Avatar of TheDookieNut
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: thedookienut
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    1. TheDookieNut 11 yrs ago
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2 yrs ago
If anyone I used to RP with comes back to check my profile and is wanting to carry on: sod it, dm me your discord, let's get started again
4 yrs ago
I miss the old RPGuild..


Fuck recovery

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The interaction was difficult to watch, his companion visibly struggling to breathe as if her throat had been closing more by the moment. Rhoynar felt he had tried everything bar running out into the street and yelling for a doctor. All seemed to be failing until Illinfer finally found the words in her voice. He listened to broken words and strained sentences until her reasoning became clear. The reality of her grief seemed obvious now, as it seemed to cascade over the edge and through spillways that had clearly been tightened closed until this moment. Perhaps she needed this? This gentle break from an internal conflict, one she'd hidden so well.

Rhoynar chose to remain silent during her emotional outpour, uncertain of the best course of action. There was no comfort between the vague friends they may have been, not beyond what may have been acceptable by culture. Her grip loosened on his wrist, allowing the blood to rush into the patches of skin that loosened in colour. Raising a hand, he placed them both on her now free hand as she spoke, seeking out an apology as if she had been in the wrong only moments before.

"Forgive you? What do you need to seek forgiveness for?" The gentle tone remained in his voice as he spoke, as he hoped it might continue in bringing his companion back to the fold. "Illinfer, there's no weakness in grief, if that's what you're experiencing. Grief is an unfortunate part of our lives. Its the one thing that binds us all. From the mainland to islands beyond the Sun and the horizon." Was this sorrow a weakness in Illium? A place where strength held a far higher importance than passion? It had felt so different in Astipor, a city of varying culture and delight, foreign from the rest of the country.

Yet, Rhoynar would have been a fool considering such a notion wasn't custom in the dust of the Second East. Cities of passion and fortune on the surface, yet each floated on a sickening pool of politics and deceit, where all that mattered was strength, in all its definitions. One's power in gold, not just by the sword or words, held far more importance than the zeal for life.

"I'm not forgiving you for something you haven't done wrong." He paused, as his mouth focused on the brief pronunciation of who she had muttered. "Jurlath? Perhaps you can honour him at a temple before we leave. In that way, he had be here too." He gently squeezed her hand and let go. "There are more than a few here that by remembering the pain of grief keeps those we miss alive." There was a heavy sigh as he turned to look out of the small window by their heavily decorated corner of the tavern.

"I don't think any less of you, I'm sure you'll be a competent fighter when the time comes." There was a smile in his words, though his expression still read that of concern. Illinfer was a shadow of herself, a husk as the inner world swirled and span in a place he could not see. "Take your time, we'll head out when you've caught your breath."
The mixture of the overwhelming perfume of incense, the sweetness of the wine, and variety of culinary delights felt surreal. He'd not travelled across the ocean in so long, yet despite its similarity to his home and the culture they had brought with them, the strong mixture of all aspects on all sides felt like a long forgotten memory just remembered. The smell reminded him of his youth as his parents travelled across the Second East, a time before they encountered the strange and rigid culture of the nation they called home now. A place that was not just cold in climate but cold and unforgiving, as if all had no desire beyond the walls of their community. Here, the world felt alive; at least to Rhoynar.

He was giving his suggestion for their next move, ripping apart a small clustered selection of leaves entangled with dough when Illinfer suddenly grabbed onto his wrist. Whilst he wasn't opposed to the contact, her unexplained and oddly unnatural behaviour startled him. Perhaps it was obvious on his face, he considered and worried so as her expression seemed to shift into something of worry and panic. She slumped over the table, muttering to herself yet despite it all her hand never seemed to cease its grip, squeezing tightly like a snake.

"Illinfer..." He questioned quietly, gently pulling his arm in the hope she may release and allow the blood to flow freely again. It was the faint struggling of her breath that changed his course of action as he noted how laboured she appeared to be becoming. Rhoynar had noted to sign of illness during their travel over the ocean and after such time online, it seemed a strange time for nausea to take hold. "Is everything alright?" He questioned hesitantly, shuffling forwards in his seat.

"You're going to faint if you don't breath, you need to take a deep breath, slowly before you collapse." Perhaps had he known exactly what his companion was suffering, he may have understood the precise nature of the help she required. Instead, he remained uncertain, knowing no little more than the risk of her falling unconscious. Of course, he wasn't entirely unfamiliar considering the vivid nature of his recent nightmares though he failed to realise that.

Rhoynar eased himself from his seat and reached for Illinfer's other hand. Once in reach, he tried to pull her hand towards the air, as if to encourage her to look towards him.
"You need to breath right now, or tell me precisely what's going on. Just try to focus on what I'm saying, and slow down. Everything's going to be fine. It may seem strange here but the medicine is no different, if you do need a Doctor, it will be alright. Just try to slow your breathing down." He let her hand drop and raised her cup. "Here, drink instead, just a little at a time."

His unconscious thoughts considered strange and wild theories as to her sudden breakdown. Untamed paranoia grasped at poison, allergies, or even the first signs of a devastating illness. Yet, they had drunk from the same unsealed bottle: poison wasn't an option. They had shared company during the journey and he shared none of her visible symptoms.
"I don't understand, its just wine..." He murmured as he briefly glanced back at the bottle, his hand still cradling the her cup.
The air had steadily begun to warm during their journey, shifting from the temperate weather of Illium to the sticky heat that clouded the coastal cities and towns of Jhun'k'ai. The nature of the heat would likely change the further East they travelled on their journey, shifting into and a parched and arid heat, pulled water from skin as the world slowly shifted into a desert that felt entirely endless. A place where the heat saw no pause between day and night, scorching the world on all sides. Should their journey lead them into the Dead Waste, they would need more than a guide.

As the week long travelled finally ceased and the duo were given the ability to stand on solid ground, the rich hive of Juhad erupted before them. Whilst its streets were not alien to the elder of the pair, the time between his last arrival on its shores had felt too long. The smell of life within the city hung in the air like perfume, bringing with it the memories of a childhood on the eastern shores. Reminding an aging man of a youth spent abroad where the secret political games of the Western kings was no concern, and the hidden rules at play in the desert seemed simpler. It wasn't the petty sport of the ruling class that mattered in their current journey, though it was the source of their travel.

Rhoynar guided Illinfer by the arm from the dock and onto the crowded streets that exploded into the markets of the vast city. The city of Juhad opened to its naval guests with a vast courtyard of vendors, exploding with the expansive and vibrant spectrum of silks, cloths and rugs, often variegated in design and colour. The selection stood out in high contrast to the bleached walls of the buildings surrounding, each of them brilliant white as it reflected the sun that lingered almost directly overhead, baring down on the city which paid it little mind under their creatively created shelters within the market. The man continued to hurry through the markets, stepping between the crowd underneath the cloth roofs that decorated the streets. Its design forced the heavy perfumes and spices to linger, catching on the clothing and skin of those who travelled though. It was heavy on the head, lasting in the nostrils as the pair escaped the restless and spirited agora as travellers and residents alike haggled with vendors for their goods.

The clamour of the new world had seemed only larger than the furor that had developed within Astipor: a newly formed sanctuary for many that could afford the travel aboard ships from Juhad or Olas. In the former, the world felt more alive than before. Here was a world were the Western tongue was no longer common, but a language spoken by sailors alone. The Second East was a portal to more languages than knowable, though so many spoke a prevalent dialect, that danced along the air between the citizens across the city and deserts beyond. To hear ones mother tongue spoken so freely had felt comforting, adding to the distant memories of childhood yet the knowledge he had of the ancient world they were standing upon added an anxious fear. Time passed differently in Jhun'k'ai, it always had. Self-made kings and empires fell overnight as the power-hungry continued to squabble and fight for the riches they felt rightful to; his father had been right in choosing conquest in the West, where the games of the powerful travelled slowly.

They soon settled into an inn, taking rest in the shade to allow Illinfer the moment to recapture her senses. He gave her leave to rest for a few moments whilst collecting food and drink, opting to choose food closer to her palate than might be provided the further they travelled from their home. Shouldering the door open, he was soon greeted with his partner's panicked uneasiness.

"Here," Rhoynar offered as he placed a tray onto the table between them and sat onto the cushion lounge opposite. "You'll have already noticed the heat, you'll need to drink." He soon unsheathed his sword and set it by his side and relaxed in silence, taking in the natural chill of the shade the inn provided. It wasn't perfect, but it certainly helped. After a few moments, he spoke again, offering Illinfer a suggestion of their first potential direction in their quest.

"We should check the temple first, the monks there collect knowledge from far places most have never heard of. I've never seen their library but it is said to be stretching far into the sky, with walls of tomes that pass back in time beyond the Gods we know. If anyone is to know where we might find what Grey was asking of us, its them." He paused to take a sip of the fruit wine he had purchased for them. "I don't know if you saw as we made port: the large temple on the hill." It had stood far from the ocean's edge, standing high on a hill with a forest of trees surrounding its walls from whatever may have chosen to threaten it. Its walls, whilst far from sight, had been tall columns, stretching high above the citizens that passed towards its doors.

"We should head there once you're comfortable. I can understand this place is... Different." Rhoynar laughed. "I had the same reaction of your country when I first arrived. The culture is different, bland in comparison."
Bump - maybe just to see if anyone is still here
Stupid question but the thought of jumping in is fiddling me with anxiety-

What's the best way to get stuck in with the persistent world stuff?
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