Age: 25 years old
Sex: Female
Dani is the sort of person who often tends to draw attention, for better or for worse. A singular streak of scarlet runs from the crown to the tip of her hair, providing an interesting contrast against the otherwise ordinary dark brown waves that frame her face. Bold, elegant strokes of ink adorn her pale skin in floral designs. Each of her three tattoos is a delicate work of art in their own right, carefully placed where they would look the most flattering. Though of an unfortunate mere 5'2" in height, the young woman more than makes up for it by sheer sense of presence alone. Which in her case really just means a personality bold enough to match her ink and an endless repertoire of puns. Her hazel eyes twinkle with a mischievous glint as if she were privy to some cosmic joke the rest of the world is missing out on. Quick to laugh and slow to forgive, the brunette goes through life armed with humor, which doubles as a shield where necessary.
Despite her petite stature and rather elfin features, Dani radiates the confidence of someone comfortable enough in their own skin and rarely ever allows her signature smirk to slip. She also possesses the ability to strike up the most random conversations with complete strangers and feel perfectly at ease. Dani is often the most likely one to speak up in a crowd, even if doing so isn't exactly the most prudent course of action.
Good or bad, she's usually bound to leave an impression on those she interacts with.
Power: Oxikinesis
Dani has the ability to create, shape and manipulate oxygen in a variety of ways. The power extends to creating oxygen based compounds and manipulating those. However, the reverse is also possible for her. She can de-oxygenate breathing air or remove the oxygen from compounds that contain it. Some further examples of how her gift can be applied is to create 'wind' which she can move around or create an oxidizing flame by continuously igniting oxygen.
Limitations: She can barely manipulate a small bubble of oxygen or cause slight, mystery breezes at first. Even later on at full power and after training, the power cannot be used to affect large, city wide areas or cause drastic weather changes like the creation of massive tornadoes and other wind based storms.
Her story so far:
The middle child of her family and of normal enough upbringing, Dani is currently the poster child for bad decision making and poor impulse control. She began a downward spiral three years ago which progressively worsened as time passed. Much as she would love to have something or someone to blame, the truth of the matter is that it was nothing more than a string of her own terrible choices which led her to where she is now; a college dropout financially struggling under the weight of student loans with nothing to show for her time pursuing a psychology major up until a year ago. Its always easier to be bitter than it is to try, so she puts on an act for the world to see, hiding behind a facade of humor as if nothing ever fazes her. She's practiced in the art of deflection via sarcasm and making light of everything. Though she does have a social circle (albeit a small one), she brushes aside commitment and attachment alike, with a sarcastic quip or an amusing joke. On a bad day, the fine line she dances between humorous sarcasm and the undercurrents of antagonism become blurred more often than not.
Living day to day on the fluctuating income from art commissions and the occasional moonlighting as a bartender, Dani exists almost solely on cup noodles and liquor. Disillusioned and bitter at the grand old age of 25, she leads the epitome of an unhealthy lifestyle, with a devil may care attitude and casual disregard for her own well being.
Other interesting information:
- Dani has three tattoos. One on her upper arm; intricately drawn roses that twine around shoulder and extend upwards. A second one on the inside of her right forearm, also floral in design. The third and final one begins mid thigh on her left leg, a sprig of flowers climbing upwards to hug her hip. All three of them are similar in style.
- Her relationship with her family is strained at best, and a touchy subject.
- She's a fan of mystery and crime novels, as well as the classics. Her favorite book is the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Ever in the pursuit of fun, Dani is usually always up for a good time. Which hopefully involves copious amounts of alcohol and terrible puns.
- She once stole a taco bell sign as a drunken dare from her friends.
- Her 'job' is drawing furry porn for rich deviants.
Sex: Female
Dani is the sort of person who often tends to draw attention, for better or for worse. A singular streak of scarlet runs from the crown to the tip of her hair, providing an interesting contrast against the otherwise ordinary dark brown waves that frame her face. Bold, elegant strokes of ink adorn her pale skin in floral designs. Each of her three tattoos is a delicate work of art in their own right, carefully placed where they would look the most flattering. Though of an unfortunate mere 5'2" in height, the young woman more than makes up for it by sheer sense of presence alone. Which in her case really just means a personality bold enough to match her ink and an endless repertoire of puns. Her hazel eyes twinkle with a mischievous glint as if she were privy to some cosmic joke the rest of the world is missing out on. Quick to laugh and slow to forgive, the brunette goes through life armed with humor, which doubles as a shield where necessary.
Despite her petite stature and rather elfin features, Dani radiates the confidence of someone comfortable enough in their own skin and rarely ever allows her signature smirk to slip. She also possesses the ability to strike up the most random conversations with complete strangers and feel perfectly at ease. Dani is often the most likely one to speak up in a crowd, even if doing so isn't exactly the most prudent course of action.
Good or bad, she's usually bound to leave an impression on those she interacts with.
Power: Oxikinesis
Dani has the ability to create, shape and manipulate oxygen in a variety of ways. The power extends to creating oxygen based compounds and manipulating those. However, the reverse is also possible for her. She can de-oxygenate breathing air or remove the oxygen from compounds that contain it. Some further examples of how her gift can be applied is to create 'wind' which she can move around or create an oxidizing flame by continuously igniting oxygen.
Limitations: She can barely manipulate a small bubble of oxygen or cause slight, mystery breezes at first. Even later on at full power and after training, the power cannot be used to affect large, city wide areas or cause drastic weather changes like the creation of massive tornadoes and other wind based storms.
Her story so far:
The middle child of her family and of normal enough upbringing, Dani is currently the poster child for bad decision making and poor impulse control. She began a downward spiral three years ago which progressively worsened as time passed. Much as she would love to have something or someone to blame, the truth of the matter is that it was nothing more than a string of her own terrible choices which led her to where she is now; a college dropout financially struggling under the weight of student loans with nothing to show for her time pursuing a psychology major up until a year ago. Its always easier to be bitter than it is to try, so she puts on an act for the world to see, hiding behind a facade of humor as if nothing ever fazes her. She's practiced in the art of deflection via sarcasm and making light of everything. Though she does have a social circle (albeit a small one), she brushes aside commitment and attachment alike, with a sarcastic quip or an amusing joke. On a bad day, the fine line she dances between humorous sarcasm and the undercurrents of antagonism become blurred more often than not.
Living day to day on the fluctuating income from art commissions and the occasional moonlighting as a bartender, Dani exists almost solely on cup noodles and liquor. Disillusioned and bitter at the grand old age of 25, she leads the epitome of an unhealthy lifestyle, with a devil may care attitude and casual disregard for her own well being.
Other interesting information:
- Dani has three tattoos. One on her upper arm; intricately drawn roses that twine around shoulder and extend upwards. A second one on the inside of her right forearm, also floral in design. The third and final one begins mid thigh on her left leg, a sprig of flowers climbing upwards to hug her hip. All three of them are similar in style.
- Her relationship with her family is strained at best, and a touchy subject.
- She's a fan of mystery and crime novels, as well as the classics. Her favorite book is the Count of Monte Cristo.
- Ever in the pursuit of fun, Dani is usually always up for a good time. Which hopefully involves copious amounts of alcohol and terrible puns.
- She once stole a taco bell sign as a drunken dare from her friends.
- Her 'job' is drawing furry porn for rich deviants.