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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

š’Æ š’½ š‘’ š‘€ š’¶ š“‹ š‘’ š“‡ š’¾ š’ø š“€ š“ˆ

į‘Ž į•® O - G į•® į‘Ž į•® į”• I į”•

| GMs: Stein | Deputy GMs: None | Genre: Fandom, Superhuman, Modern Fantasy | Type: Linear with Sandbox Elements |

ā–¼ A C C E P T E D C H A R A C T E R S:

The Dramatis Personae

ā–  Miles Bergeronā€‹ as portrayed by Stein
ā–  Andrew Williamsā€‹ as portrayed by Nemaisare
ā–  Evelyn Princeā€‹ as portrayed by Tyler
ā–  Joseph Thoreau as portrayed by Lord Wraith
ā–  Ellara Castell as portrayed by Lord Wraith
ā–  Kalvin Mahnssonā€‹ as portrayed by Hillan
ā–  Amir Hosseiniā€‹ā€‹ as portrayed by Natty
ā–  Eric Rockwellā€‹ as portrayed by Dirge

ā–  TBDā€‹ as portrayed by Open

ā–¼ R U L E S & R E G U L A T I O N S:

The Governing Guidelines of the RP

ā–¼ C H A R A C T E R A P P L I C A T I O N:

The Provided Character Skeleton

[CENTER][IMG]A faceclaim for your character, please use photographs or photo-realistic images. No anime or cartoons.[/IMG][/CENTER]
[B]| NAME(S): |[/B]
[INDENT]Your full name as written on your birth certificate or driver's license.ā€‹[/INDENT]
[B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B]
[INDENT]Any names your parents, relatives or friends call you. This can also be a 'superheroā€™ codename. If you donā€™t have one, you can always gain on in the IC.ā€‹[/INDENT]
[B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B]
[INDENT]Your present/future vigilante callsign. I encourage you to be different with this as well, don't feel the need to call yourself 'Captain Hypnobeams' or 'Electro-Man'.ā€‹[/INDENT]
[B]| D.O.B.: |[/B]
[B]| AGE: |[/B]
[INDENT]No younger than 14. I have to admit in the original Mavericks RP we kept all the characters around the same age. As such I'd like to follow the same form and aim to have everyone either college or highschool aged depending on what the majority of players prefer.[/INDENT]
[B]| SEX: |[/B]
[INDENT]Preferably your biological gender, if you prefer not go by a gender specific pronoun please note that in your Biography or Notes. Please do not answer 'yes'.ā€‹[/INDENT]
[INDENT]*Optional, if you'd wish to note it you may. If you have no interest in having it known or any other reason there's not need to put.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]A written description detailing height, weight, hair colour, eye colour and any other notable attributes. A picture doesnā€™t qualify here as you already have the headshot above.ā€‹[/INDENT]
[INDENT]Please indicate your desired abilities as well as a clear set of limitations (IE, how much can a character lift) and weaknesses (An electrokinetic might short out standing in water.). Your ability can be described in as many or as few words as you wish but the limitations and weaknesses are non-negotiable. This is also the place to indicate any notable skills your character may have outside of their abilities.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]This is your history from the time you were born until the start of the RP. If you want to keep certain details vague so as to reveal them in the IC, skim over them for the time being or be subtle about them. But please avoid too many clichƩs, we're all familiar with the orphan who swears to fight for justice because of the death of his parents.

Also note, you can decide exactly how you got your powers. So lets try not to have everyone be born with them. Originality or at least creativity will always be reward.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]What is driving your character? What makes them tick? Why do they act the way they do.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]*Optional, this is where you can list any supporting cast members you think are necessary to your character. These can include parents, siblings, friends, roommates or loved ones etc. Try not to go overboard as there's no point in listing supporting characters who don't ever appear in the IC.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]This is to make sure your writing style will mesh with the RP at a level and consistently that the GM desires. Link 1-3 posts of your writing in other RPs.[/INDENT]
[B]| NOTES: |[/B]
[INDENT]*Optional, any additional notes you wanted to add that weren't covered by the above sections. This can be either kept for yourself or submitted for everyone to see. This would also be the place to include any NPCs you intend on using or any reference points you wish to make for yourself or other players to read.[/INDENT]
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


"Mother had a saying, something about how sometimes a favourable outcome requires a few ill-advised actions."
J O S E P H E D W A R D T H O R E A U ā—¼ 0 2 / 0 8 / 1 9 9 4 ( 2 2 ) ā—¼ M A L E ā—¼ H E T E R O S E X U A L

ā–¼ A P P E A R A N C E:

"Yeah I know, I don't look like a Thoreau."
ā—¼ HEIGHT | 5'-10"
ā—¼ WEIGHT | 164 lbs
ā—¼ BUILD | Athletic
ā—¼ EYE COLOUR | Deep blue outer iris with an inner ice blue iris
ā—¼ HAIR COLOUR | Dark brown with hints of ruddy auburn
ā—¼ ETHNICITY | Caucasian

Joseph has a slender frame that is covered in compacted muscle built up from years of exercising and toning his body. His torso and legs are built like someone who regularly competes in marathons and free running competitions while his arms and shoulders are built more like that of a boxer mixed with a martial artist. Joseph prides himself on being more balanced in his physique and as such has kept his flexibility and somewhat slender frame despite his well chiseled biceps and abdominal. Joseph is especially known for his keen piercing blue eyes. Deep blue with flecks of icy blue strewn throughout, Joseph's eyes are known for being able to look right through someone as though he is staring into their soul. Joseph has deep brown hair with strands of gold and auburn acting as natural highlights, these are most visible in bright light where as in dim and barely lit places, Joseph's hair can seem to be almost black. He keeps his hair anywhere from a short to medium length, often grooming it into various ways.

Joseph's general attire ranges from long sleeve mock tees to hoodies usually. Always paired with straight leg or boot-cut, dark-wash jeans. In collaboration with these, Joseph prefers to wear semi loose fitting tops in an effort to hide his more chiseled physique so as not to draw too much attention to himself. To that end he often will wear a t-shirt paired with a hoodie and jacket, or a long-sleeved shirt adorned with a hood and a jacket. Depending on the weather though Joseph may wear just a t-shirt, or a rolled up long sleeved mock tee. His outfit is almost always complimented with a leather jacket.ā€‹

ā–¼ B I O G R A P H Y:

"Words don't define us, actions do."

During the height of the Mavericks' career Joseph's grandfather, Forrest Emerson Thoreau was a officer with the Larissa Lilith Police Department, often providing support to the Mavericks themselves. Proud to call himself an ally to the Mavericks, Forrest often told a young Joseph tales of the daring heroics the vigilantes had once brought to Larissa and its surrounding areas. However, Joseph's father, Silas Edward Thoreau didn't see eye to eye with his own father and while Forrest had been aiding the Mavericks, Silas had been away at Harvard earning his law degree and developing a deep rooted seed of hatred against those who took the law into their own hands. Upon Silas' return to Larissa, the ambitious young lawyer set his eyes on the gross abuse of the law he considered the Mavericks to be. Appealing to the local district attorney, it was Silas who instigated the city's zero tolerance policy towards vigilantes and ultimately caused the Mavericks to vanish from history. Due in part to his contribution to the city's new anti-vigilante stance, Silas became a valued asset with numerous law firms trying to recruit the young hotshot. Having his pick of the crop, Silas settled in with Campbell and Reid quickly rising to partner over three short years. Eyed by the District Attorney's office, Silas was scouted to take over the position of state prosecutor. Settling into his new career with ease, Silas eventually met and impregnated a young woman by the name of Samantha Russells. Desperate to keep the bastard child out of public headlines, Silas married Samantha in a private civil ceremony. Nine months later, Joseph Edward Thoreau was born to his loving mother and career driven father.

Growing up distant from his father, Joseph spent most of his time with his mother and grandfather. His mother provided the love and care every growing boy needed while Forrest filled the void left by Silas and taught Joseph many numerous life skills. Drawing upon his years of experience as a former police officer, Forrest taught Joseph to listen to the beat of the city, to hear its voice and learn its rhythms. Due to the teachings of his grandfather, Joseph grew to a strong set of street-smarts, taught to remain constantly aware of his surroundings and how to read those within them.

But Joseph found he had trouble connecting to the city, especially on its crowded streets. Constantly overwhelmed, he found the only time he could clearly hear the rhythm of the city was from high above the street. Looking down on the world, Joseph learned how to pick apart the details and eventually found his groove. The city became his playground and Joseph would sneak out of the house to play among the roof tops. It was from this height that the corruption growing in Larissa first became clear to Joseph, he could see the city was sick and that the illness was only spreading. It was here that the idea to follow in his grandfather's footsteps was laid in Joseph's head, within him a fire had lit and the flames of passion ignited a need to help the people of Larissa, a need he wouldn't act on until quite a few years later.

Originally traversing them by climbing fire escape after fire escape before eventually growing bold enough to jump from roof to roof. From there Joseph's skills only continued to expand as Joseph learned to move more efficiently from place to place, learning the city from a whole new angle. At least he would have until his mother, Samantha caught Joseph sneaking in through a window one dark Larissa night. Never before had the boy seen his mother so scared as she checked him over for any sign of injury, acting as though he had been out re-enacting the stories of the Mavericks. Making him swear to never use the roof tops again, Joseph was literally grounded from that point on. But he learned to adapt, find new ways to hear the city as he moved through the crowded streets and eventually behind the wheel as his grandfather taught him how to drive and he succeeded in gaining his driver's license.

Despite never being the brightest in his class, Joseph never struggled through school. Maintaining above average grades and achieving honors upon graduation, Joseph had a wide selection of post-secondary institutions to choose from along with several sizable scholarships. However money had never been a concern for the Thoreau's thanks to Joseph's distant father. Deciding to take inspiration from his grandfather, Joseph turned his back on the numerous high brow institutions that had sent him accepted letters before deciding to pursue his education at the local community college. Enrolling for EMT certification, Joseph completed course after course until finding a career with the Larissa General Hospital as a paramedic. Never had Joseph felt so much pride as the day his grandfather shook his hand to congratulate the young man upon his first assignment. Silas however was disgusted with Joseph's career choices, his attitude towards Joseph causing friction between both Joseph and himself as well as Samantha and he. Combined with his constant distant behavior, Silas' negative attitude towards Joseph was the straw that broke the camel's back and Samantha and Silas divorced.

Having moved out during his time at college, the split did little to upset Joseph's living arrangements. His mother however relocated from the Olympus district to a country home in the more rural district of Mount Nysa. Making time to visit his mother over the weeks that followed, Joseph was rather confused by how little the divorce seemed to bother her. Silas on the other hand was working hard to keep the divorce out of his public image least it reflect poorly upon him.

On the night of the blackout, Joseph was awoken from his slumber in order to respond to an evacuation order at the Michaels' Nuclear Facility. Arriving at the scene just as the explosion rocked the area, Joseph's ambulance was rendered completely powerless. Nonetheless, Joseph wasn't deterred as he rushed the scene helping the wounded to safety until other first responders arrived. Working to clear the scene, Joseph worked into overtime, eventually being relieved after nearly eighteen long hours.

ā–¼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:

"Time to level the playing field."
ā—¼ STAGE 01 | Joseph possesses the ability to enhance the abilities of other gifted individuals. By laying his hands on another who possesses extraordinary abilities, Joseph can increase the potency of their abilities beyond what they are currently capable of. This increase only lasts as long as Joseph remains in contact with the ability's host and its effects almost immediately dissipate as soon as Joseph lets go. At this stage, Joseph can only boost the abilities of another in one aspect meaning if he increased the range of an attack, he could not increase its potency.

ā—¼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's powers continue to grow, his abilities are further able to increase those of another. The next growth in his powers allows Joseph to amplify all aspects of another's abilities. This means he increases the range, potency, duration and any other necessary aspects of the ability in question. Furthermore Joseph no longer requires physical contact with those he's familiar with. Joseph is able to form empathetic links with those who he's close to allowing him to amplify their abilities while they're nearby. However as with his early abilities, the effects are only temporary, wearing off an hour or so after Joseph terminates the link.

ā—¼ STAGE 03 | At Joseph's peak, he is able to evolve the abilities of others to their fullest potential. This could lead to any number of outcomes and may even hurt the host as their powers become too unstable to control or contain. This effect can last for upwards of a day depending on Joseph's bond with the host, those he has an empathetic connection with will find themselves empowered longer than another gifted individual who Joseph has just encountered. That said, Joseph's ability no longer requires physical contact and can operate solely on a field of effect although he can choose his targets. Physically touching another increases the duration of the evolution and its potency. While the field of effect can amplify abilities and with sustained effect can evolve the host, physical touch from Joseph accelerates the process, making evolution almost instant.

ā—¼ STAGE 01 | Joseph's secondary ability is the ability to negate the abilities of another gifted individual. When in physical contact with another, Joseph can choose whether to enhance or negate their abilities. Instinctively his body will always go with negate out of self preservation meaning that if Joseph were touched or assaulted while asleep or unconscious, his body will negate the abilities of his assailant. The negation of the host abilities only is sustained so long as the host is in physical contact with Joseph. Once physical contact is terminated, their abilities are returned within seconds.

ā—¼ STAGE 02 | As Joseph's ability grows, he'll be able to emit a small blast which can temporarily stun and negate the abilities of another. This blast will only negate abilities for several minutes, acting like a small taser blast. Repeated blasts will build up the duration of the negation but only to the extent of three hours. After this the host will recover unless Joseph incurs another attack upon them. Physical contact with Joseph has increased potency now, immediately rendering a gifted individual powerless for several hours.

ā—¼ STAGE 03 | Near Joseph's peak potency, his ability will be able to be projected in a field of effect, capable of rendering all gifted individuals in a set radius powerless. Furthermore, his offensive abilities will increase from a simple blast, to a prolonged beam or a wider-spread attack capable of targeting multiple foes. At this stage he is able to render most gifted individuals powerless for several days and may even be capable of stripping another of their abilities completely if prolonged physical contact is held.

ā—¼ STAGE 04 | With his final evolution, Joseph gains the ability to enhance his own body. These enhancements are only temporary and can only enhance one aspect of Joseph's body at a time. These enhancements can only be added to one existing aspect of Joseph's body such as accelerating his healing factor or boosting his physical condition. Joseph is able to keep his enhancements active for a period of twenty four hours after which his body will be weakened and unable to undergo another enhancement until fully recovered.

ā—¼ MEDICAL TRAINING | As an EMT, Joseph is able to treat numerous injuries and ailment in the field. In addition to this, Joseph can sustain the life of a person, postponing death in the events of life threatening injuries until they can reach proper treatment. Notably, Joseph's skills are hinged on having the proper supplies although he can be pragmatic and use whatever is at hand when necessary.

ā—¼ PARKOUR | Although rusty, Joseph taught himself how to parkour during his youth before being stopped by his mother. His body still remembers the movements and he has since stayed in good physical condition both for personal interest and due to his chosen career.

ā—¼ DRIVING | Although Joseph isn't by any means a stunt driver, he is capable of driving most vehicles, including large vehicles such as ambulances. Even with such a large vehicle, Joseph is able to steer it an a manner that would be considered agile, capable of weaving in and out of traffic nearly as efficiently as the average motorcycle driver.

ā—¼ SELF DEFENSE | In a city as dangerous as Larissa, one knows better than to work on the streets without some sort of defense training. While attending college, Joseph attended several self defense classes in anticipation of picking up patients in Larrissa's seedier areas.

Joseph can not use both of his abilities at the same, Joseph has to choose whether to enhance or negate constantly, he can't lay a hand on an ally to enhance while firing a negation blast at a foe. Furthermore, the effects of his abilities are not permanent, except in an extreme case when regarding his negation ability.

Range of effect is also a major limitation, as even at his fullest potential, Joseph only has a maximum area effect of a twenty five foot radius. His abilities are most effective with physical contact which combined with his lack of physical enhancement requires Joseph to constantly be pragmatic enough to get close to a foe.

In regards to Joseph's self enhancements, he can't just add any superhuman ability to himself. Joseph can only enhance his pre-existing physique. Once the enhancement wears off after twenty four hours, Joseph is left in a weakened state for upwards of twelve hours, requiring significant rest and nutrients in order to recover as he body deals with the 'devolution'. If Joseph tried to enhance himself within his rest period, he could potentially harm himself on a genetic level permanently corrupting his DNA and leaving it unstable.

Joseph has no physical enhancements of his own, meaning he's vulnerable to every conventional form of harm. His abilities can be interrupted by a strike to his nervous system such as electrical shock from a tazer. A sustained electrical field, even at a harmless voltage would interrupt Joseph's abilities enough to render them useless.

While enhanced by his own abilities, Joseph can be reduced back to a base human forcibly through extreme voltages which will render his abilities null and void, potentially even temporarily blocking them. Energy based attacks, particularly electrical ones are extremely dangerous to Joseph due to the way his abilities operate through bio-electricity.

ā–¼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:

"The city is hurting, it's time someone helped her."

Ever since he was young, Joseph has felt a desire to help others. This need was only further honed by his grandfather who was a retired member of the Larissa-Lilith Police Department. As an officer who had served during the Golden Age of the Mavericks, Forrest believed in heroes and Joseph inherited this belief but Larissa was long past the age of heroes and crime was beginning to resurface without any opposition. Taking to the streets as a member of Larissa's paramedics, Joseph decided to help in the best way he could by tending to those hurt in the rapidly growing crime wave.

ā–¼ N O T E S:

"It's the people waiting for me at home that keep me going each and every day."




ā—¼ SOUTH BEACH | Owning a condominium in the South Beach District of Larissa, Joseph spends most of his off time on the beach, catching a few waves and mingling among the night time parties.

ā—¼ N/A | TBD

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 3 days ago


| NAME(S): |
Kalvin Mahnssonā€‹

Dude McManā€‹

| ALIAS(ES): |

| D.O.B.: |

| AGE: |

| SEX: |


I ain't a grunge, pimp or gangster.

Got Style, grace and courage, his jaw's strong enough to cut through diamonds.
Standing at 5'10, weighing 156 lbs. His build is athletic, he's handsome and his entire being beams out the bad boy attitude he conveys. His hair is meticulously styled - in such a way that it looks like he just got out of bed. The majority of Kal's morning routine is making himself look like he don't give a shit, and he tries very hard. Ripped jeans, washed out T-Shirts and a leather jacket with stitches in it and several tears. He wears a watch with leather straps on his lest wrist as well as a couple of rings on both of his fingers. A motorcycle is never far away from the young man. ā€‹

Am I the best? I gotta put it bluntly. Yes.

Reactive Vector Manipulation:
Physics, you have heard of that, right? Laws of nature, gravity, heat, etc. We've all been taught how they are supposed to work all through our lives, science has tried to explain why whatever goes up must come back down and with what force. Well, to Kalvin they're not laws. They're suggestions more like it. His body generates superhuman amounts of adrenaline that shoots into his veins whenever he is in danger. This allows him to control the vectors of atoms. This means performing a wide variety of feats impossible or even inconceivable to regular humans, things such as dodging sub-sonic bullets, surviving a 25 meter fall without breaking a bone or 'double' jumping. If you would ask Kalvin how to explain his powers, he'd tell you he's the real life counter part to Jason Statham and Vin Diesel - except he's better looking.

If there are limits, I haven't found them yet.

Fatigue, Injury And Pride:
While he can Matrix dodge a hail of bullets coming his way, it doesn't mean he's always able to. Like regular shots of adrenaline they have a blow back, and for Kalvin that blowback is enormous, after a night of using his powers he's sore in places he didn't even know he could be sore in. His powers are bound to concentration and as such outside distractions can lead to him getting hurt, or worse. As such, high amounts of pain - such as getting shot puts him at a serious disadvantage. His emotions also get in the way.

I got what it takes.

Precision Driving; Notably on Motorcycles, sports bikes, to be precise. He can also wheel most cars, but he enjoys four wheels a lot less than two.

Street Smarts; He practically breathes Larissa, he knows ever street and every corner of the city. Kal is also one of those people who seems to always "Know a guy."

Acrobatic: By no means a gymnast, he's quite agile and nimble, able to easily scale brick walls and jump between rooftops.

If it ain't broken - break it.

Heroes may get remembered, but Legends never die.

Kalvin is by definition an adrenaline junkie, always looking for the next thrill, the next high. The next adventure.

Tessa Mahnsson: Mother - Loving, self-sacrificing, wonderful mother.
Arthur Mahnsson: Step-Father; Piece of shit.

Jacob Jordan; Best Friend, small time arms dealer, helps Kal get in and out of trouble.


| NOTES: |
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

| NAME(S): |
Amir Hosseiniā€‹


| ALIAS(ES): |

| D.O.B.: |

| AGE: |

| SEX: |


Standing at 6ā€1, Amir has a lean yet muscular figure. Atop his head is a mass of curled charcoal hair, usually propped up with varying amounts of wax depending on the situation. His chin is warmed by the rugged stubble of a beard, complimenting his nougat coloured skin nicely. His eyes a beautiful brown. Amir can always be found wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, usually ones styled with ripped knees. He dresses casually, often sporting a simple t-shirt along with an unbuttoned shirt, the sleeves always rolled up to his elbows.

Due to unfortunate circumstances, Amir has found himself possessed by a piece of the otherworldly spirit of the Dark Lord Cthulhu. Fortunately Amir is able to remain in control of the being within him, allowing him to manipulate the abilities this possession has magically imbued him with.

This mostly comes in the form of being able to generate tentacle-like appendages from his body. Dark purple in colour, Amir is able to control their movement and growth, using them as additional limbs or simply as weapons.
Whatā€™s more is that with deep concentration, Amir is able to enforce a state of madness to anyone his tentacles are touching, causing them to hallucinate their deepest fears and worries. As said before, this can only be done through deep concentration, with the action also causing Amir to tire out after performing this ability. As such, the first time Amir used this, he found himself unconscious for the next couple of days.

In time, Amir has the potential to cause these hallucinations without having to use his tentacles, with a simple glance at an individual being enough to cause them to turn to insanity. Although such an action would take a lot out of Amir, as well as risking his own mind being overridden by Cthulhu.

Born in Lebanon, Amir spent the first couple years of his life in the country before his family moved to America, a result of their increasing poverty since the Lebanese Civil War. Here they flourished, despite the racism that came their way, building a good life for themselves in the state of New Hampshire. High school went as well as it could for someone of Amirā€™s ethnicity, especially after the 9/11 attacks. Such bullying actually made Amir stronger, causing to stand up and fight for the little guy whenever he could. Amir pushed himself forward, coming to turns with his sexuality, as well as gaining good grades, to the delight of his parents.

When it came to picking a college and looking towards the future, Amir set his eyes on Larissa. He had heard much about the city, having grown a small childhood obsession with the Mavericks several years prior, as well as having spent several weekends there with his friends and a fake ID. After getting a decent score in the SATs, he soon found himself enrolled within Grimm University of Nature and Sciences.

He spent a lot of his nights out clubbing, his fake ID becoming a good friend of his, the Milk District his new home away from home. It was during this time that Amir found himself working part time as a bartender at a local bar; Lilith, not to be confused with the cityā€™s neighbouring district of the same name. It was here that Amir met Oli. The two fell for each other fast and before long Oli had even moved into his dorm room. However despite his newfound happiness, Amir felt like something was wrong. Oli kept making excuses. Backing out of dates because ā€œsomething came upā€. The pure thought that he might have had another man caused a great amount of stress to Amir, who as a result became slightly distant too.

Finally Amir had had enough. After another one of Oliā€™s unbelievable excuses and exits, Amir followed him. Too his confusion he found himself at an old abandoned church located within the Lower East Side. The sight inside confused him even more. Hooded figures, candles and ominous music, the place screamed danger. The fact that they were reading from an old tome, as well as the creepy looking banners they had up, led Amir to the conclusion that they were part of some kind of crazy cult. He watched from the window as Oli was seemingly brought up to the front of the group, where a cultist holding a knife was stood next to some kind of makeshift altar. Believing that they were meaning to sacrifice Oli, Amir burst into the room in an attempt at helping his boyfriend. Unfortunately he was too late to stop the sacrifice, with the cultist stabbing Oli through the heart.

Amir had no idea what happened next, his mind filling with disastrous and painful images. He felt an immense pain all over his body. He came to his senses a few minutes later, screaming. He wasnā€™t the only one though. Around him, the cultists whimpered and whined in agony. Some were on the floor in tears, others tearing at their face with their hands. That wasnā€™t the strangest thing though. Amir found that it was somehow him that was doing this, with a series of dark purple tentacles having emerged from his body, wrapping themselves around them all.

In time Amir would learn to discover what had happened to his body. The explanation came through his nightmares. Through the dark voices in his head. It was a demonic cosmic entity. The Dark Lord; Cthulhu. He spoke to Amir. Tried to manipulate the student. Part of him had bonded to Amir, possessing him to an extent. It had been that damned ritual. Luckily however the human side of Amir had taken control, blocking out Cthulhuā€™s control of his body.

Knowing that Cthulhu was now fighting for control within him, Amir decided that he had to do something to stop him from succumbing to the darkness. He had to do something good.

Amir's primary motive is essentially to fight back against the piece of Chuthulu within him, not wishing to succumb to the darkness that the being typically brings to its hosts. As such, he strives to help people and to do the right thing, which incidentally is the exact thing that got him into this situation in the first place.

Cthulhu: The Dark Lord himself, part of his Royal Tentacleness resides within Amir, fighting to take control. He often speaks to Amir through his dreams or just as a voice in his head, trying to convince him to embrace his abilities and the madness that they would bring.

Brooke Felstead: Amirā€™s roommate, the two are great friends, regularly going out clubbing together. While she is unaware of Cthulhu, she has noticed a darkness growing with Amir.

Isam and Bahira Housseini: Amirā€™s parents. While not strictly the biggest fans of Amirā€™s lifestyle due to their religious background, love their son dearly. They regularly phone in order to catch up with him, although are fully unaware of what had happened to him.


| NOTES: |
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dirge
Avatar of Dirge

Dirge Scrappy Rascal

Member Seen 3 mos ago


| NAME(S): |
Eric Rockwell


| ALIAS(ES): |

| D.O.B.: |
July 10th 1993

| AGE: |

| SEX: |


Without his mother to keep him stuffed with three meals a day, Eric lost a substantial amount of weight when he went to college. "You look like a ghost!" she said when he came home for winter break during his freshman year. Now, towards the end of his education, he has evened out a bit, gaining some of the weight back. At his height, most would still describe him as gaunt at 6'2" and 135 pounds. His bright green eyes are the most striking thing about his appearance, and other than that he's relatively plain. Long wavy dark hair is usually pushed behind his ears or pulled into a ponytail. His angular face is always covered in overgrown scruff. As far as a fashion sense goes, he's unaware that one of those is necessary. His usual outfit is an ill-fitting t-shirt and worn pair of corduroy pants.

Root manipulation
Eric has the ability to create roots and rhizome networks that he can control willfully. Theoretically, he can will the roots into any shape or thickness he wants. As of now, these powers are fairly limited. This requires him to be physically touching the substrate that he is creating the roots through. This means that he must be barefoot or have his hands on the ground to create roots that grow through the ground. The roots grow very quickly, but once he is severed from the root, he can no longer control it. On the other hand, he can manipulate previously occurring roots and root systems to create larger root webs more quickly as well.

Above all else, Eric is exceedingly intelligent when it comes to sciences and maths. He is one of the fastest learners that any of his professors have met, so much so that all of them have asked him to be a TA (teaching assistant) for at least on of their classes. He is a quick read, and can pick up a textbook on astrophysics and be done reading by the end of the next day, having retained a great deal of the material (about 94%, he estimates). He can cook well if he has the materials; his dad taught him some basic skills, since he is a chef at a nursing home (the chemistry of cooking intrigued Eric when he was growing up as well). As far as physical abilities go, Eric is slim but well-toned. His father convinced him to do track in high school, so he has decent stamina when running, and a high lung capacity.

Born an only child to an average mother and father in the suburbs of a city in western New York, Eric Rockwell was a nobody all his life. Not an outcast, people didn't dislike him, just a nobody. As he drifted through his youth with no close friends, naturally he fell into hobbies like comic books and video games. He was never unhappy, always content to spend his time alone. Being alone gave him more time to think about things, which he liked. He liked to ponder difficult questions, whether it was in philosophy, math, or anything else. He was even working on one of the Millennium problems, but he didn't get very far as he wasn't classically trained in the field of math that the question dealt in. School came as second nature to him and he enjoyed learning, so his GPA never wavered from a 4.0. When it came time to decide what route to take for a college education, he decided he wanted to go into a challenging field. Eric's father Chuck worked in a nursing home and hadn't taken the more complicated subjects in school seriously. "Well it sounds very interesting buddy," he had mumbled over the morning paper when Eric told him that he wanted to be a biotech major. His mother Martha was more enthusiastic.

Eric had always been intrigued by the stories that his father used to tell him about the Mavericks, and still couldn't believe that they had been so close to where he lived in the northeast. There had just been a new campus added to the Grimm University of Nature and Science, and they had a state of the art biotech lab as well as a great program with some pioneers in the field teaching classes. He thought it might just be exciting to be near to the place that the Mavericks had actually called home. Maybe they would even come back one day and he'd get to see them in action. Eric's parents weren't thrilled about his choice; they had been following the steady rise in crime in Larissa and found it terribly sad. Eric assured them that he'd be well out of danger in New Alexandria, and added that a full ride to a university like this was not to be passed up.

The fields of science that Eric studied during his undergraduate years excited him to no end. He let his work envelop him, and he pored over books of all kinds in the school library. There were nights that Eric would read a book on a topic that he had discovered that day, and fall asleep with his face in the pages, only to be woken by students arriving early in the morning. He went to his professors' office hours to talk to them about recent events in contemporary science. He had developed an insatiable thirst for knowledge. Naturally, his grades never wavered, but his health faltered slightly. He forgot to eat sometimes, and realized that that was unhealthy, but quickly got caught up in the next molecular biology research paper and forgot again. On his first visit home, Eric was noticeably skinnier, and his parents had a talk with him. His mother started calling each week and checking on him, which didn't bother Eric. Plus he ended up discovering a cafƩ that he had never noticed on campus before that had great buffalo chicken wraps.

In the spring of junior year, Eric landed a position working in the tissue culture lab with his genetics professor, Guy Dupont. Most of the work was menial, but he found experimental biology interesting, and his professor moved him to a more assistant-like position fairly quickly. Eric worked in the lab, helping his professor on his research, and surprisingly landed some grant money to do his own research in his senior year. "Start small, but be creative. And do not overshoot your objective, that is a common mistake of young researchers like you," Guy told him in his uneven french accent. Eric was sure his professor was right, but wanted to do something amazing. He decided to hold off until his graduate research for that though.

Having a paper already pending publication and a GPA of 4.0, Eric was obviously accepted into the graduate program at Grimm. He continued working in the tissue culture lab with Guy, but wanted to take a more experimental route with his thesis research. He had been reading about cancer treatment research when the idea began to take form. Guy had talked in his sophomore Genetics I class about GMOs and the struggle with the worldwide hunger crisis. If he could create a totipotent plant cell that would grow uncontrollably, it was possible that he could make a significant dent in worldwide hunger...

The idea that Eric would be helping people with his research motivated him greatly. Over the course of the next year, he spent all of his time labs around campus. He sequenced numerous genomes, ran PCRs to try to find a gene that he could use, but ended up piecing a gene together by hand. He spliced the gene into his totipotent corn embryo cell, and placed it in the gel he synthesized that held all the necessary nutrients for the plant. Reluctantly, he went back to his dorm, knowing that it would do his nerves well to get some rest.

Rest hadn't done much for his nerves. The next day, Eric woke early and nearly ran to the lab, viciously gnawing at his cuticles all the way. Twenty-four hours should have been enough to see noticeable growth if it worked correctly. When he got to the lab, Eric rushed to the sterile hood he had placed the sample under, and noticed something not necessarily plant-looking in the gel. He grabbed the petri dish without thinking, his index finger finding the almost gelatinous looking green substance had run over the side of the dish. As Eric felt the sting of the goo running over his open cuticles, he realized he hadn't put gloves on. He rinsed his fingers off and stretched a pair of clear latex gloves over his hand before taking a swab of the goo and putting it under a high-powered electron microscope. It was just cells. Just a mass of identical totipotent corn embryo cells. The cells hadn't differentiated the way he wanted, but this was a start. To get this much growth in one night was astounding. He wanted to continue his work in the lab, but realized he had an exam later that day, so he replaced the sample under the hood in a larger beaker. After the exam, Eric retired to his dorm, content to let the cells grow another night before starting the next phase of experiments and problem solving.

The next morning, Eric woke to a power outage. Worried that something may have happened to his sample, he hastened to the lab yet again. When he checked under the hood, his sample was still there, but it had changed. The mass of green cell goo was replaced with a tangled web of roots...

Above all, Eric yearns to learn all that there is to know. On top of that, he wants to use his knowledge to help people (and deep down, he wants the recognition that comes with it). For right now, Eric wants to help solve world hunger with his research. He sees this as just the first conquest in his scientific career with many more to come.

Parents: Martha and Chuck Rockwell
Genetics Professor and Mentor: Guy Dupont


| NOTES: |
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nemaisare
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

| NAME: |
Andrew Blythe ā€‹Williams

Annie, Andy, Drooly, Cherryā€‹

| ALIAS: |
Someone else make something up.

| D.O.B.: |

| AGE: |

| SEX: |


At 5ā€™7ā€ and over 180lbs, Andrew is a heavy man in a round rather than intimidating way. With a bit of a paunch, no obvious muscle and a penchant for smiling, heā€™s about as unthreatening as they come, and he likes it that way. His hair is brown, straight and longer on top than on the sides. It tends towards flyaway fashion due to its thinner wispiness as well as his habit of running his hand through it absentmindedly. He has small brown eyes that, more often than not, are complemented by dark circles beneath them. They are close set under straight, thin eyebrows, with a button of a nose and thin lips. He also has a bit of dark scruff on his cheeks and chin that he keeps short. He is of the opinion it makes him look older.

He has no distinguishing birthmarks, only a few small scars on his hands and arms from work or stupid accidents and a raised, angry looking scar about three inches long, running vertically from just under his left collarbone. It leaves him with slight difficulty raising his left arm above his shoulder, but he doesnā€™t do that very often anyway. Another, older scar runs down the middle of his chest to just past his sternum as a thin, puckered line. His voice is light, with an easy speaking rhythm, though it drops to a lower register when heā€™s speaking thoughtfully. His clothing choices usually consist of jeans and plain coloured shirts, sometimes vests, with comfortable shoes. Nothing fancy. He wears a medical alert bracelet on his right wrist.

Density Manipulation.

Born in New Alexandria, Andrew didnā€™t stay there long as his parents very quickly decided to move closer to the bigger hospital on the mainland when his birth came with the major complication of hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the commute between there and home cost too much time and energy, not to mention money they didnā€™t have. He was in and out of that hospital more times than his parents cared to count over the next several years, occasionally due to false alarms, and his heart acting up, and sometimes from the more usual troubles children can get themselves into. But he was otherwise a happy enough child, eager to make friends and see his grandparents and ride the ferry to get to them. He was just lucky his grandparents had the money set aside for travel to be able to offer some financial help and forego their planned years of vacationing.

Although things had started to settle down a little when he was six, he was waiting for a new heart for two years during which his health gradually diminished again. Thankfully, the worst moment that year, was also instrumental in bumping him up the wait list. He went into full cardiac arrest when he was 8 years old, and though they managed to shock his heart into resetting itself, continuing to live was not the only ā€˜giftā€™ he thinks that shock gave him. Heā€™s not entirely sure, but he figures something about the electrical impulses combined with the emotional rush must have sparked awake some dormant genes in his cells a few years before puberty might have flipped the switch naturally. Or it triggered something that would have remained quiescent his whole life. Either way, after that day, he had a few accidents that involved falling through things he shouldnā€™t have fallen through. Like walls and floorsā€¦ It took him some time, witnesses, and several colourful bruises to realize he wasnā€™t hallucinating.

During this time, he also had a brief fling with his neighbor, who was a nice girl and a good friend, after a talk about boyfriends and girlfriends turned into him admitting that he wasnā€™t sure heā€™d get that far. So, she invited him to be her boyfriend, her ā€˜ghostā€™ boyfriend after she saw him fall through the counter he was leaning on, which mostly amounted to proudly holding hands when they were together and doing most of the same things as they always had. With an extra side of her encouraging him to figure out the whole falling through thingsā€¦ thing. They talked about lots of things that fall, from her collection of beetles to the sorts of things heā€™d do once he had his power under control. From their different teachers and the notes heā€™d missed while dozing off to what they wanted to be when they grew up. She wanted to be an astronaut for a brief stint; he wanted to be a doctor, or a clown.

The boyfriend thing lasted about two months before they sort of mutually forgot it and then his family moved again, to a more affordable place in East Beach when the project started up. He didnā€™t forget her though, or the plans heā€™d had to be a superhero. But it never amounted to much of anything. Never in the right place at the right time, and he didnā€™t know anything about saving people. The fact that too much stress on his heart made it act up worse than usual didnā€™t help. Gradually, the ideals slipped to the side and the power was just this thing he couldnā€™t do that well anyway.

When he finally got his new heart, things were looking up, he was feeling good and there was only one fright when his body tried to reject it. But that cleared up and he avoided all the other risks through chance and a very faithful following of the care plan his doctor put together. So, he focused on school, and friends, and asking the neighbours if they wanted him to mow their lawn or walk their dog for a dollar or three until he was old enough to work. He liked visiting New Alexandria and his maternal grandparents, occasionally managing to convince his grandfather to take him out in his boat (it really wasnā€™t that hard). He spent plenty of time, too, in figuring out how the whole slipping through walls worked, and what else he could do with it. He showed his grandma, because she always seemed to have the answer to everything, and his parents were fully aware that he was up to something and being sneaky. Ellen probably told them, because they did sit him down to talk to him about behaving responsibly a few days after heā€™d told her, but they never asked explicitly.

Unfortunately, in practicing and being unsure of what he was doing, Andrew wasnā€™t always balanced in shifting the density of his body, and it had a detrimental effect on the healing nerves around his heart. Eventually, they settled into a far slower heartbeat than was healthy, resulting in regular fainting spells that had his doctor reluctantly suggesting a pacemaker to regulate it. He didnā€™t enjoy the process, or the feeling of something else making his heart beat, but he got used to it eventually, and now itā€™s second nature to go through his daily routine with it and to talk about it if he has to. Because although he doesnā€™t do a lot of travelling, he has occasionally set off a storeā€™s security. He is definitely relieved to be free of the fainting spells though, and has learned to be even more careful with his power than he was, but is far less limited than before.

Heā€™s gone through the rest of growing up pretty normally, managing to keep in touch with Janelle, the girl heā€™d ā€˜dated,ā€™ and meeting up with her as often as they could manage. He did have one girlfriend in highschool too, though that barely lasted a full school year before she broke up with him at the start of summer. It hurt, but thinking back on it now, heā€™s not sure how they even lasted that long, given their extremely different approaches to practically everything. He got a job as a grocery store clerk where he used his power to shelve heavy things until he graduated. Then he followed Janelle to the university campus since he liked spending time with her and wanted a change of scenery anyway.

They rent an apartment together in the Sound while his parents have moved back to New Alexandria to live with his grandfather. He took a semester of classes with an undeclared major, but found his attention constantly drifting no matter what class he was taking and decided not to use up his money until he could figure out what he wanted to take and stick with it. He has stayed on as groundskeeper though, and is saving up what he can while he works out what he wants to do with his life.

The explosionā€™s left him with a faulty pacemaker and, although he doesnā€™t realize it yet, the other side of his powerā€™s spectrum. Heā€™s more concerned about his friends and family being okay than he is about himself though.

Andrewā€™s daily goals include making the most of the opportunities heā€™s given, having fun, and brightening at least one strangerā€™s day. He doesnā€™t have the means to make it big or hugely generous, but if he can do something for someone else, heā€™s going to try; handing over small change or giving a bit of his time or just offering an encouraging compliment are easy to do and a good habit to have, he figures.

His motivation comes from wanting to do something with his life to give back to a community that helped his family through hard times. He just hasnā€™t managed to figure out quite what heā€™s capable of or what he wants to do. Maybe itā€™s the lingering childhood disappointment that superhero isnā€™t a viable career move, but part of him isnā€™t sure anything he thinks of would be enough.

Bailey & Harrison Williams ā€“ Mother and Father
  • Andrew is close to both of his parents, often getting into emoji wars with his mother and watergun fights with his dad. He tries to get out to see them at least once a month, and usually manages more. He is greatly appreciative of everything theyā€™ve done for him and the support they still offer, whether it be through tough love or just telling him to take a chance because he only lives once. Theyā€™ve been together since their own high school days and although they arenā€™t always obvious about their love, Andrewā€™s rarely seen them fight and swears they can read each otherā€™s minds. Bailey is an aspiring writer who leads tours and assists researchers depending on the season, and Harrison works as an archivist at the New Alexandria campus.

Dietrich Best ā€“ Grandfather
  • Rough around the edges and still bitching about the bridge that ruined the ferry business, even though thereā€™s still some tourists that want to ride on them, Dietrich isnā€™t the most forthrightly kind person youā€™ll ever meet. But he has a gruff voice and an easier temper than his sharp tone implies and a great deal of love in his heart, for all he finds it hard to show. He and Andrew are often co-conspirators when it comes to getting into mischief. His spiritā€™s dwindled since his wife died, burning a little more fitfully, and his mindā€™s starting to wander, but heā€™s still a force to be reckoned with in his lucid moments. He worked on the Regal ferry from 14 to 65, with a break only for the war.

Ellen Best ā€“ Grandmother(deceased)
  • She was her grandsonā€™s bestest friend, her daughterā€™s greatest supporter, the harshest critic of her son-in-law, and the light of her husbandā€™s life. Now that sheā€™s gone, they all feel her absence, and for all itā€™s been eight years, Andrew still catches himself sometimes thinking that heā€™s found something sheā€™d love to hear about.

Janelle Foss ā€“ Best Friend and Roommate
  • Friends since before they can remember, they had an on again, off again method of keeping up with each other during their school years when they were living across the city, but now that they live in the same apartment, theyā€™ve given each other pseudo-sibling status and bicker about the rent while leaving silly little notes around the place for each other in the hopes of winning a smile. She knows about his power and his heart problems and his penchant for singing Disney songs in the shower. He knows about her string of weird boyfriends and very real crush on Gerald Butler and fear of driving. Theyā€™ve both agreed that if no one comes along for them by the time theyā€™re 35, sheā€™ll pity marry him and heā€™ll settle for what he can get.


| NOTES: |
  • Left-handed. Writing looks like this.
  • Is an organ donor. He has a card.
  • Also has a pacemaker ID card so he can flash it around when he sets a security alarm off and people start questioning his morals.
  • Volunteers off and on at the childrenā€™s hospital.
  • Collaboration and character driving noted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stein
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Stein That's Queen Stein, thank you.

Member Seen 1 yr ago

| NAME(S): |
Miles Alexander Bergeron

Really just Miles, or Milaminute when heā€™s telling a story.ā€‹

| ALIAS(ES): |

| D.O.B.: |

| AGE: |

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Now coming to the tail end of his second round of that awkward ā€œteenage developmentā€, Miles is still adjusting to his latest growth spurt (standing at 5ā€™8ā€). Heā€™s more on the slender side, weighing in at around 120. His hazel eyes are typical filled with mirth and itā€™s quite easy to make him laugh. Fashion alludes him, even though his older cousin Illani has tried her best to help the poor kid out. He typically sticks to colored tees and fitted pants, ideal attire for getting into after-school shenanigans. ā€‹

Magipsychic Energy Manipulation

On the night of November 17, 2013 Miles snuck into his Grandfatherā€™s study, searching for things he shouldnā€™t have been. Magical objects lined the wall but he made a beeline for a simple yet elegant crystal pyramid known as the Crystallis Memora. Upon placing his hands on it, such concentrated magic, Miles reacted to it. His dormant Minerva Hype (Pyschometry and Vague Aura Reading) gene was activated in response, flooding him with his grandfatherā€™s memories. The trauma was such that his own magic was activated in defense, mingling with his hype gene, it threw up a psychic defense: a magic empowered psychic manifestation that shielded him from the expulsion of magic defense that was sent out from the Crystallis Memora.

ā€œSticky Handsā€ - Primarily, Miles is able to generate psychic extensions of his own hands. His control over the hands allows him to enlarge them about roughly the size of a couch. He can use these hands to grab things, swat enemies and the like. He can only extend the ā€œSticky Handsā€ to about 10 feet and he can only produce two of them, stemming from his fists. Though they donā€™t feel pain, if they were to be severed or cleaved, Miles would feel it.

ā€œDome Timeā€ - By expelling psychic and magic energy at once, Miles is able to quickly ā€œhardenā€ it, creating a barrier to block physical attacks and psychic attacks. It doesnā€™t do well against most psychic attacks as of now, while Miles still has a way to go. As for the physical attacks, it can withstand multiple rounds of bullets. However, Miles can generally only hold the dome for about 120 seconds. 60 seconds if he widens it accommodate more people.

ā€œFitzā€ - is the name Miles would come to call his initial manifestation of energy that saved him that night. Since then, Miles has only been able to generate a full Fitz twice, and both situations left him unconscious for a day. Fitz stands at about 6 and a half feet and encompasses Miles. In this form, Fitz is able to expel a limited number of psionic-magic blasts before his form is compromised. He is highly durable and mobile, but Miles is hard-pressed to hold his form for more than 5 minutes. him was a Magipsychic Energy manifestation. The name is mainly his way of describing what he can do in one term. Fitz has shown no external sentience besides Milesā€™ own. Miles is unconscious while Fitz is in full form and should he be woken, Fitz disappears immediately. He can typically only be woken by mental means as noises donā€™t affect him.


It sucks when you know exactly where you went wrong. That one decision that led to This, and from This you wound up with That. That put you There and without a care you end up Here. November 17th, 2013. ā€™In front of this damn crystal. Always this crystal. I know this black, this dark. Why am I still afraid?ā€™ Does the knowing make it better? I donā€™t think it does.

ā€™I just wanted to learn the secrets of magic like the rest of the Bergeron family. My familyā€™. Which is admirable, a man for the family, right? Especially when as a member of this Magni family, you still hadnā€™t shown any magical inclinations. No knowledge of the denotation of magic. ā€™Itā€™s her fault. I canā€™t help thinking it and feeling certain of it. Itā€™s her fault for making me a half-breed. Some human and Homo Magnus combinationā€¦.. But she tried her best, gave unconditional love to a child ostracized by the rest of the Bergeron family in Louisiana. And a father who had left before the pee on the stick could even turn blue. But even with no husband, being a mother was always at the forefront of her mind.

ā€™Life was awesome, before 10. Always her and me and Cousin Bebe. Any day was a new adventure, and I knew was that our family was supposed to be a special one because we were on of the first free black families. Thatā€™s what they always told us. Why couldnā€™t they have just told us the truth? I could have started to learn earlier maybe. Something that wouldnā€™t have put meā€¦.hereā€¦ā€™ But a Bergeron child displays magic 7, on average. 5 if they are gifted and 10 if theyā€™re a late bloomer. And then there are the Others, the Others that never do. Only a few in the history of Bergeron, but their lives are something to be dreaded. ā€™Dreaded heavily, as I soon came to find out. I just wanted to get away, I didnā€™t care at first. But the Bergeron family wouldnā€™t accept another ā€œfailureā€. How do you excommunicate a child? From a family? And...I could see how much it hurt my mom. I couldnā€™t do that to her. I never imagined...

Oh that imagination. Overactive, always creating a scenario, an imaginary friend. Some that lasted longer than others. The boy with the mind that could go a lightyear a minute, the family always said. They had such high hopes in that imagination, that wonderment. Second only to that uncanny intuition for reading people. Maybe it meant the birth of another prodigy. Then age 5 went by, while 7 slinked over the hill 2 years later and 10 didnā€™t want rear its head of reality. But I guess not even the greatest can halt the flow of time.

ā€™And thatā€™s when they saw I was one of the Others. The smiles disappeared, uncles stopped clapping me on the back, aunts were hard pressed to invite me to family birthdays and even my cousins looked at me a little sideways. I hated it.ā€™ Endured it for 2 years, until enough had passed enough and was starting to trickle into the realm of violent resentment. ā€™Because no matter how hard I tried to learn it, magic just wouldnā€™t come to me. And I got to wonderinā€™...wonderinā€™ and plottinā€™. And thatā€™s when Grandpa Remy-Louā€™s Crystallis Memora started tinkling just a bit brighter. None of the other cousinā€™s knew what it was really for. But I figured it out and he told me years back.

Everything that heā€™s ever learned and experienced, as the current Patriarch of the family. Passed down to the next, and so on. Heā€™d been prepping it for the next heir. There it sat, in the midst of his study, deceived as a forgotten simple decoration. ā€™It was better that way, he said. That way no one would ever suspect it. And I got curious. Just one touch, was all. Maybe I could learn his trick, see his cheats...but I didnā€™t expect...I didnā€™t expect the pain. So many flashes of the hurt. That anger, pain, death...so many people. And then, nothing. But itā€™s okay to not remember. Sometimes, itā€™s even better that way.

ā€™Curiosity killed the cat, but what if there was never any satisfaction to bring it back. What happens to it then, my little sly friend. What are you left with?ā€™

Youā€™re left with you and me.

Since leaving the Bergeron family, Miles has actually experienced a sense of freedom. Heā€™s an intelligent kid and an innocently presumptuous one at that, he just wants to help and on another level, he wants to prove himself. Become something the Bergeron family never expected.

WIP So Far:

-Claire Bergeron: Milesā€™ mother. A magni herself, she sealed her powers in a vow of solitude with her son when their family attempted to Ex-Communicate him. Now that Miles is older, sheā€™s debating telling him this information.

-Belina-Brooks ā€œBebeā€ Jackson: Milesā€™ cousin and childhood friend.

-Ilani Marie Jackson: Milesā€™ older cousin. Sheā€™s more like an older sister, having lived with him and his mother for a few years.

.....my intro to Rise of the Mavericks should probably be weight enough. XoXo

| NOTES: |
I think me and Ray-J could be friend, if we ainā€™t love the same bitch
Yeah he mighta hit it first, only problem is Iā€™m rich (Iā€™m rich).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sorry about that, mispost
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