That uni feeling when homework doesn't feel like homework anymore because you actually *like* what you're studying =D
7 yrs ago
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7 yrs ago
That uni feeling when homework doesn't feel like homework anymore because you actually *like* what you're studying =D
Errm... there's not really much to say about me tbh, I'm preeeety boring.
I'm an 18 year old student from the UK (ergo, timezone is gmt) who can mostly be found crying about uni hanging around the casual section and terrorising the kind folks over there with my... let's say rusty writing skills. As it turns out, writing nothing but scientific essays for a year takes a toll on your creativity -_- who would've guessed?
Errm... there's not really much to say about me tbh, I'm preeeety boring.
I'm an 18 year old student from the UK (ergo, timezone is gmt) who can mostly be found [s]crying about uni[/s] hanging around the casual section and terrorising the kind folks over there with my... let's say [i]rusty[/i] writing skills. As it turns out, writing nothing but scientific essays for a year takes a toll on your creativity -_- who would've guessed?
(Not me. Hence my current predicament)
Anyway, guess that's all for now, see ya!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Heyo!<br><br>Errm... there's not really much to say about me tbh, I'm preeeety boring. <br><br>I'm an 18 year old student from the UK (ergo, timezone is gmt) who can mostly be found <span class="bb-s">crying about uni</span> hanging around the casual section and terrorising the kind folks over there with my... let's say <span class="bb-i">rusty</span> writing skills. As it turns out, writing nothing but scientific essays for a year takes a toll on your creativity -_- who would've guessed?<br><br>(Not me. Hence my current predicament)<br><br>Anyway, guess that's all for now, see ya!</div>