Avatar of 6slyboy6


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Current Potato
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I'm alive
5 yrs ago
Status updates, huh? Who needs those anyways, pfft
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6 yrs ago
I figured I should update my status. Tada!
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7 yrs ago
What IS on my mind?



Loves Teddy Bears|Twenty Something|Can't Speak Russian|Is Potat


Let me properly introduce myself. I am Sir Spud the Fourth, and I have been a potato for the longest time ever. I never denied it to be completely honest, but it is only recently that I embraced it. Now I have evolved from a simple couch potato to a fully grown royal potato. A dapper kawaii potato. And I dare say, knowing that you are a spud, makes life a lot easier. Just chill and let everyone else care about all their meaningless things because at the end of the day you'll know: chilling is the way to go.

I try to spend minimal effort on things that I don't care about, and procrastination might as well be my middle name. But that doesn't mean I ONLY rest. Sometimes a 'tato gotta do what a 'tato gotta do. And if that something happens to be things I like, then you cannot find anyone better than me. I am an omnipotent being capable of virtually any task to a limited degree, and I am not shy to admit it. I may not be the MOST AWESOMEST in a thing, but I am sure as hell MORE AWESOMEST than most people are at everything. But hey, I'm not here to brag, even if I am probabaly better at it than you


All those nights laying in my couch, I thought about the cool shit that I cannot do. That I cannot see. But I pictured them in front of myself like they were real, and that infuraited me. Then I found the Guild, and I lived happily after. I have been on the site for 2 years now, and I have seen many RPs, and played with many people. I wish I have found the site earlier, but I am glad that I've even found it. Now all those fantasies can be written down and my mind can rest at ease at night, without being constantly troubled by ideas.

When I RP, I love myself some good Sci-Fi or Fantasy. But hey I am filthy casual, I can go for anything with an interesting setting. I don't trouble myself on small details if the plot is good, but if you get somwthing wrong you can expect me to tell you about it. Some even go as far as to think that I am angry or something, but I am too chill for that. If anything I'm more of the funny type, so you can expect me to try and write some shitty jokes or post memes I found on the internet. Anyways, you'll see what I mean when we RP together.


Used to be something else here, but I'm happy to say that it's replaced because of a positive change. I now work as a full-time 3D artist in the animation industry, churning out shot after shot for some of your favorite game intros and trailers. Can't say anything about them before you even ask, and even though I'm still new to the industry I love it and I already know that this will be my passion for a long time. So hopefully in a few years I'll have a proud portfolio of animations that were done by yours truly that I can show off to all the lovely people of the guild.


Now I may have hobbies like the above mentioned, but there are some more things that I love in life. Here is a handy list of things you can always talk about with me:

  • Gaming: This one I am quite proud of, I'm a serious gamer with capital G. Not as much time for it nowadays, but still true.
  • Music: All kinds of electronic music, but I am a sucker for Queen and Powerwolf. Or Breakbot... anything music.
  • Anime: We all have an Otaku in us, but it's bigger for some people. For me it's just big enough.


Be chill folks, getting fed up about stuff is a recipe for disaster. You gotta learn to be patient and let things go, or you'll end up a wrinkly old man/woman with only bad memories about life. Even if you do fuck-all every day, you can live a content life by taking things easy. With that said, as always, stay safe and stay classy.

Most Recent Posts

Wooooooo Desire you are the best! That IC!
@Desire My post? The new one? Was it great? SO HAPPY
Someone please tell me in 5 sentence what happened in the OOC since I was absent.
The bar was hot and the air soaked of liquor. It was a big room filled with tables and chairs to the teeth, all occupied by some form of a wastelander. Most seemed to have come from the docks, the others just getting wasted or relaxing. As Levi entered the bar every man and woman took a quick glance at him. Some turned away fast, the others took a longer look at him. It wasn't every day that a captain in crimson jacket and shaded goggles walks into a bar like this. An aura of respect vibed around him as he made his announcement: "Lads and Gents! I am looking for a crew to accompany me on my next travel! Here is your chance to escape dock work! "

The humming of the bar stopped and half the people sitting jumped up and ran to Levi. All filled with excitement and hope in their eyes, they all wanted to talk to their rescuer from this boring life. It became very irritating only after a few seconds as everyone talked and Levi couldn't calm them down. They pushed each other away to get a better view of him. It was a huge mess of sounds and figures so he decided not to answer anyone till they calm down. That is until a hulking man with a fine mustache made his way to Levi, pushing the youngsters away. The man called himself Grimshaw and had a confident feel to his figurine. "Well then Mr. Grimshaw, shall we have a little talk? Please accompany me to a table." All the other man and woman trying to talk to him now became angry and started swearing at him. One by one they went back to their tables and ordered a drink. levi and Grimshaw sat down to a table in the corner. "Let's cut the formalities. I am on a quest to reach the Spring of Lies. More precisely a settlement near it. I need an experienced crew. You look like a prefect candidate. I will give you 3 Dis now and another 3 when we arrive. Deal?" Those who sat next to them started muttering about the huge amount of mone yhe was willing to pay, and started swearing about missing out on this adventure.
Meta gaming. Sorry. Basic post rules. How come you know my dude is a spy. And how come you just simply take him into custody. I set a good plot for Inkdrop, almost saying in my post that he should capture my dude. But you didn't say anything.
@RhineQueen I say that's a good idea, keep everyone involved

And yeah, maybe we should just go along and if he decides to show, he can just join us?

Sorry guys! I know I should luke really post now, but today was about running around town, buying clothes and shit. Today I will post my IC for sure!

Well I think we wait out till everyone finishes their posting, nad then the next session starts. But if someone posts something that would suggest they can't write for the enxt few sessions then we can write without them (eg character going on a trip without the others and the one who posted it decides not to spoil a surprise)
We are all eagerly waiting for your response!
I mean the most of the CSs went down so quickly!
Lets get this baby on the road!
Brofist promise!
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