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<Snipped quote by Abominations>

Regardless, come down here or I’ll figure out how to cancel this operation on my own.

*Looks down at you for a moment, as though thinking, but then the platform quickly finishes its ascent and comes to a stop level with the floor*
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

Surely the test can be delayed, and we can sort out this situation.

It can't. I assure you, the time crunch is mutual. Besides, firing it can't be reversed now. Don't go messing with settings after I spent time determining exactly how to discharge the thing without hurting anyone.
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

*Looks upward*
We’re in a time crunch. Would you make your case quickly?

I'm firing the weapon in a remote location as a test. No one around to hurt. There you go, intention and reason, all in two short sentences.
<Snipped quote by Audacious>

I understand your struggle completely.
*A series of capacitive mechanical joints spindle out from my palm and tap at the screen rapidly, navigating the interfaces*

*Peeks down at you from the now somewhat near hole in the ceiling, to which we are gradually ascending*
Make no more attempts at touching the controls.
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

*Analyzes you for a moment, then stands up from my sitting position*
Fine. Buzzkill. Let's do what you need to do, but don't expect me to not hunt you down after.

Don't resent me fully. You walk out of this with a benefit too, unfortunately.
*Walks toward you*
Don't expect me to spoil it for you, though.
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

You genuinely have the influence to do it regardless of what I want?
*Turns to face you, watching your expression as I wait for the answer*

*Answers unwaveringly*
Yes. The only thing is that your cooperation slows me down
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

At least let me rest a tiny bit? You clearly lost, not like you have much to do for a few more eons.

As much as you make for great company? I'd rather get back to work as soon as possible.
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

If you drag me back, you are so dead!

It would do you a well to make threats you can actually follow up on, in the future. May make you a bit more persuasive.
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

Stop digging around in memories that aren’t yours, jerkbag. You don’t even care for me anyway. You’d ditch me here to die too if you were capable.

Never claimed that wasn’t the case. Nothing wrong with a little help me, help you, though. Besides, your cooperation may not even be required. I think I may just be able to force you back to reality anyway.
<Snipped quote by Abominations>

Screw ‘em. They all contributed to it too. Made living a nightmare as a kid and never even wanted me around. Let them burn.


True for most, but not really truth for all of them, is it, Ona?
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