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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Jhett314
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Jhett314 Windspeaker

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Graeme Arbosa
Nickname: Graeme
Because of his religion, Graeme opts to wear an intricate metal mask to cover his face - they believe that they should only show their face to their most loved one as a sign of trust and faithfulness.

Other people will always see him with the mask on, like this:

Gender: Male

Other: Graeme is a devout follower of a lost religion, Rylus. He worships the Goddess of Matter, Rylai, with single minded awe. In return, she imbues him with her power, allowing him to carry out her will on Earth.

Powers: Graeme can summon large metallic arms that fight for him and do his bidding. They do not weild weapons, and instead focus on sheer force to destroy their opponents. His mastery over them at this time is low, and so he has to remain generally stationary to summon and control the arms. They may mimic his hand movements if he wishes, meaning he can change the figure of the hands to suit certain situations or spaces. These giant limbs may be vulnerable to electrical magic.

Personality: Graeme is a quiet individual. He doesn't say much but when he does he speaks for a reason. He's not exactly hostile, but isn't known for his warmth either. He is loyal to his allies and will serve justice unto his enemies. Strangely, he does not seem to be very devoted to evangelising Rylai's gospel.

Bio: TBR

Likes: Quiet, small spaces; plants; slow music
Dislikes: Disrespect in any form; having to repeat himself
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Blueflame
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Blueflame Shade Weaver

Member Seen 1 day ago

Name: sans
Nick: doesn't have one
Age: 18
Gender: male
Powers: Gaster blasters, telepathy, his spectral bones
Species: skeleton/human monster
Crush: none..... Yet
Relationship: none..... Yet
Personality: nice till you piss him off, kinda lazy, easy going, caring.
Bio: TBR
Likes: puns, ketchup, people who are nice to others.
Dislikes: criminals, mean people, bullys,
Other: if you see my true power..... YOUD BE DEAD WERE YOU STAND.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Letmehaveone2
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Better, thank you.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MikkishtheLeprechaun
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: John Alistair
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Powers/skills: Military/merc training and experience, proficiency with guns ranging from handguns to military rifles to even mounted weapons, excellent in hand-to-hand combat, psionics and buff magic. Buff magic is when you channel magical energy directly into your body, allowing you to move at impossibly fast speeds, become incredibly strong, and even increase the durability of your bones, skin, and organs.
Species: Human. Mage, but still human.
Crush: Already asking questions like those? Jeez! Slow down! He JUST got here.
Relationship: TBR, should I bring any of my other original characters in. Other than that, he is new to this world, knows nobody.
Appearance(s): Dark brown hair and light blue eyes on a chiseled face. Muscular, standing at 5'10. Scar on his chest from taking shrapnel. He normally wears a pretty stoic expression.
Personality: In the end, John is a good guy, but his time working as a soldier and some time as a merc for a corrupt bastard has made him jaded, so he comes off as cold in most situations. Occasionally, he has a flashback. John is all about helping people out though, despite how he comes off to people.
Bio/history(optional): I would like to leave most things a mystery and allow this to unravel as people interact with him, but the basic idea is he went into the US Army upon finishing high school, signed up to be a merc with a corporation I will not mention until the time comes, and wound up working for an extremely immoral client. In this role, John was forced to do horrible things.
Some accident put him in a hospital in this city, where he knows nobody. He will be trying to dodge his old client and even the company he worked for.
Likes: Honesty, loyalty (to the right cause, of course), snowy weather (don't worry hes not an emo lol), blondes (women), southern cooking, fighting for a good cause.
Dislikes: Corruption, especially the corporate variety. Deceit, brain washing, exploitation, loud mouths, complainers, lazy people. Oh, and raisins in his cookies, brownies, what have you.
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