Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Min Seoyun

"Princess, we have docked! I am very sorry for the delay..." Finally. She was already late as is and the formalities of the delegation her mother had decided upon to accompany her were making the procedure even slower. Seo was annoyed and not even the niceties of the private airship of the Koshima royalty could soothe her. It was unfortunate, but not a lot of airships made their way to the rather isolated island, even less regular transit vessels.

Before she had gotten onto the ship, Seo was still very excited. Never had she seen an actual human before and now that the airship had docked and the fox girl stood on the ramp off the ship her excitement had vaporized. They were nothing special, these humans, even boring. The only remarkable trait they seemed to have was that they were incredibly tall. Most of them seemed to tower over Seo by quite a bit, but she didn't really feel overwhelmed by it. Back home, the trees were tall and mighty as well, but they were easily conquerable. Yes, she had just compared an intelligent life form with trees, but humans seemed to lack the character to even compare to the trees back home.

"Miss Min! You're late!" a person called out, Seo presumed it to be a teacher, but she wouldn't know who it was. They had neither visible ears, nor tails, nor the hair that was coloured differently for every member of her clan and all those living on Koshima Island- She couldn't even tell if it was a male or a female of the human species, so bland did they look to her.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I know what I have to do...", Seo uttered. She had informed herself thoroughly about how Beacon did their things for the "entrance exam" as her aunt had dubbed it.

Quickly eluding the teacher, Seo made to to the edge of the cliff, somewhere quite unseen. She glared at the tips of the trees and then took out an arrow she had specially made herself before going on this journey. This arrow had one end of a thick rope weaved into it and so Seo took out Orion, aimed at the trees and fired.

The rope stretched and locked as the arrow buried itself into a tree trunk and Seo simply swung down and safely glided onto a forked branch. She sniffed the air, which, although clear and fresh, carried the unmistakable rancid stench of Grimm. One seemed to be quite close...
Seo's tracking vision activated and she spotted a giant Grimm being battled by several figures, presumably humans. It seemed like they just barely had the upper hand, so Seo decided to tip the scales even further into their favour. Silently she jumped from tree to tree until she had arrived just above the struggle when one of the humans, it seemed to be a girl, from what Seo could tell, beat the monster over the head carrying some kind of leather flask in her other hand. Apparently it was quite the strong hit and left the beast quite dazed for a while.
This was the chance Seo-yun was waiting for! She drew two arrows aimed and fired both in quick succession. Both arrows hit true and pierced the wing membrane of the beast essentially nailing it to the ground.
She knew, two arrows wouldn't be enough and so, still perched on her tree, she quickly followed the two arrows with four more raising the total of arrows in the beast's wings to three each.
"Strike it, now!", she yelled to the humans who mostly already seemed quite exhausted.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chickn
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Chickn Old Fart

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


The Falthon reared it's head, displaying it's teeth to the group of Huntsmen that had gathered at it's base. It let out another blood-curdling screech from it's many faces, and turned to face Vlad. The tall figure had taken off towards the cliffs, with Bonny in his arms. Unfortunately, in all of the chaos, he had missed a boulder protruding from the earth. He fell face first into the dirt, leaving Bonny defenseless on the ground. The Falthon, hardly phased by the other Huntsmen currently hacking, slashing, and beating at his faces, hesitated for only a moment before using this opportunity to snatch Vlad up in it's massive jaws.

His screams of pain were quickly silenced, casting a sorrow mood over the Huntsmen. It was their first day, their initiation, and they had already witnessed two deaths. There was no way that Vlad could survive being eaten by the Falthon. It's teeth alone were bigger than him.

The Falthon continued lashing out at the students. It had enough appendages to keep most of them busy, and with two students already dead, their numbers were looking quite... Grimm.

Rowan D. Valinn

Rowan turned just in time to witness Vlad stumbling over a rock. She sprinted as quick as she could, but her path was blocked by the Falthon's head coming down on top of Vlad. She let out a shriek. The beast had just eaten Vlad whole.

"Vlad! Bonny!" Once the Falthon's head lifted away, Rowan rushed over to the prostrate body. It was Bonny, and she was still alive. "Bonny, are you alright? Come on, we have to get you out of here," she said as she hoisted Bonny up to her feet. She might have been small, but years of training in addition to her Aura gave her quite a bit of hidden strength. The distant music seemed to give her a boost, as well.

"Can you run? If not, I'll have to carry you," she said hastily. They couldn't linger around the beast. If they did, they would die. It took next to no effort for the beast to kill Vlad, and it would surely make short work of the rest of them if they didn't kill it first.

Rood von Rah

Rood stepped to the side of an incoming strike from the Falthon. It was no doubt a tough fight, and the odds were certainly not in their favor. However, as the other students showed up, Rood felt slightly relieved. They might stand a chance if they all worked together. He chained together several punches, aided by his Semblance. The faces had skin stronger than a Goliath, which made it extremely difficult to injure the beast.

Rood pulled his hand back in preparation for another attack when the beast stretched it's main head out behind him. Rood followed it, and witnessed it swallow Vlad. Damn, that's a shame. He didn't have time to mourn the loss, though. If they didn't take care of the Falthon now, the situation could escalate further.

He heard the sound of music long before seeing the source. Out of the corner of the forest, he saw the red-haired boy reveal himself, steadily playing his music. The effect was almost immediate. He felt a sudden boost in energy, like his Aura had been strengthened directly. That'll be useful.

"Everyone, keep attacking the faces! We seem to be weakening it."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Coch Talesin

Location: Group

Coch’s eyes shrank in horror when he watched the winged creature snatch up one of the students into its teeth. No…was his music not working? The guitarist’s lips rolled back to bare his teeth. The red blades of his hair began to rise and flicker with threads of electricity. He had to play something harder. Something that would fuel the remaining fighters with metal spirit. Overwhelmed with passion and a desire for justice and vengeance for all those who had fallen, Coch grabbed the whammy bar to load a lightning dust cartridge into his Stratocaster.

Strumming to get his guitar warmed up, chains of electricity danced around his pick and fingers. Coch’s eyes blazed with his determination, his jaw tightening sternly before he strummed one final time and unleashed the full brunt of his sound manipulation on the Falthon to hopefully stun it under the vibrations that bombarded its leathery and grotesque hide.


A contorting and twisting whip of lightning shot out from his guitar to tag the Grimm Wyrm. Arcs of lightning bounded over its body to add further paralysis and keep the creature immobile, even if temporarily, to help the group.

Three, two, one; killshot!
I’m here,
For Fun,
I’m num-ber one,
(What are you saying?)
(No one can stop me!)
One punch!
That’s it!
I always win!
(Listen to me!)
(Victory agaaaain~!)
Get more power!
Last minute limit counting 3, 2, 1!

Don’t wanna hear you calling out my name!
I’m not here for fortune and fame!
Instead, I’ll fight knowing nobody knows my name!
(Nobody knows who he is!)
My foes are closing in and covering the sky!
But I won’t turn my back tonight!
I’ll stay until I taste the dirt of defeat someday!
Unleash my fist!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chen Jet

"Well, the gang is all here! Now we can all die together!" Chen smiled as he said this, teleporting away from the Falthon and to yet another tree. Suddenly a faunus came out of nowhere and shot the Falthon in the wings, attempting to pin it down. It was all for naughty though as the one who had introduced himself as Vlad tripped. The person he was carrying rolled to safety, but Vlad was quickly snatched up into the creature's jaws, never to be seen again.

"Well then, I guess that's that." Chen should probably feel sadder about this, but now was not the time for grief. Now was the time to bottle up those emotions forever and kill this horrifying atrocity. Rood called out to keep attacking, so that was what Chen would do. Rock music played in the background as the guy with the guitar played an electrifying guitar solo to shock the beast into submission. He kept teleporting through the trees, taking potshots at the Falthon's many faces and occasionally it's wings as well. If they could keep it from moving, then the battle was over.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Bran Brass

@Chickn @Turboshitter

Bran smirked as split back into seven behind the tree. "Alright boys, spread out and give it hell. After all were we've got a family name to uphold." He smiled at his clones as music changed, they seven jumped out from the tree's they circled the beast. "You know I lived outside the walls for awhile, but I've never seen anything as ugly as you!" One as all the clones partnered up three of the copies wrapping thread around their partners.

Bran, the original had dashed out towards Bonny and Rowan, skidding to a halt in-front of them sword drawn. His blade extended be the same size as he stood between the monster and the other two students. "Go, I've got your back. The boys got him." He told Rowan as suddenly from three sides, three Bran's were tossed into the air before coming crashing down driving their blades down into the beast as they now stood it's back.

The other three clones jumped forward striking at the faces of the Falthon. "Alright boys get back before it pops you!" He ordered them, as they three on the ground ran to join Bran and the three on its back tried to jump off and return to Bran prime.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Min Seoyun

Tsk. Persistent little bugger. It seemed like Seoyun's arrows did almost nothing to the beast's ability to move, not that it seemed like any of the humans even noticed she was here. This seriously sucked. One thing she hated more than being reminded constantly that she had no claims to her father's titles and land was the feeling of being useless. This could not stand, at all.
Despite wanting to safe them for a later moment, she knew without her support from above, the monster might eventually devour all of those humans, just like it did right now as its maw parted the red sea of another human body.
Quickly she flicked a red bottle of dust into her hand from a pouch integrated into her quiver and then inserted it into the slot in her bow's grip. Seoyun felt the satisfying flow of the dust into the weapon and now she was almost ready. Smoothly she nocked an arrow waiting for the perfect moment to unleash her special attack.

There it was! For one moment all the combatants were not in reach of the beast, so Seo quite hurriedly shot her arrow at one of the unarmoured parts of the beast's neck. As soon as the arrow was loose, it began to glow eerily red sailing towards its target.
It struck true and on impact, the arrow and the surrounding areas of exposed Grimm flesh burst into flames, just as if someone had thrown a Molotov Cocktail at it.
Wasting no time Seo rapidly fired another arrow, this time aimed at the bone connecting its left wing to the torso and it similarly set alight the skin and flesh surrounding the impact zone.
Now she had to watch what this had done to the creature and if she had to switch up her dust and if the surviving humans could take advantage of what she had done.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yu Zuiren

As Yu stepped back from the monster, she noticed that her, as well as everyone else's, attacks seemed to be ineffective despite the amount of strength she currently had due to her semblance. She felt a slight irritation well up inside of her. It was very unusual for something to be largely unaffected by an attack like that, although she had to take it's size into account.

Before she could move in for another attack; the Falthon's head snapped forward, coming back with a mouth full of blood and the sound of pained screaming which were quickly silenced by it's maw. She stood in shock as she slowly realized what had just happened, but she quickly shook off the feeling. Standing around like this would make her it's next meal. Yu glanced around the battlefield, noticing that a few of the combatants were largely unaffected by what just happened. Was she just seeing things..?

She uncorked her gourd, spending a few precious moments to take some large gulps from it, emptying it. It's time to go hard or.. get eaten. She closed her eyes and took in 3 deep breaths as she dropped her gourd on the grass. Focusing whilst drunk? Only Yu could do that. She could feel her energy increasing as the music blared from the guitar in the background. Sounds of explosions and steel rang out. Her eyes snapped open at the sound of fire. Her vision blurred, but focused at the same time, which makes more sense to Yu than to anyone else.

As the Falthon endured the Hunter's attacks, it's claw swept sideways at Yu. Instinctively, she leaned backwards, narrowly avoiding the claw. Although it looked like she just stumbled over. Snapping back upright, she sharged forward once again, but this time she leapt into the air. It wasn't long before she landed on top of it's head, screaming as she slammed her fist into it's cranium, causing a even louder impacting sound compared to her last punch. She began to let out a flurry of brutal sounding punches into the top of the monster's head. At this point in time, she had pretty much forgotten about all the other combatants, her adrenaline levels going higher despite being drunk.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Bonny Mako


And just like that he was dead. Falthon snatched up Vlad, and brought Bonny's prediction full circle. Somehow being right didn't feel so satisfying when it meant someone (even a complete wanker) had to die. Neither did being next on the menu.

Just as the Falthon had finished Vlad off and Bonny was sure she was next, Rowan rushed in and scooped her up in her arms.

My hero, Bonny thought sarcastically to herself, even though no one could hear her. I guess it's only fair you to get to save my life in return.

Rowan asked if she could run.

"Aye", Bonny gasped, her mouth dry and her heart still racing. "I can run... me Aura's dead in the water but... I still got some stamina left in these old sea legs... somehow."

She got on her feet and with Rowan's support, they started to run, making a mad dash to wherever the hell the Falthon wasn't. She was no fool, and if Rowan had seen fit to save her life then she wasn't dying here today either. Those balmy fools could stay behind and fight if they wanted. They'd be remembered as having brass balls... and scurvy for brains.

Bonny looked back at the rampaging beast, watching the blood spray from its mouth all over the forest floor. A tiny shred of a red coat fluttered softly to the ground, before being trampled underfoot. She closed her eyes.

"So long, sharkbait."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Rood von Rah

As soon as the blonde had called out for everyone to begin attacking the faces, he turned back just in time to see the Falthon's long tail swiping back toward him. He barely had time to react before the large, thorny tail slammed against his body sending him flying back against a large protruding boulder. He heard the crack of his body against the cold stone before he felt his body slump down to the ground.

For a moment, everything went black with the only sound in his ears being a high pitched, ringing whine.

His eyes opened and with fuzzy vision he could barely make out the shapes of many of his new comrades fighting against each the screeching Falthon. All noise came in a strange, tinny, box-like echo. The sounds of a song played in the far distance. Then he faded out again, his eyes closing.

Moments later he opened his eyes, sound also returning with his vision fuzzy. Someone was throwing bombs against the neck of the Falthon. No... his eyesight began to clear. Not bombs... were those... arrows...?

A first attempt to stand did nothing but made the blonde groan... then a second attempt. Panting, Rood forced himself up, feeling rage slowly bubbling beneath the surface. With one hand, he pushed himself up from the boulder as his vision first returned... then the sound. He rolled his tongue around his mouth and then found an offending object on his tongue. He turned his head to the boulder and spat out a tooth that was bathed in blood against the great rock. Ugh. He felt the missing tooth's spot in his gums luckily out of view of his grin line. He shook his head, spitting more blood from the missing tooth onto the ground. There, as he looked out onto the horizon. A fox girl in a tree he could barely make out with his fuzzy but returning vision. She was shooting the arrows.

A quick glance between all those present told him what he needed to do, the music from the guitarist making his adrenaline go wild. He stumbled away from the rock before he got his footing, holding up both his hands to the fox girl. He had an idea.

The Fox girl in the tree narrowed her eyes, pausing in her barrage of fire arrows to the creatures neck that she just now realized were not working. Some guy in golden armor was holding his hands up... and then pointed at the wings. Really, that again? It hadn't worked before... but she nodded, placing multiple arrows into her quiver, taking aim... and letting them fly.

Panting, Rood watched the arrows and waited until they completed their arc... He firmly placed his feet into a wide stance, holding his hand up toward the arrows with a deep, concentrated look on his face slowly forming into a scowl. His fingers quivered from the pain in his body after meeting such a harsh blow but from even here his eyes could pick up the small sound barrier wave around all the arrows. His semblance had been placed on something small at quite a distance, forcing him to focus on nothing but them until they met their mark--the wings of the Falthon.

The great beast screeched as the arrows locked it to the ground, causing Rood's eyes to widen in surprise. It had worked... somehow... The beast roared, spitting acid wherever it could in it's displeasure and thus ushering a few steps back from Rood. It was pinned... making this fight much more fair. Rood looked around quickly, shaking off the feeling of celebration before he found who he was looking for--a certain multiple cloned person with thread in their blade.


He called to the cloned individual, then accidentally inhaled some of the blood in his mouth, ushering him into a coughing fit. Between coughs and spitting out more blood in his mouth, he looked to the red haired Hunter-in-training.

"Tie the Falthon down, now!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The sounds of the fight grew faint and distant the more they ran. The screams, the blaring guitar music, the bellowing triumph of the Falthon over another kill. This wasn't right. But what could they do? There was no way Rowan could fight the Falthon with her knuckle Dusters (heh), and she was completely drained of Aura, which made her worse than useless. She could barely lift her cannon! But there had to be something she could do! She... she...

She couldn't live with herself if she let them all die again.

Bonny screwed her eyes shut. "Aw to hell with this! Rowan, find me a good cliff! We be needing a crow's nest for this."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Bran Brass

Bran nodded. "Form up, tie it down!" Order the original, like a well oiled machine the seven broke apart and circled firing threads across to each other. Forming a net around over the beast as they circle it firing to each other catching the threads and tying them to the hilts of there swords. Keeping at it no matter how threads the beast cut the managed to tie off burying there swords deep in the ground extending the blades down further as to pin the creature close to the floor.

"We've got it held, finish it off!" Bran prime yelled, hoping the beast wouldn't start polishing off his clones, his aura was intact but if they started going he'd get weak once they reformed. Bran knew he could hold it however but he could hold it, that was something no one else could do right now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ookawa
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Ookawa The professional non-professional

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Min Seoyun

Even her exploding arrows had nearly no effect on the beast's neck. This was slowly getting frustrating for the tiny fox girl, even more so when one of the humans motioned for her to pin the wings once more.
Really, that again? It hadn't worked before... but nevertheless, she wasn't one to spoil some one else's strategy, so she nodded. However, this time around she planned to do it differently. She removed the red dust vial and inserted a white one onto the grip of her bow and knocked her arrow.
She focused and concentrated, narrowed her eyes and let loose. As soon as the first arrow was on its way, she knocked a second one and fired it immediately after continuing to do so until about eight arrows were in the air or already hitting the target.
The arrows, while in flight, had a white trail flowing off the shaft and when they impacted the soft membrane of the beast, the tip exploded freezing the surrounding area and creating an iceberg surrounding the arrow making it even more difficult to remove it and lift up the wings, both of which were now pinned down by four ice arrows each.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Coch Talesin

Location: Group

Coch could feel his throat going dry and soar the more he tried to keep singing. His pipes were rusting up, and he couldn’t believe that now, of all the times where he could have had his voice leave him. Bowing his head in the growing shame and defeat that just wanted to settle on his shoulders and burden him, the guitarist bore his teeth in frustration. Salty drops of sweat dripped from his red brows and rolled down his chin. He could feel the pads of his fingers growing tender, and he knew that the longer he played, the more his fingers might start to bleed. It was a better sacrifice than watching the team die.

Swallowing a few times in his hopeless attempt to moisten his throat, Coch raised his head and cast his determined eyes upon the beast that the team attempted to pin down again. He may not have been able to sing anymore, but he could still play, and he was going to shred the hell out of his Stratocaster.

Coch stopped playing and held out his hands to his left and right as he curled and uncurled his fingers, listening as his joints popped and crackled.

All right, he mused. One last performance.

Grasping the neck of his guitar, he tapped out a beat with the heel of his boot, and brought the music back to the fight! Bobbing his head to his shred, he filled the forest with a powerful and energetic tune.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Chen Jet

Chen grunted with frustration as he came to terms with the fact that he was doing absolutely nothing. He never was good at taking down insane bullet sponges like these. He didn't have the firepower to do any real damage. Luckily for him though, he didn't have to. The Faunus girl was doing quite well in immobilizing the Falthon in conjunction with Bran, letting people like Yu do the big damage against it.

Chen noticed that the guitarist was getting tired and figured he was probably thirsty. Singing tended to strain the throat quite a bit. Chen pulled a small flask out of his jacket pocket and teleported near the guitarist.

"Drink. You're going to fuck up your voice if you keep going like this." Chen offered the flask to Coch with a small smile on his face, which quickly melted off as he realized what this could be perceived as. "It's water, I just couldn't find a better way to transport water around."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yu Zuiren

It seemed as though her punches to the thick skull of the beast weren't working as she had intended... Which irritated her more than the fact that she had run out of her drink. The Falthon had jerked it's head as it got tied down, sending Yu tumbling on the ground. Her rolling recovery.. Or rather, her flopping recovery was 'fluid', if not looking a little too drunk. She glanced around to see what everyone else was doing. Three of them didn't really look like they were doing much, although.. some of them looked worse for wear.

In her drunken state, she didn't really notice that the music man had stopped singing, but the vigor from the music was still there. Her eyes focused on the monster once more as she slowly built up from a walk to a bull charge, her expression seemingly furious. The beast struggled against it's bonds as she approached it. Even if it did manage to break free, it wouldn't last long. Or at least, she didn't think it would.

After nearing the beast, she leapt upward, the force in her legs sending her high into the sky. She readied her fist as she descended, focusing most, if not all of her aura into her arm and fist. 'If this doesn't work, I'm out of options.' She thought to herself.. Yu let out a loud kiai as her fist met the back of the beast's body. Her fist crashed into it's body that let out a delayed shockwave, the Falthon and it's faces were completely pressed into the ground from the force of the blow; the earth cracked as if an earthquake had hit, the monster's body creating a crater. Did it work?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The hooded figure leaned over the side of the cliff, in disbelief of what they were witnessing.

"Impossible." A deep, masculine voice that sounded both sinister and somehow passive was uttered from beneath the hood.

Rood von Rah

It was working--the ice from the arrow girl had severely damaged the falthon who whined and screeched as it was tied down by Bran. Then, with the song playing that boiled the adrenaline inside him, Yu went on to deliver a horrific blow that pulsed in a shockwave around them, almost forcing Rood onto his knees. He covered his eyes to avoid debris from hitting it, then looked up at the sound of glass shattering.

His eyes widened at first, then he grinned as he realized it wasn't glass that had shattered the beast, but the parts of the falthon that had turned to ice had shattered. Most of the faces had completely been decimated in the blast, at this point the falthon was almost nothing more than a bloody mess. However, the fight wasn't over for the legendary grimm. It twisted, seeing an opportunity, and attempted to gnash its great maw around Yu. He reacted on instinct, flinging himself forward with his semblance in hopes to wrap his arms around her and drop her out of the way clumsily. He stumbled, rolling even in an ungraceful landing that was only saved when he found his footing.

He stayed like that, smoke coming off of his body as he allowed the music that the guitarist played to fill his ears. Then energy poured off his tan skin and he looked up, his hair shifting in the aura pouring off of him. As he did this, the falthon began to break its binds, each coming off with a sickening snap sound with its gaze turned on him, angry that it had lost its prey. His red eyes burned... somehow this music reminded him of...


With a yell, he lurched his body forward, a wave of energy appearing in front of him as his body cut through the last of the falthon's faces and through a thin part of its neck.

The falthon let out a bloodcurdling scream, its body igniting into flames as it faded like all grimm do, its body instead becoming burning embers against the sky. On the other side of where he'd stood, Rood stood shaking with his body covered in burns. His body smoked still, but with more coming off of him this time, some of the embers of the grimm coming off of him as well. He stood still like that until the falthon had gone... then his eyes rolled back and he passed out, falling first to his knees, and then flat on his face. His body heaved in effort of dealing with the pain of the burns and potential concussion from before. For Rood von Rah, at least for now, it was lights out.


"...a von Rah then... and the Taliesen boy..."

The hooded man scratched his cheek. All of them displayed such... interesting abilities...

At that moment, he felt something shock him to an intense degree, causing his body to seize up until--

Glynda Goodwitch

Her green lightning zapped the intruder from the back, her expression twisted in anger. She watched, then, as the cloak suddenly fell as though there was nobody within it. Her pupils shrank in fear, and upon closer inspection noticed nothing peculiar of the cloak. The man had screamed when shocked, but a moment ago had stopped, cut off like a record player stopped mid-play. Whoever it was that had attacked her, he was gone. Looking down the cliff, Glynda's eyes widened. She hurried into the meadow, calling for backup as she went and arriving very quickly, panting. She hurriedly went to Rood's fallen form, kneeling beside him as she looked at the others, her eyes serious.

"Consider yourselves complete upon this task. I do not know what occurred here but it looks as though a serious fight has just transpired. All of you that can, hurry back to the school and wait in Ozpin's office. I must tend to this student at once."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Holy Soldier
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Holy Soldier Divine Justice

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Coch Talesin

Location: Group

After Chen had teleported over to him, Coch couldn’t afford to remove his hands from his guitar to take the offered water for there were too many fighters relying on his sound alone to keep moving. He kept playing, sweat pouring from his brow and chin, his eyes clenched tight to keep the salt from rolling into them and stinging them. The team laid their final smack down on the Falthon and when the Grim suddenly burst into embers, Coch dropped to his knees, gasping as though he had been resting from an endurance workout. His head was eased back to allow the cool air to wash over his glistening skin and his mouth agape with his labored pants.

If Chen remained next to him and his offer was still present, Coch’s golden eyes would roll over to him and he would raise a trembling hand toward the…he hesitated to give the boy a questionable look.

It’s water, I just couldn’t find a better way to transport water around.

Grasping it still with a bit of uncertainty, Coch started unscrewing the cap, and it was only then that he felt the stinging and burning sensation at the pads of his fingers. So much skin had been worn away by the strings and his vigorous techniques. Once the cap was free, Coch dumped the water back into his mouth and drank from it desperately, throat audibly pumping the refreshing liquid into his stomach. He drank until he needed to breathe, removing the flask from his mouth and gasping heavily.

“Thanks, mate,” Coch said gratefully, his voice still a little raspy, but his throat had felt much better with some water. He handed Chen back his flask.

“M’name’s Coch. What’s ch’name?”

All of a sudden, Glynda Goodwitch appeared.

“Oh nows y’wanna show up?” Coch facetiously muttered. After the death of several students, all she had to say was that their mission was complete? Who was caring about that right now?

Resting a hand upon his knee, the guitarist groaned as he rose to his feet and swung his Stratocaster onto his shoulder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Turboshitter
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Turboshitter Ubiquitous. Mendacious. Polyglottal.

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Bonny Mako

Bonny set down her cannon just as she'd finished lining up the first shot. She couldn't believe it. They'd won. They'd really won. Not just survived, but actually killed it. A Falthon, the ur-Grimm. Beyond all expectations and beyond all hope, Rood had led them to victory against an unbeatable opponent, even landing the finishing blow himself. And she...

She ran away, while the others died.

Bonny shook her head. No! It wasn't like that! She could barely move, and she'd thought....

That it was okay to leave the rest of them to die just like Vlad? That just because the Falthon seemed unbeatable meant it was okay to run away?

The shark faunus tried to forget about it. It wasn't important now. What they needed to do was get down there and help carry the wounded back to safety. She'd had time to rest, and the song had restored at least a little bit of physical stamina, so she felt confident enough to walk again.

"Come on Rowan," she said, stumbling. "We need to get down there and help them."

Better late than never, right?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rekaigan
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Rekaigan Rolling Sushi

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yu Zuiren

'It worked.. right..?' Yu thought to herself, her mind hazy from being drunk and all the energy she exerted from that devastating punch. She slowly stood up on top of the mound that was the Falthon, her vision blurring in and out. She felt fear seize her body as she felt the large body below her feet... move. Her body refused to obey her commands to move, as if it had resigned to it's fate. The monster was going to eat her. It was the end of her short journey.

Yu took a deep breath in and closed her eyes. There was nothing else she could do now. With a THUMP, something collided with her. It wasn't the jaws of the beast, but something else. A person? Her body went tumbling into the dirt as her savior dropped her from their grasp. The wind was knocked right out of her as she landed, causing her to cough and wheeze violently for a few moments. She opened her eyes after recovering from the loss of breath, only to see the large.. bottle? Jindan. She smiled a little at the blurred sight of her gourd. She was alive.

But she was also very tired.. and drunk. 'Waking up is going to be a pain..' She thought as her consciousness left her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Bran Brass

@Rekaigan @PyroDash888

Bran smiled, his clones returning to him as he sheathed his blade turning back to look over the others, he was tired be had yet to be hit by the fatigue seven men would have felt from that. He noticed his partner laying unconscious beside her gourd, the drunk had given it her all they were partners now. Walking he slipped his arms and laid her over his shoulder, stopping for a moment he decided to carry at least more dignified than a sack of grain.

So he moved her into his arms, a little harder to carry but didn't make her look a burden on the young man. Starting to walk away from the battle he caught sight of a fox Faunus, stopping he looked to her. "Hey I'm heading back to Beacon, you want to walk with us? Better to travel back together... Also if a Grimm attacked I could use the help... Got my hands full with my partner." Bran gave her a little smile, the girl did remind a bit of his family back home. After speaking to her he started the long walk towards Beacon, carrying Yu the whole way only setting her down once they had reached the main hall setting her on a bench.

He took a seat beside his resting partner not entirely sure what to make of the day, they had killed a legendary Grimm lost a few students in one day. The fatigue had been setting as they traveled back, his joints and muscles ached he was pretty sure he'd have bruises all over himself tomorrow. The clones could survive getting tossed around a little but there damage came back to him when it was all said and done. If they were killed he wouldn't but losing all six getting beaten up himself well, it meant he was done and out for couple days at least.
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