*Looks behind me, nervously*
<Snipped quote by Yatagarasu>
*Gives a two-finger wave*
Thanks for the help.
*Follows Isis out*
<Snipped quote by Legend>
<Snipped quote by Legend>
Absolutely not.
<Snipped quote by Legend>
<Snipped quote by Audacious>
As I said, I'm not going to give any more details.
<Snipped quote by Legend>
I refuse to answer that question on the grounds it may incriminate me.
<Snipped quote by Legend>
Now that you're out of the interim, you should be able to leave the same way you would normally.
<Snipped quote by Legend>
<Snipped quote by Audacious>
*Stands still for a moment, then shifts my weight onto one leg*
Okay, I'll follow you two out and take you where-ever later.
<Snipped quote by Legend>
<Snipped quote by Audacious>
*Pinches the bridge of my nose*
I'll keep to what I said before. Once you've lost most traces of here, Mio will take you directly there. If you need further protection, she can stay with you for a while once you're there, but hopefully that won't be necessary.
*I point to the redheaded girl when I say "Mio"*
<Snipped quote by Legend>
That's certainly a way to look at it.