Lilac returned to the scene, ready to lend what aid she could, much around the same time that Merlin arrived the first time and... blinked in surprise
“Ahhh….what’s become of my school?" the Grand Minister said with a smile.
Why was she smiling? Everything felt okay now... but was this a happy occasion? Maybe she was just putting on a brave face. With the calming aura descending on everything, Lilac pushed it out of her mind. Maybe someone would still need help.
The Grand Minister continued for awhile, saying things were ok now, and things started to make sense... Thoughts potentially asking why the Grand Minister hadn't helped and showed up only after were brushed away by the lyrical tones. Celebration? Oh yeah, she was planning a sleepover too, something to forget all this...
"...Are you kidding me? No, no. You've got to be kidding me." Lupin growled.
"That bitch led us to an attempted reverse-ambush, tried to trap us as she trashed your school, hurt your students, and BOTH of you still want to be sunshine and rainbows to her?!" Her gaze snapped between Merlin and Rose, then remained at the former.
"Do you even have a way to fix everyone's grimores she's tainted?! How do we even know she won't try and pull something like this again?!"And then Lupin's words shocked Lilac out of her comfortable daze and filled her heads with all sorts of uncomfortable thoughts. She started thinking back on what Merlin had said with a more skeptical eye and...
"What?" Everything suddenly stopped making sense.
Lilac was too slow to process what was going on to step in between the fight between Lupin and Burning Heart. Surely.. Surely the teachers and the Grand Minister herself wouldn't let them fight right in the middle of them? Even if Tesni and the... Nessie! Nessie was the name, wasn't it? Were kinda for it.
Oh, good, soggy post it notes, Mika had resolved the situation. Lilac breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps the rapid stress shifts up and down was impairing Lilac's judgement because she seemed content to call it there.
There was sweet. And then there was sickly sweet. If Merlin wanted to still extend an olive branch to Roma like Olivia had, sure, that'd make sense. That was a thing a Magical Girl would do. But to not recognize anything was wrong? To act like none of the damage meant anything? To spare not a thought for how everyone who was hurt or who watched others get hurt... Lilac looked between Dynasty Queen and Merlin.
Lilac still thought Dynasty Queen was wrong for endangering fellow magical girls. That was ironclad. But Lilac hadn't raised a public fuss for one reason. No one had helped Dynasty Queen. If you can't offer a solution, don't complain about someone else trying. If Lilac had been strong enough to help her side by side, but Dynasty Queen still did what she did, maybe it would have been time for harsh words. But she hadn't. And everyone else hadn't either. Camelot would have been strong enough to help. If she was just strong like Camelot...
Lilac shook her head, and her train of thought returned back to the station. What Dynasty Queen had done was wrong... But somehow with just words Merlin had made herself look even worse. Dynasty Queen... No, Tesni, felt like a normal person that just had the powers of a magical girl. There was no appeal to be something greater, to hold herself to a higher moral standard. But still a person, a human trying to take a logical path in a black and gray world. But Merlin? What the fuck world was she from that she thought walking into this situation and acting like that was appropriate? She didn't act like a human with basic empathy. She was acting like the storybook villainous being from another dimension that didn't understand human emotions!
Lilac realized she had been staying stuck in her head for too long, and sought out some action
Lilac did recognize a little unfinished business, and approached Silvia, kneeling down under the table, likewise wet, though, somehow the magic of a Magical Girl managed to keep her white clothes from being see through.
"Um, hello. I'm sorry for worrying you earlier! I really am alright, thank you for asking, I just needed a little time to collect myself. Um, I'm afraid I don't know your name? I apologize that I only know your magical girl name. Stripes is, ah, an easy to remember one." Lilac looked a little bashful.
"But I'm trying to get to know everyone better, I'm planning a sleepover? If you'd like to come."-- Back to letter writing --
Bonnie was practically skipping with glee as she pranced around her room in her pajamas, reading Olivia's letter, it was a yes! So much so that she could almost ignore that it was going to be held in a haunted room! Why did it have to be there... Oh well, that's just how it'd have to be.
Dear Olivia,
That sounds wonderful! I'm planning to write some more invitations, but if you'd like to take care of the location, that'd be fine! I plan to invite Suzuya, Silvia, Nessie, Bonnie paused. Took a deep breath, and continued. Yeah, she was still going to invite Tesni. Things couldn't end like that.
Tesni, Celina, and Mika as a chaperone. If you have anyone else you'd like to invite, go right ahead! Bonnie paused again, this time a fear of the unknown rather than her own failings. A quick flip of the pen, and she continued once more.
P.S. If Wilhemina is still around please invite her too! I don't know where she is, did she go on a mission?Oops! She had put the P.S. too soon. Bonnie bit her lip.
Looking forward to get to know you better,
Bonnie!With that out of the way there were so many other letters to write.. Maybe she should do the hardest one first?
Dear Tesni,
I want to apologize. I thought I'd just be holding you back. I thought it'd be better if I just helped others. But those were just excuses I told myself. I didn't realize how it'd make you feel when I left you to fight alone. I told myself someone else stronger would step up to help you, but no one did, and I was there. I should have done something, or tried harder, or thought about how leaving without a word would make you feel. Please, forgive me.
I know it's a shabby peace offering, especially since it comes with an admission of eavesdropping, but, I'm planning a sleepover and I think I heard you talking with Mika you wanted to make more friends? I can't guarantee it'll go well, but if you'd like to come, I'd like to have you there. Maybe if we have a chance to interact without a big fight against the Pageless, it'll help.
I'm Sorry,
BonnieBonnie breathed out slowly. That one was a bit exhausting. At least bedtime was just around the corner.
Dear Suzuya,
Hello, I know we haven't spoken much since Camelot got sent on that mission and our team kinda fella apart. I still remember you fondly, and I was hoping the end of that team won't be the end of our relationship.
I'm planning a sleepover with a bunch of the other new students here, and was wondering if you wanted to come? I know things have been tense with us, a lot of us fighting with each other, but I'm hoping we can come to a common ground.
Hoping to get to know you better,
BonnieEven one she thought was going to be easy had more difficulty than she thought. It seemed like everyone had been fighting these days, and she didn't know what to think about Burning Heart and Lupin's fight.
Dear Mika,
Hello, I'm planning a sleepover with some of the other students, and was hoping maybe you could spare a clone to play chaperone? Some of the girls I'm inviting have been at, shall we say, odds with each other lately? And I was thinking it wouldn't be bad to have a teacher on hand.
Thank you for your time,
BonnieOk, halfway there!
Dear Nessie,
Hello, I'm Bonnie/Lilac Shimmer, I was there when you found your Grimoire, and I've seen you at Val's class. I'm throwing a Sleepover for some of the newer students and magical girls, and was wondering if you'd like to come. I've been wanting to make your acquittance a little more than in passing as we battle Pageless or meet at classes.
Hoping to get to know you.
BonnieBonnie wasn't sure if she was getting tired and couldn't put as much energy into Nessie's or if she just didn't know her well enough to say yet.
Dear Celina,
Hello, I'm Bonnie/Lilac Shimmer, I saw you at Val's class. I'm throwing a sleepover and I was wondering if you'd like to come. I'm hoping we can all make some friends and maybe loose some enemies. I know tensions have been high lately and I'm hoping we can ease a little stress.
Hoping to get to know you.
BonnieSilvia letter - On hold cause I think it's likely for Bonnie to get new things to say after their current meeting.
Bonnie then crept out into the hallway to deliver her letters quietly before heading to bed.