Avatar of Majoraa


Recent Statuses

5 mos ago
Keep calm and carry on.
10 mos ago
10 mos ago
I have now been alive for 20 years. How in the fuck.
11 mos ago
would've loved to explore the concept of a Marshmallow Marshlands.
11 mos ago
The only time I've shown interest in a Nation RP was something based off Candyland of all things, but it was dead in the water before all of us were able to submit CSes. A shame too,


Current Haunts:
Symphony on High - Finn/Timekeeper (Co-GM)

...Yes that's it. Literally in nothing else atm, sue me.

Most Recent Posts

"Womp womp."
- Finnegan Vanhorn

If he wasn't marked as Depraved yet, he had a feeling he will be inevitably.

Whatever sort of God-Entity that was setting him up had the power to do so after all, just as it did fucking up every other part of his life thus far. It was almost laughable to think anyone in this plenum place would spare enough empathy or common sense to realize something was wrong. No, instead most of everyone he thought would understand either turned their noses up in disgust, disregarded him like some lowly insect, or tried to hide the fact that they thought him a lunatic if it wasn't obvious from the get-go. He was right. God, he was right. All of these people didn't see him as a person. Just an object to use as they needed then discard when he outlived his use. The machine was half tempted not to break his fall. To just put himself out of his misery there and then.

But knowing his luck, God-Entity wouldn't let that happen. At worse he'd survive somehow and be left writhing in pain as punishment.

At best...

”What's better than a devil you don't know?”

— “Penumbra”

Finn's fall abruptly stopped. He found himself landing in the arms of...a monster? Some sort of ghost made of darkness???

"Hah. It really is raining men!" Penumbra chuckled to herself at her joke, tilting her head as she looked down at him. "Though you're a little bit young to be falling to your death. You're... Timekeeper, aren'tcha?"

Oh brother.

"Eugh, if you want to kill me too at least don't pussyfoot about it?" Finn groaned, squirming to get out of her hold soon as they were close enough to the ground.

"Why would I wanna do that? You were a stroke of luck for us!" The assassin slowly returned to her physical self. Though before she could explain further, she noticed the boy still had his earpiece. She tapped her own ear to signal him about it. Finn reached up to pull it out of his ear, then dropped and stomped it into the ground until it was nothing but pieces. He didn't have any more use for it now. Penumbra nodded in approval and continued talking:

"Someone was trying to pull Miss Meteor off Tony back there, but your attack helped him escape and kept her from recovering? You got some skill, kid!" She grinned at him.

Though Finn did perk up when, for once, someone had told him he had done something right, he sighed in response. "You do know I hadn't meant to do that, right?"

Penumbra tilted her head again, folding her arms behind her back. "Well I mean... maybe part of you did."

"I don't follow?"

Maybe it'd be better for the two of them to talk somewhere less likely to be eavesdropped. Penumbra nudged the Timekeeper forward, silently urging him to walk with her.



"So I maaaay have overheard your little argument back there. You don't see eye to eye with the rest of the little scraps of GEMINI that still call themselves a team, don't you?" She spoke. "And yet they still believe they can gain the upper hand in this turf war of ours, it's almost cute. Doesn't seem fair for them to put so much blame on you for them not being able to co-operate with each other though. Or for matters of circumstance."

...Right. He was only doing as he was ordered. He was just trying to do the right thing. And yet either way he was still blamed either way for the simple act of trying?

"If it's any consolation, you did do a good thing protecting the trains. And about that Dante guy-"


Penumbra quickly raised her hands up at the Timekeeper's quick response. "Heyheyhey- Not saying you hadn't! Jesus, no wonder you're so tense. No one's really cared to listen to your side of things, am I right?"

Finn's silence said enough. Penumbra nodded. "Sounds to me like the community that once glorified you was ready and willing to throw you under the bus. I don't blame you for going against them." She shrugged.

"...How much do you all know about me?" The boy couldn't help but ask.

"Enough. You have been a person of interest for some of us since before Von Carnage was slain." She explained to him. "Me, well, I'm just catching up on things." She glanced back down at him with a smile. "But let's skip to the chase. If it's alright with you, I can put in a good word with you with the higher ups and arrange for you to meet."

Ah. Finn did have a feeling this was where she was going. He quietly thought for a moment. This was the path he was supposed to take, wasn't it? He already got on Maverick's bad side for siding with GEMINI; even before he join for real, GEMINI ended up treating him like shit, and him attacking Regina wasn't gonna bode well with the Freelancers no matter how they decided to twist his actions.

The Hand was the last option he had beyond pure depravity.

... They all really wanna make a monster out of me? Fine. Let's make this more interesting.

"Honestly can't I just go after- ...Okay, the peanut gallery has informed that they don't want me to get hurt. Right."
- Finnegan Vanhorn

The Timekeeper didn't know what was worse, the fact that Ashley seemed to agree that Crazy Train was still the problem, or that she believed she could down something as swole as Big Fuckin' Tony. "I still think that is a bad idea! Not like anyone's gonna listen to me...." He grumbled under his breath. On one hand, orders were orders, and he swore he would play nice despite how he felt. But on the other, it didn't really feel right just...leaving the Bates at the mercy of the Hand like this. The fact that they were easily knocked out by those two was testament alone to their strength. The Knight of Tomorrow was wasting time and mana on a pointless gambit.

After a moment of deliberation, Finn sighed. After Ashley had fired her beam at Tony, he followed up with one of his own. Even if it didn't do much, maybe it could give someone else a chance. He just hoped she won't give him a damn earful for not letting her play the lone hero act.

"More questions than answers."
- Finnegan Vanhorn

"Well that was a waste!" Finn called out to Ashley soon as he understood his speed boost did jackshit. Or even if it did work, who's to say the effects were significant enough to notice anything. What a waste of mana. But that wasn't as important as the results of them sparing Peace Train as it crossed paths next to its counterpart. Its apparently wounded counterpart. The Timekeeper's brows rose. "So the reason the trains met here was cause one of them was wounded..." He hypothesized. "But by what? And I mean- I know Elroy said Crazy Train's the 'devil' of the two, but is it possible the two of them are...how do I put this...related? Somehow?" The machine looked back at everyone else as he spoke. Then his eyes flickered to Elroy. "Holy Man got anything that proves Crazy Train's the destructive one?" Even if Ashley was trying to ascertain that herself, it couldn't hurt to ask.

Of course the other fight ongoing on the aforementioned Behemoth was another concern. Though as much as he tried to see who was all on the other side, he couldn't make out any clear details beyond knowing Elroy's sister was among them, and a familiar blue haired girl farthest from the conflict. Finn just gave her a light wave as hello.

"So...what now?"

”Call me Ishmael.”

— “Penumbra”


Something that Asher failed to realize was that ignoring the problem wasn’t going to make it go away. As such, when the berzerker esper aimed a beam to intercept Penumbra and assist however that may be Raphael, Monstro loomed towards him undeterred. It tilted its head to the side and bit down on Dead Head, teeth sinking into the the front of his chest and the back of his shoulder blades, and holding him hostage in its jaws. If only a brief moment. His lucky shot had paid off. He was freed, and closer to the two initial targets, but goddamn can he not go a moment without getting bit by something? If he spared a moment of clarity amidst his anger he’d see there were two options presented to him now. Either he could tear that ugly-ass whale a new one and give himself some temporary breathing room, or he could continue his warpath to see the ringleader beheaded. Was there a way to do both? He wouldn’t have long to decide. The monster was circling around their battlefield overhead, priming itself for another try.


Ramona on her end could only press her lips into a thin line as she observed everything. He didn’t even react, to anything from her in fact. Why was he even so…angry to begin with? Was he always like this during jobs? People like him were so boring to deal with. The demon sighed. ”How long do we have to keep this up again?”

Doberman however hadn’t been as fortunate. Maybe she could just excuse it as her not being as well of a melee fighter as she was a marksman, or perhaps despite the Walking Church being terrified, she was more of a competent fighter than the sniper had initially assessed. Noah took advantage of an opening to slam a potent melody down on her.

SHIT-! The sniper tried to dodge out of the way as quick as possible, but with how close they were to each other, and how far Noah’s spear could really reach, she was bound to hit something. The weapon cut across Doberman’s back, causing her to hiss in pain and recoil further away from the nun out of instinct.

”Having a bit of trouble back there!?” They could hear Penumbra call out to Doberman, who growled in response.

”You’re more of a little pain in the ass than I thought. Hey, Ramona, a little help here?!”

Ramona tilted her head in confusion. From where Doberman was standing there wasn’t enough shadows to really do anything. But the girl did seem more fun than skull-for-brains. ”’Kay.”

Monstro’s shadow now loomed ominously over Noah.

The preacher and the scantily clad assassin exchanged more blows, though neither of them seemed to have an edge. Or at least, the assassin’s edge wouldn’t kick in until later. Even espers grew weaker when wounded. Raphael was strong for the moment, but that would wain the longer the fight dragged on. Not a single one of his destructive blows could fell his nameless opponent. Though no annoyance showed on his face. His eyes flicked upward. It was hard to make out with the storm raging, but the trains were already overhead. The calm on his face broke when he grit his teeth.

”We need an opening!” Raphael couldn’t be too specific with any orders. Even if he found it easy to talk while fighting, his opponents would surely react to his words, and he had not trained with the espers present long enough for them to understand covert instructions. ”If we can even down one of them, that’s all we’ll need to push through and join the others!”

- Finnegan Vanhorn

They're actually hearing each other out. The Timekeeper internally breathed a sigh of relief. Good, so there's still some semblance of reason amongst them. Amidst Elroy's, he gradually ceased attacking the spirits that still lingered on his side of the train, opting to simply keep moving out of their way. Then Elroy seemed to respond to his quick thinking. "Holy man's your employer I take it?" Finn would've asked just how much information the Holy Man had on this behemoth himself, if not for his own perusal, but considering how effective the pendants (backups? Holy Man possibly an esper too.) had been as mentioned, then their adversaries had more weight to their reasoning than Gemini. He couldn't help furrowing his brows in confusion at their answer for why the ghosts moved to surround Cerise of all people. Wasn't she aiming for one of the nuns?

Wait. Yeah, it'd probably make sense if the pendants protect them by tricking the ghosts into believing they're one of them. Or allies of a sort at least.

And then, like clockwork, Mika stepped up to question Orion's decision to trust the Immortal Volcano. Well. More like to trust the nuns that murdered Angel, the three were akin to cats and dogs waiting for the first move from the other. Maybe it was cause the late agent was nothing more than a stranger, but he couldn't exactly sympathize with Cerberus' vengeful warpath for her. Her mother's death, that was reasonable, she could be grieving her for days on end and the effect Su's death had would still leave a scar long after. But...

"Since when have monsters ever been able to do good?"

Mika's question didn't exactly bode well with the machine, and the blood he could still feel on his hands. He tried not to let it show. She was going to end up going down as dark a path as he was. If not worse... Finn wouldn't have time to retort though, Ashley gave him the order to give Peace Train a speed boost while she reasoned with her. He shot a sharp grin back to show he heard and glanced back at the ghosts.


With his free hand, he focused a melody hopefully strong enough and quickly dropped down to press his palm onto the roof of Peace Train. "AAAAAAAAALL ABOAAAAAAAARD!"

"Can you not wax philosophies right now??"
- Finnegan Vanhorn

Once again the Timekeeper had found himself engaged in combat away from everyone else. A most ironic danse macabre. But for once, he saw no issue with it. He did force the ghosts to split in half after all. For what good it may do, it'd at least give everyone else less to manage. In the corner of his eye he could briefly see the other half surging to attack Cerise, specifically. If these things were drawn to light, would lightning result in the same effects? What could he do here? The machine wouldn't have much time to think.

The train was coming up onto the city itself now, where destruction and ceaseless carnage were expected, everyone was met with...

Nothing. Peace Train was just vibing along through the streets. "Huh!" There was actually nothing to worry about after all.


Oh wait. Elroy was still an issue.

Finn could overhear the Immortal Volcano's high-and-mighty grandstanding, questioning why GEMINI would go after an apparently peaceful (Hah.) behemoth instead of the actual threat. Asides from the crap weather these things are causing? He sarcastically thought to himself. Of course he didn't know. He was just doing his job, following the strings of fate that wrap around him like a hanged man's noose. But Elroy can't really think he knew more than the rest of them, right? Then Finn heard Ashley's response.

Good fucking god, were they all acting on whims here?! Taking a brief window of opportunity, Finn snapped a bolt of lightning to hold the ghosts back while he thinks.

"What are any of us doing at this point? So, Peace Train is, shockingly enough, peaceful. That should be great! But if Ashley's right, there's the chance this thing'll go berserk and that'd be the fault of the Freelancers' head honchos for enabling it. On the other hand if Elroy's right then we're fighting a pointless battle in which either information has been purposefully omitted or this is clear negligence from the higher ups. But fuck if I know, we don't even know why it's even..." Finn's eyes widened as he thought outloud, keeping himself clear from the edges of the train. His eyes remained on the ghosts in case his melody worn out and they continued attacking him.

"The freelancers are trying to save Peace Train and yet kill Crazy Train, but the two of them are bound to run into each other soon enough, right? Are we trying to impede that? Is it a bad idea to kill one train but let the other live? If that's the case, either both will need to die to ascertain minimal causalities," The Timekeeper readied himself to strike at the ghosts again, more out of self-defense, and so he can stall for time. "Or we need to let whatever comes happen. No one's gonna agree on anything, so I'm just gonna test some theories while they argue. Hope that's alright with you, gents?"

It was probably bad that he was rambling to a bunch of ghosts that were trying to kill him, but his standards were low enough.

”Wow, two rounds in and already you both went through half your shit?”

— “Penumbra”


The fight had barely begun and already the freelancers seemed to be growing desperate. Dead Head was pouring his bountiful anger and mana into a berserker’s rampage, whilst the Walking Church, though more level headed, couldn’t help the fear threatening to overwhelm her. If they weren’t careful, they’d run out of energy before the trains even arrived.

Asher fired Hatred into the eldritch void beast, again, and again, and again, and again. Though his shield melody was able to keep him safe to an extent, there was still the glaring issue of getting himself out from the abyssal maw of the damn thing. Though relatively thoughtless aside from the primal urge to hunt, the beast remained stubborn. His shielding melody could only last for so long. Seemed the best of them were trying to be patient. Something Dead Head couldn’t afford.

A surge of Dragon’s Breath ignited the monster into a glorious blaze of fire, giving Asher the window of opportunity to free himself. It let out a distorted howl as it seized and began to melt, the shape desperately trying to tear itself apart and reach out and escape and kill, melting and bubbling into nothing comprehensible. Not anymore.

And then it sunk into the ground, like a puddle of oil. Was it dead? Maybe he could double tap it to be sure it was dead. But what would that matter, it barely did anything to it normally.

What were they fighting?

Meanwhile, Raphael had little issue pushing through the sniper fire. He used his massive cross-shaped club as a shield and charged towards the dark esper. He belted out a war cry as he closed the distance. The club struck her black katana, and their weapons flew apart in a flurry of sparks. It was always risky to engage an unknown foe, but he believed the sniper would not hit him when he was so close to their frontman. And because of this, he pushed forward again, this time swinging with all of his might. Yet the golden-haired woman seemed to dissipate into wisps of darkness before his weapon could hit. Had she blinked away? Turned intangible?

Well, not exactly. She was the wisps of darkness. She quickly floated around Raphael, aiming to slash at his back while he was still distracted.

Out of reflex, the giant threw himself into a forward roll as the blade bit into his back. He came up with his club drawn across his back, which was now pointed towards the sniper. He winced as the heavy cross pressed into his wound. ”Interesting trick, but it won’t work more than once.”

”Doesn’t need to,” She responded, eyes narrowing at the priest. ”We’re all just doing our jobs in the end, what’s a few losses for the greater outcome?” The shadow wisp lunged again at Raphael before the duration of her melody ended.

Noah remained on the defensive, applying a new shield as the sniper continued to pursue her, throwing yet another dispelling melody in the darkness she hid in. The remaining amalgamation suffered the same fate, melting in a horrific fashion into puddles to be washed away. There was nowhere to hide now, and the sniper knew it.

”Ssssssssshit….” She hissed under her breath, backing away, eyes darting around in a panic. ”Spamming shields is a cheap play, ya know!” Was probably a bad idea to provoke the nun, but Noah still seemed less of a threat than those other two and she’s rushing in to wack her with a cross oh fuck

The sniper quickly raised her gun over her head to knock Noah’s spear away as hard as she could, following up with a roundhouse kick aimed at the nun’s head.

With all the chaos that was going on, the trio had yet to notice another girl boredly stalking everyone by the dumpsters. Ramona originally had hoped to keep her summons up for longer, but the two espers flanking the priest seemed to think they were a more immediate threat than Penumbra or Doberman. Her power had gone to waste. What could be more annoying than that? Ramona couldn’t help but groan. The angry one was gonna notice her soon enough, if he hadn’t gone to help the frightened one or Raphael of course.


Maybe she could still make it interesting. Ramona quietly reached a hand out towards the liquified shadows, drawing them back to her, reconstructing them into a large whale. It was about the size of an orca, something that could gobble the common man up in a snap with its razor sharp teeth.

”...Eh, you already know your orders." She waved it off, the tentacles from her back picking up one of the dumpsters to throw at Asher. She didn’t expect it to hit him,

Moreso she wanted to get the knucklehead to notice Monstro swimming up to take a bite out of him.

"Oh ye of too much faith."
- Finnegan Vanhorn

He didn't know what was worse, the fact that in just one hit he was flung off the train, or the fact that he indirectly predicted it. Finn didn't know why but he felt like he was being toyed with. Was he supposed to do something else while everyone fought Elroy, or was he just free to blip himself back? Not like the others cared either way but god damnit he's not letting himself get jacked this early, that's embarrassing as shit! He'd let himself seemingly slip off, but not before firing another blink bolt in an angle that'd hopefully get him back near someone.

That or he'll end up getting punked by that wave of ghosts.


Meh, someone'd have to deal with that anyways. Might as well be him.

- Finnegan Vanhorn

To be honest, nothing was ever going to numb the sharp pain Finn felt when Elroy, of all people, merely disregarded him with a laugh. Elroy, of all people! Who then went on to say if he wasn't there when the Holy Diver attacked the other agents would've killed Betty and Pac-A-Fist. While the Timekeeper did worry about that, exactly, Elroy then turned around and brought up the incident at Dante's. That immediately made Finn's heart drop to his stomach. Oh god, nonononono... How did word get around so quickly? How far did it reach if it reached the Bates? Did he even know the full story? That Dante and Amanda had been targeting him for whatever selfish reasons they had at the time?

Did that even matter? Of course not.

"You don't know-!" He called out in vain. After all, Elroy was probably one of the many who sympathized with the late father and his grieving daughter. It was a story that'd pull at the heartstrings when you say all the right things. God, what was he supposed to do at this point. Lay down and die? Whore himself off to the people that only wanted to use him as a anything less than a human?

He softly glanced over to Ashley soon as she gave out orders to him and Mika. Attack the nuns, simple as that. They were charging at the agents first, so the machine would need to come at them from behind. He aimed over everyone's heads and fired a bolt to blink behind Elroy's team. If he didn't accidentally throw himself off the train, he'd be able to sprint up and slash Lexi in the back.

Asher’s fiery retaliation singed holes into the darkened tendrils, the heat causing them to bubble and boil and smell of death. But whoever was the one commanding them barely flinched, if at all. After all, the appendages were nothing more than a weapon, another construct it created along with the seemingly endless waves of shades everyone was forced to juggle. Luckily it seemed the shades were weaker than their commanders, so the espers could hold them back and focus on the real threats easily.

The tendrils simply tightened their hold around Dead Head and threw him into the mass of darkness. It felt like a pack of wolves biting at him, except somehow worse, trying to tear and feast on his flesh.

Hopefully someone could heal that.

The Walking Church had applied her protective melody in time, the next shot ricocheted off her and away to god-knows-where. A minor setback. Noah shooting a dispel melody near the unseen sniper though? Not so minor. For a brief moment, the holy esper could see the woman hiding within darkness shielding herself and quickly running back in, away from the blind spot. She started firing her rifle again, ghosting behind the Walking Church. The shots ricocheted again and again, sometimes hitting that giant cross she was using as a shield, sometimes hitting the shield. Gradually cracking it down until it broke.
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