Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| B I R T H N A M E: |

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

~Ryan Lebeau~

| B I R T H N A M E: |

Ryan Martin Lebeau

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |
Prince of Thieves

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
The Spitting image of his father, Ryan stands at 194 Centimeters, weighing roughly 70 kilograms. He has a athletic shape, dark hair and red eyes, just like his father. Rugged, yet handsome features, a white streak of hair running down his face, like his mother. His skin is as pale as it gets, and the sun seems to have no affect at changing his complexion. While he has similiar mannerisms as his father, they walk with the same posture. He lacks the swagger his senior dons, naturally taking up less space and overall blending in a lot better into a room.

He dresses modestly, much to the dismay of both of his parents, his mother wanting him to always look as good as possible, and his dad lovingly refers to him as a nerd. He dresses in jeans, T-shirts, collared shirts and a red leather jacket. He sometimes wears leather gloves or a wool coat and a scarf, should the weather force him to.

During Danger Room sessions he dons the regular black suit with the X-Shaped belt and a personalized leather jacket in black with red stripes as well as the X-insignia on the shoulders. Throwing knives on his wrists and a switchblade on his person at all times.

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Kinetic Energy Manipulation
■ Kinetic Energy Control |
Like his father, Ryan has the potential to manipulate all forms of kinetic energy, to activate the potential energy in objects or atoms to create violent explosions - to siphon the energy to increase his own physical powers, or to generate powerful shields fueling of the kinetic energy. However, like his father his powers have been suppressed as they are far too dangerous to control.

■ Forcefield generation |
Generates a shield of varying size - always in a circular shape. As a shield, as a bubble or anything in between. Can be used on allies and foes alike.

■ Kinetic Energy Absorbation |
The forcefield is powered by kinetic eneregy - someone hits, shoots or drops explosions on the shield, it will only become stronger.

■ Kinetic Energy Release |
Releasing the energy in a controlled blast.

■ Other forms of energy |
Heat, Light, Lasers, you name it, it won't power the shield.

■ More Power - Harder To Maintain |
The more his shield gets hit, the stronger and more durable it gets, but the more concentration it takes to keep from reaching critical mass.

■ Critical Mass Explosion |
Once the shield is 'full' the energy will start overcharging, once it's too difficult for Ryan to maintain leading to a unstable kinetic energy-charge which will lead to a devastating explosion.


■ Photographic Memory |
While his mother could steal the physical, and mental properties of someone else, Ryan is able to memorize anything he understands. This is especially connected to his spine and therefor his muscle memory, allowing him to quite easily replicate a physical maneuver done by anyone else.

■ Acrobatics / Free-Running / Gymnastics |
His slender frame makes him naturally agile, but thanks to his mind and regular training, he would be able to match the best olympic athletes in terms of agility. While still ages worse than his father, his flexibility, dexterity and agility are all notable. He's also a natural pick-pocket. He can't work locks.

■ Martial Arts And Marksmanship |
Able to throw cards, or knives is family tradition - so is shooting geese with a shotgun. While he is far more skilled in the former than the latter, he is a man of many means. He has basic-training in Savato and ju-jitsu, but thanks to watching his father and several others, he has a basic understanding of most martial arts, while far from a master at any of them.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
■ 1998: December 18th: Anne-Marie and Remy have a baby boy, they name him Ryan Martin Lebau, following their marriage four weeks after his birth.

■ 2000: Two years old, his mutation was evident, being born with black and red eyes like his father. Thought to have been a mental ability, as young Ryan was walking and talking at two.

■ 2002: Ryan's powers manifest for the first time, he ignites the potential energy in a toy car, blowing up the southern wing of the institute. Joshua Foley - Elixir, a X-man and Ryan's godfather, along with Charles Xavier uses their powers to put up physical as well as mental blockades in Ryan's brain, allowing him but a portion of his powers. They go back to being dormant following this incident.

■ 2004: Life was relatively normal for Ryan till 2004, when he was six he recalled his parents leaving home one day, him being sent to the institute 'to be safe', and soon found himself with his parents wrapped into a serious conflict. His father changed into a being nothing like the aloof, yet loving father he had come to know. It was at this time - the age of Apocalypse, that his powers manifested once again. Blocking a kinetic dagger thrown by his father, the shield absorbing the entire hit, overcharging it and a explosion erupted, putting Ryan in a coma for two weeks. Ryan wakes up to find out that his 'uncle' Joshua perished to save his father and the entire world from the First Mutant.

■ 2006: His powers were still not actively used very often, they were still unstable and he lacked control. His parents different, more distant from each other, him and the other X-men. Remy even left the team for a time following his time as Death. Taking Ryan with him back to his home of New Orleans, where the Cajun introduced his son to the Thieves guild that his father had reconciled with.

■ 2008: Ryan - soon to be eleven years old had now actively started using his powers, as well as his natural knack for learning to become an excellent thief, pick-pocket and liar. The heir to the thieves guild, they would call him, to take the place that had been meant for his father. But Ryan missed his childhood home, and pushing his father into reconciling with his mother. Thanks to time healing wounds, they would become a family again at the end of the year.

■ 2011: Twelve Years Old, Ryan joined the institute as a official student, Remy taking a position on the X-men team, and even joined the newly formed X-force lead by Alex Summers. Ryan begins actually training his gifts now, along with the training he got from his father and the Thieves guild, Ryan is already a impressive prospect for an X-man.

■ 2013: The aftermath of Jean Grey's latent powers activating shook the entire mutant community. the X-men were in pieces, countless were dead and his parents more bitter than before. The world had turned on their kind and all the hard work Xavier had tried to build up had been ruined.

■ 2014: Remy is convinced it was from heartache, not from old age. Charles Xavier passed, a loss - like losing a grandfather fell over Ryan, and the entire Institute.

■ 2016: One of the longest trained students at the institute, Ryan feels like he has found his groove in being the knowledgeable mutant - while still quite the troublemaker and not always the most responsible. He has a good heart, and all who meets him should see that. Taking the name Renegade to match his mother's and father's given names.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
■ His father's Cajun accent and his mother's Southern Drawl, while being raised in New Orleans and New York has made his accent undistinguishable, not even the best dialect coaches could possibly figure out where his way of speaking comes from if he didn't tell them.

■ Sarcastic to a fault

■ Kind of a dick sometimes

■ Tries to be forward and quite the flirt, but is actually very insecure around the female sex, still being a virgin despite everyone else being convinced he's a sex-god.

■ Prone to picking fights

■ Super Prone to messing with his seniors, especially his father and the senior X-men.

■ All the textbook knowledge in the world, yet he keeps writing poorly on tests simply because he doesn't give a hoot.

■ Loves flying the X-Jet and it's one of the few activities that actually makes him focus - well, besides Danger Room session, or goofing off.

■ Deeply afraid he will never live up to his parents expectations, that he can never be as good of an X-man as people expect of him, which is why he acts out a lot.

■ A Legacy, he spent a lot of his childhood at the institute, getting to know a lot of the X-men, past and present. He's been an official student for seven years, but has spent over 15 in and around the institute with his parents.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Thomas Edwin Casey Campbell
Talael Of Eno.

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

Above Average looking guy of well above average height with a far above average build.

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Magical Angelic Powers.

| S K I L L S: |
Magical Angelic Warrior Skills


Magical Farm Boy Skills.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Fell from heaven, got turned into a human.

Got trained to be a warrior by his mildly psychotic father.

Lived on a farm.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
He has a mom, a dad who are both dead and a younger brother who's a total dick.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Charles Timothy Skinner II

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |
Wizard Of OS.

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
Average looking guy with terrible fashion sense. Slender build, average height.

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Like Donatello, he does Machines.

| S K I L L S: |
No, seriously, machines. Computers, it's all he does.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Came from a less than stellar home, broke out onto his own, now runs a successful IT-Company.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
Moonlights as Tech Guru of superheroes around the globe.
Has a delightful British accent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Douglas James Torres

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A L I N G M E N T |:
Walking The Line.

| P E R S O N A L I T Y |:
Experienced, self-confident, skeptic, intelligent, immature.

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
187 CM tall, 80 Kg heavy. Short brown hair, 4'clock shadow. He used to be roguishly handsome, the years haven't been to kind to him. He's out of shape, sporting what the kids today calls "A dad body". He dons shirts, jeans or if he's feeling fancy he'll wear an ill-fitting leather jacket he used to wear in his younger days.

| A B I L I T I E S: |
■ Optical Energy Projection:
Able to fire beams of concussive force from his eyes. The beams do not carry radiation, but they do carry a significant amount of heat. The heat from his eyes is a lot more potent than that from his hands, burning for almost twice as hot

■ Thermite Touch:
His hands can generate heat up to five thousand degrees Celsius - hot enough to melt most metals, barring some super alloys. His hands and forearms are immune to heat or getting burned- so are his eyes and most of his face.

■ Superhuman Reflexes:
His eyes are able to react at superhuman speeds. Burning projectiles coming at him before they can reach him, for instance.
While his eyes are able to register movement quickly doesn't mean his body can always keep up.

| S K I L L S: |
■ Tactical Thinking :
As a former Bankrobber and planner of heists, he's grown accustomed on how to plan a crime. He's prone to checking all of his bases regardless of scenario. He managed to get out of one of the most dangerous businesses in the world alive and free. He's not about to change that.

■ Marksmanship:
While he is not a fan of using guns, he does know how to use them, being a good shot with a handgun.

■ Genius Intellect:
While certainly not unheard of, Douglas sports an IQ of 168. He's an excellent problem solver, skilled at math as well as having the ability to speak four languages. English, Spanish, Russian and Danish.

■ Martial Arts:
He was high-school champion in wrestling and took boxing in college.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Born to a regular household, born poor, born with a will to make a better life for himself. He took to a life of crime pretty early, doing small time crime while still in high school, and by the time he dropped out of College at 21, he was a full blown criminal. He spent six months in jail for breaking and entering. While inside, he developed his super powers and when you have thermite coming out of your skin, crime becomes a easy living. He would gather a crew and the four of them would heist all across America, never getting caught and due to his powers they never left a trace.

During a heist in his 30's, in California, a civilian pulled a gun on his crewmember, and Douglas shot Joshua Daniels, 24 years old to death. The only time he ever killed. It haunted him and made him quit the game, taking his money and leaving his life of crime behind. Retreating to a private island in South America, he's spent a decade in riches and now, a midlife crisis richer he has decided to make up for old sins.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
Making up for his old sins as a vigilante.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| B I R T H N A M E: |

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |
N/A, refers to itself as a "He".

| A G E: |
6,482 years old, has the mental age of potato peel.

| A L I N G M E N T |:
Whatever his master decides for him.

| P E R S O N A L I T Y |:
Childish, Gullable, Trusting, Dimwitted, Protective.

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
His form is malleable and is able to alter his appearance, to even seem humanoid of he so desires. His most common appearance however is a hulking form, three meters tall and two meters wide between the shoulders, pouring with water. A seemingly small head between his shoulders. The liquid water that makes up his body is semi-solid, unless another state is used, thus allowing him to wear clothes, such as the tri-cone hat inspired by 18th century Pirates on Planet Earth.

| A B I L I T I E S: |
■ Drowian Physique:
As the last remaining Dowian, taken away from his home when very young he does not know very much about his heritage. His conciousness is tored in a navy blue sphere made out of a incredibly tough dermal layer. He believes it to be his heart, and as such protects it greatly. His body can always reform from his Heart, providing there's water around, making him very difficult to injure.

■ Hydrokinetic:
Potentially one of the most capable manipulators of Water, Aquaticus is able to turn Oxygen and Hydrogen into water, thus effectively allowing him infinite water that he can then manipulate the pressure, temperature and amount of, giving him a vast variety of abilities, both offensive and defensive.

■ Superhuman Durability:
Able to survive gunfire without any injury, AQUATICUS is quite the imposing foe, given his very powerful nature.

| W E A K N E S S E S: |
■ Intelligence :
While old, he's not very smart. He's a gentle soul at heart who never has any desire to harm anyone, only following the orders of his master. He's gullible and easy to convince of just about anything, like a child with no life experience.

■ Gravity
When absorbing hydrogen and Oxygen to turn into water, he needs to be under the affect of "regular" gravity. As such, in the vacuum of space, he's unable to form his body and is as such nothing more than a 10 Inch sphere. Likewise a planet without an atmosphere makes it impossible for him to increase his mass, only use the water he had with him when he landed on the new planet.

■ Heat:
He can control his body in Solid and Liquid form, but gas is not possible for him to control his body in - while he can absorb the atoms and cool them if constant heat is put on him he will vaporize into his shell.

| S K I L L S: |
■ Stealth :
Due to his powers and his past, he's an excellent user of stealth, able to turn into a puddle, or to freeze against a wall, he's able to easily avoid detection.

■ Mechanical skills:
A recent skill, picked up thanks to his partner, AQUATICUS has an understanding of both machinery and weapons as well as the skills to perform repairs.

■ Animal Friend:
Even the Furious Xar-Eating Predator Tigers of Malkior XI will let the big Blue Giant scratch their belly.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
Has quite the speech impediment - always did, struggles to put together long sentences and as such is usually quiet, if he speaks he does so in few words, not always cohesive.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


"Dying is easy. Living is harder"

| B I R T H N A M E: |
"It ain't God given, but it's all I've got."

James Roger Specter Jr.

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |
"Arsch, Mistvieh, and Misch are what I'm most used to hearing.
Well, that, and 'son of a whore'. Dad always was quite rude regarding my mother. "


| A L I A S ( E S ): |
"Just the let em' know who's in charge."


| S E X: |
"It's all there."


| A G E: |
"And still as innocent as I was at 14..
Actually, I was quite the bastard at 14. Not much has changed, I suppose. "

Twenty Six.

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
"Have' a good look at this handsome mug. You'll see it on either the best night of your life - or the last. Hell, maybe both. "

184 CM, 71 KG, Slender but good build. Nice posture, badly-good fashion sense, spends a lot of time making sure he looks like he spends no time caring about his looks. He's got stubble on his face, despite however unfitting that is.

| P E R S O N A L I T Y: |
Cynical - Sarcastic - Emotional - Humorous - Self-Critical and Confident - Proud
James is not afraid to throw the first punch - but he'll always insist he didn't start the fight. He's a jaded individual, one who believes the world is already too far gone, but he's just around for the ride. Sort of a 'keep playing while the ship is sinking' kind of thing.

He's quick witted, emotional and hotheaded. He's got a quick temper, yet a feeling heart. A heart he's buried below years of cynicism and disdain for authority. He doesn't like being told what to do, yet, he frankly always believes himself to be the best choice when it comes to lead, despite the record showing otherwise.

He made an awful soldier, yet a skilled one. Terrible at following order, great at flying and killing Germans. An odd mix, one his officers never appreciated, yet they had to respect him for his renown as a pilot. Something he takes great pride in - challenging his skills in the air is one of many things that will make him send a fist flying your way.

Provided he doesn't send a hurricane your way, that is.

"I have more than one trick up my sleeve, baby."

| A B I L I T I E S: |

James is a Metrokinetic. However, his abilities have not yet fully realized themselves, he's only gotten adept at manipulating air, as such, he is often mistaken for an aerokinetic, even Charles Xavier made that mistake originally - till James had one of his 'moods' and made hail the size of tennis balls.

He can feel, trace, manipulate and magnify most aspects of the weather, from currents to pressure to temperature to chemical balance , increasing or decreasing the amount of oxygen in the air, most notably, as altering any of the other molecules is far too difficult for him to achieve. As of currently, James is capable of sending out powerful gusts, capable of knocking people off their feet, generating small tornadoes, and even ride said tornadoes to emulate the ability of flight. His powers have more sinister means too, but James is a much too nice guy for that.

That, and never needing a parachute, should he jump out of a plane.

During emotional distress, lightning storms tend to occur around him. Bring a lighting rod.

| S K I L L S: |
Flying Ace; James is an excellent pilot, one of the best the Great Britain has ever produced, a true pride to the Royal Air Force. Well, he would be, anyway. If he could've stayed away from getting pissed on the job, and pissing off his superiors. He was dishonorably discharged following the conclusion of the war. The emergence of his powers sure didn't help, either.

Soldier; While he did most of his fighting inside of a flying machine, James is also a tried-and-true foot soldier. He can handle a gun or a rifle, even combat knife and has gone more than a few rounds in a boxing ring.

Decoying: You hear about the British who are slick, suave and charming? James is none of these things. He's got the absolute opposite of a silver tongue, as mostly everything he says is complete horseshit. However, being uncharismatic has it's perks, for sure.

Multi-Lingual: One of James more useful talents if being multi-lingual. He speaks English, German and Dutch, even some Spanish and Japanese. His wit is just as uncharming in all those languages, too.

"You ever think you have found your calling? What it was God put you on this earth to do? For me, it was putting down the pints, and joining the war. It was fighting for Queen and Country, it was fighting alongside my brothers - brothers I was not born with, but earned.

And then pissing it all away, ending back up with the pints again."

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
His mother died from a unknown disease - in the following decades, it would be known she had a brain tumor, cancer. When James was 3 years old. His father was a World War 1 Veteran, and quite a lot older than James himself, being in his 30's when his son, Jr, was born. James Specter Sr. Worked as a banker when James was growing up, he was quite the drunk in the apartment in London the two shared, turning abusive once James was old enough to remember.

Jr. Grew up a troubled kid, he grew up in a neighbourhood with a lot of immigrants from all over Europe, During his teenage years in the 30's, especially. he picked up many of their languages during this time, becoming quite skilled at them, even seeing a future for himself as a scholar. Provided he'd stay out of the bars he was too young to be in.

Then came the war. Oh boy, did the war come. James was enlisted into the Royal Airforce, working under Churchill himself, a pride, to be sure. He along with the rest of the RAF was key factors in driving back the Germans during the war, stopping the bombings of London and taking the fight to Berlin. He bombed the German capital with a kind of glee, a sadistic smile on his face as he demolished the homes of so many innocent bystanders to one mad man's idea of power.

A Rogue Thunderstorm came upon him, striking his plane, forcing him to crash land, he miraculously walked out of the crash-site without more injury than a few cuts and bruises. Except he was in German territory, he lived with local resistance groups for over two months, aiding in their battle against the Germans, until the Americans came-knocking on Hitler's front step. Lead by the man who threw his mighty shield.

Returned to Britain, his powers had long since manifested, but now, after the stress of the war, he realized he was the one who caused the storms he kept flying into, he was the one who created the rogue winds and the heavy down pour.

Hell, he was certain he was to be blamed for the shitty London Weather, too.

That's how he ended up flying, albeit commercially this time, over the pond, where there was one man who could help him understand, and hopefully cure him.

And it didn't hurt that said man happened to run a bar, either.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
He smokes. Like, a lot.

Don't you fucking dare call him Constantine
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


"At the end of the day, I have to accept that I can control everything."
Timothy Jackson "Tim" Drake 11th January 1994 ( 22 ) Male NEUTRAL GOOD

Ω C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:

"Memo to Self: Never get a sidekick of my own."
Where to begin with this one? The idea is that Batman emerged during the late 60's in Gotham. A Myth, a demon, a ghost story of the criminal underbelly of the gothic city. No one had managed to get a clear picture of the violent vigilante in those 30 years. The cops had never managed to get him, but there were murmurs that he was working with some within the Police to bring down corruption within the law enforcement. But sometime in the 90's, he vanished, and Gotham went back to the way it had been before the Caped Crusader ever put on the cowl, before the Bat was something young Thugs said to scare each other in the late hours of the night before a heist.

This idea is heavily influenced by Batman Beyond, kind of a ode to it. Timothy Drake was a kid in his late teen years, a genius and a kid who never really had a worry in his life, his parents successful and almost as loaded as the aged Mr.Wayne. Till a competitor killed Tim's parents, and he washed up on the doorstep of Wayne Manor, having figured out that not only was The Batman real, but he was Bruce Wayne.

He blackmailed the old man into training him, Bruce agrees, seeing something inside of the boy, and he eventually takes on the cowl as Batman, breating new life into the legend of the Dark Knight, setting the stage for a brand new story of a somewhat more light-hearted Batman, yet a more Mature Tim, who's had to grow up with Bruce alone, without the rest of the family, and one who never was Robin himself. I see Tim as a bridge between the attitude of Terry, and the intelligence of Bruce.

Ω S A M P L E P O S T:

"You know, I wasn't always standing on top of a building in a cold September night, in the pouring rain, dressed in leather and wearing the mask of a old man. I used to have a life. I was gonna become an engineer, or a scientist, perhaps a CSI. Sure, I did become all of those, but I also became something else. I'm someone who spends his Saturday prowling the streets, hunting those who oppose the law, those that no one seem to be able to stop. I'm the rebirth of a legend half a century old, and this city's one line of defense.

They call me The Dark Knight, if they even think I exist.

"I am Batman, the World's Greatest detective."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Project "Rebirth" Subject #6

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |
Atlo, Jeffrey

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |
Physically 25.

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
The synthetic android of his creator's son who was KIA overseas.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| B I R T H N A M E: |
José Suarez

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[
Joe, some folks can't pronounce José.

| A L I A S ( E S ): |
Jeremy Williams

The Silencer

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Sound Nullification; Able to completely to stop the vibrations of certain frequncies, blocking out sound in an area around him.

Wave Disruption; He's also able to disrupt radio, satelites and wifi.

| S K I L L S: |
Marksmanship; He's a excellent sniper, able to match the best of any military organization.

Intelligence; Above average IQ, excellent mathematician and knows just about everything there is to know about sound.

Hand-To-Hand; Trained in close quarters combat, able to handle himself in a fist fight.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
José Suarez comes from a poor family in sothern Mexico, as a child, his parents fled to America with him as illegals, they spent all his early years working, putting José in the care of their neighbours, they had saved up a fair sum of money when the U.S Government caught wind of their existance, José's father had been a small time criminal involved with the mexican Cartels, thus, he was bumped up high on the priority list of law enforcement.

His parents were both detained and arrested, but not before they could spend their money on getting José falsified papers, claiming he was born on american soil, and therefor an American citizen. His parents were then arrested and he never saw them again, only hearing that his father had been made to flip on the cartel, and had been killed in lockup for it, his mother's destiny remained a mystery for him.

Raised with a misstrust of the U.S government, he found himself in the care of a old man, Earl Grant, a 'freedom fighter', a real second ammendment believer, right wing, beliving the government would be coming for their freedom any moment, he was far from a nice man, yet, he was a good guy to José - Joe, as he called him. Raising Joe like one of his own, teaching him to shoot a gun, how to hunt deer, and to never trust anyone who says they're with either the church or the government - all forms of establishment were evil, in Earl's mind.

Joe took to shooting, a natural talent, in fact. His unusual upbringing, plus his mistrust for the government made it natural for him to turn to crime as a means to support himself, stealing, and soon he began commiting robberies. He never got caught, he was a very smart kid, after all.

With his stolen money, he managed to move into his own at 16, and go to high school. Day after graduation, he signed up to the army, and instantly made it to a sniper platoon inside of the rangers. After seeing combat only four times, he was dishonorably discharged for insubordination - too willing to press the trigger.

He turned back to crime, this time as a enforcer - a hitman. Around this time he discovered his extraordinary gifts, he was able to shoot a gun and completely remove the sound - he was the ultimate marksman, the enemy cannot counterattack when they can't hear where you are shooting from, nor where the bullets hit.

Crime would be the name of his game, working with everyone from the cartels to the C.I.A off the books.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

𝔄𝔯𝔱𝔥𝔲𝔯 𝔊𝔬𝔩𝔡𝔩𝔦𝔫𝑘

Above average height, the build you'd expect from a soldier with his abilities, a lean warrior who's frame allows for a perfect harmony between speed and power. His normally well groomed facial hair has, since his imprisonment gotten a little rougher. His hairstyle's lost a lot of it's grace. While still considered handsome, he's grown more rugged in the later years. His green eyes have grown dull, and that fire that was once inside of him has since long faded.

The Golden Prince

Age: 32

Race: Human, hailing from the kingdom of Ilya.

Profession: Conscript.

In a word, Arthur's complex. He's a skilled warrior, a well tried and proven commander and a great ally to anyone who would have him. He's able to adapt to the slums, or the noble courts – from which he's born, of Ilya. Get work protecting an Akivir convoy, or commandeering a ship protecting merchants from the New World from pirates. He generally gets along with most people – unless they upset his sensibilities.

Intelligent and cunning, able to stave off a fight when necessary, but not afraid to push the advantage when it's presented, showing a martial prowess beyond his years, yet showing off his decade and a half of experience in the service.

He's generally rather bored of the peace in the continent of Yggdrasil, and while a officer in the Ilya army, he still gets into his fair share of trouble. Dreams of becoming a folk hero, someone who's legacy will be remembered forever for his valor, his honor and his protecting of the weaker are all factors that drags him into trouble. Well, that, and his giant flirt. It's in fact what landed him in this predicament to begin with.

Coming off as deeply religious, praying the divine Gods daily, his extra-martial affairs tends to paint him as quite the hypocrite. He blames his affairs on his artistic soul, claiming the gods put him in this world to follow his heart, and there's not been a woman yet he has not fallen in love with.
He deems himself something of a Druid of the developed world, in deep touch with cities – especially his home in the capital of Ilya, as opposed to the forests. Finally, he's mistrusting of magic and their uses, rather relying on a regular flintlock pistol and his trusty sword over fireballs and thunder from the sky.

There are attributes of his personality, especially the more likable ones, the reliable ones, don't shine through the six years worth of constant alcohol consumption, giving off more of a sarcastic asshole who likes getting into trouble, than the complex man Arthur really is.


Frankly, Arthur Goldlink's story's starts rather dull, he was born comfortable in excess, never meant to work a day in is life. He's born to Jack Goldlink, former knight of the Papal Knights, Grandson of George Goldlink, one of the most fierce bankers in the entirely of Yggdrasil's recent history. As such, he's the third generation Nobleman, raised as such. He faked his father's signature, and stole his signet ring one night after a courtly party at their estate and signed himself up to go attend the Royal military school, shipping off a week later, having convinced his father it was a good idea, after all. Even as a teenager, Arthur was a clever boy, finding new and interesting ways of solving his problems, but often they came back with new problems.

He graduated the academy two years faster than his peers, he was a natural soldier, quick to take to orders, a man of action, a man of the sword. He furthered his skills by attending the Officer school, his first official mission was as captain of a small naval vessel of 20 men, meant to be part of a convoy that would protect approaching merchant ships from the New World.

His mettle was first tested when one of those ships was infested with Pirates whom had taken the merchants hostage, and were outnumbering his own crew two to one. With his tactics and sword skills, a display of his bravery and at risk of his own personal health, he and his crew took back the ship, rescuing the hostages and bringing all of the pirates into custody, it was how he earned his nickname by the men under his command, his lastname and his royal-like demeanor were the basis for it.

Following the incident, his vessel was Dubbed The Golden Prince, and the crew were named the Golden Stripes, each and everyone of them proving to be valiant warriors and capable soldiers, doing everything they could for their country.

The adventures of the Golden Stripes were many, protecting the innocent from bandits and ruffians, while serving their homeland they earned great fame, all to further fuel Arthur's Hubris and his dream of heroisms, pushing him into greater and greater dangers.

One mission, after the emergence of the monsters in the New World The Golden Stripes were sent as backup. Not even one week out of landing The New World, the monsters attacked their unit, decimating his friends, none of his swordplay, or careful planning could save the lives of the greatest friends he had ever known. He had always been brave in the face of danger, never been afraid to die, putting his honor above his live. But this, this was something else. He ran, hearing the final screams of his men, men who had trusted him and called him a brother for the past decade.

He left them to die, returning back home, he dove deeply into alcoholism and whatever joys he could find, constantly at odds with both his father, and the rest of the noble, but also his superiors and his fellow officers. The last straw came last year, when he was caught in the bedroom of the Minister of the Soldiery, the highest superior in his field.

The minister challenged him to a duel, provoking Arthur as much as he could, the man almost twice Arthur's age. Arthur did not just win the duel, but he humiliated the Minister, robbing him of his pride and his honor, gloating over his warrior prowess. The Minister spat a venomous line about all of that swordplay couldn't save his friends in the New World and Arthur snapped.

The next thing he remembered was waking up in the dungeon, handcuffed and in tattered clothes. Blood stains on his face and clothes. It came back to him, he had killed the Minister, stabbed him six times, and when the guards moved to arrest him, he had cut two of them down, before he was finally stopped by a mage.

He was going to get executed, and none of his former glory was gonna save him. Nor could the near-unlimited influence of his patriarch. The only thing his father could do for his beloved son was plead with the court to give his son a different fate. A chance to redeem himself. To return to the New World and seek redemption. His father knew it was a suicide mission, but he had hoped they would have put Arthur in charge of another patrol, and not as a conscript. But Jack's influence had limits, indeed.

Being shipped off to the new world, Arthur's going to have to fight to survive, with no one to have his back. Well and truly, he's alone in the New World.

Skills and Abilities:
Martial Training; Put in the Royal Military Academy at the age of 14, he shattered all records. Graduating from the prestigious academy at the mere age of 16, two years quicker than his peers, a fully trained soldier as it were, yet, that was not enough for him. He studied to become an officer and had the rank of Commander of a battalion at the age of 19, all in testament of his skills as a soldier and commanding officer.

Duelist; While shooting a rifle and a pistol were both part of the training regiment he went through, they were never his talent. Besides planning and seeing things from a different perspective than most – both things that lent themselves to commandeering, he's an excellent swordsman. Doing his best word in a one on one duel. His personal favorite is the finesse and elegance of a rapier, but he is a quick study and skilled with just about any straight sword.

Survivalist; He's an adept survivalist, just not out in the forest. He does not know how to setup traps, he only knows that one should, nor how to collect food, and he's not much of a hunter. No, his survival skill comes from dealing with other people, bartering information for supplies. Able to tend to the needs of others usually always goes well.

Brawler; When without a sword, he's fully capable of throwing the gloves and having a old fashioned brawl, brawling champion in the Garrison for three years in a row – before his disbarment, that is.

Naval Combat; He's unable to man any part of the ship except that of Captain, able to direct the rest of the crew for the best course of action, yet, his understanding of Naval Combat's impressive.

Conscript equipment. He wears his family crest on a necklace around his neck, carrying a run off the mill rapier that was handed to him by the garrison. The only thing he carries that's his own is his leather chest armor with it's one shoulder pad, that once bore the mark of the Golden Stripes, but since his last visit in the area, it's been cut off with a knife, leaving scarring in the leather. He carries a flask with vodka in it, now his most priced possession.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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Hotou Senju

“I'll always do my best. It's not always enough.”

Senju Hotou

The Senju Bandit





Standing at 151 CM tall, weighing in at roughly 40 kilograms, he's a perfectly normally sized boy for his age and profession. He's lean, his skin rather pale, yet a hint of tan from many hours in the sun. His eyes have a brown - almost golden hue to them. He's got birthmarks around his eyes His short spikey hair is in the same color as his mother's, a light, sandy brown, appearing darker in certain lights. His father is supposedly certain that he'll grow a red beard one day, Hotou rues the day.
He's clad in earthly green, brown and gray colors, donning a leather strap with two holsters for his tantos over his green jacket. His forehead protector's attached to a bandanna that he pulls over his face to cover on occasion, often as an indication for himself to fight seriously or as a means to appear more intimidating or stealthy.

He carries a uncertainty around him, a uncertainty in his abilities and a uncertainty in his decisions. He's afraid he'll make the wrong move, sometimes, so afraid he doesn't make any moves at all. He's working on becoming more confident, on daring to do things and to put his foot forward, but for now, he's a rather reserved individual. Speaking when spoken too, but afraid of eye contact, not one to speak his mind or to comment about others. He's burdened heavily by the legacy of both his parents, and it's shown to weigh him down, sometimes he wishes he had just been born to ordinary people, and not the heroes both of his parents are.

He's really uncomfortable about talking about either his clan or his father and prefers to do neither. The one thing that does give him confidence and makes him feel calm and self-assured is in the forest. He's got a natural connection to the peace within the forests that years ago were filled with war.

He dreams of becoming all people expect him to be, to be as brave and strong as his father, but as loving and as honorable as his mother. To overcome his fears and tap into all the potential he's sure he has, somewhere.

Senju Clan - One of the Founding Clans of the Hidden Village of the Leaf. His mother, Mitsuko, comes from the Branch clan, and he is as such not in line to ever inherent the leadership of the clan..

Eiichiro Clan; A clan of rather mediocre shinobi, one who joined the Hidden Leaf some 60 years ago. His father, Kishimoto, one of the greatest heroes of the last war, is the exception to this rule. His father's strength, brilliance and bravery in combat's made him a world famous hero. Due to his heroics during the assault on Konoha, and his impressive military career, it's speculated that Kishimoto was considered as the next Hokage, following the end of the war, but was forgone because of his injuries. Kishimoto is the head of the clan, and one day, Hotou will lead it.

Hotou's life is in many ways average, somewhat dull. His parents were never martyrs, he had no great tragedy, the greatest tragedy he's ever had was when his housecat ran away for four weeks. Everything's been nice and relaxed for him, ever since he was a child parents have shown him respect, referring to him with honorifics and being incredibly nice to him, all because of the accomplishments of his parents, and the circumstances around his birth. The Hidden Leaf watched him from a very young age, and the Village Elders, especially Senju Yaguruma were pushing for him to begin his shinobi training as soon as possible, as the child of Kishimoto and Mitsuko, Hotuo's is expected to become amongst Konoha's elite and surpass both of his parents. As such, he's had many instructors, teachers and masters, both inside and out of the academy, not having a lot of free time.

His 'isolation' has lead to him not having a lot of friends, that, and the uncertainties that follow the burden that's laid upon him to become someone incredible. He never had the guts to try and make friends in the Academy, keeping mostly to himself - afraid that if he showed people what he could do, or rather, what he couldn't do, as far as being a shinobi went, they'd be disappointed in him and reject him.

When he was 10, the elders decided it was time for him to take the graduation test in the academy - a test he failed, it becoming evident that he's not what the village had hoped for him. He's no natural talent, no elite member of the Hidden Leaf. His training would slow down, him only partaking in the regular ciriculum of the Academy once he reached his preteen years, with his father and mother's encouragement, he too has finally managed to pass the academy exam.

Mitsuko's a brilliant Mokuton User, and his teacher in the art, she's a well respected shinobi, both in the clan and outside of it, and because of the influence and power of the Senju clan, her and Kishimoto's son carries her name. His father's valiant actions and reputation has earned Hotou a lot of undeserved respect that he hates.

He's not one who has many friends, preferring to keep to his own, unsure - and too afraid to find out what others think of him.

Earth, Wind, Lightning, Fire, Water; genin likely won't know the nature of their chakra for some time though.

General special affinities, talents, and abilities. Include your Kekkei Genkai if you have one.

A brief idea of skills your character leans toward and the like, no need to go into huge detail; needed for understanding of moderation staff for balancing issues. How does your character fight? Do they lean to Taijutsu or Ninjutsu? You get it.

General equipment used or educated with.

Obvious list is obvious. Link to the Naruto wiki as well.

Obvious list is obvious.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


M A R C U S K A L V I N C A S S I D Y J A N U A R Y 1 S T 1 9 8 8 (29 ) M A L E H Y P E R H U M A N

"I might not go down in history. But I will go down on your sister."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"I tend to attract."
◼ HEIGHT | 184 Centimeters

◼ WEIGHT | 74 Kilograms

◼ BUILD | Well built.

◼ HAIR COLOR | Blond

◼ EYE COLOR | Blue

◼ OTHER | Semper Fi is tattood on his left underarm, reaching from his wrist to his elbow, over his chest the crest for The Hyperhuman Intervention Tactical Unit, "H.I.T"

First thing you might notice about Marcus is his appearance, naturally handsome with his sharp features and well sculpted body, and once upon a time, you'd sense a scent of some expensive perfume on him if you walked past him, these day you'll be met with the sour scent of whatever drink he had ten off. Marcus has the makings of a strong, proud man, he walks with determination in his steps, showing that the training he went through is still in his very essence, despite him trying to wash it away. Used to wearing combat gear or elegant suits, he now wears rundown leather jackets, four day old T-shirts, ripped Jeans and his five year old boots. Hoodies or coats are not uncommon for him to wear, either. His face is constantly scruffy, as he only ocassionally bothers to shave, one a month or so. There's a certain elegance to the way he moves, even despite his drunken stumblings, all betraying his secret that once upon a time, he was someone you could rely on, but no more.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Nobody that comes from a happy home joins the military."
Marcus Cassidy, born to Arthur and Camille Cassidy. His mother a aspiring actress, his father a big shot corporate Lawyer. Thanks to Arthur's business contacts and wealth, Marcus grew up very wealthy, having the ability to get everything he ever wanted. His childhood was somewhat normal, growing up, till he was four years old, at least. That was the first time he ever heard Arthur and Camille fighting, they were arguing about his mother's desire to get her acting career off, which Arthur would not permit. Marcus saw his father hit his mother for the first time that night. It escalated, like stairs that move and in the coming years, Arthur's business would do worse and he began drinking more and more. Once he got drinking, he turned violent, abusing Camille, but never Marcus.

But that changed when he was eleven. Marcus heard Arthur grab Camille, and she cried, cried that she was gonna call the police. Marcus ran into the kitchen, and put himself in between his parents, protecting the most important woman in his world from the monster that was his father. Arthur hit him, and threw him into the fridge, breaking four of his ribs and giving him a concussion.

Marcus spent his preteens and teenage years living under the thumb of Arthur, pretending to be a normal, happy family. And at times, they were. He and Arthur had good times, Arthur taught Marcus how to ski, and how to drive, he helped him with his homework and he talked with Marcus when Marcus has his first crush on a classmate. But the good times didn't make up for the bad times. When Marcus was 17, he had a little sister, Daisy. He was scared, and angry that his little sister would grow up with Arthur, living under his thumb, and Marcus couldn't stand for it, so before Daisy's first birthday, he shipped off to join the military. While going through basic training, his abilities manifested, stopping a bullet in the middle of the air. Calls were made, and he was taken out of his training, and instead relocated to Canada, PRCU. Where he would finish his high school education, and go on to live for the next five years.

At 22, he was offered a spot in the H.I.T Program, one he rejected at first, instead wishing to serve his country, finishing his military training. He became a Marine, and for two years he was deployed to hotzones all over the world. Fighting dictators and terrorist forces alike. That is, until his unit was put in the Operation “Dawn Of Orion”. Officially, their mission was to confiscate blueprints for a new bio weapon from a terrorist cell in Sudan. Unofficially, it was a black ops to eliminate a threat the Marines had no business in dealing with.

His squad was attacked by three Hyperhumans, Marcus used his abilities to fight two of them off, but was defeated and put in critical condition. Half a year later, he had recovered from his injuries, having for the first time truly seen what Hyperhumans out of control could do, Marcus went back to PRCU and joined H.I.T. But not before returning to Crescent City, and giving his father a piece of his mind.

He was the model agent of H.I.T for the entirety of his career. It all coming to a heed in 2016, when he was tasked with tracking down a Hyperhuman serial killer, who had already laid out 6 Victims, with ice related wounds. He found Mr.Frost, as the deranged lunatic insisted he would be called, the two had a battle, where Marcus killed the Hyperhuman. Discovering 20 teens and children, all of which were missing – and the offspring of Hyperhumans, frozen to death. Having been powerless to stop their deaths, it finally got to him.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"All I want is some good tunes, a pretty girl and a cold drink. Not asking for the world here."
Marcus is running from his past. Well, trying to drow it, more accurately. He's full of self hate, loathing and doubt unable to know if he's made the right call in life. He's trying to forget his problems and occupies his time with cheap booze and expensive women.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"What goes up, always comes down. Unless I say so."
◼ Gravity Manipulation | Marcus is able to gather complete control over Gravity, one of the four fundamental forces of physics. He can add force to gravity, or subtract, allowing him to make you very heavy, or almost weightless. He's able to affect large areas, such as entire buildings. He can create new points of gravity, creating new gravitational pulls, albeit, he cannot remove ones he has not created. This allows him to pin foes, or things to walls by pushing them against it. By making threads of new gravity points, he's able to feign telekinesis, or flight, simply slingshotting himself through the air. But, most efficent is his ability to create null-gravity zones in a area around him, he can all but turn off gravity, giving himself artificial gravity to still move, but putting any opponent in total inertia, making them unable to generate friction.

◼ Martial Training | Marcus is trained in Martial Arts, Marksmanship and Vehicular Warfare by both the U.S Military and H.I.T, making him an excellent combatant, trained in a wide variety of martial arts.
◼ Free Running | You don't get to chase down rogue speedsters or super agile freaks without learning how to get from point A to point B as quickly as possible. Being able to control gravity, and therefor being able to control if you fall or not aids greatly in this effort..
◼ Detective Skills | He used to operate as a detective for H.I.T, as port of his workload as a Agent. His skills are on par with the best of Crescent City P.D, plus added knowledge about Hyperhumans.
◼ Drinking | Years of practice, he's become an excellent drinker, able to drink most under the table. With his years of bar diving during his days off, he's developed a kind of 'urban shamantism', able to connect with a bar and the people in it, quickly getting a read on them. This has lead to him becoming somewhat charming, both to further his own interests, and to get with the ladies. That, or the booze's talking.

◼ Powers | His gravity abilities are powerful, but due to their natural power to mess with physics, Marcus is constantly wired to play them down. To rely on his martial prowess, over his powers. As such, he never truly cuts loose, as if he did, things would go terrible and he'd very easily become the thing he's spent his adult life battling.
◼ Concentration | His powers require great amount of concentration, if he cannot muster that up, his powers will not amount to much. Emotional grief works as a substitute, leading to him keeping his feelings under lock and key, too.
◼ Physical Form | If he cannot see a bullet come – and stop it in the air. His body's just flesh and blood. No super soldier serum, no alien DNA, no healing factor. If you shoot him, he'll die, just like a regular human.

◼ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder | Marcus has been suffering from PTSD ever since he was a child, the brutal beatings he took at the hands of his father laid the groundwork for the damage the trauma he would face later in life. His current mental health could by some shrinks be considered a psychotic episode, being mentally burnt out'.
◼ Alcoholism | He's an alcoholic, addicted to the sauce. He'll drink himself to death, sooner or later.
◼ Impulsive | Thinking before acting isn't Marcus's strong point anymore, he'll just do things.
◼ Self-Sacrificing | Not to say Marcus is suicidal, he's not. But he'd be okay with throwing himself in front of a train to save another person, simply just to not have

▼ N O T E S:


Camille Cassidy | Mother
Loving mother, recently divorced from her Husband, Arthur, 50

Daisy Cassidy | Sister
Baby Sister, 12


Lisa Smith |
On Again Off Again Girlfiend, 28.


Arthur Cassidy |
Estranged Father

◼ Lonely Hearts Club | Pointe Bordeaux Marcus knows all the ins and outs of the Lonely Hears Club area, every bartender has poured him a drink ever stripper knows his name, and every bouncer has kicked him out.

◼ H.I.T Suit | A ballistic weaved, specially tailored suit capable of protecting against small caliber gunfire, knives. It's also fire resistant and puts the suits of the Feds to shame.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


T H O M A S C A S E Y C A M P B E L L U N K N O W N (57) M A L E H E L L I O N

"We matter if we make ourselves matter."

▼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"The weight of the world is on my shoulders."
◼ HEIGHT | How tall is your character? (Imperial preferred, metric accepted.)

◼ WEIGHT | How heavy if your character? (Imperial preferred, metric accepted.)

◼ BUILD | Your character's body shape, this can be a single descriptive word that you can build on in the description section below.

◼ HAIR COLOR | What colour is your character's hair? Note you can elaborate on this in the description if your character changes their hair colour often or if it's a difficult to describe color or combination.

◼ EYE COLOR | What is character's eye color? This can be elaborated on if needed in the description should your character be wearing colored contacts or has changing eye colors due to their abilities.

◼ OTHER | Can be changed/removed depending on if your character has any other noteworthy features. Feel free to add additional stats for piercings, tattoos, scars etc. Sexuality could also be added here if you feel it's worth noting.

A written description of the character's appearance. Keep in mind that appearance isn't only limited to their physical make up, but the style of clothes they wear, they're body language and in general how they present themselves.

▼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"One Wing In The Fire."
This is the story of your character's life, their defining moments nd how they made it from the womb to where they are now. You can include as much other details as you think is necessary but don't go overboard and spell everything out. Sometimes its best to show through the IC than to tell in the CS.

▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"Witty Quote #4"
What is driving your character? What makes them tick? Why do they act the way they do.

▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"You'll lose."
◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

▼ N O T E S:

"You don't get to be in this game this long without making a couple of enemies."

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test

◼ TBD | Test
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Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

"Robots do not cry."


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Artificial Automatic Ally; Model XXVI 'Dandelion'.

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[

| A L I A S ( E S ): |
Leroy Brown

| S E X: |
Technically none. He appears male.

| A G E: |
24 since his construction had begun. Appears to be in his mid 40's

| A P P E A R A N C E: |

| A B I L I T I E S: |

| S K I L L S: |

| B I O G R A P H Y: |

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
Avatar of Hillan

Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago

"I'm a diamond in the rough, like a shiny piece of coal."


| B I R T H N A M E: |
Augustus Julianus Vinci

| N I C K N A M E ( S ): |[
Agg by friends,
Agghead by bullies.

| A L I A S ( E S ): |

| S E X: |

| A G E: |

| A P P E A R A N C E: |
Augustus, named after a roman Emperor, one of the most notable ones, at that, represents his namesake poorly. He's 5'9 tall, not a lot of muscle on his skinny frame. His skin is naturally a on the more shaded side of the spectrum due to his Mediterranean roots. Olive hues and a surprisingly unflawed complexion, the kid never had much problem with acne, which was always nice for him when few things about his appearance is. He's got dark eyes and matching hair. His hairstyle's unkepmt and he pays little attention to it, half-heartedly he's trying to grow it out to get some sort of Hardrock look, perhaps that would offset his aura of punity.

As previously mentioned, Augustus is skinny, he's a pretty small guy. He's not completely without muscle, though, as he has been running track his entire life - not as a sport, but as a way to avoid getting beaten up all too badly. He dresses modestly in T-shirts and jeans, never off any expensive brands despite having the means to afford a three piece suit for every day of the year.

| A B I L I T I E S: |
Organic Transmutation Transformation;
August can change his flesh and blood into other materials. While doing so, he gains properties associated with this material. His abilities could potentially have near endless applications, but so far there is but one material he is able to transmute into, and he has only mastered transmuting individual body parts, full body transformations are far from mastered. His transmutations so far only affects his dermal layers - skin, fat and muscle, they are thusly unable to affect his organs.

Chaosalloy; The 'cool' name Augustus named his power when it is in use. His body takes on a onyx almost space-like shape, becoming jet black with indistinguishable shapes in them. When he is transformed, the part of him that is transformed is as hard as diamonds, he gains increased strength, and when he covers his entire body in it, it becomes like an exoskeleton and he grows another few inches, standing at a total of 6'2. The Alloy is very dense, but moving his bodyparts covered in the alloy is never much of a problem, accounting for the added weight, however is.

| S K I L L S: |
Techwizard - Agg loves tech. iphones, Androids, Googles, he does not care. He'll work with anything. He's at home on a message board on the internet learning a new skill he probably will never have to adapt in his real life. He spends a lot of time tinkering with tech, inventing stuff and fidgeting around with thins he shouldn't. His innate intelligence is very important to him, and he holds it very highly, forgoing other aspects of his life for his nerdy ways.

Popculture; He was raised by the TV, having parents who were both too busy with their own careers to care much for him.

Polymath; Augustus is a Polymath, a naturally born genius and has a IQ that is off the charts, while still not being considered Superhuman. His intelligence is 'natural', unlike his other abilities. But, given how his father's an investment banker and a CEO, his mother's a Surgeon, and he's got PHD's en masse on both sides of the family, it's hardly a surprise.

| B I O G R A P H Y: |
Born into riches, Augusts life seemed like it would be smooth sailing. He was a wunderkin, well beyond his years and everyone knew it. He was sent to the finest boarding schools in the world. But he kept getting kicked out, he was a 'troublemaker' in the regard that trouble always found him. He was always targeted by the other students and quickly became a social outcast. Being the richest kid in rich kid school is about as bad as being the poorest in public school. In retrospect, August doesn't feel that much selfpity about it, others always had it worse than him. He's focusing on the future, at least ever since that day when he did one the few only 'young people mistakes' He and a 'friend'. Jonas - a cool kid from Boarding School, and one of the few who seemed to like him, egged August into commiting a crime.

It wasn't so bad, it was just stealing a few candybars from the local corner store. Well, that is till he saw Jonas sneak around the back with a skimask and a pistol. Jonas robbed the place blind, and when he went for the getaway, August stopped. Panicked, confused and feeling incredibly guilty, he tried to reason with the pistol-whipped shopkeeper. That is, till the shopkeeper got out his shotgun and fired a slug right at Augustus.

He survived. The bullets had fallen off his chest and under his shirt was the jetblack metal that saved his life. He Passed out afterwards, and when he woke up, he was being transported to Gold's Academy For Advanced Younglings. A school for people like him. Not nerds, or polymaths. But people with abilities. The Advanced People.

| M I S C. N O T E S: |

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| N A M E |
Adrian Tobias Jones Gold

| A G E |

| D U T Y |

| A B I L I T Y |
Power Mimicry: Adrian is able to mimic the abilities of other Advanced people. He is not able to mimic the mastery of their powers, and only able to mimic one part of their powers. For example, someone who is able to fly, Adrian is able to mimic their ability to fly, but not their ability to breath while flying, making his Mimicking flawed, while still useful.

| I N F O |
The Son of William Gold, the founder of the Gold Academy For Advanced Younglings. Born in New York, he was raised with one foot in Queens - the ghetto, and one in Manhattan. He's got a knack for knowing people and is overall a pleasure to be around. A real people person - perhaps by virtue of his abilities to 'fit in'.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| N A M E |
Michael St.Edwards

| A G E |

| D U T Y |
Teacher, Military Contact, Power Trip instructor.

| A B I L I T Y |
Invulnerability; Michael cannot sustain injury, and thusly, he cannot die. His bones will not break, his skin will not bleed and his hair will not burn. By every limit that has been tested, Michael is impervious to being hurt. But, while he is unable to being hurt, his offensive capabilities are all human. If he needs to fight, he relies on technique and weapons.

| I N F O |
Former Army Ranger, turned CIA Spook. Discovered he was a Advanced Human when he was in his 20's while deployed at REDACTED for Operation REDACTED. Michael is a man with his ear to the intelligence community, responsible for Campus security and helping Adrian keep the Military at ease about the potentially Literal Nuclear weapons that are kept in the school grounds. Adrian is a bit of a cold guy,
but he's got a heart of gold, who despite what many may think sees the students not as weapons, but as real people.

He teaches P.E, History and Social Science. He's also often putting himself on the line as a Target Dummy when it comes to letting the students loose in the Power Trip.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 23 hrs ago


| N A M E |
Eliza Cecilia Evans

| A G E |

| D U T Y |
Counselor, Head Residential Adviser.

| A B I L I T Y |
Cryokinesis. She makes things freeze on touch and via cryowaves from her body.

| I N F O |
One of the youngest students to ever attend to academy, Eliza has attended the Academy since she was nine, and has practically grown up here. She's gives her heart to every single student, and is to many the mother-figure they never had. While she and Adrian have a purely platonic relationship, she and the Headmaster are often talked about like the surrogate Parents of the students.
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