Arena- The Rising Sun Inn
Gonad's starting location and the layout of the Rising Sun.
Victory: Forfeit, Knockout, or Death
Wager: Unranked
Stipulation: The thread must start with the beginning of the fight, the circumstances leading up to which are to be left vague and unanswered, and neither competitor may I.C'ly call for a truce or draw. This is to avoid the characters becoming friends or having trouble initiating a match.
Gonad's starting location and the layout of the Rising Sun.
Victory: Forfeit, Knockout, or Death
Wager: Unranked
Stipulation: The thread must start with the beginning of the fight, the circumstances leading up to which are to be left vague and unanswered, and neither competitor may I.C'ly call for a truce or draw. This is to avoid the characters becoming friends or having trouble initiating a match.