Long ago upon the Age of Tales, magic still reigned over the world. In its very real and very physical grasp, miracles were performed and spiraling feats that spun forth stories were commonplace from all the land over. It was within these very stories in which true magic was held and stored, passed down along the centuries and holding within them a special power of their own. This was the advent of Magical Girls, those gifted with the power to unlock the magic in the stories hidden in plain sight all around them.
Fairly maidens chosen by forces beyond to bring about hope and justice among the world, Magical Girls have been among the shadows long throughout history, waging an endless war against those who seek chaos. Their enemies have remained even now as the Pageless, creatures from a different beyond who seek to consume all the stories of the world. Cloaked in darkness and negativity, it is only by the power of stories and the Magical Girls who wield them to keep back darkness at its bay.
As history progressed, so too have the methods of the Magical Girls. Friendship and loyalty have remained staple keys of their power, fueling the Grimoires that hold their story magic together. It wasn’t long before all the world over united in their war against the Pageless; and thus, the Grand Ministry was born. Located at the heart of modern innovation and historical narrative, the Grand Ministry continues to watch over the world in plain view within the heart of England. It has been this way for some time and shall continue to be this way for all of time to pass….
And yet, there is whisper of a great catastrophe coming to the world. The end of all stories beckons its reach as the Pageless grow stronger, wilder, and more erratic. Something is coming, something beyond the Grand Ministry’s sight. Perhaps then, the world’s stories truly aren’t enough to vanquish its erasure after all. Only time can tell.
Fairly maidens chosen by forces beyond to bring about hope and justice among the world, Magical Girls have been among the shadows long throughout history, waging an endless war against those who seek chaos. Their enemies have remained even now as the Pageless, creatures from a different beyond who seek to consume all the stories of the world. Cloaked in darkness and negativity, it is only by the power of stories and the Magical Girls who wield them to keep back darkness at its bay.
As history progressed, so too have the methods of the Magical Girls. Friendship and loyalty have remained staple keys of their power, fueling the Grimoires that hold their story magic together. It wasn’t long before all the world over united in their war against the Pageless; and thus, the Grand Ministry was born. Located at the heart of modern innovation and historical narrative, the Grand Ministry continues to watch over the world in plain view within the heart of England. It has been this way for some time and shall continue to be this way for all of time to pass….
And yet, there is whisper of a great catastrophe coming to the world. The end of all stories beckons its reach as the Pageless grow stronger, wilder, and more erratic. Something is coming, something beyond the Grand Ministry’s sight. Perhaps then, the world’s stories truly aren’t enough to vanquish its erasure after all. Only time can tell.
Welcome to Marrywell Academy. Located deep in the bode of England's most prestigious city of London, Marrywell Academy boasts itself as the most astute all-female education center in the world. It is here where only the best of the best and the brightest of minds are gathered to shape the future. While naysayers may look upon the castle-like grand walls and think only of normal boarding schools, Marrywell Academy's feats and reputation put all doubts to ease. Indeed, it is here where a girl's future is made into reality with a strong and positive career meant to launch them forward. At least, that's what the public believes.
In truth, the walls of Marrywell Academy serve as a fortress and base of operations for all the Magical Girls of the world. Hidden in plain sight, the school doubles as the heart of the Grand Ministry, the global organization of Magical Girls who watch and protect the world from the very shadows they face. It is here where your journey begins; or perhaps it's already started quite a while ago, having been a seasoned Magical Girl yourself. The choice is yours, your magic and Grimoire yours to decide what to do with. Regardless of your first impressions, one thing is constant.
The Pageless are growing restless. For the first time in years, the Pageless grow bold in their mark and more daring in their pursuit both for humans and the very stories that give a Magical Girl her power; the Grimoires. To what end is their hunt and their goals? That darkest mystery is for you to decide. Make friends, study hard, gather together, and combat back the darkness into the recesses where all stories come from. And, above all else in your endeavors, trust in the Grand Ministry.
In truth, the walls of Marrywell Academy serve as a fortress and base of operations for all the Magical Girls of the world. Hidden in plain sight, the school doubles as the heart of the Grand Ministry, the global organization of Magical Girls who watch and protect the world from the very shadows they face. It is here where your journey begins; or perhaps it's already started quite a while ago, having been a seasoned Magical Girl yourself. The choice is yours, your magic and Grimoire yours to decide what to do with. Regardless of your first impressions, one thing is constant.
The Pageless are growing restless. For the first time in years, the Pageless grow bold in their mark and more daring in their pursuit both for humans and the very stories that give a Magical Girl her power; the Grimoires. To what end is their hunt and their goals? That darkest mystery is for you to decide. Make friends, study hard, gather together, and combat back the darkness into the recesses where all stories come from. And, above all else in your endeavors, trust in the Grand Ministry.
Throughout the RP, many terms and wording have become common place among the daily lives of Magical Girls. To truly excel in one's studies and ventures, it is best to familiarize with the locale and language.
Name: Self explanatory.
Age: Self explanatory.
Nationality: Marrywell Academy is a global school and front for the Grand Ministry, welcoming Magical Girls from all corners of the world. Where do you hail from?
Appearance: Self explanatory, both for transformed states and regular clothes.
Description: A brief description of your character. This can include bits of personality, backstory, likes and dislikes, etc. Above all else, describe how they became a Magical Girl and their thoughts on the Grand Ministry.
Grimoire: Every Magical Girl begins her story with one unique Grimoire, a mystical story book that somehow found its way into her possession.
• Title: One defining trait of all Grimoires is that they are copies of fairytales and other stories of our world. They are similar enough that you can use them as the basis for the naming and powers granted by the books.
• Classification: Under the Grand Ministry's ranks for all Magical Girls, what classification does your Grimoire fall under. This determines the level of your power, rank, and experience among other Magical Girls.
• Description: A brief description of the contents of your Grimoire regarding the tale it embodies.
• Abilities: What kind of powers, weapons, gear, etc does the Grimoire grant to your character?
Misc: Trivia, theme songs, or anything else not covered above should go here.
Age: Self explanatory.
Nationality: Marrywell Academy is a global school and front for the Grand Ministry, welcoming Magical Girls from all corners of the world. Where do you hail from?
Appearance: Self explanatory, both for transformed states and regular clothes.
Description: A brief description of your character. This can include bits of personality, backstory, likes and dislikes, etc. Above all else, describe how they became a Magical Girl and their thoughts on the Grand Ministry.
Grimoire: Every Magical Girl begins her story with one unique Grimoire, a mystical story book that somehow found its way into her possession.
• Title: One defining trait of all Grimoires is that they are copies of fairytales and other stories of our world. They are similar enough that you can use them as the basis for the naming and powers granted by the books.
• Classification: Under the Grand Ministry's ranks for all Magical Girls, what classification does your Grimoire fall under. This determines the level of your power, rank, and experience among other Magical Girls.
• Description: A brief description of the contents of your Grimoire regarding the tale it embodies.
• Abilities: What kind of powers, weapons, gear, etc does the Grimoire grant to your character?
Misc: Trivia, theme songs, or anything else not covered above should go here.