confidence personified. No, of course not. He may be short, but he can still pack quite a punch. A punch to the groin, if the moment calls for it.
Of most Vales, Arthur perhaps stays rather true to his roots and that requires quite an expensive taste. Arthur is nothing if not resourceful, however, and tends to have most of his clothing tailored by other Vales for a relatively okay price. If not in his usual, Cedar Grove Police uniform parading around in his personal cop car (it's easy to spot with that large SHERIFF logo on the side), Arthur tends to go for a more clean, refined look. He's fond of various colored dress pants, a tight fit 'cause Arthur is just slightly vain and thinks he has a great ass (he does, in fact, have quite an astounding posterior) coupled with often matching oxfords, which he spends the most money on, since they're often name brand.
In a casual sitting, Arthur's likely to be found in just these articles of clothing, as comfortable in them as a college student in a pair of sweats. He fills his button ups and sweater vests out quite well too, having defined, athletic muscles—mostly on the lithe side of an average build. Of course, since coming into this new world, Arthur's been infatuated with human candy and perhaps has a tiny bit of pudge on his waist. It comes and goes with his binging, switching from exercising like a madman when it becomes noticeable to satisfying his insatiable sweet tooth.
"Someone mysteriously moved everything a foot lower? I... I have no idea who could've done something as monstrous... as that. Uh."
PersonalityVirtuous. Upstanding. Quite easy on the eyes. A model citizen, Vale and human alike.
Oh, and also cocky, arrogant, stubborn to a fault, condescending, and unbelievably good at making people feel like they're talking to a very, very angry father. Many people love to see Arthur in a good light, deeming it's the only light shined on him, really. Face it, the man's got the entire package: he's forgiving, merciful, and kind to a fault. But he's also decisive and willing to sacrifice himself to save those he loves. A man like that oozes confidence and shines brilliant from every clean pore from his body. It's kind of disgusting how nice he can be and how loved he thinks he is, and how much of a goody-fucking-two-shoes the guy can be.
A man like Arthur is riddled with faults. Sometimes they can be hard to count, occasionally soaring to unbelievable heights on good days and sinking to incredible lows the next. While Arthur remains the epitome of a righteous person and a good king, there are quite a lot of detestable things about the man.
Not only does he think he's better than just about anyone, once he thinks he's proven it, Arthur will never let it go. Let him get the upper hand and that's a sure fire way of earning a sarcastic, condescending remark any time he passes by. Arthur has had his fair share of being a little shit to people he deems himself better than and, a lot of the time, that's most people around him. Oh, and he'll remind everyone that, "I used to be the King of Camelot," which people will respond by saying the next lines, exactly, verbatim as it comes out of his mouth, "The lady of the lake awarded me Excalibur. I'm destined for the crown." To which he'll respond with a pouty face and sulk in a corner about how everyone's a bully. Sometimes ignorance hits him hard, things that he doesn't understand, he usually doesn't feel the need to understand. If it needs to hide behind a cowl, then it should be left in the shadows, is a policy he often takes boldly. That's kind of where being stubborn kicks him in the ass. Arthur won't budge on an opinion or statement he's made and will go to the ends of the earth just to prove himself right (and occasionally, it'll be more about proving himself right than actually being right). This goes well into politics and upholding what he's been told is the law to an almost zealous degree. Though, he cautions himself not to blind his eyes to just black and white.
For all his attitude, and knack for making anyone feel like they're in trouble—he's got that patronizing teacher voice down pat—Arthur's not quite as bad as he seems. All those stories glorifying his deeds and painting him a saint among men may have exaggerated just slightly, but those features still remain a part of Arthur, as a whole. The law, to him, isn't the epitome of a good and righteousness; that comes from the heart. Showing mercy, sacrificing oneself for the commonwealth, all of those traits can defy rules and standards put forth by man. When it comes down to it, Arthur proves himself the cream of the crop: a man willing to take charge, but also willing to humble himself. Tactics, strategy, even things such as knowing when to let the people talk and when to hear them out, are all traits that make up a man worthy of the title King. And though Arthur's pool of friends keeps relatively short and tight knit, there's something quite rewarding earning Arthur's friendship. A man like that won't let a moment pass by without reminding you how amazing you are... while also reminding you that he beat you last Sunday at hand-to-hand combat multiple times.
"What are these hashtags? I don't understand a tweeter. This is going over my head entirely. Hash... tag... once a... loser... always... a loser. Send. Man, step aside millenials, King Arthur has arrived to take over the Twitterverse one twit-twat at a time."
Strengths- Decisive and able to make quick, steadfast decisions (and stick to them; good or bad)
- Extremely confident in anything he does.
- Able to do just about anything with a sharp weapon
Weaknesses- His condescension often leaves him underestimating people.
- Stubborn to the point of being obstinate.
- His confidence goes above and beyond cocky.
Mortal WeaknessIf anyone but him were to wield Excalibur, then they'd be able to slice through Arthur like butter.
FearsMagic-based drugs consuming those he holds very dear to himself—a person in particular, as well. He's also slightly afraid of going blind.

"When you bury something six feet under, usually it's meant to rot there, not come back once every few nights. And a few times a night, if you forget to take your sleeping pills."
HistoryThe shocking part of finding out one's been edified in text probably has to be the fact that there's an entire college course on pretty much just his life and the lives of his knights. Le Morte d'Arthur goes into vivid detail about events that happened and might have happened should Mystvale not have collapsed in on itself. Reading his death took quite an eventful toll on him, but at least he died in honor (goddammit, Bedivere, though, please just throw the sword in the goddamn lake).
Most books and retellings do a weird job of detailing some of his life, though he's had to mix and mash to get a somewhat linear detail going. Despite this, he could practically ask anyone who King Arthur was and they'd be able to tell him without a doubt. Honestly, so much has gone on in his life, from being a ruler of a kingdom in Mystvale up to where he fits into the puzzle now. And, though Excalibur sits in a dusty attic somewhere in Merlin's home—the man he'd trust with his life over anyone else—it comes with its one well of stories and heroics.
Of course, most of what he did, most of what defines him as a person has long since passed. From his various adventures with his knights and the myriad of battles he's had to wade through to protect his homeland, to the 'betrayal' of his grand knight Lancelot. Most of that, Arthur only uses as a reminder of what once was, but never as something he ever longs for again. As a king he's always had to look forward, with reminders in the past of what should and shouldn't be repeated. Not only that, but the nightmares that flooded his entire world, took everything and crushed it in hand, remain things he never wants to remember.
Things like Guinevere and a few of his fellow knights can't be remembered with a straight face. Often times he can't look at Lancelot without reliving nightmares of his own, things he still wakes up from. Horrors that still have their claws dug in deep. Seeing Lancelot's deepest love die at his feet features often in his dreams. And knowing he kept a loveless marriage alive to keep his pride in check, hurting a dear friend and an even dearer friend, and then letting that all crumble without resolution reminds Arthur of his deepest failure.
Living with that, piled upon living in a world where things don't add up, logic doesn't dictate their movement and magic is barely alive cracks at the hardened flesh of King Arthur himself. Or, at least, what he once was.
Currently, Arthur resides barely on the outskirts of town, in a little cul de sac of nicer, middle class homes. It's not very well decorated and just on the side of plain (a man who relies on servants to decorate, what could be expected?) but he likes to call it home. He keeps a tiny little sectioned off hedge area, with a tiny hanging roof completely overgrown with vines where his little flower garden sits. He picked this particular home because, well, he won't admit it, but he can see Merlin's house from his backyard, way off into the distance, the tiny, lone blot with all the trees. Often times, when he hears Merlin's car tutting about, he can be seen peeking over the fence (on his step stool, of course) and quickly hiding back in his garden.
Likes- All kinds of sweets! (His favorite by far is chocolate with raspberry filling)
- Horses
- Taking Charge
- Beating People
- Rubbing His Success in People's Faces
- Mercy
- Loyalty
- People Who Are Affection/Handsy/Touchy Feely
Dislikes- Essix, though not necessarily magic
- Rule Breakers
- Whining and Complaining
- Taking Advantage of the Meek
- Strict Black and White Morality
- Cruelty
- Cat Hair (though he loves Cats)
- Losing The Ones He Loves
"I'm caught between wanting my friends back and wanting to move on. And yet, people look to me for answers and guidance. I'll give you a sarcastic comment and lay the projection on heavy, that's what I'll do."