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*The cracked area in my abdomen suddenly bursts open, projecting a portal from my body as I fall to my knees*
*Drops to one knee, now visibly pale, as cracks begin to form on a small section of my abdomen*
*Bends over, visibly nauseous*
<Snipped quote by ZAVAZggg>

Because nothing is really empty when you get down to it. They could be pushed backwards by the fabric of spacetime.

<Snipped quote by Nemeses>


He made the character.
*Begins to look unwell*
<Snipped quote by Galaxy Raider>

*Immediately attempts to toss something back through the portal and, if that works, a ribbon hooks around Violet and tosses her through*

*Grabs the ribbon and melts it in acid-like energy*
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

*At that moment, a ribbon from my coat wraps around your neck and fuses with itself, my aura flashes a greyish brown and the electromagnetic attraction of the particles in the ribbon and their repulsion to the outside becomes incredibly strong; the ribbon drags you upward and drives you downward, and I pull the same light trick to stomp into your back and drive you further into the ground*

*Tears myself free of the ribbon and leaps up from the hole*
A bit late to try and turn the tides, here.
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

*Transforms into light of extremely small wavelength, blasts toward you at the speed of light and reverts to physical form to convert the immense amount of momentum and knock you off of Isaac*

*In combination with Isaac’s simultaneous escape attempt, I’m knocked off balance*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Over at the end of where the building was, bits of a machine appear to also be blown away and swept into the storm*

*Immediately grabs you by the throat and slams you into the ground, pinning you there*
<Snipped quote by Fractured>

No. Now enough stalling. Artahe, go. And note, Isaac is an expendable one. Kill him if it appears he has more up his sleeve.

*Nods, turns, and zooms out of the room*
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