Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Whatever works best for you my guy.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

This was the worst, simply the worst. After waiting for a week for some of the students to come to visit her at the library, Eins was utterly disappointed that no one of the newbies came even to ask about her offer —or visit her at all.

I was under the impression everybody got swole over the time skip. Oh well. Maybe we should lightly discuss OOCly stuff that happens over the course of a time skip. At least Eins has a cute banner now.

And speaking of OOCly discussing things, what do you suppose Mika's relationship with the other teachers is like? I doubt she knows many of the recent additions as she just came back from a long vacation, But she's been part of the school system for some time. I could see people liking her because of her cute outward personality. But some of the faculty might dislike her because of her at times pragmatic aproach to helping students and that she freely does as she pleases.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Oh wow, yeah, there was a week there canonically. I forgot about that entirely.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

I was initially thinking that at least some of the students (Olivia included) would have visited Drossel over the time skip, but I suppose we can pass it off by saying they were too busy practicing their teamwork.

Also, Mika is an abomination and needs to be destroyed.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

We can also just assume Eins is just lonely and wants people to visit her longer.

As for Mika, Ozma probably thinks she's fine enough since neither play by the rules. Totally not a copycat heh.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 6 days ago

We can also just assume Eins is just lonely and wants people to visit her longer.

Eins: "That's totally not true. I'm neither a loner nor traumatized in any way shape or form."
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

I am fine with whatever you dudes decide to do. I wouldn't mind doing a collab between Enis and Stripes but I don't know how willing KoL is to write with each of us individually. If there is any difference in our magical girls respective powers I wouldn't mind having an OOC explanation for it.

As for Mika, Ozma probably thinks she's fine enough since neither play by the rules. Totally not a copycat heh.

I gettit, because she tries to pass herself off as a cat grill.

I'm going to say that the feeling isn't totally mutual. While Mika finds Ozma's antics interesting from a distance, she doesn't fully trust someone as secretive as Ozma. Probably an acquaintance that Mika wouldn't detest working with, but also wouldn't go out of her way to converse with.

Also, Mika is an abomination and needs to be destroyed.

You do not have a teacher character, but I feel this statement is the most valid thing said in the OOC.

But that reminds me that my ego feels really good when other people talk about my characters, so I'll extend that to everyone else. Will mention that I haven't finished reading back everything so I'm mostly going to be talking about recent events because that feels most relevant.


As far as GMPCs go, Ozma seems pretty inoffensive. I'm not really a fan of characters that absolutely dwarf everyone else in power and Ozma strikes a good balance between being a strong leader for the students while also needing them to achieve her goals. Her choices make sense for her, and sometimes aren't the best for the situation. I'm a GM myself and it can be a struggle to make characters that respond to threats appropriately without robbing the players of their urgency.

Eins @KoL

Is she an NPC? Is she a GMPC? I don't know. Her apperances have been scarce, but in the interest of including KoL in things I feel like talking about Eins. I like the concept of a legend based magical girl who undervalues herself and feels she's at her best tuning up other people's grimoires. The last post was enjoyable to read, and there's something oddly surreal about seeing Christmas stuff in the middle of September.

Roma @Lonewolf685

It's a bit too soon to say much about her. We hardly know anything aside from her powers and affliction, and a hinted event between Ozma and herself. All I can say is that it's been an interesting turn of events. The Revised Grimoires are a curious addition. I like that the setting is gradually expanding and is starting to get more depth. But this just makes me more curious about the stuff we already have in the RP. Like, what makes alters? Where do grimoires come from and what makes them just spawn out of nowhere? Have magical girls been around since before written history? Maybe Roma's arc will answer a few of these questions.

Bon-bon Lilac @The 42nd Gecko

I refuse to believe a Canadian could muster the anger of a Canadian goose, even when under the effect of a spell. Barring that glaring inconsistency I like the direction she's starting to head in. She's been your pretty standard run-of-the-mill magical girl in all the posts I've read. That's not a bad thing, mind you. With so many eccentric personalities it's good to have an average joe to be a foil for the madness and act as a surrogate for the readers. Her current predicament has her doing something she really doesn't want to do, and she's also having her deepest desires brought out. It's all interesting stuff and I look forward to see what happens further ahead once the dust settles.


It's rude to talk about yourself too much, so I'll instead use this spot to say that I really enjoyed having Silvia "tell off" Roma. I've been waiting for something to happen where Stripes has to assess why she's holding her inherited grimoire and no one else, and this was a pretty good set up for that.

Dynasty @McFazzer

McFazzer needs to post more because Tesni is becoming one of my favorite characters. Part of that is because they gave me something to do with Mika, but also because the character is just very interesting. Big dumb bruisers are nothing new, but Tesni's backstory serves to make her personality feel like it belongs to a person rather than a caricature of a person. She isn't always a big dumb bruiser. Or at the very least, she's aware of it enough that she tried to seek out help and wasn't afraid to call for a teacher's aid during a fight. I kind of relate to that desire to improve the self and the irritation that comes when the path towards that change is long, uncertain, or feels like you're moving backwards. *meep*

Burning Heart

The current situation hasn't been kind to Suzuya. I feel like she'd been pushed into the backround to make more room for Roma, which makes sense. Lonewolf put a lot of effort into Roma for this arc and they don't want to overshadow it. But it doesn't give me a whole lot to say about Suzuya. I will say she's cute and I like her interactions with Xolys. I didn't want to add "I wouldn't mind if Silvia and her talked a bit at some point" Since I'd be adding that in everywhere, but I'll do it here just to pad out this reply.

Nessie @Sonnambula

I'm glad Nessie was able to appear in quite a few posts this arc and didn't sit this one out. Not many roleplayers that I know of will willingly make a character that is way out of their element. That's not entirely true actually, but characters tend to be competent more often than they aren't, especially in roleplays like this. So it's kind of refreshing to see Nessie treated the way she was in this arc. She's a new magical girl and has just weeks of training under her belt. So she doesn't fully grasp what she's capable of. Even in a battle of wills, Nessie was the most willing to give into Roma's reasoning. I wouldn't be praising this treatment of the character if she was always a damsel, but it does give our swearing Scotsman some room to grow moving forward.


I don't think there's a single character in the RP that relies on conversations as much as Olivia does. Most of the students have their own baggage to work through, hate working together, and are pretty flashy in combat. Olivia contrasts this by being perfectly content, enjoying everyone's company, and having the most bland fighting style among the characters. But I also think that serves her perfectly as it frees her up to treat combat as just another chance to expand her social circle. She's an oddity for sure, and I wouldn't have it any other way. Her mental mutation interesting views of the world serve to amuse even when she doesn't have anyone to talk to.

Waffenhändler/Morning Star @ShadowSunRisen@FrogRFlowR

I'm putting these characters together for two reasons. One is that I have yet to read up to the point where they are introduced, and another is because they work well as a unit. Valeria's brash, reckless nature is well contrasted by the reserved, cautious Maria. They are charming enough. I do like that they are less mysterious than many of their other faculty counterparts. I can't say more about them other than I hope they get a proper collab together.

Lupin @Majoras End

Lupin is a pretty new addition, but I am really enjoying her interactions with Silvia. It's kind of interesting to see how similar the two are, but also different. They both realized how tired Roma's monolog was, but while Stripes saw an opportunity to gain insight, Celina saw it as a waste of time. Some filler before the actual butt kicking could start, which is a respectable view on the matter. Even Roma had to take note she was a dog on a chain. At the moment she seems more Wolf or Hunter than Red Riding Hood.

Oros the Wise

She's been fun so far. I didn't expect her to get sucked into things so fast but that's how magical girl RPs run sometimes.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Everyone forgets poor Liliana.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@TheWendil But I did mention her! *wink*

Anyway, two things.

#1: We gunna get a discord server up? I've talked with a few folks on here and we think it's a good idea. There were a few people who opposed the idea in the past but they have left and not come back.

#2: I think we're just waiting on you to post now, or did I forget someone?
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by ShadowSunRisen
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ShadowSunRisen Final Prophet

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Huh you've not read that much of Valeria?

Also I wonder what you think of Ozma and Val's collab.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


1. I don’t feel it’s necessary to have a Discord. Apart from just sending memes and whatnot, if it’s only there just to communicate then we seem to be doing fine with the OOC. What would be the extra merits of having one?

2. Ozma already made her piece sending the mall crew back to the school so you don’t need me to post. The mall crew can arrive to the school in their next posts and assess/assist the situation there.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by The 42nd Gecko
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The 42nd Gecko

Member Seen 5 mos ago

I don't particularly want to do PvP, so I'd personally be quite happy if someone else took the glory of helping Tesni fight Roma. By all means, arrive as soon as you can. :P
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@ShadowSunRisen Yea, I've just read enough posts to have Stripes show up after the test, and Valeria wasn't here at the start of the RP. So there's a page or two of posts I still need to catch up on. Characters develop slower during combat scenes too, so I don't feel like I could fully asses her at this point.

I like collabs as a general rule. I thought that one was a'ight. It's always fun to see an angry German yelling at a smiley/smug British lass. We also got our first yuri/lite scene, so that was something. We're in a magical girl RP so it showing up is inevitable, but I've been in RPs where the yuri stuff gets pushed too hard and too fast. So something small like this was a pleasant surprise.

It did feel kind of weird how Valeria was all "YOU CAN'T LEAVE HER ALONE, BABE!" When Oros the Wise was there. But that can be handwaved as being "just" her duplicates and the collab being started before I posted. Probably. The post might have hit me harder if I knew more about the characters going into it, but Ozma is super mysterious and Valeria is new-ish.

It was a good post though. I liked it.

1. I don’t feel it’s necessary to have a Discord. Apart from just sending memes and whatnot, if it’s only there just to communicate then we seem to be doing fine with the OOC. What would be the extra merits of having one?

Off the top of my head...

    - A unified Discord. Breaks up "cliques" by allowing everyone to speak on the same server. We're all using it, just not together.
    - Notification control. I get notified every time someone posts in GH, be it a silly meme message or a post. A server with a few channels could be muted temporarily if I didn't want that distraction.
    - We all have Discord on our devices.
    - The ability to pin important updates/posts.
    - It's an extra, faster way to communicate that everyone already uses.
    - Better way to hit people up for collabs and inform each other of collabs we may be writing so that weirdness doesn't happen.
    - Everyone in the RP uses it every day.

Is it necessary? No, but as someone with an RP discord that averages 2-3 posts a day (on the discord) it is REALLY handy to have extra ways of talking with people. I've been able to get a lot of insight into what my players want out of my RP and have noticed a lot more communication between players happening on discord.

Also I might post tomorrow. deffo before the weekend.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

What I'm getting from this is just, so everyone can be in one place together and have a more jointed community for the RP. While I don't feel that's explicitly necessary for this, there's also no cost to just making one for you all to talk to each other.

I'll think on it.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Got bored. Here's a Discord server. Go nuts.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 45 min ago

And thus the short battle ends and everyone can return to Campus.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Sonnambula Yoooo, glad to see you back! Did you want to join the discord?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lewascan2
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Lewascan2 "You've yee'd y'er last haw."

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Checks back in months later.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh, you're back. It's been at least two whole anime arcs.
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