Alyssa chase

Sixteen years old. Female

Aly is definitely not the most popular teen in the world, and very far from even being sociable. A lot of the times she acts very kidish and stubbornish to get her way, no mater how stupid it is. Despite this she is always up for a party or doing something fun any times, even if I means breaking the rules slightly. She tends not to be very sympathetic most times and will do what she feels like doing. She tends to zone out of what one is talking about, and gets distracted really easily. Though when she is absolutely determined to something, her lazyness doesn't give in at all and she will easily be able to do anything. She tends to be very negative and impatient also. If angered, which is very easy to do she becomes hostile, but is it hostile enough to kill?

Alexis Dremel

Sixteen year old. Female

Alexis is very sweet and loves to tell jokes. She is also very sociable and will talk to anyone about almost anything. She is very innocent and tries her best to tell the truth at all times, and follow all of the rules. She is also very sarcastic at times. She usually tends to think out the things she does and passes her classes with ease. She is flirty also when she's around someone she likes. She also can be a bit of a tomboy by some of the activities she does, since she loves the out doors. Is she as inicent as she says?

David Harsmel

Seventeen years old. Male

Davis is ones average joke. He is always hitting on some one and comes on like a big jerk. He is infatuated with himself and does everything he can in order to protect his reputation. He doesn't care about others, and tends to be very chill. He isn't one to worry about things. Instead of worrying, he would probly just kick back and watch TV and procrastinate it off. He doesn't try very hard to pass his classes and claims the only reason he goes to school is so that he could play football. He is very competitive also and will do anything to win. Is it possible those limits could be questioned?