Avatar of 6slyboy6


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Status updates, huh? Who needs those anyways, pfft
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6 yrs ago
I figured I should update my status. Tada!
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7 yrs ago
What IS on my mind?



Loves Teddy Bears|Twenty Something|Can't Speak Russian|Is Potat


Let me properly introduce myself. I am Sir Spud the Fourth, and I have been a potato for the longest time ever. I never denied it to be completely honest, but it is only recently that I embraced it. Now I have evolved from a simple couch potato to a fully grown royal potato. A dapper kawaii potato. And I dare say, knowing that you are a spud, makes life a lot easier. Just chill and let everyone else care about all their meaningless things because at the end of the day you'll know: chilling is the way to go.

I try to spend minimal effort on things that I don't care about, and procrastination might as well be my middle name. But that doesn't mean I ONLY rest. Sometimes a 'tato gotta do what a 'tato gotta do. And if that something happens to be things I like, then you cannot find anyone better than me. I am an omnipotent being capable of virtually any task to a limited degree, and I am not shy to admit it. I may not be the MOST AWESOMEST in a thing, but I am sure as hell MORE AWESOMEST than most people are at everything. But hey, I'm not here to brag, even if I am probabaly better at it than you


All those nights laying in my couch, I thought about the cool shit that I cannot do. That I cannot see. But I pictured them in front of myself like they were real, and that infuraited me. Then I found the Guild, and I lived happily after. I have been on the site for 2 years now, and I have seen many RPs, and played with many people. I wish I have found the site earlier, but I am glad that I've even found it. Now all those fantasies can be written down and my mind can rest at ease at night, without being constantly troubled by ideas.

When I RP, I love myself some good Sci-Fi or Fantasy. But hey I am filthy casual, I can go for anything with an interesting setting. I don't trouble myself on small details if the plot is good, but if you get somwthing wrong you can expect me to tell you about it. Some even go as far as to think that I am angry or something, but I am too chill for that. If anything I'm more of the funny type, so you can expect me to try and write some shitty jokes or post memes I found on the internet. Anyways, you'll see what I mean when we RP together.


Used to be something else here, but I'm happy to say that it's replaced because of a positive change. I now work as a full-time 3D artist in the animation industry, churning out shot after shot for some of your favorite game intros and trailers. Can't say anything about them before you even ask, and even though I'm still new to the industry I love it and I already know that this will be my passion for a long time. So hopefully in a few years I'll have a proud portfolio of animations that were done by yours truly that I can show off to all the lovely people of the guild.


Now I may have hobbies like the above mentioned, but there are some more things that I love in life. Here is a handy list of things you can always talk about with me:

  • Gaming: This one I am quite proud of, I'm a serious gamer with capital G. Not as much time for it nowadays, but still true.
  • Music: All kinds of electronic music, but I am a sucker for Queen and Powerwolf. Or Breakbot... anything music.
  • Anime: We all have an Otaku in us, but it's bigger for some people. For me it's just big enough.


Be chill folks, getting fed up about stuff is a recipe for disaster. You gotta learn to be patient and let things go, or you'll end up a wrinkly old man/woman with only bad memories about life. Even if you do fuck-all every day, you can live a content life by taking things easy. With that said, as always, stay safe and stay classy.

Most Recent Posts

@RhineQueen You made good questions. For the world map, I want to keep it a secret for a while, but I am sucker for maps too. As for currency:
Dim is worth roughly 10 penny and 100 Dim is one Dit. A Dit is worth around 10 dollars. And there is Dis which is the biggest currency, it is worth around 100 dollars. One Dis is 10 Dit.

Blimps are determined into classes by 3 parameters:
-Balloon size
-Engine power
-Water tank

Each of these are ranked from A to E, A being the biggest.

Our ship is Balloon size B Engine power C and Water Tank C. That means it is a medicore ship, but still one of the biggest non trading ships. The biggest ones are the transport/trade ships that go all across the Dunes and Baklands.

And yes, you can make a floor plan IF you consult with me first :D
@Flynn Pinky promise no longer works for me. I had a few pinky promises broken, and they made my heart break too.
so what do you guys think?
All hail! Come foth my acolytes of the Flight, and unite all of the Dunes to reach the supreme goal of the Flying Gods. Join me on my quest!

Also this is very rushed, as it took me one and a half hour, so any grammatic mistakes you spot will be corrected if you note me of them. And I feel like a pile of rubble that can no longer make understandable sentences in english. So read ye bloody bastards and let me take a nap >.<
Under the scorching sun, nothing survives. All you can see is a barren wasteland filled with elusive sand all around. Those who seek refugee, often find themselves in small towns in the Big Crack. Settlements founded before Ashuria even existed, living on what they can. Abundant water sources fuel the economy, and is used in everyday. But when one enters the Dunes, they will remain there forever.

It was another unbearable wasteland. The sun was sucking the Earth of its riches, ending all life and dulling any colors. If one was to pay attention to the sky, they could spot a small dot in front of the big blue. From far away it looked like a small black thing. But if one were to closer examine it, they could see it was another one of the airships that roamed the skies. But this one in particular was one of an interesting kind. It was a large dart-like shape with a small cabin attached to its bottom. Beautifully smithed and carved metal plates decorated the balloons top, reflecting sunlight like bright beacons. Along the bottom, a small tube run along into the cabin. The cabin itself was connected to the baloon with a ladder and the said pipe.

Levi was standing looking outside the window. He was headed straight south to a small village called Thrin. It was one of the many settlements in the Big Crack that dotted the maps. He had his shades on, and the cabins shutters were closed. This early the sun already scorched the paint of the ship. He carefully turned the wheel a few degrees right, to steer the ship towards a dim blinking light in the distance. The creeks of the fin and thge roar of the engine got louder for a few seconds, as the mighty beast steered towards it's leaders direction. He turned away from the steering wheel and walked to the back of the cabin to sit down for a second. The cabin was big enough for two people to get comfortable, with red fabric on the walls. In the back, there was a comfortable armchair with a small stained coffe table next to it. Along the sides there were a few smaller plants that lined the windows. They ended up in a small spiraling shelf on both sides, that marked the main cockpit. Few gauges and panels had their homes around the steering wheel, making it look like a group of buzzing insects around a corpse.

levi decide to water the plants. Most of them looked alien from most of the other plants they grow for eating. He had a rare collection of desert plants that could survive even the corching sun. They had black and purple leaves, and they grew beautiful red flowers in the winter.
A sight to behold. As he as attending to a brown spiraling bush, one of the gauges started flashing. He decide to abandon the cute little plant, and take a look at the gauge. It was showing a symbol of a water drop and shaked like a crazed maniac. Levi just shook his head. "Silly machines. I have to fix this after I land. Always the important stuff" With an ice cold impression, he stared outside the window, and looked at a dust cloud in the distnace. His thoughts wandered for almost an hour.

Levi pulled a rope that hang fromt he ceiling. It moved one of the metal plates on the balloon and gave of a light signal to the town. He could see the workers in the ship port do the same thing. He lined his ship towards the small canyon where the port laid. A small outcrop from the rock wall with numerous of machines and crates on top. The main part was carved from the rock thatw as once an arch connecting both sides, now foundation for the docks. From here many small metal terminals went outside, suspeneded mid air by cables and ropes. Levi pulled the chute, and the ship started descending. There were numerous empty spots, but his ship could only fit the biggest one. There was a huge crane next to it, probably for lifting cargo out of transport blimps. There where many others alongside the canyon wall that continously lifted salt from the depths of the Crack. Towns like this were the veins of the Big Crack, making the economy boom once the airships appeared. He manouvered around a small rock and descended slowly next to the port. The engines roared, and the metal plates screeched as the ship finally came to a halt. He pressed a button, and from the left side of his ship numerous smaller ropes launched them to the docks, where workers finally roped the blimp, making it come to a halt.

Levi stood up rolled down all the shutters in the cabin. He cleaned his shade, and opened the door on the left. Even down here, dozens of meters down below the surface, the sun blinded him for a mere second. he looked around the buzzing port and then made the small jump onto the platform.
The portmaster was waiting for him near a small building that was made out of scrap metal, and had a huge anchor attached to its front.
"Welcome friend to Thrin! What brings you and your mighty ship here? We rarely get such proud beasts in our tiny town."
The portamster was one of the Pale skinned people that had leading duties in towns. At first glance he looked like he wore a leather jacket but in fact it was nothing more than a thick fabric sheet around his neck. He was muscular and very tall, and had a gentle smile on his face. They shook hands and Levi repled: "I came here to resupply and recruit some hands for my ship. I will also need an accomodation fopr the night. What is the cost?"
"That would be 6 Dit and 20 Dim. My assistant will show you our finest Inn!"
Levi sighed as he heard the overpriced offer. But he had no other chance. If he was to fly to the nearest town without cooling his blimp, he could find himself in a falling wreck very easely. He handed the money over and followed the portmasters assistant.

The town was nothing special amongst the Dunes. It had multiple levels of streets suspended above each other. The floors were made out of metal and rotting wooden pallets. Small dwelling sprung on the inner side of the walkways, and cramped together as if they wanted to get warmer with each other. What amde this town visited tho was the spectacluar beauty of the Big Crack along this area. It was located near a smaller expansion of the canyon called the Serpent's Nest, and formed a magnificent Cauldron in the area. It was nearly a kilometre wide across, and smaller settlements spanned across the wall. There were many deeper than Thrin and even a few above it, but this palce was the most well known of all. Not all of them had ports, so tunnels were dug, and bridges suspended between them. It was like a set out of a fanatasy story. All the towns here formed a small nation with each other, Thrin being the beating heart of it. They were called the Dune Serpents, and had a good reputation for their salt and sulfur mining, as well as trading. As his thought wandered about the history of this place, his tour slighthly nudged him. He looked in the direction where he was pointing, and saw a small tavern slightly carved inside the wall. He gave the man 30 Dim whilst giving him a pat on his back, then he entered the building.
It's a plan!
@Voltus_Ventus@boomlover What you guys think? Which one? The intro depends on it!
So we rolling with the boomlover ship right? Or the one RhineQueen posted? Cause it turned out to be a draw in the picture contest. I personally like the one Boomlover posted.
*mechanical beeps* Due to wather conditions, the hype train is further delayed. It will arrive shortly after 7 PM GMT +1. Thank you for your understanding, and we wish you a good trvel *mechanical beeps*
All hail the new dictator of Sawl, Lauder!

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