Avatar of 6slyboy6


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Status updates, huh? Who needs those anyways, pfft
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6 yrs ago
I figured I should update my status. Tada!
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7 yrs ago
What IS on my mind?



Loves Teddy Bears|Twenty Something|Can't Speak Russian|Is Potat


Let me properly introduce myself. I am Sir Spud the Fourth, and I have been a potato for the longest time ever. I never denied it to be completely honest, but it is only recently that I embraced it. Now I have evolved from a simple couch potato to a fully grown royal potato. A dapper kawaii potato. And I dare say, knowing that you are a spud, makes life a lot easier. Just chill and let everyone else care about all their meaningless things because at the end of the day you'll know: chilling is the way to go.

I try to spend minimal effort on things that I don't care about, and procrastination might as well be my middle name. But that doesn't mean I ONLY rest. Sometimes a 'tato gotta do what a 'tato gotta do. And if that something happens to be things I like, then you cannot find anyone better than me. I am an omnipotent being capable of virtually any task to a limited degree, and I am not shy to admit it. I may not be the MOST AWESOMEST in a thing, but I am sure as hell MORE AWESOMEST than most people are at everything. But hey, I'm not here to brag, even if I am probabaly better at it than you


All those nights laying in my couch, I thought about the cool shit that I cannot do. That I cannot see. But I pictured them in front of myself like they were real, and that infuraited me. Then I found the Guild, and I lived happily after. I have been on the site for 2 years now, and I have seen many RPs, and played with many people. I wish I have found the site earlier, but I am glad that I've even found it. Now all those fantasies can be written down and my mind can rest at ease at night, without being constantly troubled by ideas.

When I RP, I love myself some good Sci-Fi or Fantasy. But hey I am filthy casual, I can go for anything with an interesting setting. I don't trouble myself on small details if the plot is good, but if you get somwthing wrong you can expect me to tell you about it. Some even go as far as to think that I am angry or something, but I am too chill for that. If anything I'm more of the funny type, so you can expect me to try and write some shitty jokes or post memes I found on the internet. Anyways, you'll see what I mean when we RP together.


Used to be something else here, but I'm happy to say that it's replaced because of a positive change. I now work as a full-time 3D artist in the animation industry, churning out shot after shot for some of your favorite game intros and trailers. Can't say anything about them before you even ask, and even though I'm still new to the industry I love it and I already know that this will be my passion for a long time. So hopefully in a few years I'll have a proud portfolio of animations that were done by yours truly that I can show off to all the lovely people of the guild.


Now I may have hobbies like the above mentioned, but there are some more things that I love in life. Here is a handy list of things you can always talk about with me:

  • Gaming: This one I am quite proud of, I'm a serious gamer with capital G. Not as much time for it nowadays, but still true.
  • Music: All kinds of electronic music, but I am a sucker for Queen and Powerwolf. Or Breakbot... anything music.
  • Anime: We all have an Otaku in us, but it's bigger for some people. For me it's just big enough.


Be chill folks, getting fed up about stuff is a recipe for disaster. You gotta learn to be patient and let things go, or you'll end up a wrinkly old man/woman with only bad memories about life. Even if you do fuck-all every day, you can live a content life by taking things easy. With that said, as always, stay safe and stay classy.

Most Recent Posts

Apologies for typos, haven't slept in forever. Working on fixing the issues right now, so you may pleasantly read all of this sweet, sweet text.

Rejoice my people, for I have come to lift you from the shroudy darkness that has been keeping you from seeing the truth!

I present to you, the OOC: roleplayerguild.com/topics/160614-this..

Anyone who wants to join after I posted this message should come to the OOC. See you there fine folks.
This galaxy isn't yours!

Xeno Races:
The Void Raiders - Gargans - Sophrus - Anti-Human -
The Order of Icarus - Ikath - Necroknight - Pro-Emperor -
The Relicant Union - Relicants - Legion02 - Anti-Empire -
The Rarian Dragons - Rarians - Wildman12 - Anti-Empire
Thr Black Sun - Humans - Liotrient - Anti-Emperor

Alien Races:

Current Factions:
Emporium of Man - Humans
Mekhar Independancy - Mekhar
Kegran Trade Confederacy - Kegrans

Major Galactic Events:
-Destruction of Gemini minimg station by unidentified vessels
-Blockade and human evacuation of Rarian homeworld
-Gargan negotiations with the Mekhar


"Humans. These wretched and filthy creatures appeared in our galaxy 370 years ago and brought the end of an era. As soon as their ships appeared they began to colonize the empty planets and conquer those that already had owners. They were merciless and killed trillions in their galactic conquest. Some of us fought back of course, but every time it looked like they were on the run, more ships appeared out of the blue and slaughtered our forces. Even our galaxy's own large empires couldn't strike a deal with the humans, and ended up dying out after so many dynasties. In a last ditch attempt the small kingdoms of the galaxy united under the Free Planets Allinace to deter these invaders. They failed. Now we must praise the name of THEIR emperor, speak THEIR language, eat THEIR food, wear THEIR clothes and OBEY THEM. But we've had enough, and this time, they'll see what the many races of the Triangulum are capable of. Carry these seeds of rebellion and spread the word: We are not broken, but reforged! Glory to the Rebellion!"


Welcome, welcome, welcome!

This my fellow RPers is a SCi-FI NRP, like so many on the website. However this one is different in ONE aspect from the rest of the now popular fallen empire trend (or that I have seen). This time, the empire is at it's finest, their numbers many, their spirits high, their praises loud. And this is what you must shatter! Break their will and reclaim what was yours once. Your ancient lands can only be stripped from your people for so long! Show these intruders that you mean business.

Establish your kingdom once again and bring about a new era where your species rules your lands, and one by one liberates the Empire's systems to re-establish yourself, and gain more than you could before.


What you will be making is a simple nation of your own kind. Your species, culture, technology and other aspects are completely up to you to decide. You can even play as some renegade humans if you wish to! You will start by getting some small territory and a miniscule assault squad to begin operations. You may weaken the empire by striking their facilities, or shooting down their convoy disguised as pirates. HOWEVER! The empire will not be some kind of an AI, so random assortement of troops made up by you. I will with my Co-GMs personally oversee the events in the empire. Too much ruckus or scheming and the Empire will give you a nice little wake up call. The bigger you are the more you have to face. This may sound daunting, but the size of the galaxy is big, and you are not going to be the only rebel cell operating in it.

Most of the gameplay will be managing these smaller actions to have a BIG effect. The biggest problem is not even the Empire, but rather humans in general: they are everywhere. So many people were killed in the initial invasion, that humans have been shipped to every corner of the galaxy to be supplementary population. 30% to 70% is the range of human population in most kingdoms. There are expections, but they are rare (maybe you kind sir?). They will not be happy if you turn against their beloved empire, so you gotta deal with them first, one way or another. Or turn them to your side, who knows. The more support you get from your own species and the humans the more troops and ships you can get.

I, of course plan on massive space battles and other AI nations to rise up against the Empire who can either help you or turn against you. The galaxy holds many secrets, so it is also advised to do some digging up about the history of the area. Who knows what or who the Empire have opressed and hidden from the others.

Overtime I will plan to do many more funky and extravagant events to spice things up, and get the storyline rolling, but lets not get carried away shall we? For now the most important thing is to create your nation, some important characters you'll use to make diplomatic or militaristic decisions and develop your nation. To make a strategy on how you will get friends, expand your space, and destroy the empire.

Background and Context

Ahhh, Messier 33, better known as the Triangulum galaxy. Relatively close to the Milky Way, only a measely 2.7 million light years away, this galaxy may dwarf next to both Andromeda and our own galaxy, but it is the third largest spiral galaxy in our local group. And now, the humans rule over it with an iron fist, enslaving and controlling the alien species who live here. The Emporium of Man has appeared 370 years ago, and conquered every inch of the Triangulum in less than 30 years. For 300 years now, all of the alien species have been either subdued or exterminated, and most of the dead population has been replaced with humans. The majority of alien races live alongside other humans daily, and there are some who question whther this galaxy is theirs anymore, or one where the original inhabitants are the minority. Truth is that these quickly aging and even quicker breeding humans live meaningless lives trying to accomplish something, but they are only driving out the xenos from their homeworlds. It is rare to see places where there aren't any humans or where they are the minority. This large popolus gives enormous support and confidence to the Empire and they are not afraid to use the civilians against any rebel cells. A well spread propaganda can change the world. Truth is however, they are not the only ones in the galaxy that pull the strings. Two more nations exist, who still managed to survive against the empire for such a long time.

Mekhar Independance, a race that nobody knows a lot about, but are incredibly advanced in technology, and they survived against the Empire up until now. They arrived some 300 years before the humans, and they quitely settled those planets where no-one else could live, most notably a large interconnetced terriotry around the supermassive blackhole in the core. Ever since they have lived in relative silence and isolation, defending themselves against the Empire.

Kegran Trade Confederacy, a mutual trade partner of the Empire, the Kegran consider themselves a neutral party, and they are the head of most large scale transporting companies. They provide services to all the nations of the Empire, even trading with the Mekhar. They live in democracy which disgusts the Empire, but they know better than to mess with the people who have the money. The Kegran control a large region of the galaxy knonw as the Unknown Region, most ot their territory hidden from the Empire in a massive nebula that covers the galactic north-west region of the Triangulum.

Free Planets Alliance, an old empire that rose up against the humans some time after it became appearent that the small nations cannot compete against the might of the Empire. They controlled the galactic eastern part of the galaxy, the same region where the humans came from.

(thats all I can write now, but any question answers or new things will be updated here.)

Emporium of Man

The main antagonist of the RP, the bad guys who took away your land and then enslaved your people. They replaced your killed population with humans of their own, and now control most of your governements assets, and keep you, the leader, under a tight watch.

The Empire, as most call it, is very oppressive and it enforces its own rules. As such all recordings from before their time were destroyed. They now are trying to tell their own human population that the other species, your species, is nothing more than people they uplifted, or aliens who came to their land. Most of the humans beleive this, and look at the xenos with disgrace. They built large cities of metal and plastic that hide any signs of them not being the first ones to be there. They even built monuments that look like they have been there for quite a while. Obviously aliens from species that live for hundreds of years still remember the old times, but no one beleives them, and if they raise voice then they quickly disappear without a trace.

Every corner, every little opening is overseen by an EOM soldier. They are in every building and inspect every decision. They often randomly stop a xeno to harass them for their ID cards, or just to make fun of them. For the human populus they are the great guardians, the keepers of peace who keep the filthy aliens away. For us, xenos, they are the embodiment of the curse that we carry every day. They are the pawns of the Empire and they make sure you remember that. They stop you from raising your voice, and their intimidating presence keeps you on your toes.

At nights the sky is filled with mayn stars. For the unsuspecting it is just the beautiful sight of our home galaxy, but for those that know the truth, those shiny dots are no more than the engines of the blockading fleets. But every xeno or human living in large cities knows the sight of an EOM Battleship. These giant metallic beasts hover over every major setllement and port, making sure everything that goes in and out is to the liking of the Emperor. Only a miniscule part of the fleets of the Empire, these ships are the ultimate and true rulers of space, commanding every other ship around the planet, and thus ultimately governing the people who live on said planets. They are the highest form of propaganda and deterrement against xenos.

The Emperor is the man of steel, the immortal ruler, the true leader of the miserable bunch they call humans. He was the one who signed the bill to kill of any and every xeno who opposes his will, and he was the one who lead the genocide of our people during the war. He is never held any mercy for the people of this galaxy in his heart, and he never responded kindly to any agression. Every xeno knows his face from the posters that litter the streets of city centers, and from the Empire's broadcasts on the television. His "graces" sight reaches everywhere, but mostly us, and it is by his will that you'll be taken away and killed if you speak anything against him. Not to mention that most of the humans are absolutely in love with him, and would stone you themselves if you said a single bad word about their immortal ruler. The same man who once lead the fleets of humankind into our galaxy is the one who controls this massive empire now. Nobody knows how he managed to survive for so long, avoiding any signs of aging, but even the humans can agree that something shady is going on in the background. Whether its the work of some medicine, or a new kind of humans, this man has been on the throne for too long, and somebody needs to put him to his place.

le CS



Type of Governement(So the Empire knows what tehy are dealing with):

Description of Governement:

Main race(Your own species, unless you want to play as humans):

Minority races(humans and what other. Needs to be at least 50% humans if you majority is them):

Demography(Min 20% humans):

Religion(Optional but appreciated):

Culture(A paragraph or two):

History(what you did under the rule of the empire fo roughly 300 years):

Important characters(very important, your leader[s], your strategist, your spy master and any other important character IN DETAIL):

Description of Military(ships and ground troops):

Technology(note that there are no energy shields, and that doomsday weapons are not a thing.):

Additional(whatever you feel like you want to add):

@Liotrent Glad to hear.
@rush99999 I like your idea. I figured that'd be what you're going for, and I highly approve. Gives your guys an even bigger value for life as the last of your species. Makes my job of crushing you so much more fun :D
@aonly9470 No, but thats why you guys are here. I am sure that'd be a headache for the Empire. I would like to see that. In fact, you could become a licensed trader race/faction within the empire because of your skills. This will however require you to have at least 50% human population. If not, I can still see you being a competent trader on the rise, but you will have to manouver more carefully to avoid suspicion.

@SkylarActually, there are two more factions aside from the Empire that I am still working on. One of them is the Mekhar Independance, the only remaining free nation, near the galactic core who have way overwhelming technology compared to the Empire, and as such they can hold out, and the Kegran Trade Confederacy, Who own some land in the place known as Unknown sector, an unstable part of the galaxy.

I can easely imagine modular ships being a product of either nations, but I doubt the Empire would use such ships. But here is what I think. Your race could have built these ships BEFORE the war, then got captured and now the Empire stores them or uses a small amount of them. You could reclaim those and build new ones. However, the empire uses very sturdy designs, think about SW.

Seeing that this got interest very quickly (You guys cannot beleive how f***** huge of a boulder rolled of my shoulder) I will be making the OOC for this RP fairly soon-ish. Expect it to be up before 8 pm GMT+1, which is about 7 hours in front of you my across-the-sea brothers.
@rush99999 You mean nations who don't have a homeplanet?

Thats a tough one, I hoped no one would ask that when I was making the RP. Nomadic nation would eliminate the whole "every second person you see is a Human" because you live on ships, plus that means that you have a large fleet already.

Look I am open to ideas, because I love new things, so if you give me a good reason/plan on why this is balanced then I will give it greenlight.

Ps: if you mean literally just a very small fleet, like 5-6 ships with no planet then thats fine, kinda like a rebel cell who helps wherever.
@rush99999 Yup. Good blockade runners, but not excellent artilery.
@rush99999 Yes, cloaking is allowed as long as you can explain how it works. If you say that "this is ship is cloaked" and then it cannot be seen or detected then I will not allow it, but if you tell me that it has some kinda radar blind paint or material then I will allow it. However if that technology gets captured, then they can detect it later, so be careful.

Edit: If you are asking about optical camo then its a different story. I allow it nevertheless, but its gonna be hell of a budget cut to cloak anything big. Plus it cannot stay cloaked forever, so think COD:AW cloak system.

@datadogie I said small group in tags, but I would like as many as possibble. The more people who rebel the better, but we'll see, won't we.

@aonly9470Hey, glad to hear that :D
This galaxy isn't yours!

"Humans. These wretched and filthy creatures appeared in our galaxy 400 years ago and brought the end of an era. As soon as their ships appeared they began to colonize the empty planets and conquer those that already had owners. They were merciless and killed trillions in their galactic conquest. Some of us fought back of course, but every time it looked like they were on the run, more ships appeared out of the blue and slaughtered our forces. Even our galaxy's own large empires couldn't strike a deal with the humans, and ended up dying out after so many dynasties. In a last ditch attempt the small kingdoms of the galaxy united under the Free Planets Allinace to deter these invaders. They failed. Now we must praise the name of THEIR emperor, speak THEIR language, eat THEIR food, wear THEIR clothes and OBEY THEM. But we've had enough, and this time, they'll see what the many races of the Triangulum are capable of. Carry these seeds of rebellion and spread the word: We are not broken, but reforged! Glory to the Rebellion!"


Welcome, welcome, welcome!

I see you have a keen eye for RPs because you joined this merry little thread that I made. And you probably also know about the bee movie memes. Now let's get down to business shall we?

This is just another one of the many ideas that I'd like to RP here on the site, but this one is fresh out of the office, so the ink on the "approved" sign is still not dry. What is this you ask? Oh well there isn't a simpler answer.

This my fellow RPers is a SCi-FI NRP, like so many on the website. However this one is different in ONE aspect from the rest of the now popular fallen empire trend (or that I have seen). This time, the empire is at its finest, their numbers many, their spirits high, their praises loud. And this is what you must shatter! Breek their will and reclaim what was yours once. Your ancient lands can only be stripped from your people for so long! Show these intruders that you mena business.

Establish your kingdom once again and bring about a new era where your species rules your lands, and one by one liberates the Enpire's systems to reestablish yourself, and gain more than you could before.


What you will be making is a simple nation of your own kind. Your species, culture, technology and other aspects are completely up to you to decide. You can even play as some renegade humans if you wish to! You will starty by getting some small territory and a miniscule assault squad to begin operations. You may weaken the empire by striking their facilities, or shooting down their convoy disguised as pirates. HOWEVER! The empire will not be some kind of an AI, so random assortement of troops made up by you. I will with my Co-GMs personally oversee the events in the empire. Too much ruckus or scheming and the Empire will give you a nice little wake up call. The bigger you are teh more you have to face. This may sound daunting, but the size of the galaxy is big, and you are not going to be the only rebel cell.

Most of the gameplay will be managing these smaller actions to have a BIG effect. The biggest problem is not even the Empire, but rather humans in general: they are everywhere. So many people were killed in the initial invasion, that humans have been shipped to every corner of the galaxy to be supplementary population. From 30% to 70% is teh range of humans in most kingdoms. There are expections, but they are rare (maybe you kind sir?). They will not be happy if you turn against their beloved empire, so you gotta deal with them first, one way or another. Or turn them to your side, who knows. The more support you get from your own species and the humans the more troops and ships you can get.

Overtime I will plan to do many events to spice things up, and get the events rolling, but lets not get carried away shall we? For now the most important thig is to create your nation, some important characters you'll use to make diplomatic or militaristic decisions and develop your nation. To make a strategy on how you will get friends, expand your space, and destroy the empire.

Let's see how it looks like ;D

le CS



Type of Governement(So the Empire knows what tehy are dealing with):

Description of Governement:

Main race(Your own species, unless you want to play as humans):

Minority races(humans and what other. Needs to be at least 50% humans if you majority is them):

Demography(Min 20% humans):

Religion(Optional but appreciated):

Culture(A paragraph or two):

History(what you did under the rule of the empire fo roughly 300 years):

Important characters(very important, your leader[s], your strategist, your spy master and any other important character IN DETAIL):

Description of Military(ships and ground troops):

Technology(note that there are no energy shields, and that doomsday weapons are not a thing.):

Additional(whatever you feel like you want to add):

Anyways, hope that you'll consider joining us, and if you have any questions or want something clarified then feel free to ask me!
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