Age: 27
Weapon: A heavy long sword, and her own ability to use magic runes, namely those of Fire, Water and Darkness. The long sword, though ornate and beautiful like in the picture, is still a long sword, and carries all the perks and disadvantages of a long sword being a long sword. It is longer than most long swords however. The rune magic is of course magic cast through runes, needing a specific rune to cast a specific spell. It can also be etched onto things to enchant them, though if the rune fades the enchantment will also fade. It, of course, needs to be actually drawn, and to cast them for effects like a fireball or the likes would need her to take out the black talon she carries around to actually use them.
Hobbies: Rune magics, training in them, and singing. The first two were obvious. Power was rather enticing for her, plus it helps her get stronger so her sister doesn't have to. The last... the last was a secret. It was something she does alone when no one is watching, somewhere secluded. It soothes and calms her, as if singing was her natural state.
Assets: Aside from being a rather well to do family and may still have pull among her people, she could, with time and enough talons, enchant quite a lot of things. Other than that, she has that certain type of charisma, being able to naturally pull people towards her, though her boisterous nature kept her from really exploiting that save as her position as the eldest daughter of the house. Sorting out servants and dealing with such and such was second nature to her, though she was more effective with those below her status as royalty, again, due to her own nature.
Liability:Her love and her own overprotective nature for her own sister. It was hard to just... let her go when she had been protecting her, watching over her, for most of their life. There is nothing she would not do for her, and if she had to kill herself for her sister, then she would do it with a smile. This extends to her youngest sibling, Arash, as well, though to a lesser extent due to him being rather physically fit.
Brief Summary: As the eldest daughter, she was expected to carry on the traditions and name of the family, and her own upbringing reflected that. With her high magic potential, she was slated to be a magician by her own right, as was customary of the family, though she was trained in other things as well, such as history, mathematics, elegance and the likes. It never really went well, since she wasn't interested in magic at that point.
Of course, she took care of her little sister as best she could as well. Carmella was always the sickly type, so Elizabeth made a point of visiting her every now and then. When the war started, she paid it little attention doing only the barest minimum required of her, for she was busy with her own duties. What was the use of worrying about something when there were ministers and generals who could worry about it AND do something about it as well. Worrying about something that would probably last just a few months or so before the might of their kingdom was a fruitless endeavor.
Or so she thought.
During one of their travels throughout the country, she and her sister's entourage was attacked, apparently under the misguided belief that it was carrying some important cargo. It was then that her little sister was injured, it was then that she truly fell into rage. Pulling out the black etching talon, she carved out a rune in midair, manifesting a fireball that engulfed the attackers. Rallying what was left of the guards and utilizing her own magical talents, she managed to push back the raid just enough to be able to retreat, forcing pursuit to cease as she laid down trap after trap upon the land until the etching talon broke. It was an attack that seemed to burn fresh in her memories regardless of how much time passed. It was after all, the first day that she had ever killed someone else, and the first time she had failed her sister so badly.
Elizabeth took the war more seriously after that, training more in her arts, and actively taking to the field in the war. It was then that she grew closer to that... someone, that knight, who seemed to never waver from his ideals. However, he seemed rather fixated on something he called a greater danger, something her sister believe in wholeheartedly. She herself was a lot more cynical on that, a war doesn't really need a fanciful dark figure in the background to pull strings to start, but since her sister believed in it, she was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.
That was why she wasn't sure of what to believe, when the knight arranged a meeting with two of the royal family from the other side of the war. The other two did show up, but the ambush that happened next? That was highly unbelieveable. When forces from Nohr showed up, she was convinced at that moment she and her sister was set up, but when forces from her own kingdom showed up and started attacking them... It was more than what she could wrap her head around.
Thus, here she was, exiled and reviled as traitors with her sister. Whatever that was happening, it seemed enough to influence even Mikoto.