If you are reading this letter, then congratulations. You've been accepted into the Ordinary Mythical Academy. Please find attached the two maps of the location of the academy, and if you cannot make it to the Academy then please go to the second location. The large field will be our meeting place for all students who cannot fly or reach the academy in any way. There, I, the Headmaster Arkan shall meet you all personally and take up all to the academy myself. I look forward to seeing all the students there. For those who can get to the academy themselves, please head straight to the Grand Hall once you have arrived.
Prince Ali Sekhemi
Sekhemi looked to the lowly peasant that read the letter to him, staring at him with his cold dead eyes. Sure, it wasn't really a peasant but that was what he called all of his royal guards. Nothing but mere tools to be used in his ultimate goal. The man spoke once more as he slowly stood back a little.
"So, Prince Ali Sekhemi, when do you plan on going to the Grand Hall? You can fly, after all."
Sekhemi's fingers twitched repeatedly as he stared at the man in front of him. He didn't say a word, all he did was chuckle a little. Suddenly, the royal guard caught on fire and began to scream and shout while the flames burned him alive. Within a matter of minutes the guard that was there became nothing but ash.
"You lowly, good for nothing peasant. I shall not fly, it is far too much effort for a Pharaoh!"
He clicked his fingers and suddenly a few guards came. They cleared out the dust then the guards picked Sekhemi up and took him outside. They placed him on his throne which was on the elephants back then, with that Sekhemi, Sabertooth and his lowlife peasant guards set off to the meeting point where he would meet this Headmaster.
Rika slowly walked out of his home and let out a soft sigh. Honestly, he was partially hoping he wouldn't be accepted into the Academy. He was worried that his demon side would attack the other students there. He looked at the map and then looked to the sky. He could hardly believe it, an academy in the sky, it was wonderful. He closed his eyes and suddenly angel wings grew from his back. He checked his suitcase one last time as well as pockets to make sure he had everything. He then checked his right eye, his demon eye. Luckily the bandages were wrapped up tight around it. He didn't want anyone seeing who he really was. He flew up towards the large floating island slowly, making sure to hide himself within the clouds.
Prince Kuro
Kuro smiled and bowed to his messenger once he had finished reading. He was glad that he had been accepted into the Academy. Yoruichi looked to him as her tail swished gently side to side.
"Prince Kuro, you're not supposed to bow. You're a prince after all. The messenger it meant to bow to you."
Saying that, the messenger bowed back to him. Kuro smiled brightly, and stood up for a moment. He gave a soft nod to Yoruichi in agreement.
"I know, but it's polite Yoruichi."
He gave a small nod to the messenger and with that the fellow neko left. His ears twitched gently and his own tail swished before he began to walk to the exit of the castle. Yoruichi quickly followed behind him. The two walked out of the castle and got into the royal carriage. There, the escort turned to Kuro with a polite smile.
"Where to, Prince Kuro?"
Kuro quickly gave the escort the map to the meeting location and with that he gave a soft nod. Kuro, Yoruichi and their personal escort began to drive off towards the meeting location.
Shela slowly walked out her house holding a small suitcase as well as her stuffed toy. Drake walked closely beside her, coming up to her waist. The two slowly walked towards the meeting location together. Shela stayed completely quiet however Drake couldn't let the situation pass. He was annoyed greatly that Shela brought the stupid stuffed toy with her, of all things.
"Seriously Shela? You're taking the stupid stuff toy with you? I know I say it a lot, but jeeze, you really are pathetic aren't you? Do you know the reason you've been accepted to this academy? Do you? It's because they feel sorry for you. I mean, c'mon. You got no powers! You are completely useless and pathetic. You will never change."
Shela said nothing, continuing to walk silently. Drake huffed and looked on forward. It would be a long walk, especially with Shela walking slowly like she always did.
Destructos read the letter and then clicked his fingers, suddenly the letter turned to ashes. He let out a large yawn before spreading out his demon like wings. He grabbed his axe spear gun and then flew out of the volcano. Then, at a rapid speed Destructos sped off towards the floating island. He wanted to get their quick so he could relax once more. Plus it would give him chance to see everyone arriving and allow him time to study his enemies.
Miarikia Read the letter quickly and then gave a gentle nod to herself. She clicked her fingers and like magic, she was in the Grand Hall with Flash by her side. She looked around for a moment before giving a few nods in approval.
"It's so useful knowing magic. I'm never going to be late for class."
Flash stared at her blankly for a moment. He had to admit, he was a little insulted with what she had just said. Sure, he knew she didn't mean it, but it was how it came across.
"Miarikia, even if you didn't have magic, you still wouldn't be late for class. Dude, you have the Flash by your side!"
Miarikia nodded to him approvingly. That was very much true. She yawned and laid back with her eyes closed. For now, all she could do was wait until the others arrived.
Wolf was already on his way to the meeting place. Sure, he could teleport but he figured a lot of people would be going to the meeting place to, one meet the Headmaster now and have him personally take them up to the Academy. He was in his true werewolf form, running on all fours at full speed with his sword on his back. He ran quickly and jumped off the mountain then when he landed he began to run once more. With his current speed, he would get there in no time at all.
Red had read the letter and was on her way to the meeting place. Her large paper snake carried her their while she sat on it's back. Serpent also sat on the paper snake, saving him from tiring himself out for no reason. After all he had to be there with Red at the same time to protect her. So, the three went on ahead, going towards the meeting place on a giant snake. Of course, nobody would realize it was a paper snake. Red made it very realistic, just so she had a friend. Well, Serpent was her friend, but the more the merrier.