@KatherinWinter Yes, I've been trying to get started on here for a while but I haven't found any rps catching my interest til now. SO I've been on regularly for a while now just not posting. I promise I won't just disappear minus for my vacations this summer. That's a reasonable question and if you want to deny me I'll be fine with that.
@Kitty I believe in second chances. If you say you think you can post fairly regularly I am willing to try. Your character is approved. Take a look and see who you might want as a partner.
@KatherinWinter it would be interesting to be a surprise, mainly sense I have no clue how my characters would react in the end to the others until I actually use them.
@KatherinWinter I could see Holland being able to fight well with @Queentze's character Lewis Jackson as a Chakram or with @olcharlieboi's character Zero as a scythe. Both fit her in two different ways and in the end whatever you choose I'll be fine with.
@Otaku95 it would be cool but she is more a silent killer type and a gun would kind of ruin the assassin style she has going for her, that was just my thoughts