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<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*Runs forward and puts pressure on the wound before tearing at his clothing to create makeshift bandages*

*He seems to largely be more stable and calm through the trauma, more so than any normal person would be at least*
I always regret harming any truly good folks. But if I find either of you interfering with my work in the future, for any reason, I will kill you.
*The dimensional layer we’re in spits you both back into the real world without moving you physically at all, and I disappear along with it*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

*My jaw drops*
*Rushes toward Curtis*

*Shoves him to the ground between myself and you*
Be a good doctor, and save a good man.
*A silent pulse can be felt, but not seen, reverberating outward from my body, as the very life the planet could be felt hosting rapidly dwindles to near nothing in moments, specifically excluding non-natives as targets*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

I’ve heard enough. It’s not your place!
*Bursts forward in the blink of an eye, swinging my sword- still infused with your soul flame- diagonally down from overhead*

*Raises my spare arm and allows the blade to smash into my forearm, causing it to shatter to pieces. I quickly snatch the knife-length blade tip from the air and jam it straight through the side of your neck before your swing even finishes its motion*
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Then what would it take to show you these people's hearts aren't as sick as you think they are?

More than you ever had time to try. This decision was made with ample observation ahead of time. The only course to alter is to spare you lot from a fate meant for this world alone.
*Lifts up and arm, dangling my wrist with my palm facing down*
The Sun must set, and all that’s left is to close the book on today.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Once a patient is on the operating table, it's too late for a doctor to decide they're not worth saving. That's where the people are with me.

When calamity strikes, it’s not up to the storm to decide they are. If your intentions are as pure as you wish me to believe they are, then know that truly is admirable. But making this call is never something I consult with the empath in myself over.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

I am desperate, chief. But not because I'm scared of going back to jail—afraid that ship has sailed. Once I've agreed to cure someone, it's my responsibility to do everything within my power to make that happen.

And the pain they’d cause the undeserving, should that future come to pass, is something you’d bear on your shoulders as the weight of your own decision?
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

One woman's all I got. But if she's representative of all these people, then there's no way they're all bad. There's something redeemable in them, and that seed can shape their entire future.

Has anyone ever told you that you wear desperation on your sleeve? Anyone not at risk of being thrown in a cell would be far more hesitant toward a group who turned out to be elitist and genocidal.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

By the time I got here, these people were almost entirely dead. The one person I spoke to was kind and willing to admit her mistakes. She did a 180 to help me help them all. I don't know what kinds of worlds you've been to, but that takes guts, and not the kind of guts most people have.

You would use the actions of this one woman to shift the judgment of them all?
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Okay, but what if it's not this people? What if it's their children, or their children's children? There's a new path for them now, and it doesn't have to be this way.

So they grow full of spite for the grander world instead? No. If this is the route you’re choosing to come from then I take it you have nothing to offer in terms of redeeming qualities in these people. They may as well try again. Return in a future era.
<Snipped quote by Nemeses>

Deciding that they'll infiltrate the government and corrupt it is a pretty wide leap.

If it were the definitive truth I were making observations about, that would be true. The potential exists for rotten people to ruin existence for a lot of people, and not just potential, but a historically proven record of past behavior and tendency. No one has to bear the consequences for that that won't need to, now.
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