Avatar of -o-O-o-Fantasia-o-O-o-
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    1. -o-O-o-Fantasia-o-O-o- 11 yrs ago


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The twit has made himself impossible to trace down on the Internet although his books are being sold everywhere. Are there any old members pre 2015 who have a means for me to track his scent and marr him with my present acquiantance?

Sincerely, Fantasia Peach
11.3.24. The Upcoming Three Days Of Darkness

When you see the Aurora lights cover the sky, and multiple moons or planets appearing visible to the naked eye, you must get indoors immediately with your loved ones. You must lock ALL windows, doors and secure any vents or entry ways closed. You must conceal every single window so that nothing outside can be seen from inside. The windows must be fully blacked out so that nothing can sh8ne through at all. You must have at the ready at least 3 days of stored water, food, and necessary medical and hygiene supplies for all members to live off. Consider heat sources while the power is off, How will you stay warm? You will have 2 hours from the time you see the auroras to get indoors and lock yourself in. This is a warning from the Lord who has come to judge the nations. His judgement begins. Do not answer the door to anyone. The nephilim will mimick your loved ones to coax you to answer your door. Do not answer your door at any cost for it will cost you your life. People will be slaughtered outside like cattle during the 3 days and nights of thick tangible darkness. During thus time get on your knees and repent of your sins if you have not done so already, and accept Jesus Christ as your saviour. Time is short. The afterlife is eternal. The time of grace is come to an end. The tribulation period begins.

Jesus is mankind's salvation
The Revelation 12 sign, the woman virgo with the moon at her feet in the heavens presently has the meteorite 'child' passing through which will spin away before it can be swallowed up by the dragon.

Brics - count the nations, and the number making up the UAE. The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.

The covenant to be confirmed with many, the seven year United Nations sustainable development plan this October.

When they say peace and safety, sudden destruction comes.

Iron does not mix with clay. Ashes to ashes. True Adam genome. Graphine oxide, DEWS. DUMBS. 3rd helix. Quantum dot.

And do not fall for the deceptive facade of the one world leader.

The antichrist. His time will be 'times time and half a time'.

The four horsemen will ride.

3 days of darkness.
When the moon's and aurora's appear lock yourself firmly inside and block all light from outside. Cover all windows. Do not answer the door to anyone. Not even who sounds like your loved one. Nephilim.

Jesus is Lord. Be willing to die for the Lord. Rapture. Jacobs trouble.
30.3.2020 Get Fit

I'm feeling really lonely down here without Christ.

I don't think i'm gonna find happiness in this lifetime. My dreams are too close to pipe dreams now i realise. I dream about living in the sunshine, having a Christian husband, and counselling children, while living a get fit lifestyle outdoors.

Absolutely none of that is achievable here.

There are no handsome young, or even eligible old Christian men for miles around. The weather is constantly cold and hostile. Even if the sun glimmers through the clouds for a few hours, i still go out and find myself surprised later on that i've caught a chill. Because it's deceptive. Everything is so cold. I think you need an element of separation to be able to counsel. See, Moses went through the wilderness for 40 years after fleeing Egypt. The only way he was able to lead the people through the wilderness for another 40 years was by coming away from it, to re-enter it a conqueror. You can't re-enter a battlefield that has been personal to you, no matter how you may be able to identify with recent victims and have their solutions - unless you have conquered that battle already for yourself. It's like an addict still struggling to get clean, leading alcoholics anonymous, or a gambler who is still weak to it, going to stand outside casinos to offer flyers with helpline info. It's the same reason doctors always live in big houses far away from the disease they are attempting to heal. You need to be disconnected from the poison you are neutralising. But i'm not neutral to the things that trigger my issues here. How can i help a child like some sorted human when this place brings out the worst in me? I know noones life is perfect when they're helping others, but all i'm saying is... this idea that i'm gonna be a counsellor with the degree i'm studying... i can begin to imagine how traumatising it's going to be for me to deliver that help, when i have no other outlet or input that fulfils or nourishes my own inner person here. I'd be swamped by the mire i'd be trying to treat.

I'm being quite clear about this. I had some epiphanies this last 24 hours that have once again brought me right back round to the same pit stop that i keep denying to myself is my real hope and desire.

I've always wanted to dance. I dream that i'm dancing sometimes. I dance less and less than i ever did, but if you had seen me when i was younger, even 10 years ago you would have thought i was a fairie or a floating ballerina. This cold, subduing place is taking the inner flame of mine and just reducing it to the pilot light alone. I'll carry that pilot light to my death or rapture, and it wont go out. But i don't kindle like i used to. Because this environment has taken the tinder and firewood away from my light.

I am not completely void of stimulus. I fight for it. I make conscious decisions to do things that are good for me. But i saw a video today of a tortoise that was kept in someones fridge for 4 months and taken out at the end of its hibernation. This little thing woke up perfectly happy with a heat lamp, but there's no chance this thing was going to be active in that box with holes in it, until the hands reached in and changed it's situation. I don't feel like i can get out this box.

Epiphany 1 i had was last night. It was a lockdown bonfire in my back garden. I'd faced one of my worst fears (kidding), which was to go up this hideously unsafe ladder into our attic and pull out masses of cardboard i'd stored up there for whatever purpose it could be useful for later. It was a bright idea that passed an evening. I drank sangria and watched the fire roar bigger and bigger, until the flames tried to scorch me unexpectedly at one point. It just hit me... the heat. It was SO hot. And i loved it. My skin and eyes hurt later but i loved it so much it's like it took me back to that summer in Tunisia (in 2004?). And it took me back to every other country i've been to that the sun beat down on me in. That unforgiving lashing heat that i just live for. For just a few seconds i felt like i was home. And something in my little heart felt broken when that sweet reminder of freedom was taken away from me, and i was returned to a cold March night in Scotland.

You don't forget something like that, like a haunting tune you haven't heard since your childhood- that throws you back into your size 10 playshoes in that memorable room. Or a perfume that newly lingers from somewhere untraceable and you know exactly the last time you smelled it so you have to step away to recompose yourself. Or step closer in.

The next epiphany, or perhaps this was the 1st, shall i call the first one the second? I was told a couple of days ago by my friend that she had not paid up the holiday i had given money to her for. We were supposed to go together as part of a large group, but the others cancelled with news of the virus. I was reluctantly talked into this holiday in the first place, and though it was going to be in a pretty location, it didn't feel like it was going to brilliantly work for me. Learning that it was essentially cancelled, and i was reduced only to the holiday i had booked previous to it - the most beautiful 4-5* all inclusive hotel in a hidden paradise, complete with a top rated kids club, spa, water park and private beach area with bar... it all became so much more important to make sure that dream would come true. I've put so much money towards it, when i've hardly been able to live recently, and my last payment is tomorrow. To see it completely paid for, like the golden ticket (to a charlie bucket) becoming fully mine is going to send me ecstatic. Even if it all gets cancelled come the day... the idea is... i have a hope... a dream... of going somewhere where i can swim in mineral waters surrounded by hanging plants, and walk along shores unrestrained. And that dream alone is a golden ticket. I can't imagine how blessed i will be if i actually get the real thing.

Can you see how much escape from this place tastes like salt and light to me? Maybe it's all just a reflection of how little i belong on Earth in general. It's so hard to judge. Could i be happy in another country? Or would i be jinxed there like i have been here? I have not been happy so far. It's easy to be honest about that if i absolutely reflect. Very easy. I don't know how other people make happy of their lives. Are they just content people inside? Or are they in situations that can much more easily bear than i can mine? If you rationalise that they are simply just content, it's probably the damned vitamin D they're getting that's giving them the disposition in the first place, putting them back in check mate at an unfair advantage - they don't win for being better. I see photos often on my facebook, of hotspots in America that my christian friends live in and go to. I see lakes, forests, oceans, gardens, sunsets, birds and those fancyyy restaurants. I've been over there enough to know what the high life looks like there.

I remember this one time i went to a church in Mississippi for sunday worship. The amount of young people there, young godly guys interested in me after my being there for only five minutes. I laughed and they loved whenever i spoke. I kept it in, but something in me realised just how rich a land it is for women there. They don't know their own blessings. When i later in the year posted about the ache of a failed relationship on my facebook, some really stupid woman who shall remain nameless, turned on me to have a huge go at me PUBLICLY, over my unwise decisions in not choosing to date christian men. I felt like slapping her. As far as i could see she was one of the most ignorant and difficult women i'd met face to face and yet she had this man giving her all the love. Once again i kept it inside but i knew that if a visage like her could get such a phenomenal man i could do. I was just rooted in the wrong soil. I was disgusted at her and to this day i cannot forgive her vast selfish ignorance for thinking she had something right in her that i didn't. She was 10 times the mess i was. I don't claim to be all good. But hell.

Someone take me out while i'm still in flower. And plant me somewhere decent, PLEASE. I have had enough of spending decades talking myself out of what i have known to be true since my early teens. I used to look up at the planes overhead (imagine living right next to an airport and being forced to watch them fly right above you every day), and literally beg out loud "GET ME OUT". I did it for years, until i .. i think i just numbed.

I think humans are surprisingly resilient, and given enough time, no matter how awful a previous trauma, the soul can flourish in a marvellous, almost miraculous way if given the right bonding agent to heal. There will always be a part of you that remembers, and is changed forever, just as Frodo acknowledges in the end of the trilogy of LOTR. You are forever haunted by that memory. The tune, the smell, the familiar sensation. Yet it can be your gold. A force of absolute strength in you. When you have been broken to the point that you cannot be broken any more, your core is known to you wherever you go after, like a voice of reason in a material, fleeting world. I don't know if any of you understand that. I get it. I wrote it. I'll never be able to go even into the heart of my paradise now without wearing a garment of sobriety and Wensday Adams stare. The garment might look white, but the eyes are dark saucers.

I have said to God that in heaven i might need to live for 1000 or 2000 years in a place of solitude away from the party. Just to cope with what i've been through down here. I'm just being honest. They say everything will be erased when i get there. All the pain. But isn't that most of who i am now? If He erases that, i don't know who or what will be left. I carry it like the norm. It sits on me like armour, very well balanced, like a ledgers set of books. Pain becomes knowledge, and if i remove that, all of this writing wont exist. It will be someone else. Probably someone nicer, sweeter, and more innocent and starry eyed. But not the girl i know. I confuse myself trying to understand this.

I'm trying to think what the last epiphany was. I think it was Prince Harry's announcement on the news today that he and Meghan are moving to California. Well what a roll of the eyes. Some people when they irritate me it's a visceral reaction. This young man has had the absolute life. He's lived in palaces all over the country. He has had the honour and privilege to serve his country under the best education and direction. He feels satisfaction that he has earned his way and yet has seen wonders. Sure he has known tragedy, but it doesn't remove that he can now enjoy the best of any world he wishes to step into. He has moved to Canada to enjoy life, and now wants to take it up a notch and live in arguably the worlds happiest location bubble. Here's me saying "oh you don't know the other side of it, there is so much poverty and vice", and "it's going to see so much strife when Cali falls into the sea as prophecies have forewarned concerning the megaquake". I have all the evidence to tell myself that i don't want what He has. But i want the English palace. Gardens of vast lawns stretching onto horizons with rows of the finest variety of trees making it all look so fairytale-esque. I want to sip tea from a china cup, it's me. It's what i do here, in this house. I don't like mugs. I think they're horrible things. It's all wrong. I'm in the wrong place. I want to fly out to where the sea hits onto wonderful white sand. Where trees are SO green. Bright green like almost neon with colour.

Am i thinking the grass is greener on the other side? I know a guy who lived in Chicago for years. He had such a good sense of humour. He was so funny and intelligent and charismatic. A year ago he finished up training in the marines and went out to Cali, and he said he will NEVER go back. His whole countenance has been brought to life. His vibrancy has found it's home. He has a stunning girlfriend, and he smiles ALL the time. He's the proof that sometimes reality is sweeter than you convincing yourself it isn't. I'm so happy for him. But i cried so hard when i saw his photos. I felt left behind. You could say i smelled the perfume. I saw the sun and his smile the golden ticket was his. I remember having so many vivid dreams after that which i tried to explain to him but he didn't grasp. Never mind.

At least i'm safe, right? I have a roof over my head. I have food. It's not great but it's there. I know we're in a lock down and there are people who have lost their whole livelihoods, so i'm not the only person being shaken by what's going on. But still, if ever it felt like i was having epiphanies, its now.

I should be thin and slender again. I should have the sun on me. I should be listening and dancing to music. I should be eating bright fruits and helping people. But i can't do that here. I'm on antibiotics and i have a heated blanket under my feet because my bones were so cold they were aching and feeling fluish. God, have i got some years on the clock? Are You coming back now for us? Or do i have some more years?

Cos, if you're coming now i'll just do up mums house however i can in the mean time, and bunker down with her and the little one to keep safe, watching for You. But if i have some more years, i don't want to be sitting in this room, wondering where i'm going, still studying this degree, wondering if i'm meant to be doing it at all, or if im about to embarrass myself by finishing it and going into ANOTHER one instead of finding work. I don't know where i'm going or what i'm doing. And i haven't done for a long time, because all the while i just know i'm in the entirely wrong place.

I keep telling myself every day that it's just because i'm not in heaven, and that i'll feel home soon. But truly. I see those images, those postcard pictures, and i know deep down in myself, that it could work out, if i get out.

Still i'm numb, joints and pilot light are blue. Just about still going till the person who has me in the box lifts me out.

I don't think i can do it alone. I love heat but i don't want to out the frying pan into the actual fire. I can't afford to lose the little security i have. It's the only thing i have.

I'm sorry i ranted so long.

I just had to talk to someone. About my dreams of sunshine. And my real smile.


Mermaids are sentenced. Mermaids are sirens.
Hey lil dolly, cosmopolly. Why are you so melancholy?

This fairy tale will end up well.
The last page is justice but the pages in between
Are hell.

Runrit Finland forest nymph. Never seen, never heard.
Huldra wont show hollow blue back
Why's the little skogsra scared?

Maidens are quaint. Fine and faint.
Maidens are fair.

Altogether lovely and rare.
Tiny fingers. Scent that lingers.



It was the summer of 2018. As if it was plenty years ago? It was only 2 years but let me tell you this story. Cos my life is full of stories and none of them make sense but they all hit so real.

I was at a christian summer camp. This one was stiff necked and i was being bullied by the officers for having a runaway 3 year old. My mum was offering the littlest help at all and i wasn't given any room to socialise with peers my own age.

I'd just come back from Majoca where i had horse ridden on beaches and had drunken nights jumping waves. One night i took a young dude by the hand who met me on the shore. I waded him out round buoys fully clothed while he talked about his dad just having died. My friend accused me of kissing him out there. But i didn't. I took him by the hand and waded him into the sea. I want that back.

But it wasn't Majorca Spain any more. It was this tent in the middle of a packed campsite of hundreds of people all ages and i was now more alone than ever. I began to feel excruciatingly suicidal. I told my mum that i was close to doing something stupid. I made a deal with God one of those nights while i was weeping quietly into my sleeping bag. I said to Him that He would have to drag me through and that i was gonna give up. That i wasn't gonna be moral any more. That i wasn't gonna give a fuck any more. I was gonna shut down and go off the rails. It would be up to Him to keep me alive. I was ready to finish it. I was so alone.

And then this drunk idiot was dragged past my tent whether that night or another. All i heard was "mate is that where the fuckin MILF lives?"

I swear i don't even know how we got talking. I don't remember the first moment. I do remember maybe talking to his best friend first, who was the nephew of a devout older couple there on camp. That best friend was an even bigger idiot. One of those clumsy chancers in life who always comes up trumps and has a crackin smile. So this pure looking young adolescent hung out with goofbangs and somehow we got acquainted. He was so quiet in person but his stare penetrated me. He was incredibly tall, and pale. He had these massive hazel coloured eyes. His hair was dark and cut to an exact to reveal the purest jawline. He had a clumsy posture too whenever he felt uncomfortable out his zone, but as soon as he'd stand straight he transformed into someone so powerful just at the flex of his spine.

He took my number and the texts began to flow. He showered me with compliments. He was only 18? 19? He was into me and i couldn't figure out why. I mean i know i was fit with a tan from the island but i was sullen and i kept away from most people. He bore in and wanted to know more. We'd pass by each other in the fields and pretend we didn't know each other, but he was asking more and more every time in messages. He grew affectionate. It was about the most unexpected romantic shit i had ever encountered. We'd still pass by each other and i wouldn't talk to him with any more discrimination than the other boys he was with, and i'd talk to him equally as any other i'd speak to on camp. But it wasn't the few words i said that gave him reassurance. It was the way i'd see him checking his phone often, and then if i looked up, i'd notice him waiting by the marquee, just so i could pass by. So i would. And the eye contact would be enough to make anyone else sick with love.

So he took me to a secluded place. Or rather i asked if we could be as hidden as possible. Just as i had walked the first boy into the water, i walked this young man through an incredibly thin path with tall grasses our height either side, to a style gate, and just past it to a large tree. We were surrounded by forest, on a hill called "Castlehead".

He reached out with his hands and said "com' ere". He had a lancashire accent. Think north england. Think eldest stark brother. He held me to him, and we began to kiss. We were besotted. His shirt was the whitest cotton and there seemed to be endless expanses of it. I really do still love him to this day. I want him to become a christian so i can meet him in heaven. I don't want him to die without me coming to him.

He held me against him and we kissed up against that tree. I felt him swell and i caressed his monochrome lines. His sweetness mingled with obsession... that pure delight he showed won me over. I took him back and we felt this danger from then on, of not being able to hide things as well. I'd be ostracised by the whole camp i i went open with him. I was already a single mum. And i was 31 at the time.

He came more into the circles after that. He ate with people once, and he joined me at a games table for us to do drawing challenges. I just made the game up but there was something about it which became spiritual. Someone challenged everyone at the table to draw an elephant. I was surprised at how good we all were, and i picked a random passer by to judge. He exclaimed that they were his favourite ever thing, and he took great delight in looking at them all. Then picked mine. I was slightly embarrassed to be the winner. So i said... i challenge us all to draw... the perfect circle. We all did the same thing. We swung our pens round the page in the fastest synchronicity our wrists could allow, but they all looked off.

Then this boy, the pure pale boy, placed his hand on the page, holding his pen down, and rotated the page in a perfect circle. I was embarrassed again this time that he was the winner. There was something going on between us. I remember writing a note to him. Saying to open the next one. And i don't remember what was in the one lying beside it. But he kept it in his wallet for months after. So i must have written something bold.

We couldn't take our eyes or minds off each other. And i still miss him.

I'm trying so hard in life. I should keep trying, just to be worthy of his smile those years ago. Still to be worthy of that smile back in time.

We couldn't get away together because i had my kid every second of the day. It was getting more frustrating, and it was obvious as the days went by that i favoured his group above the shallow proselytes who made up the rest of the camp. One afternoon i broke away from a walk with my mum and her friends, to take a breather at the pier. I had asked for some time to just have alone.

I'd messaged him to meet me there. I was so worried that he wasn't turning up. But before i knew it we were sitting together as if we were on a throne for all to see. I'd bought 2 bags of duck food and we fed these things at the end of a pier that felt really stretched out away from other people. We were amazed by these ducks as they'd swim so elegantly, diving under the water for ages without taking a breath. We watched their shimmery feathers and laughed. The ice was breaking a little letting us sit in public. I wanted to kiss him but still didn't like the prying eyes of others. So we sought a private place again. We found this absolutely trashed old stone shed along the shore. It was a tip, and we went behind it and didn't even care. We just touched each others faces and silhouettes. The sunlight streamed in and hit his face so crystal clear in strips. His eyes were so vibrant and precious. I loved every moment. I lifted his shirt to see what was going on underneath it. I'd seen little flecks of his stomach before and i was sold.

I was in shock.

The bottom of what looked like beads lead up as i lifted, to reveal a full rosary tattoo with praying hands, and a nipple piercing above. I was struck. This boy was so badass. I did NOT see that coming. He lifted me so easily to straddle him on the wall even though i felt i was chuncky and bucksome. He laughed and said "I'm strong babeh. I'm a labourer." I felt so chill in his flex and was ready for anything else between us. I could see how senior pensioner hikers were being disturbed by passing us by, getting a nasty fright by discovering us one after the other time and again in passing. But i just wanted this boy for as long as i could have time alone with him. We had a solace.

Back on camp we wanted to get into each others pockets. He was always called away by his friends for cook outs up the hill, and to go to the pub. On the friday night i went to the pub with him after begging my mother for release on the last night. She had no idea i was going with him. I gave my kid to her and broke free. I went to that place and got tipsy with him and his friends. That goof i had told you about was really stressed cos his girlfriend had just been involved in a car accident and was getting screws put in her broken spine. There was this over all sizzling tension of some kind. We're clever people you know. I felt the way i'd respond to them as they spoke, like i had respect and they appreciated me. And this young guy would squeeze my hand harder against his leg if he felt a pinch of jealousy.

We laid together in my tent skin to skin in the early hours of that morning. I knew there would have been people just itching to listen in so to gossip about me the next day. I'm sure i overheard it too. But it was worth it to feel him. To let him enter me even if just for a little while. We'd been in my tent half clothed a few times before, just touching each others bodies like they were gold. I'd machine gun kisses up his neck and cheek and he'd topple me over and pin me down. It was too good. But this last night was so so quiet. Just us feeling the reality of how we were going to be ripped apart.

So i said goodbye to him and we messaged for months. Sexts and pics and i love you all the day every day in messages. It lasted till i finally managed to visit his town in October. I fucking flew down, booked a whole apartment, bought victorias secret and gave him full notice of all this happening.

At first he was so pleased to have me back in his arms. The way he came in the door of my apartment just to grab me and show me that same smile i knew so well and had waited for for months through shared tears, blushes. laughter and open desire.

But something really shitty was getting in there too. His friends were really immature. They wanted a gaff party and just ruined things for our privacy. And he didn't learn the first time. It was like me with the duck food. You set up the scene this time. Why do i need to breaking the ice in your damned town? He never took me out. Why was he trying so hard to get along with my ideas when really he could have just been the one to take MY hand for once. I wanted to dance with him in the same clubs he'd shown me in all his messages. I would have danced for him like an angel. It was something we had in common. Rhythm. I need a guy to take me by the hand and wade me in the water.

He let his friends ruin the privacy between us. He never even saw the victoria secret. I was a bombshell. I had a platinum bob and massive boobs and all i wanted was him and yet he just seemed under pressure from other people without telling them to get to. It got him in a bad mood and he didn't snap out of it. So i got quizzy. I was asking him why i was waiting about for most the afternoon for him just to come round. Why he had to go home when he could stay overnight no problem. He did only one night and the sleep was bad and the sex was committed but cold. He never explained what was going on. It really hurt. By the end of things i felt like so much had been missed out. It should have been me and him against the world.

About 2 weeks later it was over. A week after i was home he was quieter on me, and i didn't know what to do so i let him breathe. I was trying to make sense of him and what had just happened. The fucking weekend after i'd come home he was shoving up photos left right and centre on his social media of this absolutely wild and amazing night out at a rave. He was happier than i'd seen him in months. He looked so earthy and natural and happy from the inside. He was radiating again. But i can't... still can't understand why he waited to do that without me when i begged to be part of it. It broke me.

And then the weekend after came some drunk social media spills of accidental private messages. He had a love bite on his neck and he was sipping on a late night soda in an open joint after another club night. The message was intended for another girl. I had to piece together how and when it happened. I figure... i only go with what i can understand, and that is that he must have met her shortly after i left. I don't understand why the pure boy i met on camp, who bore himself to me, and nearly ate my soul for being so hungry for it every time i exposed another piece, could turn away from me so rapidly for no apparent reason. Out of nowhere. I was so beautiful looking by this point. I didn't have the inside pain of the summer.. but he kinda brought it back to be honest. I couldn't believe it.

I messaged him for an explanation and he wanted to keep it as short as possible. "I've found someone else i'm sorry".

It just made no sense. But none of my life does. I've had other strange encounters i could easily tell you all about. I still love my young man. He told me he loved me for months all day long. I saw how much he meant it by his eyes. So something must have been going on inside that he didn't tell me about. And the pull of his friends and family had something to do with it.

I hope heaven is him at the end of the pier
Get yourselves involved. Do it a justice.
In Forest 5 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
"HAHA Jallows you've brought me a stone tonight i see. And something extra. Well i'll skim it tomorrow and see if it brings us luck. I have a little something you might like if you come inside? But by that guilty look i think you've been in already."

I flap Jallows off the pile to tease him and turn my back on him while still leading with my walk to a treat he knows is coming. I guess it means my work is done for the night. I find a small ceramic pot, prettier than the rest on the mantle, and pull out some small black beetles with a blue shine to their shell. I bit like oil.

"You know these are really hard to find. But you're worth it you know."

I look down for a moment, caught in a passing thought that flinches my eyes narrower to wake me back. I had brothers as well as my sister. I used to collect things for them too. I feel an instant hatred come from somewhere unfair and helpless inside. They should still be here but they were killed by a tree felling accident years ago. Two of them. One tried to save the other and it took both down. It's funny how wood cutting doesn't bother me, but that pot does. Memories, i mean.

I move to a window i tend keep open just to stop the prickling heat of my fire from becoming too much at night. I lean on the sill and take a sharp deep breath in, making the stretch right over the bridge of my nose feel tense.

I'll be seeing the McFaddens tomorrow to talk over more trees on this land. He wants them for cabins and i'll get a good price. He's been in trade with me for years and i don't hold against him the things that have passed. I have an early morning. Looks like rain and that means mudslides if we attempt to drag timber.

"Jallows i'm hitting the hay. See you around."

I climb under my quilt and thank the world than my sister is still alive. I draw the smell of old tarnished posies in from her bedding, and before i know it myself, i'm asleep. With only the bottom half of my clothing removed.

Rain begins to pitter as hours pass through into the dead of night.

Just putting a flyer out there on table that this thing's been created.

I think it has real potential for anyone with intellect and thirst wanting to explore something unknown in them, and human connection in general. I've put it in the advanced section because i need that level of articulation and social skill.

The rules are that it isn't for those trying to show off while blocking flow. It's for those who know how to strike well. It doesn't use a steampunk/ scifi/ apocolypse/ alien race/ savage sinister backdrop. It'simple.

It's human. It's now.

Come and be part of it. Come give and take.
In Forest 5 yrs ago Forum: Advanced Roleplay
I'm Jonas.

I'm actually a woman. I'm 23 and I live at the edge of a forest. I'm out on my porch alone tonight as i usually am, getting some menial work out the way before sleep. You can hear the dry scuff of my thick soled shoes as they pace back and forward along the boardway. I move wood pieces about, clear scraps of metal i keep for no reason out of the way again, and occasionally you can hear the crack of an axe through a log, as i quietly go about my duties without too much effort.

Effort here is standard. To live a homestead life, a small pinch of muscle is a given. I don't startle the same way another person might. A life, long grounded in nature, makes a person resilient and peaceful inside. I have my thoughts, granted. My worries, just like any other person. But i just go about my doings, and i don't get too stuck down with what i can't control. The here and now is what i see to. This cabin. I've lived here for years. And i keep it well. It's modest compared to contemporary expectation. But it has everything you're looking for. As long as you like junk metal and a whole lot of eiderdown quilts. I kept every one that was passed down to me right to my sisters' own. I was never as delicate with a needle the way she is. I can do clever things with one. Just not embroidery. So i hold to them. And they bring good times. I could probably put my mind to something like that. Yeah. I reckon i could. I'm sure i could be delicate.

Cracks a log chunk in two and tosses the pieces in a pile, with only the gentle lilt of the artless night to be heard around me.
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