Avatar of DestinyStar
  • Last Seen: 11 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: DestinyStar
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 480 (0.12 / day)
  • VMs: 10
  • Username history
    1. DestinyStar 11 yrs ago
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3 yrs ago
Current It's been a long time, RPGuild. I hope you're all well.



Thank you for visiting my profile!

You can call me Destiny. I am a 26-year-old pansexual woman from the USA who has been roleplaying since 2007. I got my start on a Kingdom Hearts fan-forum, and now here I am! My roleplaying interests include slice-of-life, romance, drama, fantasy, and anime fandom. Did I mention I am a HUGE otaku? :D

I write at a high-casual/advanced level as far as the amount of content I write per-post, but I'm not into flowery language most of the time. My writing is very simple, with a lot of the focus being on the characters and how their thoughts and feelings are developing. Realism is the name of my game! This stems from the fact that, when I am not roleplaying or slaving away for a large technology conglomerate at my day job, I am working on plays and films as a professional actress. With this being my passion, it's quite literally my job to pick apart each character's brain to find the motivation behind their words and actions. I'm just saying, that kind of obsession shows in my writing.

For my partners, I mostly do 1x1 RPs unless a group really catches my eye. I expect 2-3 paragraphs per post and prefer those who can respond at least once a day. Original stories catch my eye more than fandoms, but I don't rule anything out until I've tried it- trust me, if something's not working I'll let you know. I do not write smut, but if it is story-driven I will consider 18+. I'm really not picky; these are just guidelines for how to *guarantee* I will love our RP! I've been surprised before!

A fair warning in advance: I'm also a little crazy. I am diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression, so if I am feeling off I may just stop responding. My mental health does come first. Rest assured, I will pick up the pieces and clear my head enough to reply soon. I use my writing as an outlet, so I can never stay away more than a couple of days. That being said, my Guild partners are my family. Y'all have helped me through the worst times of my life and continue to remind me why I'm still alive on this Earth. So just know that I am here to do the same for any of you, even if we've just met. :)

Anywho, if this sounds like your thing then shoot me a PM! I swear I'm friendly, albeit a little strange, and I don't bite (hard)!

Most Recent Posts

Thank you so much to whomever sent me the candy cane!
I really have no idea who it could be but just know you made a rough week of being ill much better! <3
@Moonlight Faun Ooooh I'm intrigued! This could very easily become an interesting mix of ideas! I'll PM you!

@Callousqueen Thank you for the interest! Sending a PM now!

And since that's like four new RPs all at once, I'm going to mark this thread -CLOSED- for now. I'll re-open it in the future if needed. <3
@Killy Oooh that sort of brings in the hospital idea too! I like it- I'll PM you! :)

Also welcome to the Guild! ^.^
Hi! It's not often that I post an interest check, but the RPs I have going currently have slowed a bit and I have found myself craving to write more often. So here I am!

Some of what I am looking for in a partner is:
- Casual to advanced writing level (2-3 decent paragraphs MINIMUM).
- Can post more than once a week. I get that life happens, and am generally accepting of that if you tell me and don't just ghost me. I'm really looking for someone to post twice a week at least - would prefer every other day though.
- Will be honest and let me know if they lose interest. Being ghosted is my #1 pet peeve and I WILL bug you relentlessly until you reply. I understand just being done- just let me know.

A little about me:
- I love exploring darker themes/traumatic events.
- My favorite genres are fantasy, slice-of-life, drama, and romance. I am extra interested in events that make me go -squee- haha!
- In regards to romance, I am open to all pairings.
- I roleplay solely through PMs, no forum or external app (like Skype or Discord).
- I am open to describing sexual encounters in detail (18+ partners only), but only if it makes sense in the story. No smut for the sake of it. I also am fine "fading to black" if that is your preference.
- I am very much an otaku, but I don't do fandom RPs. I prefer only original characters and stories.
- I have major anxiety/depression. If I have an episode that keeps me from writing (not often), I will let you know. Please understand and be patient. <3

I don't have much solidified, but a few general cravings I have are:
- Therapist x Widow
- A relationship meant to fail that both parties are fighting to keep together by a thread.
- Something action-y, or MMO-ish? I'm craving something with fight scenes.

I'm open to other ideas, as well. Comment here if interested! (Do not PM)
Mari was surprised at his response, but it made sense. If he had already eaten, of course he wouldn't want to get any food. However, she hadn't exactly said she was hungry so why had they come here, again? Her head tilted to the side quizzically as she pondered this thought, though the peaceful quiet lasted only a moment as she quickly found herself being whisked away once again! His reminder of what they were supposed to be doing made her cheeks flush bright read with embarrassment. The poor, young girl had been so swept up in the excitement that she had nearly forgotten they were working! How much time had they spent here, so far? Now flustered, she quickly wiped the whipped topping from her nose and ate as quickly as she could while trying to scurry along behind her new companion. "S-Schorry!" She mumbled through her full mouth, though she couldn't help taking at least a moment to sigh, happily, at the flavor of it. Sweets were so delicious and soft and cute! Which is why it broke her heart to hear that he disliked them!

She tried not to judge others- Mari knew that everyone had their own tastes. Still, why work at a cafe, then? It didn't feel like the right time to ask a question as heavy as that. Life choices were sorta personal, right? And they had only just met. Before entering the store, she scurried over to the bin to toss her paper- after wiping her face with the napkin- and hurriedly followed Daehyun inside. Something about him seemed to change, once again. How was he suddenly so calm? So much for worrying about personal questions; his directness caught her off-guard and her cheeks flushed. "H-Huh? Oh, yes, I do..." Her gaze drifted down to her feet for a moment with a sort of sad smile as she thought about her reasons for starting work at the cafe. Really, she didn't mind sharing with him. "A-Am I really that young? I-I guess... Well, m-my dad lost his job, and m-my mom has been really stressed, s-so I wanted to do what I can to help out! I haven't really... had... a j-job before, but I want to do... w-whatever I can..." Her face flushed red and she looked back up at him with a smile. "A-Ah, I didn't mean to bore you with a-all of the details...! A-And it really is fine, my mom taught me I can handle anything I put my mind to!" She grinned, a bit, only to blink at the sight of the bottle in his hand.

It seemed like a rather mean prank to play. "M-Minkyu works hard to make the coffee, r-right? He might be upset..." Again, though, her warnings seemed to go unheard and she sighed, going quickly with him to the register. It was difficult to get a grasp on this guy, and it was making her head spin.
Life decided to be a b**** again so I am likely not gonna be able to participate in this. Sorry, y'all. Dx
Woop woop I'll have a sheet up for approval in the next couple days~
Once I get off my lazy bum and do it.
Was stalking @Zelosse, having nothing better to do than creep on my friend's profiles, only to find exactly the kind of RP I was in the mood for.


Y'all still accepting? xD
As Macy slashed her way through the relentless horde of grotesque mutants, solidly holding her own against the imperfect variants she currently faced, her gaze drifted up to the frontlines. More buzzing and scratching and thumping could be heard over the sounds of dropping acid flesh melting the very ground beneath them. Just how many more were there? They had the two strongest leading the march, but it was all the rest of them could do to hold off the horde that managed to get by them, and those who came from behind. The corpses they left behind had obviously reanimated- so whatever virus this is was related to necromancy in some way. Her growing interest was quickly curbed by the jarring memories of how she had slashed through Arguth. No... Her magic had caused enough trouble, already. The last thing she needed to be thinking about were the endless possibilities this plague could provide in her own witchcraft.

Quickly, she began to push her way through the mobs to the front, trying to figure out what could help them get through this massacre. A smoke bomb would only rob her team members of their visibility; these creatures seemed to attack at random rather than watch where they are going. Her skills were not good enough to fight on the front lines normally, but maybe if she helped to thin the middle a bit, more of their team could push together to back up Hawke and Arguth? Macy winced as a drop of flying guts seared the skin of her cheek. That could be a serious problem, too... And she couldn't see just how bad it was. Deciding to use her nimbleness to her own advantage, she quickly pushed off of the head of one creature, blocking its bite with her rapier as she lunged upwards, dagger in her mouth to cling to the limbs of one particularly slimy flying beast. It reacted as any creature might, and as she was flung around, she hung on just long enough to see Hawke and Arguth becoming overwhelmed. She couldn't use her magic, and at this range her weapon could not protect Hawke from the insect she spotted lunging at him in his blind spot.

Without thinking, the young woman pulled the dagger from her mouth and quickly flung it toward the attacker, aiming for its skull, before she lost her grip on the flying creature and was flung back into the mob.
I would be sad but I understand it being a busy time of year. I've just seen too many good RPs get put on "hold" and then never start back up. :'(

Maybe if we set a date to come back to it that would help keep that from happening? I love these characters too much to see it die
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